HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 13t,
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ORM 113th. 1
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„... 011111.1r 111161•1111.1.1.- 41/411711.11110,47.114111111"liar''IMIPRIWItir"..
JLA • Atm._
2O Years Ago
1946, •
Atha Noon, son 'of Mr, and
„sandy. Figclon of Whitechurch,
sed the. Hollyman Bakery in
. Wesley Taman of Blyth
engaged. as baker., Edgar' Hot- .
had owned the buiinets. for '
Z5 years-, purchasing it kir
.J. Spindler, He was in the • ,
hkieibusineSs in Lacknow for a •
010 years. •
fefartners.had finishedseed-
by the end Of March .4 Among
Dynes Campbell and
cocknow Busies.Megs: Atsoci-
Oa twitched from a ThtirSd ay
e,Wednesday half holiday and de
Oed to diScontinue the Wednes
ofelt open. They.continued •
irtarday night open. Clark Fin-
lairen was president.
Ite.death occurred of Andrew '
!;Stewart in.his 69th. year. , •
•Kathleen Macintosh accepted a •
Kdtion.at Hathwell's Shoe Store.
Miss Viola Kerry. accountant
tSilverwoods branch in.LucknOw
to Elmira with the:firm. •
le successor here was Joseph.
Village Council held .a special
. • th,
owing to deal witthe housing
liatagein the town. whith. Was..
gm serious', •
3obert Rae of Lucknow :purchas*-
' the Havelock St. home ofMr,,
Old Huston and Was. Converting,.
tij dtiplert.
•anct,Mrs,• Ira D,ickie. and .
If!aver of Collingwood moved to
!held! of Kinloss to the Rod Mac.-
fartrfwhich they had ptir.
Oka: • ••
„ • • • •
).Huold Greer was ,appointed
(Rad radio licences. succeeding
• .• ••
4arfield:Ostratider closed his. •
idumith shop to devote'
the to.his garage business. •
40 Years Ago.
i11926. •• •
Tumid Lowif-Kinloss had a stic--,
fuliuction Sale as did Roy
south of LuCknow Mr.', Low
for ilew York . •
junior 2nd at Lucknow Public. • ..
elhad enrolled. Isobel Dottglai.,
geJoynt, A lex Macintosh',
Ode Milne, Lillian Horne, Billy'
icKenzie, Frank MacKenzie.
Ibara Solomon., Flora Webster,
*I Hamilton; Elliott Webster.'
Donalda Thompson, George Whit-
by, Audrey Henderson, Alfred. Arm
Strong, •Margaret Baker ; Maude
Fisher, Leonard Webster, Leonard
tvlacrionald; Christine finlayson,
H. $herrif was teacher,
liOrnell•Murdoch advertised the
opening ora new store with a stock
of $100000,
40 Years Ago
April 1906, , •
Thomas' Treleaven's sawmill
• and chopping mill was closed a.
;lriOnth for repairs,.:••, .
4.50 1?ought a pair of ladies
fine dongola.kid boots .it Little's
Shoe stcce. •
— John McGarry Was painting and
• papering the interior of .his hotel:
•Cameron:and Bennet were doing
• the work. : •
Misses Hannah. McDonald, Mary
*MacLeod and Dean MacLeod were
awarcled,General Assembly's Dip-
lomas •with red and gold seals for
memorized scripture, being the
• recital of two: hundred verses ace
urately at one continuOus sitting
• each year for three years. •
John Joynt and A. T:. Davidson
.awarded the contract .for building
a block of stores over the "burned
•block" near the post. office •
to Messrs. Jardine and Robe•rtson •
o•f Amberley; ' • ,
.ThOrnas Websteri; local Massey
• Harris agent. received a big Ship-'•
ment,oftaivetting machinery.
A baseball meeting elected the •
folloWing,. Hon. President , John
•JoYnt;.Presidenr, John McGarry;
vice president, R. R. McLeCod;
manager, 'Robert JOhnitom :secret-
ary. Frank .Thompson; tearer., •
Wm:. Johnston; captain, .
Coy;. mascot,' Russell:Johnston;
..managiqg cornMittee, R*. N. Mat-
heson, R. Johnston;
:finance.committee,. M; Bryan,
W. Johnston. • •• • • •
1:-•G. Anderson cloied, a success-
ful apple shipping season shipping ,
46,000 barrels. nearly, all.of whiCr,
went to the .old c•Suntry:. . .7
Joseph Stalker suCCeeded G,H.
