HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 24THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, , DAY, MARCH 301h, P'A$E: T1N.1'EI�T11'�"`rWWQr LUCKNOWONTARIO . � ' - ' WEDNESDAY, .,rre-rIn snea :•.I E X11 .__.its _ .. .. 'WILT` BRIGHTEN THE CEILING OF ANY ROOM ALSO A VARIETY OF, PATTERNS INCLUDING J. M:, TILES 'ARE EASY TO APPh.Y' AND ARE WASHIBL•E :REMEMBER THE BOY ;SCOUT • PAPER DRIVE :.APRIL 14, 19M FARRELL - LOHNES Ripley United Church was the . . setting for .the wedding of Char- line har line Elizabeth Lohnes •and Douglas JOhn Farrell on Saturday,, March 19.. The bride is the daughter of. Mr:; and Mrs, Earl Lohnes of Rip- ley,' and the groom's parents are Mr.•. and Mrs.. Gordon' Farrell of; R. R, 4, Ripley. Rev. George Ball.: officiated at ,the double ring ceremony, and the.wedding music was- furnished: by Mrs. William Graham at the organ. , The bride, who Nit as.given in marriage by her father, chose a • street -length gown of pale, blue peau de soie.. She wore a should- er "length veil and carried a •bou- quet of white carnations.. .. The bride's mother wore a • pink lace dress with three-quarter ;length jacket, and navy access • cries. The groom's mother wore a white snit, with nary `accessor- les. ID Miss Marlene Raney of London was the maid of hbnourr and. Miss • Ruth McLean of Kitchener was the bridesmaid.` They also wore pale I. blue gowns and ,matching head- pieces, r Mi. Ronald Funston of Ayton Was groomsman and. Mr;. MurrayThom - pson, °of Ripley, ushered the guests. Guests.were present from Toronto, London,; North,B'ay,. Newmarket and other points. • A delicious. buffet luncheon was, served in the church basement. , by the U. C W. and in the evening :. • a reception and dance was held in the Ripley town hall, with a huge crowd attending. Douglas Farrell is on•the staff of the .Bank *of Montreal in Toronto. and "Mrs, Farrell teaches in a pub• lic'school.,• They will reside in Toronto, Miss Joanne Hunter, bride -elect, was honoured last Friday evening whenher relatives, and .neighbours arranged a miscellaneous shower for her at -the Parish Hall, Lucknow Mrs. Lou Parker.,' acted as "chair- man for: the following program. A piano solo by •Nancy Walden; - readings`by Mrs.Harvey Webster, Mrs. Jim Arnold, .Mrs. Ron Forster; contests by Mrs. Roy Keane, Mrs. Bill Hunter; concluding with/a humorous mock wedding, staged. by Mrs. W. G. Hunter; Mrs. Ches ter •Hackett,. Mrs Lorne. Hadkett, Mrs. •Alex • Hackett, Mrs. D. A. Hackett, Mrs, Maris Mathers, Mrs. Jim' Armold,'•Mrs. Lou. Parker, Mrs. Bill Hunter.- , . The bride was assisted in open- ing her many lovely gifts"by Mrs. Bruce Johnston of Forest, Patricia Thompson and Mrs. Terry. Pym of Kitchener Mrs. Roy Keane • of Stratford. A social'hour followed. Joanne isthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon,Huiter of Luck - now and is presently on the teach- ing staff of Forest High School.: One VOte Mujority'AuthorizedHurOfll'O, Join Midwestern Ont. Devlopment Assoc GODERICH. - Three recorded ` Aaron and report- at next session.. votes and, one show of hands punct- The comrnittee; the -warden, chain' • uatcd a; crowded one -day session of man, of the EMO eotrimittee and Huron"county council on Friday: chairman of the warden's and .per- sonnei" committee. {deputy (1A f $3,138',375 reeve George Wonch, Clinton, .and nrcelcu7'in:updrrintial grants) was, . deputy reeve Elmer :Hayter,.Stan- approved,- ' a grant to Bluewater ley).• Rest Home at Zurich turned down y again, an Arbitrator appointed in "There was quite ..a little discuss - the. Tuckersmi h, school case, and •• ion'that we are not getting value :a number of salary increases ok'd.' for our money ,."' said . Mr., Hayter. Closest vote. of the afternoon,:'" "It is no fault of Mr.Forbes, who. 19 to 18-- authorized county mem- i dofing a good job, but. whether bership•in'MidWestern.Ontario Dev- or not: it is of any value to the elopment Association at'a fee of .county we are asking a committee $5 ,p50., which covers the local to .study,," municipalities.. The amount was, •` . Adoptin the. report, council in- . added to the already' presented creased the salary of Dr. R. M. , 1966 budget. • Councillors did not- Aldis; MOH to $4;500 plus; 4 like the idea of trying to collect $1,000 car allowance, and that of from municipalities not in favor, the deputy clerk -treasurer ,B. G. of joining:. . Hanly,from $6,300 plus $300 car. Midwestern membership came allowance to $6,500 plus $600 car .up in a report' of thewarden's and allowance. Clerical categories personnel committee, which ' forthe staff are eliminated, and: a made no. recommendation. At single category established, with; suggestion of Reeve Grant Stirling,salary range of $2,400 to $4;400. •. Goderichtownship, the report was The warden;is to get $800 hereafter. taken clause by clause. , with Reeve:.Session pay• for councillors will•be. • Stewart'Procter of Morris presiding $20 a day. plus mileage, iristead.of. over committee of the