HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 20VIE M .J� • at Mai son' was ish 189 'I Pat Bob Gib We n c'y" �, t...��J �, ° Irj ,r,•a 7 M •.--�4r^, ,7 r',f. n .',��.,:. � Si.,ic��(. � �"� �Q�•1` .i 1i•.f� �a 1sr t;r t,,�F .; THIN LLUcKNOW .LUICKPIOWs ONTARIO • •. • 's 1 . Following a .motion at the board Meeting of the Wingham and .Dist• rice Hospitai on Friday evening, the Ontario Hospital .Services Com- ' rnission'hasbeen asked to'erect a. new training school. • The motion concluded a lengthy • discussion on the advisability of renovating the present training school building, The structure, which is the former, nurses' rest • dence on Catherine•St. , would require extensive and costly alter. ations to make it:su,itable. as a permanent school building. Cost of such a renovation program' was. testimated .at $484000 by the hosp ital's ar-hiitects, Dunlop, Ward- • 8 . • ell, Matsui and Aiken. • The building is used for the training of registered nursing assis- tants. . • NOT RECOMMENDED. • A• letter from D.N.Teasdale,• director of'the'hospital planning • division of O.H. S. C,, indicated that the Commission would not • ' approve the '$48,.000 expenditure on the,present building. The board has been informed that 0. H.S,C. • will •assure 100% of the. cost of ;a• new struet'ure. The 'present 'present building.will be removed if the replacementprogram is app- roved. -/ • BUY INCINERATOR On the recommendation, of the `property committee the board ' agreed to purchase a new gas-fired. incinerator at a cost of $395.00•, ,which will handle both kitchen waste and pathological substances.,. Prices as high 'as $2,500 had been • quoted'for such equipment during the. past .few months. SEEK ASSISTANCE • Another iter in the property . committee's report provided,quot • . aeons on the repair and replace- ment of the'•,elevator in the 1946 wing. The lift has been giving • serious trouble forseveral years and has now reached the critical stage. Costs for repairs ranged upward from $15.000, while replacement figures were in the $25,000 bracket Since all availablefunds areear- marked, for the current renovations and rebuilding. program. on the hos pital•bu.ildinbuilding, it was decided to g . seek an appointment with the.app. ropriate officials' At• T,oronto. • • • . „It is hoped that financingof the, elevator repairs may be.incorpor- ated with the -general building• -..Program. • . E E. Walker, property comm.' fttee chairman, also,outlined the major jobs which have been ' handled by the engineering and' ' maintenance staff, COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Chairman •H. H. Hotsoa gave the highlightsfrom the statement for February with total expenditures at $110.218. • - . Barry 'Wenger, chairrn,an ofthe management, committee, reported a total•of 86 persons on the nursing staff during the past month. , Mrs. I•. E Morrey, administrator, listed statistics. for thepast month: •:154 admissions., 14 births., 145 discharges, 9 deaths, 70 operations 126 ' out-patients, 375 at -rays, 4'• blood transfusions, 876 -laboratory procedures, 49 electrocardiograph is examinations, 45 at cancer clinic. Patients days totalled .2,101 for a daily average of 75. ' It is expectedthat patients will he moved to•the new second storey wards the first dr' second week in April Building chairman J.V. Fischer ••reported that progress is up to schedule at present, being, about 62% complete. • .P; R. •'PROGRAM ' DeWitt Miller, Chairman of the :pitbiic relations committee said that he had met with heads of the• • various hospital departrt ents and • had suggested a combined comm* lttee wh bei„ would :include some staff members. Purpose of the committee will be to relate the,story of thehosp- ital and' itsservices to the public. It is also hoped to, arrange for a speaker who could address service. clubs. and other interested groups, . Board Chairman R.B.Cousins. reported ona• meeting of the exec- utive committee .held on•Thursday, The boiler room contract. he said, has beenconipleted,.with the exception ,of adjustments to be 'Tirade because of an oil.'stain on, the west wall of the building _ and two valves on the boiler: sys- tem which are not satisfactory. The balance of the, payments will now be made to the contractor, with a hold*oback to cover these two points. •• Mrs. Money announced that. a ' • courtesy accreditation' survey will be undertaken atthe hospital on March 22nd: • On motion,the board voted to seek accreditation for the. hospital. Calvin -Brick UC.W..held their meeting on Wednesday at the holm€ of Mrs. Ronald Coultes. The call. to worship was given ey Mrs. Alex.:. Robertson, who aI•so conducted the business•;. Arrangements for the bake sale to