Glass as Choirmaster. at the.i.Pres7.
byterian-Chtitch. • • '
R. Elliott, the new dray man,
was awardedithe contract for 1,yat-
e.ring• village streets at $130.:
• Reeve 'J. • G. And6rson. purchasecl
the corner lot next to the post • •
:office from Miss 'Campbell, ,He
planned to erect two large'storeS.
,Eleci Officers
. .
The April meeting of tne St
Ideas Women! s institute iWisleId•
in theInstittite hallWith the
Itildent,•Mrs, Harold aunt,G
!aiding. The roll call was "Pay -
ng of fees and written -suggestions
tthe coming year • •
:..Plaris were made for the Birthday
*ty April 20th „,. at,..Huronview,„
41tens It was decided, to have
IfeSunshine Sister banquet on •
012Ist in the HOlyrood Hall
!lithe Holyrood Women's Instit
ladles catering.• . •
A program. and dance to be .
!eld.in the hall. April 15th; The .
inittee in charge. is Mrs. las.
iitchison • Mrs' Gordon Gordon Mc Pher
OW Mrs. Ross .Errington. A
!Ili "Wanted A Wifewill be pre
ented.by the St.. Helens cast, °
The annual reports of the stand-
ilieorritnittee convenors were
Pen. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt cond-
ON the election of officers for
ecomingyear, The slate of
er.are President , Mrs.... Harold
!unt; ist vice, Mrs. Jas,: Aitchi-fl :
2'ld viPe, Mrs, Allan
Secretary,Treasurer,Mrs'. Frank.
McQuillin; Assistant secretary,
Mrs. Ross Errington; Pianist; !yin.
Wm. Rutherford; Assistant, Mrs.
Andrew Gaunt; District Director,
• Mrs. Ross GamMie;, Alternates,
Mrs: Chas,. McDonald; Auditors,
Mrs: Harold Cooper and 'Mrs. B. W.
Rice; Staticling.Committee conven-
ors: Citizenship. and Education;
Mrs. Wm, Rintoult. Agriculture.
and Canadian IndUstries, Mrs.'
Gordon Struthers; Home Economics
and Health. Mrs. E. W. Rice;
• Historical research, and current
events,: Mrs. Ernest Gaunt; Resol •
utions, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter; Public
RelatiOns, Miss Isobel Miller. ..
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt gave a pap- •
er on Current,Events'. Mrs. .Harvey
'Webb had a reading "The Legend .
of the Easter, Flower". Two read,
tugs were given by Mrs. F,B •
Green "Each.to his Task" and an,
• "Easter Prayer". Mrs. Wm. Ruth-.
•erford favoured.with a piano instr-'
umental. • ••
Mrs. S, DeBoer rendered a solo
"The Holy Night" accompanied by
Ars. Fred. McQuillin. • -
Lunch was served by hostesses,
Mrs. Allan Miller, Mrs, Harvey
• Webb and Mrs. Andrew Caunt '
MON foot
If you can't find the fertilizer
service you need here
we'd like to hear about
. .
• I. C OPR Bulk Spreading
• ' r practically,the tame
p. cost as bagged. • .
1 fertilizardelivered to your '
. farm;yotir CO.;operatiye wdl
deliver any analysis of
recommendedjenilizer to ,
.4. `your fields and spread d
•evenly in the exact a.mOunts
needed All. the work is
. done foi you . and all
• for the one price. •, •
• ' .../.81011.11/Mslad.1 .
3. CO OP Bag
and Bulk "Pickup"
. . .
II bagged tenth:et beat fits
your farm prograinnie you...
, will find a complete . •
selection of recornmended
•analyses at your •
- co-operative Available in a
granular, freeAciwing
form.,Bulk Pickup at Your,
.convenient co -Operative
• warehouse will cut yoin
costs considerably.
• 2. CO-OP Supplemental. NitrogeO
• SuOplemtal Nitrogen
w•dely accepted means of
•1.00;nitto Inelds in many.
