HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 203Ta* S YEAR TERM INTEREST .IS PAYABLE YEARLY MAY BE. LEFT TO ACCUMULATE AND COMPOUND Iz .YEARLY when interest is left to accum ulate your investment increases over .34% in .5 Years. AT THE STOPLIGHTS :. GODERICH LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE AMcDONAGH , LUCKNOW PHONE ;528-3423 s. PARTIAL LIST. OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE LIONS 'Easter .Se�IFufld;.; Jack Fisher. Lbcknow;Wilfred Drennan 'R2 Lucknow,; GordonMc'- Pherson R ,Lucknow, Wm. C' sar 3 - :' Du ' ` is ' est: R3 ngannon, D. k W G erich, Alvin Hamilton. Lucknow, :.Lloyd Hall Lucknow, Kelso'Mcl ay R3 Lucknow , Albert Morningstar R6 Lucknow , J. W.: Purdon Lucknow:, Howard Barger R3 Lucknow, Lloyd McDougall R6 Lucknow,,. Mrs. R.V. McKenzie Lucknow:; Fred Tiffin R5 Lucknow; Russell Whitby Lucknow,' Jim Cameron,Luc'know, Wesley Joynt Lucknow, Mrs. Weatherhead • Lucknow,, . Morley Stewart R6 Luck - now, Henry MacKenzie'R3` Luck - now , ucknow, Reuben Wilson R3.Goderich, George Swan Lucknow, Clarence Gibbons. R2 Lucknow ,.•Mrs, Char- les' Shaddick Lucknow, Mel Greer Lucknow,` Allan Manto Lucknow, Alex Hackett Lucknow, Eddie Thompson R3 Holyrood, Ewen:Mac. Lean R3' Lucknow , Frank Moran•: R7: Lucknow. Chris Cook R2 Lucknow,. R. Koopmans R2 Auburn, Harry ' Nixon Lucknow, Mrs.. Jack Eng- land' R6 Lucknow, Mrs, Annie Jew• = itt Lucknow, Gordon Morrison Ri '..Lucknow', Alex Hackett R7 Luck - now , uck-now, Dunc Thorburn R3 Goderich, Miss Marian Bell Lucknow'; Herb Clayton R6 Lucknow,'•. Joe W all Ri Lucknow, Frank Ritchie R3 Luck- n.ow, Alex McNay Lucknow Wall ace' Wilson. R2 Auburn,: Noble John- ston Lucknow•, Lady's. Emerald Bowling team Lucknow, Gordon. • Anderson R7 Lucknow, .Tom •Webster Dungannon, Nat T.hom•p- son r R6 Lucknow , Russ Ritchie R5 ' Lucknow , Cyril Campbell Lucknow Thornton Eedy Dungannon, John Gilmore R3 Lucknow,. Jim England R6 Lucknow; Don Cameron R2: Lucknow, Jack Wraith Lucknow, Alex MacKenzie Lucknow, Frank MacLennan R3 Lucknow, Ernie • Lewas Lucknow, Lawrence.MeLeod RS'Lucknow , Graydon Ritchie R7 Lucknow, Harvey Kilpatrick•R2 7Lticknow ;`Car Bros R2 --Auburn, John O'Connor R3 Goderich, Robs;.. McNall Lucknow; 'Hugh Menary R7 . Lucknow. • (Kinlough News) , The .H; W.I. met in the hall for' the;. April meeting,.. Mrs: Alex Percy presided and themeeting opened with the ode and the Marry: Stewart Coll ct. • Minutes and communicat` ons w r e read by Mrs,. Lyman Sutton.' `"fie roll call was the payment_of fees: ,;Mrs. Will iam Eadie -gave the auditors report and Mrs.. Charlie Murray presented the slate of officers forthe com- ing year. Reports wereread from all of thestanding committees. Mr's.. Lyman Sutton reported 'on the District Directors Meeting. •. The Tweedsmuir book and interes- ting hobbies were displayed. The Bruce•South. District meeting will be held: at Ripley on May. 27th ""Mission - The Christian's .Call- ing" , based on the generaipur- pose of United Church Wornen, was the theme for the fourth annual meeting of Br.uce Presbyter. • ial U.C.W., which was held in the Paisley United Church on Tuesday; March 29, with 21$ registering their attendance, Mrs. W. Grant, Paisley, presided and welcomed the women and a hearty hymn sing was enjoyed, led by Mr, E. C. ° Hale of Underwood. The worship, service was pres- ented by Mrs. J. Wolfle, Mrs, . G *. Wolfle and Mrs. . R. Wagner of the Mount Hope U.C.W.', with a. 'meaningful meditation on "'God's.. Gardens." Mrs; I. Fletcher, pres idem of Paisley U. C, W., , brought greetings and extended a welcome to the guests. Mrs. R.. A. Carson, Clavering, reviewed the highlights and Mrs. H.D Thacker incar-. dine,, presented•the correspondence Mimeographed reports covering the work and progress in. 1965, 'prepared by the various secretar- ies were distributed to the mem- bers., em-bers.• , • The: treasurer, Mrs. J Miller, Port Elgin, spoke briefly, and. Mrs. R,I Fenton, finance sec- retary, 'reported that 1965:'givings toward the allocation were $391,0 above those of 1964; the , amount sent to the Conference Treasurer ,being $18,178.00. She announce that the:. 