HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-27, Page 51 inuigg 89 for ran, I . ' of r•so the and did, sem- her nory and four oke ing. hock sad- fam- *eel nes, ea; fall' bal- , . 2 rater - heat etiyL mod- ; .11v - bath, new buy that this I of itche rover.. takipg noney )unter very -alized laving leetrie miles, wnaS the irt the ng ThiS r 'that mg so cluiries rompt. r lists NS • • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2741. '1114 • 11 /444E1111k OD. Optometrist NOW 114 RIPLEY ' . • EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:0 COO pm. Phone Roy, MacKenzie, Ripley, 964-24'for appointment. .11***444PEIENE0.04,..944.0,104.4PE.P.41P#•••• W. R. Hamilton •REX OPTOMETRIST .TO LYCEUM- THEATR6 • WINDHAM • • PHONE 357-1341 • • ' '1 401 NSTOINFS . • FUNERAL ..HOME '• Modern *arid COnirenterrit •Luclmow, Phone 528404 •• ; Day or. Night •• • Serving All Faiths According •to Their Wishes Moder*. Prieto • • • 'Established '41194 40•#•••4~4,,•••••• • A..R. DU VAL • :.D.c.,Sp. c. ChirOliractor 1. Physio • and Eloctro 'Therapist .Wingharn ..-. .01101Mh• 357451 Office' located: o'John St. West sat to Toronto Dominion Bank), INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUAL.TY. • AUTOMOBILE and LIFE. • To Protect Your. JaCk, -Insure 'With, Jack ',Today. • J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow,. Phone '528-3423 • ******44,44-•••••••• W„.ANDRLW: Barristor . and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW. Every. Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon • O•ffice in in 'the Joynt •:Block • Telephoae: .Lucknow 528-3116 ••#•••••49•row.-.4..,•-;••••••••,..."....-4.. CRAWFORD and SHEPHERD H. ,CRAWFORO; Q.C. • tEl.. .SNIEPHERD Winghant and Lucknow • . LUCKNOW • ' WEDNESDAY .10 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Located in Kilpatrick 'Block • Phone Winghrinr • Office 357-3630 — Res. 357-2330 IMPERIAL. OIL ••PRODUCTS. for prompt service,.• and, quality products, • Contact: • GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect :Dungannon 529-7524. '"Always Look To Iinperiat • / • For The :Best!' • G. A. Williamci, 0.D. Optometrist 9. Patrick Street W. VVIDIG1-1AIV • Phone 3574282 9.410.4,~440.0",,,,,-"Eiiroo.s.owsoomookokirro: r. k ,i,;,..i A , , ik r• 1140/11/11. a& .14 i 4 eilligailfW404•47441L WI. IPIIIMMIXIMISIMMITYVVX rianilliWWIWOVIWARIFighr410”....1.1 . 31,0141falfs 0W00.1.14.1U.J .,,,:otio k4aa WOHX:OUJ . , _ •-• ,--- THE 1.0c0C1401,0 SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , • lEr Auetion Sale AUCTION SALE CLEARING MOTION SALE of the property and household effects for the ate* of•the late -Mrs, Maud Horton, to be held at the residence No. 47 Victoria Street North, Goderich, on Saturday the 30th day of April at 1:30.. A full line of household antiquee. Terms on chabtles, cash, Terms on pro. perty 10%, day of sale, balance 30 litYs. • Fred Horton; Executor Emile Mocl-floollor Auctioneer WINIMIIIMMIMIII,••••••NIII•MMIre•••••••••,mmirIOMOIMael,11,1. • . ; . Ingham Memorials • 'GUARANTEED' GRANITES • CEMETERY.. LETTERING. REASONABLE 'PRICES Buy ' Direct and Sava ,Bus. Ph. '357-1910 '• • •. ' '• ' Ris. Ph. 357-1015. • • 1 EEkEplkaks4.4.•• ''.4p44.•~4,44EakEpo.! . • • A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57 South Street*, Goclerch. • . •Telephone 524-7562 * .4.0o-io.ivo••:*.?a,koore.odos.paw,•••••••••• Hcidderi'. Studio • , PORTRAITS ' - .Weddings and 'Children GODERICH, ONTARIO •• 118 St. Mudd 'Street Dial- 524-8787 • MacKenzie :Memorial 'Chapel .. FUNERAL SERVICE • • • Services conducted-, according to your wishes -at -your Home, • your aural, or. at our Mem- • Oriel Chapel.: at no ,additional • charge. • • • . Lueknoive Phone 526-3432 " • Day or Night • • • 'OPTOMETRIST •=‘, GODERICK Tito, ;guar*: (Phone Admen 4-7661) TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR, ••. Specializing In • Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs •' .and :AII Electrical Appliances Lucknow Phone 528-5182 Gaviller, McIntoh and Ward -.CHARTEREO ACCOUNTANTS . Resident' Partner:, • J. E. Kennedy, C.A. • Apposite Post •Office - Phone. ;-:14471 VValkerton • - AUCTION SALE.. • AUCTION SALER - CLEARING AUCTION SALE, • • Of Modern Power Machinery • Will Be Hold For . I JOSEPH PIDGEON • 24, Con. 7, Culross Township 2Y2 Miles Worst Of "Tooswatar ON 0,SATURDAY, APRIL 30 at 1:30• • Nuffield 342 tractor_ ecdpped with manure loader, heat