HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-20, Page 10• kr Kairos Discuss • • 'The regular meeting of Kairos Young People was held in Brussels United Church on Saturday, ,April 16, with a very good attendance. The 'subject of discussion was "The, Truscott Cate' with Harry Good- win of Atwood and Mike Cowley of Godertch Signal Star presenting the.pros arid cons. This proved • •, to be of Interest to everyone but * left us with some question as to, "what about capital punishment"? So for those young people who ate still undecided, maybe Bob McKinley of Zurich can help you out if you attend our next,meet- ing in Hensel]. United Church, Saturday, April 30th, at 8.30 p.m , Let's have a real good turn out;1 t.,•• ""P; Zion U. C. W. • The April meeting of Zion • U.C.W. was!. d at the homeof Mrs. Douglas •Raynard on Thursday, tA,pril 14, with,19 n-kembers present. .„ The meeting opened by singing a hymn, followed by repeating the. Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll r 11 call was answered:by an "Easter , Thought". The devotional period • was conducted by Mrs. John Hunter , with the topic on Easter, with •the scripture reading given by. Mrs. -. Allan Ritchie. The study book on Brazil was given by. Mrs. Chas. Wilkins. A reading was given by Mrs, Gordon Kirkland and Mrs. •• .Douglas Raynard played an instru- mental. • • Mrs. Harvey Ritchie reported on 'the meeting held •at Clinton, Mar- , ch 22, when Rev.. Mr Carson . • was special speaker. and Mrs.'Jim • Hunter reported on the annual meeting of the London Conference of the U.C.W.; held at Wingham • United Church on March 30th, when -Miss Muriel Bamford,, miss- itinary nurse on furloagh.'from India was special speaker; The Sewing cornmittee, reported on a quilt • .• which was quilted on March.15th,, and /he supply quilt is ready to be write the .first letter., - quilted; but it was decided to leavi The meeting closed with the ••••,,. it until next month. • • • Benediction by Rev. Jay. • Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter gave the • chapter on the Bible Study. The • Frank Ritchie. Mrs.. Gibson thank- !lel/ . •M. E.: Willis At • treasurer's'report was given by Mrs. ed the ladies for remembering.het • with a basket of fruit when she was London Dedication not feeling well, • The visitor. 's report was given by Mrs.: Earl Swan, and. as well as a visit being made, the patients of Pinecresti were remembered, on Good Friday when Easter cards were taken to the home. The visitors for the coming Month ite Mrs. Lorne • Cook and Mrs. 'Eunice Dunsmuir. • At the May meeting a "Plant • and Bake Sale" will be held. . Also the Thankoffering envelopes not • received at the April meeting:will, be handed in at the May meeting. of the college many years ago, The ladies are invixed to • and mentioned that when he was Hackett's Thankofferipg Meeting ' throne] with his curse of training On Wednesday, April 27th, at 2 ' p.mat Hackett's.church. The and ordained in 1949, it was an .. U.C.W. members, along atm, to his life long prayer' as .: with a boy of 8 years of age. Had it members from Hacketts and Makes are planning not been for Philathea College, to visit aoderich Hos- he said.' he never would have , petal on Situtday,evenirig, 3 th, when a program will be • acilie'ed the mini-ctrY College.is a non-profivcorpora- ,' presented for the patients. Some tion. It is a co-edncational • materials were 'taken home to be school, • made for bazaar work, and Mrs. mablished to provide a solid Biblical training ID Theology Kirkland showed some articles and related subjects for deserving ready for the supply work. 'A . and acceptable students. ' • hymn was sung and Mrs. Kaiser Philaihea'tollege is an In5titt.- . closed the meeting with prayer. tion of higher •learnin" g having • Lunch wasserved by the hostess, 3 ! officers and faculty who are ded- assisted by Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs. R. Swan. The May meeting will icated to the developmett of. vs be at the borne of Mrs. Graydon young liethrouvh the enriching • Ritchie. ••• power of the wad of God. `•,. • ,"'"1 LUCKNOW 51111111106 MOCKi401,44. ONTARIO.. St. Mary Council The Truscott Case Elects Officers On Tuesday April li,at the home of Mrs. Joseph MacMillan, the St: Mary Council held their annual meeting and election of • officers. • Following the opening . 