HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 18T4iE LUCKNOW SIINTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,: APRIL 13th,
Jahn C.McDonald Reports To Federu
d ; OR Success Of Rural Learning Meet)
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A meeting of the Bruce County • l
Federation. of Agriculture. Execu-
tive was held in Walkerton. on ,Apr^
it 7th., Cameron MacAuleY, Pres- ..
ident was in the chair., .
• • A report of the :Pi licy Committ-
ee meeting held earlier in the day
was presented with the recommen-
dation that the constitution be left.
as is.. Some changes had been con..
sidered, but :after discussion :it was
felt that..it'would be in the•best In-
terest for the time being to. leave
.the Constitution unchanged. ` .
At the invitation'of the `Georg
ran Bay Development' Association,
Cameron Macauley of Ripley
.was appointed :as representative 'to
the development association. The
Georgian Bay Development Assoc'
iation has had several Meetings re-
garding proposed programs under
.ARDA affecting rural areas in Grey'
Bruce, Dufferin and Simcoe.
Bruce Countyis presently in :the
process 'sof getting their newly, ann-
ounced. Pasture Project under ARDA
into operation, Approximately
800 acres havebeen pur aced. in
Bruce Township with further pur-
chases under negotiation;
John C'. MacDonald of Ripley.
reported on the pilot project that
was initiated in Huron Township
for the Rural Learning Association.
In summarizing how it, was estab-
lished; and its effectiveness, he
reported that -three meetings were
held this,past winter. which .prove d
to be interesting and beneficial.
to those in attendance,:. The turn-
outs were quite high and the town-
ship is'extrernely satisfied with the
results achieved,with their. first.
attempt and expect to. continue
with the Meetings.'
Ronald 'Slade of Kincardine ,
4 Fieldrnan 'fat the Bruce County..
Federation , inpresenting his re-
port stated that the Federation las
been offered the opportunity to..'.,'
organize Farm, Management Clubs•
within each township with the co
, operation and assistance of:the
Departmett Of Agriculture. A
committee, consisting of Cameron
MacAuley, :James Jacklin of.Elm-
wood and Ronald Slade were app-
ointed to prepare a •pi?ogram, of
action on the Farm Management
program plus an alternative pro
gram, for presentation at_ the 'next
Directors meetings:
Plans were made to hold the
semi-annual meeting on June ist
at 'Park Head: The meeting will
be preceded with a'complimentary
dinner and: the highlight of the•
program will be a .panel discuss
!ion on marketing • b
oards. It is
• hoped to have panel members front
the Ontario Hog Producers Associa-
tion, 0, F;A,, Ontario Milk Board
• and the Farm Products Marketing
Louis Davis, of the •Ontario Cream
Producers Marketing :Board in pre-
senting his report stated that under
the new dairy policy cream prod -
beers will receive 58¢ for their. •
cream at the plant but with the
government subsidy, will bring it,
up to 79¢ 'which is:an, increase of
.15¢.over•1965and will put the
cream producer on par with $4.00•
milk. With the increase in milk
however, he predicts a twitch from
cream to milk production.
In .a prepared report, Cameron
MacAuley, , President, reported on
several n eetings he had attended
recently. ,Our of the bean Controv-
ersy and the Special OFA Members
Meeting held. on March filth to
discuss the matter, he felt that
some beneficial results will be the
final *outcome, A better under-
standing between -the government
and the Federation is noticeable
and a stronger marketing division
within the Federation is being set.,
up, .
Eldred Aiken. and Jim Boynton
'of the Ontario Hog Producers
present for discussion on the
tions of the OHPA and their r`
ion to the dissolutionof the
Board. The Hog .Producers ar
ing for changes to the existin
marketing legislation and are
ing the support of the Federat
Bruce County Federation had
ready demanded changes to
eting legislation at their last
of Directors meeting.
In commenting on the press
hog prices of $33 -'$34, .Jim.
ton said that producersare co`
plaining that they are "away:
from"the •high 'of $40. plus";, b
;hese • same people fail to rem
ber that :a year ago they were
around $27 •- $2$," '
In a, report prepared by Ken
Kinnon, Port Elgin., of the On
MlIk Marketing Board; stated
the formation of•the Renfrew
my committee on March 28th
marked the completion of the
gram to elect milk committer
all counties and districts in th
province. Subsequently, .the
province has been :divided, int
zones which will give' the pro'
ers in every county and the m
eting board ,the; opportunity to
in very close and direct conta
with each other.'
Tlie long awaited Federal D
policy, released about two we
ago; from wh t. we have been
able; tolearn a out it,. and tit
port.assistance offered, -has gr
practically everything asked f
It is however made up of mot-
sidy and less cost to the consu
than requested. Producers "wil
receive $3.25•per cwt. for 3.'
grade 11- or 2, at the plant with
subsidy payments of 750 per c
paid manthly direct to produc
It is estimated the first payme
will be 6 to 8 weeks in corrin
In addition, a' fund of . lOe per.:
will be built up for`.the. purpos
Of exporting anydairy produce
that need assistance. If. the fu
is not .all needed it will bete
ed toy producers at the end of t
dairy year:
Are .Board Gues
A.•general meeting of the. Gr
Bruce Real Estate Board was be
on Thursday night ..,March 31st
the; Hartley House in "W alkerto
There were 45,' members and
guests: .
This was the meeting to whi
annually members of the legal
profession from' all parts of the
area covered ,by the: Board wet
invited as'' guests of the Board
Mr.•W. J Richardson of Tor
to, the Assistant. Director of thr
Board of Education for the Ont.
Association Of Real Estate Boar'
was the guest speaker: His. top
"Education in Real,Estate" porn
out the great ;advancement that
has beenmade, in the past 15 y
,in the educational courses that
have' been provided and; the co
ses. that are now becoming tom
pulsory to be a real estate sales.
marl. , T`he es do, of
make much bettecoursr salesmentours an
one who knows what. he is doing
when it comes to drawing up
Leases, Offers of Irrcha5e, etc,
which is, all to the benefit of th
. Ray Procknow of Hanover tha
ed Mr. 'Richardson for corning a
giving a most intereliing and in
.formative talk. , .
Three ne.w members of the
Board were in troduced,,'Giotia
ell Norman hi tcbCIr
oMitchf• Fleshcrton'whband •are on• the std
'of Don Fiolst'Real Estate Ltd„
and Wilfred )+rook., isof Paisley wh
has 'joined the staff of Paisley
lntee & Co.: Ltd'.