HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 12. • : • , 4k c • REPORT ON FARMERS° MARCH Critical Of Gov't Concern For. Farmer During Q.P. March Last Week 1400 Ontario. farmers organized a March to Toronto in hopes of presenting their problems to the 'Government. The Government's lack of inter- est in farm problems was 'very. , clearly evident in the way in Which they showed complete dis- regard far the farmers. „ It is bard to believe that 'we voted in a gap of people to gov- ern us that couldn't even have The decency takdome; and• even listen to our propttbns, let alone , have.the ability to do anything about than. , The march was very well organ-, nia, and one brother, Calder, of Windsor. The funeral was heid. 1-taTfiTon. .• - LADES GUILD The April meeting of the St.- - Paul's Ladies Guild was held at the home of Rev.; S. Jay of Luck now, on April 7. The Easter pro- . ii sPite the daft inthe face the gr, from the .Living message., .days thfs,week with their pare • and 1C,. K. 1,1awson . • • IDnie.HdamSui.idtdoenniy: t Mr, AUG 1.#11$0. titian friallam • haVe Moved I e • ba Se line near Afinhojn. (Dungannon News) • • * 04 John Wilson a HAROLD GORD.ON PATTERSON : family '°f Toronto were Easter A Reiner resident of this' comM. wi—th her rnOthet , Mrs. • unity, Harold Gordan ,Oatteriong Faber passed away suddenly on April I, ' Easter vfaitcr$ with Mr. and in St, Joseph's Hospital, Hama. ,. Robert frvist were her !nether, ton, in his fourty-sixth year. . Mrs. 'Vim. Ritchie of Lucknow Born at St. Helens-, he Was the . Wifs' Janet Twangei of Wood eldest son of ivirs. Jean Patterson and Nfas- Jean PaPerniek of G Of Hurdnview and the late John eri,' Patterson. He attended public .,......vb02,11411Y-n mi.. and Mrs, sehool in Dungannon, and after • .7.1-ugli Cara aPd Bon residing. bete far tome years. he 4 e,„„kcir!'_,er.,„ were Mr' 20 "1. spent Snipe time in Godeirioh, . 11-Lusugu Jardine and family of and, at the time of 'his death,. was Tfarartra, Mr, and Ws. Ronald employed by Studebaker in/Ham- Crawford and family of Exeter ikon. • , . , . ' ,.., .• and Mrs. Annie Etre of punga -Surviving besides his mother . arl,..._• ,,___. '.. • are.his.wife-and ti,i) *mi. ma, -:,.. .„..... Ikgf:alla AG{ 1., Harvey Fuller (Ferno Scilinegour of Gi3derich beaerinb, were yr./sitars; on 'qu ci ' *ilk 11Ar— ' . • . ' - 4 and Mrs. (Lenore) llislop of Sat- ----., and( Mrs. Rs Eed; Paul and goiarnaly. 'Mr. *. and Mrs:, Jack Errington, ano Mrs. Melinda Nevins atte ed the funeral of Harold qqd Patterson in Harnett:1i lasecie .Lynda Blake of, Scuba°, •ca BM S'IsTro of Stratford Teache • Cailege.• are aPeuding the holi ized and the 1400 farmers proved to.everyone 'that they are meaning, business, and 1 believe that the ga eat was quite surprised 3 33 that they acted like 'first class cititeris and carried out their march in a very orderly manner, VI at the RyersOn Institute by was followed. and Psaltn re,ad . Mr. arDd Mrs. Cecil Blake, having to speak to. a blank wall which was our representation,ftntn resP°11sivelY.,.. The cc'llect t°1" forditlireed arid, lirs-spArldententhectl'W 'e4ettikg- Maundy Thursday was read ey can't help but wender,What Mrs- Etall Caesar. followed hy the the Goverimiet. end al theith here. , have done under spnillar, cilearm_ Can was answered hy a. verse Wilk' tort vfsited recent -1Y wit Mi some other labour union would -Lerevitayer in unison. The roll Meltud. a Nevins l& w*crucified% 13ness folitwed s.. rack Riztaigton' and other stances. Ef e'hacten,t acconz- pifsked =rifting else in this march a.id ±e ladies Plan to rxiake trey we at least proved to the people ' Pies to sen on Aptil 1 and cen- , of the country tat We are real , tennlal plans were discsised. Mrs. gentlemen and not the Ilt Prirrle,r Rack, reported for the flow cuss citizens off this, country as er fungi and flowwere placed fn wo. are being, ICoked'apon.