HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-13, Page 8THE INCKNOW:IIINTINRI.4 LUCKl1OW • ONTARIO
Bd.uns Lose.
:Final Game And R "
W.O.A�A► :.Tit ,e :
LaCknaw Bantam hoc key team'
tial defeated by Lions Dead 7-2
on. Thulrsday,night of.last week
in the Port Elgin arena giving
Lions. Head the best -of -three
series• two games to one andthe . t
W, Q.A A.. Bantam "C" champ-
Bob Humphrey scored 'both
Lucknow goals,' A good crowd
of Lucknow spectators were on
hand to cheer on the local team.
The boys appreciated the kine
ness of Silverwood Dairies, Don
Carter meats, • Fairview Dairy and.
Mayfair Restaurant who -provided.
the team with complimentary
milk shakes and hot dogs at the
: •Mayfair..l1estaurant upon their
return from Port Elgin,
Allan Manto, has been handling
the team' throughout the year
• In the early partof the season,
he was assisted by Joe. Vienneau:,.
and in the latter part Ross Forster`
worked with. Allan. .
PeeWss: Lcse.I .
At Goderich
Lucknow PeeWees didn't have
_ toomuch.luk in the Young.Can
ada hockey tournament in coder
ich last Friday.
They lost theirfirst encounter :
to Lambeth bya score of 572
which eliminated them from the
"C"' competition...
John MacKenzie and Russell
Monerief`scored the 'Lucknow.
goals. At the end of hes and
period,.• the game was tied mid
. Lucknow were leading in shots on
goal, but the boys collapsed in
the third period when. Lambeth. • ;:.
• put on the pressure.
Ripley Mustangs:.
Say: "We're Stili.
Champs", Q.T's:
Goal.-. tot • Proper
'The Ripley Mustangs gloomily,
yet courteously, walked out of
the Lucknow arena, April 1.
The goal scored by Lucknow .with
5(C Second's left, was not counted
inour eyes as the gpalie with
the puck was forced into the
net which of course cannot be
done in hockey, according to
Jack Henderson. We .took .it at
the time, but. could; not sit
placidly by after. reading the
much glorified account in, last
week's Sentinel
We appreciated the compet-
ition „thanks Q,T:'s for your
. attempt to 'dethrone us , . but it
was a 2-2 game and we are
still the champs, not only ,in •
hockey,but in sportsmanship.
: RUNNERS UP in the :local House Lague' tido year were 'He
House League -' ikon's Fuels. Shown, left to• right, • ars Kan Cam.ron, . presenting
• 'trophy`: Ken coached 1h Hamilton team through the winter. On
Runners -UP
Tight .is Bud Hamilton, manager of. the .team. and also. donor of
.trophy happened to go to.his team. In the centre is' John Ma.
Kenzie of the Fuels.. •
• (Whitechurch News)
On Wednesday evening White-
' church' Broomball team journeyed
to Owen Sound to contest Blyth
team and won 1 - 0 Later in the.
evening they played the Hopeville..
team , , winnersof the playoffs . for
thelast .2 years. The score was
0 -'0 but Whitechurch' won: by 5
extra shots on goal. . Congratu-
lations from the .commun: 'o
members of the team
Ripley Curlers
Again Elea Pres.
Donald MacTavish
Donald.MacTavish was re=elect-/
ed `President of Ripley Curling Club'
at the annual' meeting on Wednes-
day last . Wallace -Pollock assum-
ed the .office of vice-president,
with Lloyd Wylde and Walter Lock
being returned'to the offices of
secretary and treasurer, respective-
ly. Elected to the four man ex-
"ecutive committee were James .
'Elliott, Donald McLay, Clayton
Nicholson and Harry Scott., We
are, pleased to'welcome Jim. Ell-
iott to the governing body of the
club,, however, at,the same tatase,
•we feel regret over the resigna-
tion of Howard Hodge,.; who has
served the: club so admirably since
our very beginning:.
The following were nam to
serve on the various co •" ittees.
• Building,`. Sandy McCh ;ries,, Jun
MacDonald, Carrick Co ing,
'Mervin Funston, W allac •Pollock
and Jack Scott, Draw Either.
Courtney,, Jack Scott, ordo
Roulston, Bert Elliott, John D.
MacKay.and Allan Farrell. Bon- •
spiels, Carl Funston,•Klenneth'E-L
MacKenzie and Bob 7ohnston. }
' -Auditors, Wray Osborne and Will-
iam Elliott: Ice, Clarence- Poll-.
ock, Murray Culbert, Murray.
Thompson, :Norman. Barnard; Don•,
aid Paquette and George MacDon-
ald.. High School curling, Don-
aid, McLay, Rev. George Bali, Norman. Barnard and Shirl Bowers,
t � .
along with a representative,
of the Ladies' Curling Club, to
be • named later, •
The meeting gave. the building
committee authority to proceed
with the • installation of under "
ground'electric heating •cable to•
combat, the frost problem caused
by *our own freezing plant. Work.:
will be done on this project dur-
the :summer months to be in
operation for next season,. Curl=
ing'dues are to remain the same
as for this past year. Plans. were
Made for the annual.New Year's
Eve dance, but the club voted to.
forego 'the booster draw for this
year. The president. suggested ,,
that the bonspielcommittee in-
vestigate the1 possibility of hold-,
ing a Lucknow:-Ripley series patt-
erned aftet the very successful,,
'series the Club has held with
.Kincardine for, the past two years
Presentations, s, were made to -
Pr' ident MacTav%sh, by Murray
Culbert and LltydWyids, ,and to
Norman. Barnard, custodian, by'.
John: Bell, of Stratford, was '
present 'art Thursday evening to
'award his trophy, emblematic of
the Men's Club Championship to
the rink skipped by Don Paquette.
Don's rink of Wiltnier- McLeod',
vice,. lack Elliott,; second, and
Bill Scott, lead, 'climaxed a week
of play-off curling by decisively 0
beating Bert Elliott's rink in the".
final, ,12-6 Scoring was as follows:
Paquette, ' 002 020 401 111 = 12
Elliott,. 110 1.1 .20 u0,0.=• , e
The runnier -up rink; with •Bert
skipping,. Norm Barnard, vice,:
Murray Culbert,, second, -and Doug
Hamilton's I,ie�s on's F FIRST ROW: left to right, Randy Ackert, John Hamilton, Jim Mur•
. ray, Steven'Eadie, Douglas Corrin, Pat Hadley. SECOND ROW: left
• to right,' Kevin Murray, David. Cleland, Ken Cameron coach, John
Are ,.R1� nners-U MacKenzie, Steven Hackett, Bud Hamilton manager, , John John'
Martyn, lead, made 'a real game
of it for the first six. ends, but a
big four 'for Paquette in the seven-
th was.. the turning point and the.
winners held every. end from the •
ninth on, for their victory. Pres-
ident Donald MucTavish and Gord-
on Roulston presented individual
trophies, on behalf of the Club:,
to the winning rink and to the
runners-up. ' ;•
,. A most successful Easter bons-
piel was held on Saturday to con-
clude another season: Arrange- -
•ments were under the direction of
this season's series. of Ripley Curl-
ing News, • The writer wishes to
thank everyone who made the
column possible, from the mem-
bers who made the news, to the
kindness of the publisher of this
paper, who;has co-operated most
fully in all our endeavours. . •
.Thanks everyone -=we hope to see
'you here again next fall!, .
_- Don McLay,
Honour .Bowliflg..
n her
Team Me
(Dungannon News)..
The Rhinestones, one ,of the
'bowling teams'` from the Lucknow
Ladies Evening Bowling League,
honoured one of its members.
last Tuesday evening, when' they
gathered at the home of .Mrs.
Irvine Eedy at. Dungannon. •
Mrs. Brian Hallam of nurrgann°
on was presented with a gift by
Mrs:Eedy•on behalf of the team,
Mrs. Hallam isthe former Lill
ran Popp. Mr. 'and Mr's, Hallam
and their three children have
moved to Auburn. ,
The evening.,was spent playing,
;Court•Whist and a deliciouc• meal
was enjoyed. Those present were
Mrs. Irvine Eedy, Ivlr's;'Jac« ,
Caesar, Mrs. Ross Eedy, qtr`•:
Brian Hallam and Mrs, Fred.
Young Of. Dungannon, :Mrs. 3 on�
aid Hackett, Mrs.. Alvin Alton, '•
Mrs, Jack Alton, MP. r'11't Ka-
patrick.and Mrs. Keith, ("rar.:,ton
of the Belfast area, Mrs .:,on
Thompson of Lucknow.,
Ken MacKenzie and Bob Johnston.
Top place for the day went to:'.
Bert•Elliott's rink, with 28 points,
and an aggregate of 28.` Gordon
Roulston had to settle for second
place, as he made the same point
score., but hadseven less aggreg-
ate than the Elliott rink. Other
skips, with' their point total were
as'follows:. Don Paquette 27, How-
ard Hodge 24,... Rick Dodds 23, Ken
• L. MacKenzie 21, Carl Funston
19-22, Jahn Bell 19-2c.•,,, Bob John -
Ston 16, Allan Coiling 15 , Harry
Scott 9, and John D, MacKay 5"..
Skating on Wednesday night
oflast week wound up the season
for. the Lucknow arena after a -
• busy five months of. operation . -
Arena Manager ,Floyd Milne
turned off the ice making equip-:.
Ment Co Monday of last week, 'but
unseasonably cold spring weather
contributed to the cause and a . •
thin sheet was still available at
'writing time. °
It Was on November 13th, of last
year that the equipinent was turn --
ed on for the first 'and. Lucknow
arena has been a hive, of activity
since that time; •