HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-04-06, Page 12FO, aolthta•ts3unsel *IQ fair price on a Ittolitunent Vitteeti.Y designed Item quality material, ' rely on Sauget!) Township said tui his rnun icipalities foxes were shoe w h had: no ears.. , "They, are just taking the ears off for the bounty. and letticg the foxes go, he ciainsed. w weft. n Ova tt and Betty. Co/well. Douglas and Waiter Diek e rep, resenilted-S%th• Hinny 14P. S. at the Ptethrety of Maitland 113111held iaa gat l'tcesbytt roan Cht r h, G erric@A, on airy. : Mr. 'and .' 113 d Ar ►t pi ng- aU vititedl. viitla Hot. and Wirt. Ht tot Cookirn Kitchener on •Satiela$.' `Am Viarrailton •a 1 Garry Monera cin lei on Monday for Western rn Canada. Thy atnay: co s .ffait , ' westat Davison Cbz., 8 C. hit, Robert Gilchrist was, down to London on Sunday to visit, her . father, Mr, Lawrence Stewart of Kincardine' rditne 'whoa has been a pat- em in St, Joseph's Hospital for . three weeks. , • • Acts, Donald Maclnnnyre was .AtIppiying; for *Mrs. D. AdnEWan at. Kianflough school last reek. ° ii•G�$ Hatvey'Bouston was guest. a Tea at Pinkerton Wednesday afltertneaein in honor of Adis Bernice !Bitten; R. N fformer Staff mem- ber of Victoria Hospital, London. Miss 8itrell is ;being aanatried Easier week. • Kenneth Houston, University of •, Guelph, spent theweekend at his hoitane•at Ho yrood Report. No, 2 : A few ' weeks ago, I made a statement during '..a ' luncheon ad- dress that we at the Centennial Commission: in Ottawa ire' so.busy . we l don't have time for coffee prig raj,..�f,1nI ha)I�t ithe ttiie� �G IrFWW. • elf nut tr i.M.. rr fe)) r'j r t 1. 0 a.�1tT1�it tie, ff• 1 ( si i t 'X. la -1 tion a illvav E 1.F1` r rs'tsiY vile, rat 1*, , • tri i. €i4 pow i!afa zorfirte$RectiOxidtr 5 "` "°owttzo f9al?il .rM' chichi:t tilt Hsa1 ii . l:, i si i, •Vic°Fiftoirfe5,. viz at 11.-odosmnfeAll 'pot L Y4� i.+r Y, ca'�'a''.�.+t #'�X➢t%`�."„' I.YY ''"1' �""7'i.Jr i f .. ,Tripi<t x' t.11': °'r*fir .fitiptettor l.he' day I . was passing an 'open. door in our..; office: bualdl. ung and ' was jolted by a scene which belied. My remark of the 'day before. Two Commission itaff members were in spirited 'conver- sation -- over ° coffee l Only . the fact' than the tine was S:15 p.m. (after office hours) softened the shock to the sensibilities of a stern administrator. , I was imvited tato the .session. Thetwo youngstafferswere Mar - reel X, a French Canadian, : and Jun: Y, an English Canadian, who. bad conte to Ottawa a couple of months earlier ;to Cen- tennial G - to + l proje s. • • • • • "We have ase' Mme - w iog e e$ about the Fathers of 'Confedetationr remarked. Mar - cd X, 'For. !e, I d : root aeciallort, that I name to work t tr" try lifer was is a time a smattatist. tr1't tars' ,nesstuts satoma eat Sr .. Cees- , Caen lin e a rebell Camiehttafizotikt ; ice• " , .eif tvokiv nn ,' I�tYL 5111 r. callimartet ), the ieiran�.r,i for lxr1' coram: 1. sou till •tBniTdi. 'kc their toomitittiqn* 41 $rim : I° .1bliizig too " t i" coni - w {� Ltit. t' Nie otr: 'off the t3i(df9t Lilt r°r'l'' 11**troldelltlatillom -, by JOHN W., .FISHER' CENTENNIAL COMMISSIbNER fumed against confederation yet be joined Sir John A's' first gov . • eminent Nov, 16, 1869. (How ironical ' that on oar :Centennial train we will show his: printing: press winch he used to whip con- •'•federationl) I believe that invoiwne nt in the 1967 cejebrataans • •wil give .'Cana diaiig;through' their r *bsODrlti s of history; a