• tbe church ler Easter. Reirdal. • closed the rile -ethic with prayer' erning our 974,a Local. &Tom and a delicious Lunch was served Aste4eldl r belieie that they made kr Mrs- UT- gten•c. t this ozImmt- Visitors with Mr. and MrS.' lrv- unity and r twat ift,aP we should. ine EedY and Mrs. McKay for all he proud ("four relatives'Etere.,• • , tfr,„ and Mrs'. Dati-kan spent Easter with reiatilt es at Chatham. . 10 .•• '1. arid ifrs. lack , Mi • hi.el arid 4ageli, .of•Sriattrov, Were Weekend visitors with and 141., Eteltier Eedy. • . , Easier widtors with Re',. • li.frs•,. Ireldeinis were c' aveIdh Ke of Londort and Klaske.V&, criCTOdeiti'ch. whack ' 'Easter Were Mr: and Mrs. *It Wick carded ourbanner se • Rome and Mr-- and r Mr. aid Mrs:. Glen 'Area , proudly art4mg, foe a better deal for the parents. We Cant cert - a maygive these kid a credit_ E wonder how. proud of themselves' are all the, fanners of London and Putrieis Eedy of . ere Strathroy. who is spending / en aw ' die iore.ccoOtt have :beet: acc- eLb ..peaceful uegotial,.• for our politielana in • power„ E tlrink that are. .1 worth; our time, and effort to. eVen . . tttri say. aizettiliw ahnui themc,;. • • [line& we cannot say amitiO4,g.9# ablaut theni.,. we. naright..as well ' 'pre serve our honour ami'say. /moth. CIL die other hand,- t.he Tien en • the onrcOldon 'at_least had:the de .eincy and the catirage cOme * • out arid at 'leak. talk to ur, t believe that the farmers o Ontario 1,1et'ite Weiy rolargerabout 'tftat come use time. • On behalf of aurowa IccaL r H• drink Mar we. itouiti he more than ;road ofinte :klotang MEM wehaive. -'• itt.• dime nigirmenting us, 44=0 • . trdatioveitst ycittig-tc; field that • ..pusirdpkim„ bur he taiiL thawed ' dtarhe was neither ashamed of ut .afraid.to aperthis Mount on aur behalf. Thiskis the type of ment. intruiti have antis 'rink res!.- prquible positztrinH in our countt7. , rni.ltning, we of !mit :.142; • , • 3i iifexi flgQj thaij4you, Murray :',..kunr.„ far the very; sibarm • qnzarei Tezzelnini gaio'gr It'iri• .1'1.14V-t`t.' ?Mit. 1.cftraini,,,t Made 1L nni .411e. /mum hT,ngi after the divaimarn-ive reCel!oesi ar We Pale nil ':toputts fiac ,?ernrie aur:ccun .nv.-4411 amt goverar-, vial the mit :tine :::±tii,m„ ...tar. Mtural,t, 44,vaniv /nye rur zakpptortt atii. • ez-ntturrAgLa7inmn.... • • , 3,itsf, uwL.142, Ainifeid rs . wt.; .11,iftettu. t ( AT: MIOU 4 SON LTD. QUALITY 1 GA/4 AND ONTARIO SAM/LAC AND SEAWAY SEED FERTILUER SUPPLIED AM AVAIIABLE 1 ' FERTLLIZER IIA BAGGED Olt BULK RAMIRISrON, FERTILIZSR AVAILABLE AT COAWELETIVE PRICE: SEED ItESISTIERSIX CERTIFIED, A$01 COMBIERCIAIL, Sintila SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL S 3 I MIXTURES AVAILAB LE SEE OR CALL EL 1111ickle & Son Ltd HENSALL. Phoile 262-2714 „ , • 20 194f 06 PI sed Magi hati gbul tbe we cknO Wedne nlght ay w fli2e, Wita de 'mews tior.a toE succc vwag ting age,1 irdieHrrti t the H; '''t6,a du •, • ero lltho gall 1 Harold ksm to 192 ‘lioa,, ald • 1au touti f• or4 .1 ha ge Hem 'araS IHa SL lens. ••! in 1 dee off the ,*) " on, Sum v', 21 'fi, the 'A pro' • it 1,' slid ed. 1 , The ig ton ed ,vent tl ftC er lunti 2