HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 22tis THE LUCKNOW SENTIINELR LUC.KNOW, ONTARIO MIlUNl bA1Fs. APRIL 13111, 1 I INSULATE FOR A COOLER HOME ALL SUMMER• WHITE PINE SHEATHING IN 10 Ideal WIDTHS Shelving Wall Sheathing Farmed Ia Ashfield For Many Years WILLIAM RITCHIE Fdllowing a lengthy illness, William. 'Ritchie of Lucknow pass- ed awa assedawa y on Saturday April 2nd n'Wingharn and District Hospital:,' where he .had been a patient since January. 120. Be was" just seven days from his' 85th. birthday Mr. Ritchie was born in Ashfield Township on April 9, 1881, one • ' of nine children born to Andrew Ritchie and Ellen Hunter. . In 1909 he married. Ida 'Webster of Kinloss Township. Mr. and ,• Mrs.' Ritchie farmed in Ashfield until 5 years ago when they mov,T, ed to Lucknow to' their home on Inglis St. ' . • Besides his wife, Mr. Ritchie leaves to mourn his passing, five daughters and two. sons, Mrs. ' Nelson (Clara) Raynard of LucknoW Mrs. Ivan (lean) Papernick,of. Goderich Mrs. Robert (Elsie). Irvin of."Dungannon, 'Mrs, Elmer (Daisy) Wall of Teeswater; Mrs. James. (Violet) Smith of Molesworth, Harvey and Eldon of Ashfield Township, twenty grandchildren,` seventeen greatgrandchildren one.sister Mrs. 'Janet Twamley, of Woodstock, three brothers, • • Chester of Detroit , Less. of Luck- now uck now and. Russell of Kinloss Town- • ship. HURON TOWNSHIP • COUNCIL MINUTES The April meeting of Huron -Township Councilwas held, on. April 4th with -all members pres- ent. Two petitions for drainage work 'Were received and accepted by Council. and •;H . M. Gibson , O. L. . . S.. was appointed to prepare re- port , • plans and' estimates on them. Drainage Court of Revision was also held to hear and consider appeals on three Municipal Drains.. All the appeals were re- fused:and the Engineers' reports • sustained. : The tender of R. Nicholson '• and Son -Was accepted for the corm struction of the Carter Drain Ex, tension which is all open work and the other two contracts will be advertised later., ' .The Clerk was instructed to advertise for garbage collection tenders for the cottages, and, Council • decided to meet on- . April llth to look over the,Town• ship roads, Mr. Anderson of the. Planning Branch .offered. to attend a meet- ing with the Councii.regardinR planning and the restraining order which is in effect here and is stopping the registrationof lots along Concession'A or lake range, The Reeve agreed to arrange for a meeting with Mr. Anderson. Township accounts of $782..75 and road accounts of $7,689;22 were ordered paid. Council adjourned to' meet ag. ain for next regular meeting on May 2,,, Earl 'rout, Clerk. ' • (Aniberley News) , A •shower was held at Reids Cor- ners community hall. on Saturday, April 9 ,. When relatives and friends. of Iva Smeltzer gathered to hon- our her on-our:herprior to'her marriage. • Mrs. Gordon Emmerton was . • chairlady: for the program 'which opened with community singing. led by. Mrs. Robert Courtney ' and Mrs. 'Leonard 'Elmes accomp anied by Mrs; W, J. Courtney. A reading.by Mrs.'Eldon Bradley was followed with duets by Mrs, R. Courtney and Mrs. William Kempton with Betty Emmcrton at the piano. • A T. V. contest was given by Mrs.' Reg Godfrey and an instru- mental.number by Betty,Etrimer- ion. Iva,was escorted to a dee orated chair.by her sisters, Mrs.. •James Mills of Weston, and A'rla. Smeltzer of•Toronto, and an. . addressw'as• read to the bride- .•elect byMrs. Robert Courtney. Iva was the4eecipient of many lovely gifts and thanked everyone who helped to make the event such a pleasant One. After a ,dainty lunch friends visited her home• where .her trousseau was displayed, ; . Betty 'Emmerton entertained a • n umber of friends of ;Iva 'Smelt- zer'at the home of Mrs. Jack tmrn erton on Friday evening of last week: • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Osborne and family of Trout Creek visited over the Easter weekend with, Mrs; Wesley, Robb', J. S. Robb, and•other relatives in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Camp- bell, Lloyd, Lynn and,Davd of London,are spending the Easter holidays at their "Hill Top Farm". Lynn is assisting in Bob McNay's store at Amberley. He was predeceased by four brothers, Alfred, Robert • Gordon , and James. Funeral service was conducted at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow, on Tuesday, April 5th.' Rev,, H W. Strapp assisted by Rev. G. W. Kaiser Vas.in charge of the service. Maple Grove L.0.14; 'of which. Mr. Ritchie had been a.member. for over sixty years, held a mem:. orialservice on Monday evening. • Pallbearers were four grandsons, Douglas, Bruce and. Chris Raynard, Larry Papernick, two nephews Cecil Webster and Alvin Ritchie;." Intermentwas at Greenhill Cerr etery. .