better tiOdesitancfing • of themselves and their place in their country and in the world - We Canadians in 1967' should be in a mood to look at history c mty and objectively ' and I 'believe that when we do this we will be belpma to create in' ourselves a tolerant attit>ide which, Will ..eahane our . • .: . approach to -some of today's prob • ferns' of -nationhood. The coffee Break tamed out . to be sooletof value' after all. I ..tAnnk that &scissions Of this • sort, P ; ate' 'st9tadepts with. their teachers "and pna lessors W le drat to tlm dsta'alag ` our Centennial ial Fear;, .are good for Camila. The l Coannission any engaged. with . C 's t ' cn a"Cennuntial pro- grams to .fie the gegen I beardaz' the coffee Dstring the nicirersOes irritant- a'se o.historical b s - :ateof triitotir. 'A:tomb. •:NeicEinctoareo L•' ar - 1. ' ' make .iiisits*tao F' ant' r i,j1UkI. 11181Ci"5 { ”. are {,., �y IThrigta :ammo tl'Ee latemitry.. 'Dame. Irk!! • 's athll t *hit ' tmo ithialt "the 'future int . Can - • Iluataktaaawv .11,:>1iT1te# 311 .YSYY11) `} n } C00;11%; t. tar.Y. t .;j1Q, raui{Lri 13, • Cr •ai 1q wal mitt -.11: d Wi. t0 $ „ . xs exit, was,itet zffOtt` 9I :SI ;; 1 ,• ;113„ i W enin„ .ArlinnIkurdhews •` .gni 'r . • A p e li;l<rrint;:xtti t ekti $e4eatim tip •i kruckl w aullataz ribtati ' EgliAkghtlellirti ¢,31 mum oma gpawail ai 11 es...i al 'iii fitlxritamrmwbut adier 7n1litta...3a '1ur: /1444314: 4b3 t ad• r3.sI:'{ 'v+eacr . A.: C_ !„ " lai �� Mid•+ � ,: '1}Yr�tty,li���l p}}� 'ifyiy4 Dia r, Wb 44Jyi/IUIYLYN✓p m1l .1db EfFirihtli aursonunzetit vV,tt5tureal• + !' , 1 ' � i i ' , • -Nan • g1Tr.irri i43kl° lu pax°- ; , • " • to ' .fel 4' 1:St .ry CLV.i;r 2•4"3%" "litlu 1'tt zr)46' Ma J1+ Inn - a1' i•• n . ' its' tinea• • tisk! 'tai}: EBF• i x i "atT Xfi' . Tartn1IIet1L~ t' - a av :313~3' '., " YuYr, te5i ' tttC .r'ii.y n. totiil i:ieaduU insurer er1fiC r" When you call 't12ZitYi1Trt; atlL #t x;c1LloC • 15ffits i 410111tr. tt, austi :filat utztenttyr;,• fit;{c eii . the szr.r c®ia. '41'� •t#xt;1r,• il� I�� q1 ft .T�IEt1r� .,, t,(;t1 cot nip}j1:.u119 .j' JLJ tTM 3. 301L, f1• 1 hitt i t tti ;3.t11x• f tt / :1: tan .efat$t,t'Frtli, ;onto, 3it�t; ` lci'.autt:i17re g} a •_ y uii �` nr r311.1Wi . Itiii lin i lar 41*tint >r.1l itx+. ."Y ,t` :' ' " #aft t1�,`., tri.: 7`.>.ai7T'ali l anit,r.b• .i1 x1tl.�tiL'L r1t L� din r e r7� 1y {. . Ky �� • �'t 11TTt:"t ar. . ''it#2;titIPJ :'wit"1that • ,t.,„ `t�Tadttt:?S,, ;t!It : n'17Irt+ iilk+Cs3'., .i,;11 ,, rti t"at , N kilrriaitzli., • Tot': t;' vtilt]am .4,t.""c 11;r '.f 1fItt rt .., 4tattiir'"t' ihrsActirixor .,y lAtil, x. y: int i1C.i .11 ':I " it ,. Ta• •The1I'ttir (�Itttlt?r>]ICi; zetttitiat :lAt. tit :t1t:,t'' ' &fairf ata. ;r tt: ..f 11th f 1 11ttlt Yl lt4t3" tt"` . r 1tti ti1'1rt IC'i1 �fr1tt i i'? ►litldu t1 At 1.191 ;.:111`4'1M" ,v, z Ivtirl tti:l��rttC� its."tt ' n tf 4:1it'; . 744:. ` halt 'hit' wt learnt : 'tri ltriis tint,,. ";: `at :3itt "fit •.tt#.8r' kD"r. - 'mar't .3'; I 7ttit i".ii 1hC1i'�t t".14L.utt": v. t siva I. ' % `?"., `'r;IC^`..ilt, : Lt1�1t :Its rata MY1tII. }xrlt .1 ..1:14 ,11r^ytt♦ !t .caret t}} ttWWt*rpt, xtitt ttz: '� ortt Arra v:w Y` rni.i t. .rt1rr - rum I)."«tyttt... '�ttt ..f1iir' kT 'Mit. 1'{crit .Set i� el TILT rvlttl ' . rty. 't'Y 1:1 t1°. , ' « t nut :ria. aril::. Tar''T'1rtl' ttlt �"raw7,� -. x i °11tc111 °klitiAa"111. 1°01r, ';',411...t TeAlita 4i":32111ie/t't �;iW riL t1 rt' I71" u °r' 11 !!!),*.r.,1:2 tat hit r_'t€911x1:'.'. `Let: ':ti l[[IU . •:1;41v