'prayers by Fr, C. Caruana • the President Ms. J. O'Donnell ' welcomed the members to the, meeting. Mrs. Peter MacDonald. Secretary and Treasurer, read the minutes and the'financialteport. Prior to the vciting.by ballots, .duties of officers were read to the members. The newly, elected officers for 1966,67 are; Mrs. Peter MacDonald, President; Mrs, Wrn. Schmid, 1st Vice; ,Mrs. Norman Seigrist, 2nd vice; Mrs. Ray Leddy, 3rd vice, Mrs. James O'Donnell, Recording secretary:. Mrs. Joe MacMillan,' Correspond- ing secretary; Mrs., Grant Chis-, holm , Treasurer. Mrs. William Hogan and Mrs. Don MacKinnon are to be appointed Councillors : and Mrs. Leo Huber, Spirituel. ,Convenor.: , • • • • 't it • • • • WIlliNISDAY, APRIL' 2101, 1964 • Ask about convenient departure and return times • Fpr informations•phone the loeel CN Paisenijer Spies Office•.1 St. Peters VV. A. . • The April meeting of St. Peter's V.A. was held in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, •April llth The meeting opened with the W.A. prayer, !Lord's, Prayer • and the 23rd Psalm, tepeated in unison. Mrs, Ed. McQuillin gave the Prayer partners prayer. The scripture was read by Mrs. Tom Pritchard, who also gave the meditation. The Easter service followed from the Living Message. The 79th W.A. Annual is to be "held in St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon- don, on April 19th and 2 .th. In- , vitations were received from Kin - lough W.A. and •Hacketts U.C.W.. inviting the ladies of,St. Peter's to join with them for their Easter Thankoffering.-April 14 and April 27 ,' at 2 p.m. Correspondence between the Diocese of Lucknow, India, and Lucknow, Ontario, was discussed. Rev. Jay decided to The dedication.ceremony of Ftilathea College Chapel took place Sunday, April 17th at 3 p.m in London, Huron and Clarke side - road.• • • • Rev. A. E. WM'S. of St. Helens United Church attended the ded- ication. He was called upon to say a • few words in regards to the great Work 'in which they are doing in London and the U.S.A. Mr. Will- is was one of the first graduates . • • • ••••,. 1•,• • ••"0 • ,OC•s ••• • St. Helens-U.C.VV.:• Easter, Thankoffering Mrs. L. WoOds gave her home for the Easter Thankoffering meetz-. ing.of the St. -Helens U.C.V. :Ms. W. Rutherford read Psalm 116, and Mrs. J.:Cameion read a. meditation on it. Roll call w•as answered by "an Easter thought from The Observer.' „. • • : Two invitations were read, one from Hacketts inviting the St. • Helens U.C.W. to their Easter Thankoffering, April 27, at 2 o' -• clock, and one from Donnybrook for eMay 3, at. 8.30. ,Mrs. 1-1. Carrick gave a report of the 4th Annual meeting of U.C.W. at Clinton and Mrs.. Green gave a • report from the Conference at Wingham. It was agreed to do • two quilts for Children's' Aid at a later date. • . • . Miss W. Rutherforil.and Mrs. .,Green were in charge of the Pro- gram. Suitable Easter readings. were given by Miss I, Miller. •Mrs; V. Mintz, Mrs. B Green, *Mrs. L. Woods and Mrs. H.Carr- ick. A lovely solo was sung by, Mrs. S.DeBOer accompanied by Mrs. J. Gardiner. Miss W. Ruth- erford read'a missionary report by. Mr Iwai•of the South Alberta Japanese Pastoral charge. ' • M the close of the meeting, a. lovely lunch was served by 'Mrs.'. • L. Durnin and Miss A. Durnin.. Speaker Works With Indian People .(Amberley N,ews) • A joint meeting of the U.C. W. was held at Pine River United ,• Church on Tuesclay..evening. April 12 with an attendance of forty-eight.• • Pine River U.C.W. were hosts to Bethel U.C.W. , • Owing to illness many were not able to attend. t Mrs. Eldon Bradley opened the •meeting which was followed with. • a hymn. Minutes Wereread by. the leader of the evening unit, • Mis. Donald Courtney. Murray. Farrell led in the devotion- • al service and read a passage of ;scripture. ,after which,Mrs. Leon- ard Courtney gave a prayer. Mrs. • Glenn Boyd read the Resurrection Story. • • Mr. Harold Pillen introduced the guest speaker, Mr. .Alfred Bowden of Southampton, Indian MiSSiOil , who,. with Mrs. Bowden, ate doing their best for the Miss- ion. MI. Bowden gave a 'fine address. They have many prob- lems to cope with among'the • Indian people and drink is the ev.- er present evil, especially. among the young people. The bales.of• - clothing are much appreciated, and theipprayers have been ens- '•wered in many ways, but there is always the need for help Mrs. Robert Courtney, Mrs. •Ernest Gibson and Mrs. Penin • Lowry, were heard in a lovely 'trio accompanied by Miss Gayle Boyd. Mrs. Eldon Bradley pres- ented Mr. Bowden with a gift, and thanked him for his infOrma 111(11911,0w • PARN $440 0A14: w Mire PiiR411.--,$4:1111,118r • 44ue CANADIAN NATIONAL WAS. Preient*G0 .AS,HFIELD (Too late for last week) • The Young Peoples Society att- endedaSunriseServiee On Easier* ToMViflE Evaps. The Langside W.M.S. held their first meeting of the year on Thurs day, April 14,. at the home of Mrs,' Chas. Tiffin. • A crib quilt . was quilted. and a large quilt tied, for the bale, afterwhich a Short devotional period followed. • The call to worship was 'given by the President and, everyone re- peated the W.M.S. purpose. The. scripture reading and 'an Easter meditation were capably given by Miss Emma Richardson, followed with prayer by Mrs. Elmer Scott. The roll call was' answered by 8 members, 6 visitors and 3 child- ren. An invitation from the Whit- echurch W. M.S.' was extended for April 19, at 2.30 The C.„0,C.' are to start their meetings On. §,unday, April .19; with the leaders in Oharge. The bale was discussed and it was decided to take a Spec- ial collection at the June meeting for the supPly. • ,Mrs. Geo. Young presented Mrs. Wm. Evans who has moved to Whitechurch, with a cup and sau- .cer, on behalf of the W.M.S. Th Meeting closed With the Lord's • Prayer, and lunch was served. • Holds Annual • • •:(Whitechurch News) •. The annual bf Lucknow Young Peoples Golden Hour Soc- iety was held in Whitechurch Com munity, Memorial Hall on Friday ,evening.Many cotrunnnity:songs' Were enjoyed throughout,the even-- , Prayer and welcome was ' • given by the President Martin Cretier, Gary Van Oenen gave an. essay, Teenagers and Jesus Christ. • The poem, Say •Nothing, was giveP by Lyre Cretier., Elizabeth KlOosT.. .tra gave the secretary's report. The treasurer's report v:/as' given by Sipke Bakker. The roll was called by Martin Cretier. A play, The Host Game,. was then present- ed. A skit, Gossip, was given by Sipke Bakker, Thys Kloostra, Dick Asks and Gert de Jong. A trio, Dixie Cretier, Elizabeth and Thys Kloostra, sang The Old Rugged • • Cross. Elizabeth Kloostra favored • with a recitation. A WO:Bryan Bakker; Thys Kloostra ,and Dick Asks, 'gave a•number. Jokes Were, • given•by Gert, de Jong. The Fed- • eration song was sung. The rep- resentative from Consistery and ' Youth Leader Mr, Ben Wida. gave a report. The closing and prayer was given by ReV. Lievet- dink. Lunch was served to all. tive address. • An Easter tea was served: in the Supday'Schocil tooth at small tab-. les. Easter Ulla, daffodilt, • pussy Willows and other spring flowers decorated the chur4i and • Sunday School morn:, . • Many beatitifin baskets made by • the Indian. people:were ori display, • and a -number of then t were pur-' •chased by the ladies. •. , Sunday. at Pine. RtVer Church. • Mrs..' Colin MaeGregot has tet-„ urned from a month's visit in Tor- onto. , . .• ' Among visitors here for the hol- iday were Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm MacLennan of•Batrie; Mr and. Mrs. David Bunce of Toronto; Mr;• and Mrs., Ron Oke and children of Oshawa, . Ray. MacKenzie.of.Tor:-. Onto; Mr; and Mrs. Duncah.,Mac- • kay of. Sault Ste, Marier„0,.,;•,•ses: Louise MacDonald and Marian: Perry of. Toronto; Mr: and Mrs.; 'Sieve Elliot. .13111y and Barbara of . • Port Huron;" Mt.. and Mrs.. Geo • Leadbetter :and Barbara' of Toronto, • Mr. and .Mrs."*SawchuCk and son' •of Toronto; Mis',• Kenneth Farrish Of Godericle• ' .. • • • • Rev. B. L. Walden Is Guest Speake • (Amberley News), . / Rev. B. L. Walden, District SecretarY of the Georgian Bay Div- ision of the Canadian Bible Soc- iety was guest minister at Pine River United Church on Sunday :morning. and at Lurgan Anglican Church in the afternoon. He also showed 'slides at Pine River United Church in the evening, the theme . being "This is the Vision". Off- icers elected for the Bible Society were President* James Elliott, Secretary Mrs. Glenn Campbell, Treasurer Reg Godfrey, Canvass- ers were appointed for each con- • cession. Duncan Thorburn has charge of boundary and Ash- field. ' '. • .• A number of, members of Pine River Unfted Church Women attended .a meeting at'Clarke's Unfted Church on Thursday even- ing of last week. 'Miss Clara Nor- man gave an interestingtalk on her tour of Formosa, and showed slides. A•duet by Mrs. Elden Lowry and.Mrs. Perrin Lowry was accompanied by Mrs.;•RObert Cour- tney. The Clarke lathes ser/ed • a daintylunch and a social hour• Was enjoyed. ' On Good Friday evening, the • Royal Black Knights held a degree •, meeting in the United Church Hall at Clinton with one hundred and , seventy-five members attending to witness the degree team from 'Orillia confer the Red Cross deg- ree in a class of fourteen candid- ,• • ates; Attending from Amberley Preceptory were Alton.Smeltzer, • William Courtney, _Arthur McCor— Mick , Cliff Geddes and John Mc Cormick. several' Grand Black Chapter officers were present froin TOberrnoiy to the north and Lon- •don to the south. Lunch was • • Served at the close of the Meeting, • Mrs, J. 'A. Campbell of Arri•-. • berley spent last week with Mr. and t Janette weMrs. ek.LowrySt. Stewart ti wartnSdheirewIlein. tofsuRrigpelreyY, for the removal of her tonsils a WWinghamand District. Hospital a