� iGated oonledy about young. mar` WaldenBros.d ... iacie: starripg Rich- Little, who 4 the w,ay, will be doing a, corned Tevuotdale Lune hour special on CKCO May 2_ Walden. Brothers. Limited of . • Wingham, well-known transport operators, have purchased the J. N Hicks- Transport Co. of 'Teviot?a1e.• The purchase willprovide the Wingham dine with a license to :' haul full loads .either into or out of 15 communities in the Teviot- dale eviot-dale district, including Elmira. Also included in the sale were two tractor trailer trucks and two straight trucks, Mr. Hicks has been employed • by the purchasers' as manager of . the Teviotdale branch, .Waldens have .alai leased from Mr::. Hicks a recently completed 'depot arid garage in the hamlet., (Monday) at 9 p.m. Another v ration on the. Avenger -I spy the 4is "in'- it's called "Mission Ins possible all about counter -es` ionage. 'Here's. another Bern ,. "41.H. E Cats.. don't say the), It's abouta circus :artist and cat: burglar turned Peter Gunn (sous, unique), The rock will roll bac in this fall with a show called" Monkees". ,itis about the adv. `. •ures of an unusual rock and roll group,.. ,"Star Trek -an hour of science fiction about a captain his interplatietary'space craft in the 1980is'(This one, should.kee, the O.F.O.. spotters off the stre • "Pistols' and Petticoats,'" "The 'Iron .Horne" and "The Adventure of the Seaspray" are other new shows coming this fall on TV 13 by William Stoltz What's new for 1966 fall Fog - ramming? ... rog-ramming?'.:. not much: CBC's "Seven Days" will be dropped. It's inevitable ... any good show these days, that's educational, informative and controversial us- ually lives a short life.. Most die from rating malnutrition, '.'On the brighter side, CKCO will be carrying several new offer- ings next fall. Among them "Love ,on a Rooftop"... sound int- eresting? It is... , • t's a sophist - Here we are into "April. :It's• not too soon'to.•prepare for the Lucknow Fair•on;September=l6 an 11. Last year we, had wonder-' ful response from the various . schools in getting the entries in '. at close of. school. Yet . there were those who seemingly didn't knowthat entries had to be in by June 30; so we hope you will for- give us if we seem to repeat or harp on .this too often. ' • • Due to'the fact that Canada will celebrate the'Centennial in 1967 a special. prize will be giv- en for iven"for ideas how the. Lucknow Agricultural.Society'could make the -1967 Fair one. of • outstanding quality. More will be .seen on this in the near. future ' •' If you have ideas,; write them down and if used ,,you 'will re- ceive a prize. The Fine Arts class has many changes made this year. There ..will be, opportunity for all to enter projects made at Night School; Make sure.you find out just whe- re you can enter your oil paint- ; ings, rugs', sewing, etc. • The •Flower section of the Fair • has a few ,changes: and these can. be very interesting to Flower. lovers The Group Display will be a .Dominion Day Party. All. organ,' izations are urged to•enter• this part of the Fair and it would be well to make your intentions known early , so space can be made ample for your exhibit. Good prizes are being offered in this area'as well as the 4H club project displays Renewals include. "Bewitched" "Big Valley",. "Batman";,"Lucy" "Run for your Life" ., "Jackie Gle son"'; "Hollywood' Palace", •as w as Wednesday and Saturdayeven ling colour movies: Speaking,of colour --more than 90%• of all pr, grams will be telecast in colour Canadian: television stations.. T, only possible obstacle would be a couple of stations may not Lav ordered their colour equipment s' enough (like two years ago), c is all set and rarin' to colorize. Western Ontario.:. Cheers till:ne •w.eek,' the price o TWO-STEP • AUTOMATIC TIMER Starts and stops oven • automatically.. FULL WIDTH STORAGE, DRAWER targe lower drawer. convenient for storing cooking utensils. LIFT•OPP OVEN DOOR, Mikes it easy to reach every part of oven for clean-up. ' LIFT -Up SURFACE UNITS Drip pans and - trim rings can be Washed at ths'link. t rest LUCKNOW �UTQMATIC. aNon Automatic WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE ENJOY 'COOKINGI: THIS WESTINGHOUSE DELUXE •• AUTOMATIC . IS •"SIMPLE • TO COOK OW' -- EASY TO CLEAN". THE COOKING SECRET IS • IN THE �'MIRACtiE SEALED OVEN". •.A FIBERGLASS `GASKET LETS THE OVEN BREA. THE, ELIMINATES DIS. TURBING AIR•CURRENTS, END :HALF DONE CAKES, OVER DONE ROASTS, SOUPY CASSEROLES, AND WHAT A 'SNAP ,TO CLEAN • UP. . COME. iN .AND LOOK•IT OVER BETTER ,STILL, PUT ONE IN YOUR. KITCH. EN a YOU'RE • FAMILY WILL LOVE YOU FOR ITI Hardware