HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 9'Wei,' APRT 1!46 _� • / . TOR ,-UCKNOWiIiNTINI ,. 'LUCKNOY.W . TARIO . BOWL/NC A. , ,KNOW-DUNGANNON BOWLING "A" Dorothy Erring - ow owned d a triple' of 729 and a . lagame of 302 flat, Bill stewarprolled the men's triple. 4130 and Frank ilawthocne . '" geed the single of 325; &ottp "B" , Merle Elliott: the ladies triples .with 567 d Freda Errington's, 225. Pe was high. Bill Button set the pace for the men with a.•'183 1$140 and a 31.2 single. • GroupA - Cubs. 10, .Beavers lb' role Cats'7,,:Tigers 4`, Goons '3, ebtas 2. , F •Op B r Chipmunks 10 , liCes 9', Squirrels.7 , Gophers 6.,, Wolverines '3. ICarigaroos 1,,. e Ma r Aur• Ieft John • ohn• N�Id banquet E1ect4ffice�s 'T'iie.'ladies .afternoon bowling, league held their• annual banquet Monday evening, March 28 in the Parish Hall. A .perfect attendance with Mrs.. J. VanderVeen and. Mrs. L. VanderVeen as.guvests• ofhonour: enjoyed a delicious `; turkey dinner, served. them by the Anglican Ladies. Guild. ' puring the. dinner, lucky num.- ben umbats Were drawn for prizes.- Mrs. Jlank Hawthorne; secretary , pre seated trophies to each .member 'of:Mrs. Grant Chisholm's Caner-; fes forwinning the series. The runners-up Mrs. Frank HaW-. ; tane's.Robins and each member. received a pen and pencil set::: ; fie'play-offs was won•by Mrs, Donald McKinnon's' Bluebird's,.' .VanderVeen VanderVeen presented` • i ophies donated •by. J.' Vander-" Veen to each‘Member of this ream, Mrs. Frank Hawthorn's 'Robins wererunners-up; id'this L, series alio and each member received a set of 4 bow ling mugs. Mrs. Gordon Dougherty's Wrens, eachreceived. crying tow- els. 'High Avlerage:of. the 'year was won by Mrs.' Leonard 'Mac`- Donald bowling 212, She rec- eived atrophy donated by J.' VanderVeen.' .High single :for the year of 31 ;was won by Mrs. -8111 Stewart: High triple for • the year of 740 was wow by'Mrs.' Harold Maize. During.the play-offs. Mrs.: Ll- oyd Ashton rolled a highsingle of 380. Mrs. -Harold Errington.: • rolled the high triple of 730. Each of these ladies re teed ,trophies, Mrs..Gordon Fisher won trophy for.being the most impr- oved bowler. -Last year her av- erage was 89, this year it was • 119.:,. • . <now ,ce, hey Bann=. by • eam; 111 liana• tying meal were . w. :on; • ::stein ;rr• Treasurer Mrs; Milt Raynergave :the financial. report. •• Following this the election of :officers for the 1966-67 season was held. The following ladies. Were elected.. president, Mrs. `,Leonard Macboriald• Sec , retary, Mrs, Frank Hawthorne; Treasurer; Mrs; Charles Webster. • Court Whist was thenlla ed • P. Y, closing a most• enjoyable evening.. The members onthe winning teams were; Canaries : 'Mrs Grant Chisholm, Mrs, 13i11 Stewart, ,Mrs. Bos Henry,. Mrs. Morgan Hender- son, Mrs.: Ken Chester, Mrs... Bill Black, `Mrs, Wilbur Brown, Mrs. Harold Maize, Mrs. John Maize. Robins - Mrs. Frank Hawthorne,. 'Mrs. Jim Arnold ,' Mrs, Russel Ir- vin, Mrs, Alex Hackett, Mrs. Ton Hackett, Mrs, Jim Errington, Mrs... D, A, •Hackett•, Mrs. Doug Ray nave, Bluebirds -.Mrs. Donald MacKinnon,' Mrs, Milt Ra yner , Mrs, Art Putney,y Camer- on Machonald 'Mrs. Lamer= Mrs. Alex Andrew Mrs. Charles Webster, Mrs,- old Haidenb Har 'Mrs, Howard Agnew' Schmidt Ro.iI-Off For Top Place L'UCK:NOW MEN'S BOWLING• (Tues.Apr, 5 •9 p.m -,group) The .Dodges are winners: of the play-off series after a roll -off gamei with the Buicks,• congratulations, Dodges High single for the week goes .to Jack