whole: , $18, . and committee pay also $20 "What are the benefits for a plus mileage,• instead' of $15., both rural municipality?" enquired de- effective April 1,'1966. puty reeve Delbert' Geiger;' of Hay council decided against any •. ':We are trying to broaden out' change in the'; method of electing our program, replied W. ' G. the warden,. Reeve:.Duff Thompson Urquhart,. general 'Manager :of Clinton, had proposed at January MOM,' "and make industrial' and. • session that it be done by 'secret •' .agricultural benefit .moremean ingful for the, four -county area.' -The Federation Of Agriculture i°- ins us .at.zone level, and:has`two official representatives on the ,• . committee. to advise on agricult- Ural matters . Governments are coming to use the develop ment associations more than in the past. Nearly everything is' becoming regional; . Legislation_: is coming along, but we are ask ,ed -not to say it publicly; at present. Reeve A. D. Smith, Turnberry "1 think they are trying to do something' by the back door they could not: do by• the front. ' Our township has never :belonged, doesn't want to belong., and I. think municipalities should be ' able to belong or not as they wish. '1 don't think mymunicip .( by Alien Colwell) The Cougars opened the meet- ing;, Following dues and; inspect- ion, a game was conducted by tri Cougars. ' Bob Haldenby passed' his Ten-, derfoot knots and lashings. • Scouter Frank gave a test ,on ' first` aid tothe boys who were working on their second class, Scouter Currie gave a lecture on 1st class knots, n The meeting:was closed by the.Cougars. -until his: successor.. is..aappointed Mr.' Berry pointed 'out. Salary • of the county librarian w, a 'increased ,from a maximum of • $3'.509 to. $4, 000. The acting lib- rarian, Mrs. J. Pirie; has resigned, and, Reeve Duff Thompson, 'comm. ittee. chairman, said the. intention 'isto advertise, firstly, for a fully: qualified librarian, and secondly, at the same time for •a person with, qualifications sufficient to be considered °as acting county librar- ian.. Adopting the. property 'committ- ee report;' council. appointed Mn,: Friedel Nanz; as assistant curator at •the,museum, at $2,60Q,' It authorized purchase of courthouse office equipment As .follows: add ing machine, $202.50 ,..and elect- ric :typewriter $517:50,, f or:the. • surrogate court office; filingcab.; ballot, "to remove a tendency for Met and. secretarial desk for the patronage to creep into the elect-. family court Office; .electric'type- .ion." y writer, $511,50, dictaphone unit, • One change,.. however, is. -that the •$485,, and filing cabinet ,S132, •. outgoing warden will€preside-at the, for clerk -treasurer's office. "Miter beginning of each inaugural' session, We have such good' personnel work. °:ing for us, .we'have to give there ;good equipment' to work with," said Chairman :•.Procter. after which the clerk will conduct the vote. "The warden is electedto office' alitysent me here to force them into it.... It.:ls _like a closed.' ipp. _" Mr. Urquhart: "I am:working for you and for this area and 1 am doing the most effective job only if I work 12 months trying to promote development; in the area., -The .time spent in going around- soliciting revenue' is reallywasted in the total job. We are' tying to cut this to a minimums° as to get, on with the job." Reeve; C. E. Boyle, Exeter: "We feel these associations are 'a must, • not only for •urban but rural munic • ipalities, and we have joined the Lake Erie Association as well." Reeve Smiths "Is there any auth- ority to join, in the first•place?" Mr. Berry: "Oh yes. we have authority to join.''• • • Reeve Minnie Noakes, Hensallr "My municipality dropped out of it, but I feel; • especially with the international plowing match com- ing up and Huron being inthe limelight;' we should be looking for economic' development in the. county as a�whole, not only rnun • icipalities.": . Reeve. John Corbett, Hay: 'Two members were not present. It 'was a pretty slim vote." A terriber: "So was the County Dome, vote. " • • ' • The comtnittee reportedthat it • was "concerned with the monies • being spent on the Emergency Me- • asures program, not only in our county But tliroughout the province; It recommended establishment of 'a committee to study 'thefeasibil- ity of the program as it affects Mr. and Mrs.. David Bunce:spent the weekend with -Wm. : Macdonald Mrt..ban Wylds is again a pat- ient in Wingham Hospital. Sharon West of London was home for the weekend/ George Foster with his daughter Donna of Rodney visited with his niece, Mrs. C. Howes, on, Sunday Mr. arid Mrs, Wm Rogerson and child of Toronto were weekend guests with Gordon Finlayson. Church School will begin in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on. April 3,. at 10'a.m. $20.00 IN PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN FOR HOME -SEWN 'AND READY-MADE DRESSES CARRUTHERS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION ;COO . LUNCH WILL BE SERVED .