,OPS CO-OP now often 1, •
choice of Liquid and iy
forrr,s for top dreseing fag
wheat:hay, p.isiure and
• Com stoVer Land itothei
.titria Ammonia for side. •
9• dross or preplan{ for corn
Applicatiok services
aveiiable at -twiny
• co-operatives
CO-OP Co-ordinated
•Growing Programme
• This completely, nev
concept m croP
• programming was developrci
• by Cb -Operative research ..
Fertilizers, seeds, •
insecticides, and weer'
Inners are carolully •
co-ordinated.and. tailored
• to the needs ol both
and farrn. The CO-OP 13.0
BONUS Coin Frogiarnmo ,s
3 typical example • ask,
your local oe.oper at eve
• about ,1
We think the fertilize r Services we,have to Offer/ are
. • second to npre . and most of our customers agree.. •
However, if 'YOU have some ideas for improving our
product Or service pass them' along to your local
co operative We're always open to suggestions . •
after all no,one's Perfect. . •
Ile 110- District
' . •
CO-OP Fertilizer . . developed for you by Co-operative Research.
Install Officers
• Mrs. GeOrge Harkness, arid Mrs. •
Von Gillies were in charge of Pur -
pie GroVe•WOrneres Institute when
they met in the Community Centre
for their. annual meeting. Mrs.- •
Victoria Smith read 'a suitable
Easter meditation: Members re- •
Called books the had 'enjoyed.
Favourites:were, written by Mrs.. •
.Peter Marshall,. Ethel hapman,,
Harry J. Boyle. •• • •
• 41i Achievement Day was'ann-
ounced for Kincardine on April 23,
and a Laundry F�rum for Walker-
ton on Apkg.26 at:8 . p.m. Mem.:
.bers were in favour of a Local •
Leaders Course On Millinery.
Thanks were received for gifts
from Mrs., Wm.• McInnis' and Mrs.
Walter Forster . • • • ,
Mrs. Harvie Thompson gave the
• auditors report. Balance on hand
is $14.. Gifts will be continued •
for the sick as previously: 'Program
panning cortnittee•Will be the ,.
`president, vice presidents, secret-
ary and district director. All con-
venors to prepare suggested pro-
• grami„ Annual reports were inter-
• esting and given by Mrs., HarVie
ThOrripsonv Mrs. Geo. Harkness, •
Mrs. Herb Farrell: 'Mrs; noward
Thompson, Mrs.1.MOrford MacKay,
Mrs.,,.Wm. J. Arnold., :Mrs.. Viet- ,
brie Smith and..mis. Frank Currie.
3 Mrs. MOrford. MacKay gave the':
report of the nominating committ-.•
ee and. Mrs, Howard Thompson
conducted the election and install-
• ation of officers as foliowsi Pres-
ident ; Mrs. Geo. Harkness;•vice
presidents,. Mrs.. Cecil Sutton,•
Mrs. Francis Boyle; SeCretarr,
Treaturer, Mrs. Don Gillies; Dist-.
rict Director, Mrs. .Howard Thom-
• pson;',. Convenors, Mrs. Harvie •
'Thompson. Mrs. Jack Farrell, .
Mrs. Herblarrell Mrs Howard
• Thompson, Mrs. Morford MacKay;
. .
'Curator, Mrs. WM. J. Arnold; .
Mrs.Wm. j.Arnold;
Cultural activities and United
Nations, Mrs. Frank Currie; Hosp-
italization, Mrs. Victoria Smith;
Branch Directors. Miss Edith, •
Collins, Mrs.. Victor Gawley, •
Mrs. Don McCosh. It is hoped
some additional ladies will join.
this fine: community organization •
to!eplace all those who moVed
away lastyear. •
Mrs. HOward Thompson "led in
planning for a group_display at.
the Fall Fair and $10 will be don-
ated to the Fair., The next *meet-
ing will be at the home of Mrs.
Francis Boyle. Mts. Victoria •
Smith conducted a contest. The.
District Directors meeting held at. •
Teeswater was reported,by Mrs. •
Geo. fiarkness and ft was decided
to send a small donation'to the .•
Coupon Plan. Some planning was.
done forthe District Annual which
Will be held in Ripley with Purple
Grove as hostess branch. Mrs.
Wm. J.. Arnold. thanked the host-,
esses of the day. • •
• Ask about convenient departure.
• and return times
For information, phone the lose!
CN Passentier Safes Office
• .
• ,.... . • ..
. iet