HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-20, Page 20THIR vuoctiow SONTINEL., 1,UCKNOW, ONTARIO r•••••404. #•••••••••••••~4.•••••••••••.• SPACE: IS NEEDED !OR NEW' SHIPMENTS OF LADIES .. . SUMMER DRESSES- AND SPORTSWEAR 'ARRIVING, WETCLY.SO WE PASS THIS SAVING ON TO. YOU , • eeee•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• **************•••••••Aiiii••••••••••••••••,Eigke.•iii TICKETS FOR MAY 13th LIONEL THORNITON DANCE , • AVAILABLE AT OUR STORE Eleanor McNay of Toronto ent- • ertained at a nicely arranged , combined shower on Saturday last, at the home of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Kelso McNay in Ashfield The miscellaneous shower was in• honour of two bride -elects, Beall Cooper of London, and Patricia Thompson of Kitchener. During the afternoon contests were conducted. • The gnit were assisted in open- , • ing their lovely gifts by Mrs. George Bushell of London and ' Janet Finlayson of Toronto. THAT Gordon Fisher,. treasurer of the Lions Easter Seal Fund, reports local donations over ' the $900 mark but still short of last year's total. If you had intendedlo help this cause, and it had slipped your mind, your donation might be the onetoput the fund over the top again: A Seed Treatment Far Oats, BarIiy,l and Wheat FOR CONTROL OF WIREWORM• AND OTHER SOIL INSECTS The picture in last week'sissue:. of the Lucknow Women's Institute of 1925 has created considerable interest. • A •ntlinber have suggested who the people were in the photo, but only one person answered our request to write,the names on 'a • sheet of paper for us. • , . Mrs.' Jack McKendrick did this .for us and we thank Mrs`.McKend- rick. Mrs:. McKendrick advises, us that she was not a member of the Institute at that time but that • she was. at the meeting to play an instrumental on the.mandolin The picture was taken•at the horne ofMrs, Allan 'Turner, now ;the residence of Ted. McClenaglian,. So, dig out last week's .paper. and follow along: • Front Row , left to right - Mts. ./ Harry Nixon, Mrs. Elmer Johnston,' Mrs: Temple Clark, children are Mary Fisher, Helen Johnstone and Margaret Rae, Mrs. MacLearrJohn- stone, Mrs. Allan Turner. Mrs. Robert Rae. • Second Row, L, Mrs. Thomas Ait- chesdn, Mrs; Dave Huston, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Will Doug- las, .Mrs. Laura Reid, Miss Lizzie Webster, Mrs. (Rev ;) Gollan, •Mrs. Matt Sproul, Mrs. Phil•Stewart • and baby Lloyd, Mrs. Robert Fish- er, Mrs.. Geo. Andrew, Mrs. Dave Thompson, Mrs, Robert Webster, Sr., Mrs. Robt/Johnston, Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Mr. - :Geo. Doug las, Mrs.D. C.McMorran, Third and back row,- Mrs. 'Ez- eki41 Lock* „. Mrs. John Button, Mae MciviOrran (now Mrs. 1.,; • McKendtlek)o 'Mrs. Ben &McClure. Mrs. Ioe Agnew, ;'Mr$,. Maty A. Johnston, Mrs, John Joynt , Mrs. Harry Anderson, M. John Cam- • eton, Mrs. Wk Se lvtacteod Mrs. Tom Smith, THAT Mrs, Ted Avis, the f9rmer • , Joan Crawford of Lucknow, is • head .of the commercial de- • partment of theCanadian Voc • ational Training program 5 at the •Stratford Northwestern Sec- ondary School, loan teaches IBM key punch, typing and Shorthand. An advertisement for thisprogram appears else- where in this issue. The pro-' gram is Sponsored jointly by the federal and provincial gov- ernments THAT George Irwin, -son ofMr". and Mrs. Spence Irwin of Luck- , now; recently suffered cracked ribs in a12 foot fall While • working his mine job at Sud-: bury. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin left Lucknow Good ,Friclay° morning and visited George and familyandreturned on • Easter Monday . George. was able to return to his work at. • ' tevack list week, • THAT you are reminded that prints of any pictures appear- ' ing'in the Sentinel, and the property. of the 'Sentinel , may. be purchased at a small cost. THAT the Lucknow ,Boy Scouts ' • had 18 1/2 tons Of waste paper to ship following theiu•collect * ion last Thursday. This is • , one of the biggest loads ever. . . • • . THAT a word of praise ,is in ord- er for Larry and Kenny,Ham-- • ilton who found a Sentinel mail bag in the "back alley" behind the shop last Wednes- day evening. The bag had fallen out of the car trunk When the papers were being taken-tO the post office. The youngsters were quickto.phonet„ us and advise Us of our loss. • 'Thanks to the boys, the sub- • : scribers of Ripley and district got their paper on.tnpe., • THAT Lucknow: Lions are plann- , ing a Spring Dance on May • 13th which will feature the music 'of Lionel Thornton anc! his Casa Royal •Orchestta. • You'll save 25 a ticket. by • buying your tickets in advance LucnnwFruit Market ‘. . YOUR ',LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND ........................, "waimmosimiummilwrippW „ ON YOUR FAMILY MENU 'ALLEN'S TALL,40 OZ. .. Pure Apple Juice MAPLE LEAF Tendedlake Lard SALADA, 60 COUNT Tea Bags Sale BARGAIN, This $1 SAVE Se 2 Pounds 53c SAVE k Package 79c SHIRRIFF LARGE 24 OZ. SAVE 10c Good Morning Marmalade Jar 49c CHEERY MORN, TALL 6 OZ. REALLY SAVE Instant Coffee Sale _ Jar 79c !covvv4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0km WITH $5.00 CASH PURCHASE SAVE 2 Get Half Gallon ice Cream otoel 69c t Gamble;dare Money Here WE SELL 'FOR LESS t •••• PHONE 6204420. Potatoes VALUESEFFECTIVE :APRIL. 21. 22, 23 :THAT Lucknow J4ons Club • ,planning to attend a special. church service at.St. Helens United Church. on Sunday after- noon, ,April 24th. • • • 'THAT work 1On progress in drill,: ing a Well on the site of the new school being constructed • • by Huron County School Area N�.2. The school, Which ern- .. brace's pupils 40M West Waya- nosh and 'Ashfield Townships, Will be constructed on the 9th of Ashfield, ju4t west of the Dungannon road. THAT Jim Gibson of Lucknow, who is employed at MacDon- • alds Garage, commenced a ten week course in auto mech- anics'inL6ndon' on Monday as part of his apprenticeship. • • THAT indicative of- the increasing cost in publishing a paper, the . Clinton, Goderich, Wingham • and Exeter papers recently in,; creased their subscription price to $5perycar, A CNR freight locomotive weigh ing, about 100 tops was put back on; the tracks after it had been derail- ed by a broken rail in the yard of , the Western Foundry Co. Ltd. in Wingham on Monday afternoon of last week. It blocked -the main • line for some seven hours before crews arrived with heavy equip- ment' to put 'it back on the rails. • • The engine was moving cars at the Western Ioundry when the rail broke on the siding just a few yards in from the main line. One truck of the engine jumped the track and broke up a number of • ties before it stoiiiiecl. • ,4.speoial crew with a work train was called from London to • put the big engine•back on the. track. The job was done with a. crane which has a 250, ton 'capac Once It got into action it was a simple operation. It lifted the diesel engine up 'and :spi it back On the rails with an ease of effon that made the Job look like chili play. The job was coinpleted in time to let the nighfyassenger train pass through without any pr longed delay; at 9.50 th the evening. • . ' • A donation to the, Canadian C cer Societyis an investment in health and haPpinesi, • • DAYLIGHT :SAVING , TIME WILL GO INTO EFFECT IN THE ' Village Of Lucknow ON SUNDAY, APRIL 24th • At 2:00 a.m. AND WILL CONTINUE IN EFFECT • Until October 30th LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL COUNCIL