1966 allocation is '$17 $00.00 and that the. expense fee. will. be 20 cents per member'. The amounts were accepted unanim- •ously by the meeting: ,Miss N. Moffat, Teeswater, read an interesting letter from Mrs; Evans of Indian' Springs, Swan Lake Manitoba, which told of the great need among the .Indians and ex with Purple Grove the.hostess • •.branch. • "MS. Raynard Ackert and Mrs. Frank Maulden gave readings. . Miss Edna. Boyle favoured with a piano solo, and Mrs. Harold Hald- enby sang a solo. .The meeting closed with God -save the Queen, and Grace. `'A delicious luncheon • was served by the hostesses, Mrs. William Eadie and Mrs.': Howard Harris who were. also directors ' for: •the program. pressed her gratitude to 13ruc`e Presbyterial U.C.W. for their share in relieving the need,. part" icularly 'among the. children. A skit,on literature was pray- ented , by Mrs. W. Arnold,. Mrs. • A. Blackwell and, Mrs, C. Lemon. of Bervie U. C, W. , ya and Mrs, A.: • Colwell of Kinloss U, C, W, , they were joined by .Mrs. W. Farrell' of Clark who emphasized the place of Stewardship and Recruiting on the program planning. Mrs. F. Taylor, Ancaster,' and Mrs. O. McFadyen, Guelph, president of Hamilton Conference United •Church Women,. dealt with the. questions from the question box. Mrs. E. McLellan, registrar, Five Oaks , spoke of the various conferences and retreats being• • held•in the centre. Greetings from :Presbytery were extended by . Mr, A. Fry, Cargill, chairman of Bruce. Presbytery and Rev. L. Keays, Paisley pronounced the ; .. grace as the women retired to the schoolroom where a delicious luncheon wPs served.by the Paisley U,C•W.: The afternoon session opened :with the. singing of a hymn. This was. followed by a memorable "In Memoriam service" conducted,. by Mrs. A. Heard, . Port Eigiri During the year 45•• members have:' been called to higher service.'•, their names. will be entered in the Book of Remembrance. --The highlight of the meeting., was an address by Miss Muriel:. Bamford, director ,of. Nursing Edu cation• in Bansware Mission Hosp.' • ital.,' Central India. She said Christianity is spreading:in India, but slowly,.. She'.spoke of the . need , for food and'for water in India, and that the :people:: need to he taught better methods of fainiing, and of drilling for .water, �and said that Roman Catholics and Prot estants unite to.carry.out these necessary projects. She -closed: r with the verse, ,"Then He shall •- answer them laying,'"Inasmuch as ye• did it Not to one of these, ye did• it not to me." • . • The offering was received Members of.,the Wesley U. C: W. 'and was dedicated by Mrs. W. Ribey, Mrs. G. Wolfle and Mrs. H. Evans sang a duet. Mrs; W.'. Krug; Chesley,, spoke briefly on available literature: • Mrs;, M. Donahue, Teeswater, presented.the 1966,slateLof officers, ,1100 tont pcoskb kut sol Seal' the election of which was c ed: by Mrs. F...Taylor• •with Fry conducting the installat 'service. • The new president; Mrs, Belfry,' W alkerton, preside the remainder of the meeti during which Mrs. W ; 'Arno presented Mrs:,. W. Grant, wi gift from the Presbyterial, ognition of her, faithful' and ing service. during her :term president; Mrs. Grant repli graciously. Mrs. S. Dunni . Southampton , presented the:: esies, and .after the singing' hymn, the'meeting was dos .with Mrs. Belfry pronouncin a benediction, • Officers for 1966: past pr dent, Mrs. W. Grant, Paisl: president, Mrs. N: Belfry, erton;: vice presidents, Mrs, Wolfle, Paisley,' Mrs. W.. Ripley, Mrs, :H. Slurnski, D ton, .Mrs. Mel Donahue, Te watery recording secretary:: B C arson, :Clavering; Rl ..0 ponding secretary', Mrs; Veil Pegelo, Cargill; ;treasurer,' John..'Miller, Port.. Elgin; . ,fina `:secretary, ;Mrs. R. Fenton; Elgin;.,Christian citizenship social action, Mrs, Stan Ell' Southampton; Christian and; .Conary :educati'on, MrS.: Herb ton, 'Lucknow ;:R'6; Leadersh' development . Mrs,..B.. Jack 'Walkerton;' nominations; 'Mrs r• Holtby;• Kincardine; arc. hivis Miss Winnifre'd_ Warren; Wal ton; community p friendship , W.-.Ribey,,,RR 4 Paisley; liter communications and progra Mrs. 'Walter . Krug C.hesleY ; and publicity, Mrs. H., A,' S Kincardine; stewardship 'and. cruiting., Mrs, W .`Farrell.; Ripley; supply andwel•fare,: K..,!Cameron, Lucknowy,. orga tion and promotion, Mrs.' Fra Padden, •Southampton; Cyt not Asad b litres R 'nu •'it ar am. 'was p all .y devery}� ap.the N(tS,l We Lav 'vet on pnd on pen v pjght ter h eesb abed zero. al;for MtT tae a,y r'. INC 11iI, • ;'Ills I II{I:r ;1141 1N 1N1;1 '1NI 1112 wI •.1N3' I i. U$E AS •*A^. STORAGE UNIT • HOPE •CHEST_.__. * IDEAL` FOR LINENS, ETC.