be held April 2nd in the Oddfellows Hall, Wingharn.,.. were as follows: Pricing committ • ee Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mrs. M: Robin son. Change committee Mrs. Roy Dawson, Mrs. Ronald, Coulters, Mrs. Donald Dow. All are. to contribute around $2 worth••of baking;' -.The Easter service will beheld, April 10 itt he church in the evening, when the messengers will be•invited and a film ,will 'be shown. • A . bus trip was planned to Toronto on May 17, when it is • expected the fare will be around $3.75. Mrs. John L. Currie gave the chapter on Brazil.;. Little Don- na Dawson received the offering which was dedicated•. by Mrs. Don- ald Dow . • Mrs. Gordon McBurney gave the'topic' "The Study of ." • (White rch stews) On March 24th Whitechurch Wo- men's .Institute held their progress *ive euchre party in the Commun. ity Memorial Hall with 20 tables taking part in the game. Prizes'went to high Man Gershorn Johnston who won on draw with 2 others, lady's high Mary Hehn, low .gent Albert Coultes, low lady Mrs, . Elmer Sleightholm, • novelty prizes Bill, Tiffin and Mrs. Jack Burchill,' It was decided to have '' one more party on April7,, when the 'east ladies of the'W'I. will' sponsor the party. Lunchwas serif veal by the village riem bets, • ' SCHOOL CARD*PARTY Curries School held a progress- ive 'euchre party •for the school •on Friday evening with 14 tables in play; 'Prize winners were high ... lady Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, low lady Mrs. Gershom Johnston., high gent Bert. Garniss, low gent Allan McGill, lucky draw Mrs. Ken Zinn, The older school girls supervised games and contests for. the young • fry': . Lunch was served by the teacher and her -assistants. Those attending the Presbyterial at Clinton from here were Mrs. Elwood .Groskorth Mrs, Clifford Laidlaw, Mrs. Millan Moore and'. Mrs. Albert Coultes . Those ate= ending fromCalvin Brick were Mrs.. Gilbert Beecroft, Mrs: Alex Robertson:, -'Mrs , Gordon McBurney and Mrs Harry Cook Mrs.' Gordon, Lyons and r. Murray • of West Waw nosh visited' on• Tue- sdaywith Mrs. Russ l Ritchie while the men attended Bill Evan's sale. Ruth. Coultes and: her friends, Marian Green 'and Barbara Evans, student nurses in training at. Guel- `ph Hospital, were Friday visito9rs with herParents, Mr.', and Mrs'. Norman Coulees,.• Youth". Records by Don Lonie were played. The scripture was read. responsively, Mrs. Arthur Jackson gave a poem. The Med- itation was ,' each' gave a verse concerning .youth. Mrs'. John Jamieson led in •prayer and. Mrs. Gordon McBurney gave a prayer and the . benediction. . YOUR DEALER 0 �umme � These EXHAUST SYSTEMS. ENGINE PERFORMANCE 'BRAKE .,LININGS • TIRES SHOCK ABSORBERS . ••••••••••••••••••••••IS• •a,. FAN ..BEL. T '... BATTERY. COOLING SYSTEM. STEERING `Dunlop fires and �4tlas Batteries Wheel Balancing and Alignment PUf.A:Tiget n Your Tank by William Whiting, Who saidthe people want to be informed?' Who said television should be educational?; Who cares whether the Gemini missions are :. successful?/• We had a primexample of that the other evening in the United States when all three American networks .cancelled and, insome cases, interrupted regularly-sched- uled.programs for news of the,emerr. gency Gemini splashdown. NBC had over 3,000 telephone •. calls of protest for cancelling "The. Virginian" and "The Bob Hope. Show". CBS had protests .when. they pulled pff the program "Lost in Space.". ABC had more. than 1,000'calls protesting three interr- uptions of "The Batman" MaYbe ft's time the network bosses took a look at their news operations for the purpose of anal yzing what the people really want.' Radio should, do.the •same, I have always felt that news' every:`30. minutes,, and, even every hour, isnot appreciatedi.by listen- ers' Unless. it's really . new .and earth shatteringy The sex -scandal in .Ottawa was. juiCy while it lasted' and. people were interested , but only for. about 48 hours; Newspapers' are: still trying to keep it alive, but it's a dead issue now The people don't really care anymore. The attitude is simply this: ,Don't dist- urb' my routine- I -want to see my regular programs every day and to - hell with worldsituations and, •problems; And God,help any government. or any government -appointed comp mission who tries to take away.en� tertainment and` insert news inform' ation or educational programs; on television: YEARS AND PAID OVER - 55,000,0000° IN CI.AIMS - pND OUR PLANS GIVE MORE BENEFITS AT COMPARATIVE COSTS 1 fore You Sign Up With Any Other Medical Care Pion, Look Ours Over And Compare BRUCE C0 -OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES c •r -c f: g tl •tl •tl 0 b r .y n y s tl • si •a ei IT s