HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-06, Page 20n yJ,y n
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.1)00,04n' Theatre. Goder ch•
. ror 1966 Season .
Color Cartoons., At Evora' .Performailee•
t.N,T Shaw 8:00 p.m. and 10:55 . p.in. •
ZOMBIES At 9:30 p.m. '
APRIL 10th
Big Horror Double Bill
he House Of Fright
, SHOW STARTS. 11:00 P.M.
MON.,' TI. APR ]
Mr., and ,Mrs,i Allan MacCharles
of Arkona spent last weekend in
Lucknow with'his mother, "Mrs;
John MacCharles, and other rel-
Allan has received the appoint-
ment of Postmaster at Arkona.
After two weeks training at Forest
he, will assume his new duties.
Mr. and. Mrs. MacCharles. have`
resided: in Arkona since 1946.
Mrs... MacCharles is the.former '
..Mae MacDonald of St. Helens,
,They have two boys,'A1ex, who
is attending Parkhill:High School;
and.Brian at borne.
Federation Honor
Florence Elliot
The, Huron County Federation of
Agriculture, directors,, commodity
groups, and their wives held a
social evening'' in Carlow Commun-
ity Hall to say "Goodbye to Flor-
ence Elliott." •
A good card game was enjoyed
by all.
Charlie Thomas, Fresident of
Huron County Federation- presented
Mrs. Elliott with a lovely 3 piece
.luggage set.
Mrs.. Elliott thanked. all for their
' best wishes; Cake and ice cream
were then served, .
Wedding rings are placed on the
third. finger of the"left hand be •
cause of an old Egypt ain belief
that a nerve ran from that finger'
to the heart; . '
rat on Man1roTResgn.OfflceAsk e�de
After: Posting To Pro Tem Bean Board
t co•o erative movement, tun -
At a Board'. of Directors meeting
of the Bruce. County Federatio n, of
Agriculture held in, Walkerton on
March, 4th, the Ontario, Farm Prod-
ucts Marketing Board was severely
criticized fn their recent action in
dissolving the Ontario .White Bean
Growers Marketing Board, . The
•Federation also opposed the appoi-
nting of Executive members of
the Ontario Federation of Agricult-.
ure and` marketing:organizations
as trustees of the three man pro
tem Bean Board, 'and asked the
Ontario Farm Ptoducts Marketing
Board to return to the producer el-
ected board their proper ,and elect-
ed rights immediately,
• The Directors are also asking
that one of the pro tem Board •
members, Roy Coulter, who is
also a member of the. OFA, Execu-
tive, be asked to resign from.the
OFA Executive immediately, as. he
is now. a civil servant which is-
contrary to OFA 'policy,on produc
er controlled marketing.
The Federation `feels. that since
there is no recourse under the Ont-
ario 'Farm Products Marketing Act
to protect the growers rights and .,
no provision for,public hearings for.
producers to hear complaints when'
a dispute arises between the Ont-
ario. Farm Products Marketing'Boa-
rd and the local marketing ,board.
that the Ontario Farm Products
Marketing Board .should give a fuhl
explanation for" their action. :The)?
felt: a. full explanation is especially.
necessary due to: the fact that:prev.
ions investigations failed to: prove
discrepancies ion` the 'fact. of. the
Bean. Board ;and any recommenda
.tions, that were made in these in-
vestigations had.been fulfilled .
In other business; the: Federation
also endorsed Bruce County coun
cils brief asking for a community . .
college in Bruce County to serve
the four counties' of Huron, Perth,
Grey, and Bruce. . They are also
asking that all Bruce County High
Schools be approached,'rt
and pa-
icularly Walkerton with ,its expand
ing facilities, to implement the
''green house approach• in agricult-
ure training; It is felt' that: the
livestock barn method is no longer
adequate for advanced training in
Agriculture,. and 'in all too many'
cases .agriculture is.being, ignored
and not placed on the curriculum.
The .Board of Directors heard 'Mr.
Curtis Smout, Personnel• and.,Mem
ber Relations Director for United
Co-operatives of Ontario explain
*h p
chops and Philosophy. The co -pop.
erative movement got its first real:.
'start' in 1854 in England. In Can-
ada -it started in the early 1900's
and one of the, first Co -Operatives, ,
was at Malcolm: in Brant•Township
'in 1914. Today over four million
people •are members of 3,000'co-
opsin. Canada doing about 1 1/2
Million dollars of business which
represents ' about 4% of the nations
economy. In Sweden, Co-ops
supply 260/0 of•the consumer goods.
.purchased. He defined a Co-op-
erative as anorganization. or :bus-
iness interested, created and,own
ed by its members to provide '
them' with needed goods and
Ron Slade, Fieldman for the Fed-
eration. reported that the 19Q6
Folk School would be held 'in 'Var-
ney from April 10th to 14th. Vic
.Morrow of the Rural Learning Ass;.•
ociation will. be co-ordinator and
the theme will. be••Let's.Commun-.
irate''. Applications: are now be-
ing accepted from Grey -Bruce res- •
idents over the age of.16 to attend.
Interested participants are invited
to contact their township Federa-
tion director' for further infortna-:
tion or write to the federation of
Agriculture, Elrriwood.
President; Cameron MacAuley
;reported that the. OFA is presently.
`conducting a Crop Insurance Sur-
vey which the Insurance Committ-
ee have beenstudying:and are
making recommendations from
Bruce County..
•THURS. FRI Si.TsAPR1L 71-9.
'Pleasure Seekers'
: Annt Marparat, Carol 'Lynley '
Adult 'E. ntertainment ..
Technicolor '
Seaside wingers
Freddie end Dreammakers
Royce and Music in Spain
FREE PASS to Every Driver,on
• Thursday Nhphte
50th A n,niversary
Hold:: Open House
(Whitechurch News)
On Tuesday Mr.' and Mrs. ;Earl
Caslick celebrated their 50th wed-
ding anniversary by holding open
house. During the afternoon 55
friends,; neighbours called to wish;,
them congratulations and bestow
their gifts. In the evening there
were 7 callers besides their
irnmediate relatives to complete...
the.. days celebrations.
On Wednesday . attending the
meeting, of London Conference
United Church Wor ret n 'W nghatn
were Mrs. Robert .Laidlaw, Mrs.
George Thompson, Mrs. Milian
Moore, Mrs. E. Sleightholm . Mrs.
Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Russel Gaunt,
.Mrs.. Ezra Scholtz,' Mrs. Albert •
Coultes. •
Mrs. Maud Haggitt returned to
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Victor
Emerson on Friday .after a 2 week'
visit wifh her sister, Miss Lila.
Emerson. • '' '
ard Mrs., Lorne Howes of
Teeswater spent Saturday evening
with Mr. and•Mrs, Carl McClen-
aghan.' •
Donald Gaunt of Kitchener spent
the weekend with his parents; Mr
and Mrs. Russel Gaunt.'
• Clark. Johnston spent the .week
end with the militia at Carnp
Mrs. Elwood Groskorth spent a
few days last week .with Mr, and
Mrs, Paul••Groskorth and Shauna
of Toronto. •
Using Departnaant of Agriculture .reoommendations as a .basis,
will recommend • a mixture of • ..quality name -variety
,seeds.' These, will be b 'with preecrlptlon accuracy in the
*elusive COOP Seed Mfket.