Caesar with.311 flat. High triple was won by Bill Searle this week with 766 flat', Bill Hunter's Dodges 4.points, Bill Button's. Fords ti points; Donald MacKinnon's Pontiacs .3 points, Jack Fisher's Mustangs-l.pbint;, • boss Irwin's: Buicks 3 •points,.'F,reck; Button's Oldsmobiles 1.point. ' Play-off team stars frngs:• Dodges 14, Buicks ,13, Oldsmobiles 12, Fords 9, Mustangs 9,' Pontiacs 4 .. Games of. 250 and'over: Jack. Caes,ar,311, Jim McNaughton.258, Bill Searle 285, Len MacDonald 252, Jack Fisher .275', Ross Irwin. 260, Fred.. Young 268, Stuart Jam- ieson 263, Freck• .Button 281. PURPLE. :.GROVE Friends will be sorry to hear. that Miss Gladys Gawley of .Toronto, after spending a week' with: her parents, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in London. where itis said she is ;improving rapidly. 1n,' the Same hospital. is Mrs -.. ..Peter .Leeson of Arv,a, who will undergo surgery. We extend best wishes •and' a speedy recovery to'bath CARD 'PARTY • - Many of the folks from here ' att- ended..th'e card party. held in the Community.Centre on Thursday evening. , Seven'tables of cards were played, by the adults while two.tables of crokinol.e .keptthe small fry •occupied, Th'e high prizes :for euchre went to.Elda Harkness and :Bill Pennell,. high crokinole. to 'Ralph Grass For stepping 'on..the .lucky spot Ralph , Grass again took the prize, while the low card prize was taken by., Mrs. Burton Collins.. 'Following:::: the games, a lunch was' served . • and Jack Peterbaugh and Mrs.Geo. Harkness :supplied ,music .for a dance. Those, onthe committee were Eld.a .Harkness, Ann McKay, Mrs. Don:Dore and Valerie. Gillies' whodue .to.the,llu was -unable ., to, attend FIRST ROW'- left to. right, Kevin Murray; David Cleland, Grog, • Hamilton, Kevin Ackert, Ken Farrish, Stuart Alton, lan Montgomery,. David Fairish.: SECOND , ROW, left to right, Bill Hall, Blake Alton, (Manager); .Laurence .Jay., .Paul . Hogan, • John Hamilton, Brent Book, Steve Baker, Larry Hackett,- Kenny Straughan, Allan Hackett (coach), Douglas Corrin, Calvin McClenaghan. , it, Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Grieg.•of Hamilton. on the birth of their' wee daughter, Theresa Marie.. • Miss Patricia Shaw of the 8th . visited .Mrs; Don McCosh on Thur- sday and accompanied her to,the- card,party. . Dianne Dore -of Teeswater spent Thursday.night and'Friday with Cathy Dore.. Jim Brooks who suffered a:. piece. of glass in his eye is improving." Sunday .dinnerguests with Mr.. andMrs. Gordon. Patterson were Mr.. and Mrs, Walter Forster -and family, Carolyn Forster of Toron- to, and Bob of'Kitchener,• and. Mr. 'and Mrs. Bill Robinson of Oakville. Also visiting Mi.' and Mrs.. Patterson last week were Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Colwell and Hust- on of Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Colwell of Prince,. •Sask atchewan. Many of the folks, from here 'have been feeling the effects of the flu which seems to be sweep ing•the country. 0. Mrs, 'Gerald Rhody and; Marilyn spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Don Dore and Frankie. OPEN HOUSE AT SCHOOL A number of the parents from the Grove enjoyed Open House. at the public school in Ripley on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dawley ." Lucknow. Pee Woes •motored to, London on. Friday. Sunday visitors with Mr • and ` Mrs. Don McCosh and' Dick were s:.Colwell, . .Mr. and Mrs. Currie Bruce , Betty sand, Ann, and Ken Mason of, Goderich On Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Herb' Farrell were Mr. and Mrs. , F*<ank Colwell and Huston of Kin-. cardine and Mr. and Mrs..Jim Colwell of Prince, Sask. Miss Roslyn Swann of London spent a'few days. with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stanley. • Ronnie Dore of Teeswater spent a few days with Bob Emerson this week. , Joyce Elliott returned to Detroit with her father, Earl Elliott,; where she will spend ,a week with relatives.. Miss Iona Leeson•of Arva is spending a while with her friends, in Purple Grove. Miss Nancy Dore of Kitchener visited on • Friday with. Mrs. Don Dore. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson, were Mr. W. Hill, Mrs: J. C McNab, M. 'and Mrs. Leonard McDonald and 'family , Mr, and Mrs. Cameron McDonald, all of Lucknow, Mr. Herbert God- dard of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McDonald and. Mr, and FIRST ROW, left to, right, Russ Moncrief, Mark Chisholm, Bill MacKenzie, 'Andy Whitby; Mary Jardine, Steve Eadie, Jimmie Far- rish, Jamie Elliott, 'Greg Hunter. SECOND. ; ROW left to . right, John - MacKenzie, Jack Famish (coach), ,Paul Frayne, Steve Hackett, Jim Murray, Graham Hamilton, Grant Chisholm (coach), Kim Cowan, Mike Hogan. Absentees,' Ken: Hamilton, Bob .Hall,.'" CULROSSCORNERS Wedding bells are loudly ring- • ing. Wewould extend• our sympathy. to Mrs. 'Ted H.aldenby in the loss of her mother, Mrs. David Milne, • .Lucknow,.' Our sympathy also '• goes out'to Mrs. 'Firms r Wall in. the loss of her father,' Mr. Will iam .Ritchie, Lucknow. 'Mrs, Harvey Hodgins visited • Mr.' and Mrs..,E'zra Stanley. Mrs. Frank Brown 'and Reg. spent'Mon- .,day evening at the sae home.. , • Holiday .visitors. wi h Mr. and Mrs. Richard Madge of Goderich. Claude Dore Jr.,, Carl, Delbert and Kenneth of Teeswater, visited on Sunday' with. Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Dore and family.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore Sr of Bervie, and Mr. and Mrs. :Hari vey Thompson.,. Were, dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-- • Barn Mclnnes of Teeswater. . Guests of Mr. and Mrs. ;George Emerson on Tuesday were,Mr. and Mrs. Bili England of Ottawa, and Mrs. John Bell of Kincardine.. Weekend' guests of the Emersons were Dr. 'and Mrs. lames Emerson and Frankie of Charing.Cross, • • • Mrs. Everett Parker and family were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edwards, Toronto, Ronald and .Harvey Parker andd Bruce , Fort William ; an Parker, University student .at Marquette Michigan. Elda and Doris Wall spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs; Morley Wall and family. Mr. and Mrs.' Dan Tollefson, Port Credit, visited during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley and family. : • Mrs.. Frank Brown and Reg were Tuesday evening visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs. Malcolrn Lane and, Stewart, Kinlough, 1Mrs..Orval Wilson spent Wed- nesday ed nesday afternoon with Mrs;. Frank Brown.' . Mr..; and Mrs:. Ralph. Goeser' and family Kincardine spent ,Fri- day afternoon at Stewart's. .. Some. of the farmers have start- ed spring ploughing. •; The children art enjoying What .they consider some well earned holidays; Mr.. and Mrs. Tames Wilson spent Easter Sunday at Hamilton. Mrs. Hugh Nicholson,, Mr. and .Mrs: Harvey Nicholson: and family, • Bervie, were Sundayevening, vis- itors with Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg. ' { • -41 1 16.1,0 SvIS-Sul ) t 4.