bouser, chains (used less than 11.00 hOUr3); • Cockshutt 50 tractor with hydraulic and industrial loader; Falluall International H . tractor; Massey - Harris 5 furrow dreg plough; John. Deere 3 fintrow drag plough; Oliver 3 furrow plough with eV heads, 3 paint hitch; Geo. White 3 point hitch cultivator; Internat__- ional 16 run power lift, seed drill on . rubber, newt Johm Deere, 32 plate chsc 'on. rubber with hydrau- lic .lift; COckehutt 7' Po%Ver Mow- •er 3 point hiteh new; Femme! '3 Point hitch P.T.O. side. rake; New. Idea 7' hay conditioner; Geo. White 24' bale elevator; 1/4 home motor; Geo. White wagon 7' x .16' rack; New Idea 95 bushel spread- er,. new; 1957 OM 1/2 ton truck, new Motor; 'snow blower; 1 H.P. motor;‘'gar,clen tractor with all at- tachments; riding lawn mower; Pioneer chain saiv; tarp, 2 cattle oilers;hydraulic - cylinder; • bale stooker and loader; 11/2 ton fertil- izer; 300 bales of. ihay; -Numerous. small articles: -• This is a good offering of .erficti- catty new farm machinery • - Terme Cash .•'JOSEPH PIDGEON, ProP• AI -LAN MacINTYRE, Auctioneer TEACHER . WANTEDI • •• TEACHERS WANTED" •*. Huron County School' Area' No. 2 requires for September 1966, two leachers. Special consideni- tioni' will 'be, given to teaches with special qualifications in inus, k,• physical' education and art. Salary Schedule:'in effect. Apply by.6 p..in May 5th, sbErtMg qual- ifiations and name ,of •last IT!..... SpeotOr. . '• ' • ' '• HOWlard• c..Blakk R.R. 7 Lucknow, .. ' Secretary-Treasuror , ' - WANTED. .......... ................. HERE'S YOURKEY TO A 'BIG INCOME = MAIL TODAY , The W; T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd., . . . Dept. D-271-HY , 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. . Gentlemen: I ani interested in the world fame's. Rawleigh• Line on a . • ' . •( ) ,part-time basis .. . ( ) full-time basis , (.)i'.lease send. me FREE Cook Boo and' catalog with .full details. Name ,•• , ., • . . Address • , . City '• Pres,. , ..... „..... • CARD OF. THANKS : Mrs:" Clarence • Greer, ;former Avon representative, wishes to thank ,all .her customers for their past patronage. and solicits the same for Mrs. Ross' Hoggart, of 'Lucknow, the new „representative 'for this •area. . • Mrs. Gordon Congram end fam- ily wilsh to express sincere thanks to 'all who •extended.' sysnpathy;'' •floral 'tributes and. helped in var- ious ways in the recent bereave., mart of a dor husband, fat.her and ;grandfather. Yeur hospitality shall never be forgotten. -• . We Would like to take this op- • portunity to express our sincere thanks and appreciation -to', the friends, •neighbours and relatives, for the floral tributes and kind- ness shown to us, during the long illness and bereavement of our deaf mother, .Mrs. Myrtle Daw- son. Special thankto Doctor Me- Kibbon and Mr. Donald Watt. , . • Jean and liresley Tiffin, -In 1965 a total of 98 cancer re- search ptojects were supported by ,the Canadian Cancer Society in Canadian universities and research instituties. e PASE Flint : 1 7 k Notice To r 11,401*4.00"40,401**** NOTICE TO CREDITORS -10 the Estate Of GEORGE Mac - 'From 'STUART, MI pereene hay's* claim �. Oh* the Estate of George MC, latish Stuart, late of the Village of Lucknovt, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, &ciao - ed, who clied'on or about the 10th day Of Februm 19138, are hereby notified to send full Particidari to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate on or before the 29bh' day of April 1966, after which date the Estate will be distributed a- mongest those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of vthich the Executors shall then •have notice. Dated at Listoyel, Ontario,' this 23rd day of March 1966, W; ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario, Sol- icitor for the Executors. • NOTICE ,TO 'CREDITORS In the Estate of HENRY EARL. WIGHT/4AM, 'Deceased' All !remoras having claims a- gainst' the Eatate of. Henry Earl Wightulan, WI of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day. of February 1966, are hereby notif- ied to send full particulars of their claims to the imdersigned Solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the 29tb day of April 1966, after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Execu- trix shall then have notice. • •Dated 'at Listowel, Ontario, this 31st day of Mich, 1%6. R. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario, Sq- icit,or for the Executrix. dorsi • NEW.,...HQNDAS • FROM $2,940 $101W4, • INISTOCK • One • year old models from, $1700 Up Insuranee and 'finance available Cunningham • Motors' 'Rambler, Honda Sales E forvion . WALKERT01‘1, "ONTARIO * Assistant Ag Rep Takes Nevi Positron • John McTaggart Assistam • Bruce County Agriculture Repres- eritative or Walkerton for the past • four years, is severing his conn-' . ections with the -Department. and on May 1st. will join the staff• • of the Maple Leaf Milling Co.• • in the Master Feeds Division. Mr.McTagart. whose home is•Aurora, w.as wed' shortly after • • his appointment to Walkerton: • • his first with. the Agricukural De- partment., Mrs. McTaggart• taught for two years at the Vilalk- ertcu foblic School. In the recent many months, Mr, and Iirs. Mc- Taggart and daughta have been residing on thel0th concession • of Carrick; on. the former Arthur ilossfeld farm. •• • • The McTaggarts will move • shortly 'to Brampton, where Mi. McT aggan, will enier a course of, training to familiarize him with his new work with the Maple Leaf Milling company.. • , • . • , • •.NOTICE CREbiTORS iN. THE ESTATE OF IDA PRIS- CILLA QUANCE,: lat� of the Vit.' lige, . Of Luc -knew, In' lhe- County of Bruce,' Housewife. ,• All. persons. &Allah* • against the above Estate' am required. to forward full partie..ularS of their • claims to the. .undersismed en re' before '„the 20th„day of May, 1966, after *Nab date the', assets will be distributed. , ••• DONNELLY is. MURPHY; Barristers' arc „.. 18 The Square,: Goderich, Ontario; • Solici'tris for the: Estate. CARD OF THANKS I• would Hite to thank everyone for remeMbering me with cards, treats end visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Zion U.C,Vi. ladies and for treats and visits since I have been home. Also for those helping at home while I was away. • These kindnesess are deeply 00- preciated.• • - • Mrs. Charlie Anderson • We 'would like to sincerely thank our . good neighbours and friends, around. Holyrood and vicinity for, the lovely gifts and enjoyable ev- ening given to us last Friday night in Holyrood Hall Thanks al- so *to those, who so kindly helped in any way with our moving. Deep- er*• the •roots of friendship after forty-two years in a community. Please keep those ever fresh *and growing by • Often visiting us at • our, home.at R.R. 3 WhighaM. Sincerely • • Bill and Ina Eadie 1 vvish to votress thanks for gifts, cards, and visits I reciived while hi hospital. Thanks, to those who helped at the !tome. •• ,•Mrs. Gordon Johnstone • I would like to thank Dr, Tin- dall, Miss Bell end, the staff 'of nurses of the Kincardine Hospital for ' their kind care djiring my stay there. thanks also to time who sent cards, letters, treats, flowers and gifts and to those who visited me while :later a patient in St, Josephs Ikspital London. This kindness will long be remem- bered. • Mrs. Elmer osborne • . During its,.April campaign the • Canadian" Cancer Society. seeks $4,446,985 Ur finance its three-;. fold programme of reiearch. 'pub- lic education and services to cancer patients. • da.. . • : 0'1 !WV W REAL ESTATE FOR SALE *• ACRE FARM .in Ashfield tovinship,.-mostly workable lev- el rich soil. 'Etta farm is in the area that is hecondng so popular for cash crops. Large brick house overlooking the lake, 2 barns. 1,980. tett of lakefront, well wooded. Sand beach. Make .an: appointment to Mspect „this valuable property today. '• 208 ACRES on outskirts Wingbatn. 175 workable. storey red brick home packed from basement to attic with •modern conveniences. Large L ihaped painted barn has 38 tie- • ups, stable cleaner and con- crete silo. Almost new hog barn 100 x 32; implement shed 70 x 30. If you have always wanted a 'show farm in a good • location, this is the ane for you. Modest down payment or will take your present farm on. trade. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE on -land beach, 2 bedrooms,: bath •& • modern cupboards, finished throughout with knotty pine. Well insulated, •electric heat and. fireplace. Cabin included that will sleep four... Only a few fent from boat, launching fee- ,CONTACT • BERT • PHONE E 79 •OR • , IVAN STRUTH,ERS PHONE KINCARDINE 375 lifted Mdatee & Co., Limited 'WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce • Multiple Listings Semite • List • — 65 Salesmen Voirking Vou • l• V. • 11/ • •: