HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-06, Page 22J
SOrfateg SOW Far Your
Kitchen, Bathroom, Den or
Living Room, Will Be Just As " •
Fresh, Just As Colourful,
°., Just As Easy To'Clean. 11',11(1, • r.:
From Now: •
• APRIL /4, 1%6 • •
For Bruce Area
by John: C. McTaggart,
Assoc. Agricultural Representative
Bruce County,
We are getting, closer to the '4-1-1
Organizational Meetings in Bruce
• County and although we mentioned
the age qualifications in our last
release we still find many question
about thentand will repeat them.
The age for. ‘4-1-1 Meenbers is,12
years of age by January 1st, 1966,
' and not over 21, by December 31st,
1966 -. Junior. Dairy calves and,
Beef Heifers for breeding purposes
must be born. between January 'lst•
and May lst, 1966, whereas. Sen-
ior Dairy calves and Senior Beef
Heifers can be born betWeen July
lst and December 31st, 1965.. Baby
Beef SteersandMarket Heifers
must bave; been born between „July
lst and December 31st, 1965.. The
4-H organizational dates have now
been set for the various locations'
in the county and are as follows:
Teeswater Beef, Dairy,' and Field
Crop Clubs, Monday, April llth,
8,15 p.M.• Teeswater Town Hall;
Wiarton 4-H Beef and Dairy Clubs,
Tuesday, April 12th, 8.15 p.m..,
Wiarton District High School; Rip. -
ley Beef and 'Grain, RiPley-Kinc-
ardine Dairy Club', and Kincardine
Beef and Grain Clubs, Wednesday,
April 13th, 8.15.p.m.
ine District High School; Lion's
Head 4.-H Beef Club, Thursday,
April 14th, 8,15 p.m, , Anglican
Parish Hall; Tara 4-1-1 Beef,, Pair/
and Swine Clubs. Friday, April
15th, 8.15.pon„ Tara Legion
Hall; Port Elgin 441 Dairy Club,
Monday, April .18th,. Port Eigui
Libtarylbsemerit; Mildmay 4-1•1
Dairy Club Tuesday, 'April 19th,.
8.15 p.m., Mildmay Fire Hall;
Paisley' 4-H Beef, Dairy, Grain'.
anci*Swine Clubs, Wednesday, Apr-
ir2Oth , 8,15 p,tn, Paisley Town
Hall; Tiverton 441 Beef Club°, '
Thursday, April 21st, Tiverton
Library, 8.15 p.m. , Chesley 4-H
Calf Club,, Monday, April 25th:
.8,15 p m., Chesley District High
School. • • •
Any farm boys and girls 'who
havebeen 4-H members before or
who wish. to join nre to he at the .
above locations the night of:their,
respective ineetin&i.' • •
. The' Bruce County 1 -log Producers
are offering an incentive to 4-11
members not only to join 441
Swine clubs, but to purchase better
Quality stock,' They will pay $5.0(
to a 4,1•1 member on his or her
completion of the project if the
gilt purchased is, out of a registered
sow and by a boar whose dam has
a•score of 80 on the old system
or 77.9 on the new system in 180
'days 4X less. They will pay $10.
00 if the dam has a score of 75 or
over on the old system or 77..0 or
Over On the new system in 190 day.
Or less and the sire must be out
of a dam with a scOre. of 80 on the
Old system or 77.9 or over on the
the home of Mr., and Mrs.
Kelvin Henderson on Sunday,ev
ening where a "chimuey fire was
out of control. .Smoke damage
Candidates for Confirmation
from St.. Li1teQ4 Anglican cong-
regation were Joyce Wilkin and
Dan 3317ITTlett011 Confir* mation
service was held at the Church
of rhe essiah, Kincardine., 011
Sunday eveninR, April 3. Bishop
AppIeyard , 'conducted tne'conf-
• inflation service,.
Mrs. Donald Courtney and co-
hctesses served a delicons supper
week for U1.11Z 2 of P•in Rzver
. '• tam. Cointney's boric last,
United Church. Mis,. Jack Liddie
of the sixth concession was also
JOries, :MerNallgbien. Seeds have •hoes far 'Unit 2 and Serlieti
Provided 'residents to 'Western On.. .
bountiful suoper ather home -
tarifa with reliable and'dependable -
malts for *ears and years. TA* 14°TVI. Ne3i?ju rgturried
..experience vidtb the soR woes za* home on Sunday from Kincardine
climate peculiar„ to this area, has Flospital where she has been a
made the ..lons*, ManNaughton et- patient for titrweeks follOwinc
parts completely •familiar with an „accident a: her battle;
• the ,Ftrabr that: are best suited,. ,, and hts. Harold Thomson
anc Miss Snirley Thrmisiin.
t/11 Can. be ' sort of 8tifil44111 i't4tari4S arle Nfr „ and' Larry
results from all' Jones..iklaolNiaugh-
Th, visite
tot. 'farm, seeds, true to variety inin-'3F* b.* Niagara
sold higt in germination. They ,a1 the weeRend „.an..l;.
know your needs' and fulfili iheni DaTrY:1,5thitt and attendee gtrviPe
exactly! ,a Pine Ttiv= Jared Church,
Smit ane'Nt ;
always enjoyed the reputation:of 111. .5.-Inlef smelt= trans:-- •
offering full value -- the bad erreC Their =militates -Et Pine
,iguali• seeds at fair low prices. :rveribnited ,thurch..
AlwaYs demand 'seeds•from 4fines, Vrisser, Csamoher, •
'io's leading seed specialie.s. . .
Nt. and lt.. El. •
huild.inE ne'. rine at °
.7.1;erfunt ihnn=rtar;„ fttssmt
o,,far. ant.r.iner. 4..mr::Z"
rhe' fundazint 12 WeL
and t,t-7,•,;• Ikterierige:
and Mr. and ivts,P=tr.
vi3itee civet' the v„ititerid wur
.•frend ir.neay.. Michtgar. •
Mr. and Mrs;
ten, harle. ttatid
and ..,-•,,ordort, and v. ith Mr, and
EXETER . • 23,4430
' CREDI,T0141 • 2344363 Lovtry rine farnil,.;
new system 10.0 days or less,
.This latter qualification for the
boar is the same qualification re-
quired to get a $10?00.•premitirn
from. the Bruce County Hog Pio-
' ducers; • .
The Bruce Coutuy Junior Farm
have pretty well completed their
list of Century Farms and every°
concerned will be getting a.lette
• from thein within the .nex.few
• weeks giving further details,
• The Wallterion.Junior.Farm
brought honour to Bruce County
this past week when they won die
Zone Drama"e.stival among
Huron. Bruce and Wellington Co
• Mies., The Walkerton...Nay was
entitled•"the Glorified Brat” and
directed by Mrs. Carl Remus;
Walkerton also won three of the
. four awards presented at *the 1,)ra
Festival. . Vic'Butchard was best
actor and.bianne Noll was best
actress: LOreen McCOrrib was.
named best supporting actress'.
• The Walkerton group will now
.present their play in. Provincial
Competition at the War MernOri
Hall, 0: •A, C, Guelph, onSat
urday, April 16th. at 8.15 p rn
According 10 one scientist, the
human brain could store about 50
tunes more information than is
contained in die 9,000 volumes o
the Library of Congresi.
• Social security pensiod,costa U.
employee $30 tap in 194 now it
$277; watchbow Canadian pen
:Sion-costsg�. ..
Model FOG32, 22.5 cLibiC fket hOlds 788 lbs. • Model FDG92;
29.0 cubic feet holds 1014 Ibs. 4, Both models feature: Slim:.
Wall Construction with Polyurethane. insulation • Nylon
covered:: pie rack, two removable dividers, two, removable
,storage baskets' (Model FDG92 has 3 baskets) Defrost Drain,.
water rnay be drained off with an ordinarygarden hose. •
gignalite goes out' when power fads, also shows safe „Olierat
in g temperature • Automatic interior floodlight • Sea I- Tite
rid is counterhalinced. • . Two ice cube trays and scraper
Built-in tumbler lock .• Adjustable temperature control , •
Wrap -.around freezer coils. • .Porcelux enamel liner • 5 Year
Food Sp011age , Warranty • One Year ,Warranty. on entre
freezer . • Five Year Warranty on refrigeration system
Dinensions: Model FOG32, 361/21., 323Ait'di• Model
7-- , FijG92,-78"w., 361241'h.;,32ird. Above dimensions without
lid 33.147h., without hinge and handle 27"d • .
• . I .-. •.
. • •
• Canacren WestingliNs e Conipany Witted. Continuous product'
improvement is a Westinghouse policy, therefore prices, speCi-
,fications and models are subject to change without notice.'
imatisemals.1 imam
rest Hardware
Locknow Stores Will Be Open Ali Day ThOrsday And Saturday
Evening thit Week.•
Ciased All Day Good Friday