HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 18'fHE LUUCNNOW $INTINIL. ILUCKNO1A► QHTANIO • EP .0004 .00 .GOPERICH,- Including subsidies, ,finer Blritneh explained'` In reply` Huron.county wiU spend nearly to -a :question by Reeve Duff Thom - $2,000 ,600 hom•$2,000,.000 this year in its roads peon Clinton, "is based on the department. On recommendation ministers promise that the mote of its road$ committee (Reeve Don we help ourselves, the more his McKenzie of Ashfield', chairman) department -will help us. Any council: boosted the mill rate for county rich enough to maintain °roads. from 9.30 to 9.75, to raise roads on 6 mills or less will. not $628.61 'by county levy, 'This ,.qualify for,DHO aid, If we go. compaks =with $580.096 in:1965. from 8 to 9, we go from 47%. to ' Grants and subsidies from the 10.0%, so we: gain 5STo.: . p •are estimated at $1•.335, "n the Khiva contract is, rovince "When , 000, compared, with $1,244,000 in set, we will owe the department the 1965 budget. $265,000, and , will not get any ' The general purposes levy is up until 'that is wiped' off," a mill and a quarter to 8, making For road, construction this. year,; .a total increase of 1..8 mills to17, $698;000 is=allocated, of which 30. Total expenditure for roadst " .tli county's share is $299,000. '; and generalpurposes is estimated' Principal items Road 27. Nile. at $3,143,725,• with revenue of north 7.miles, grading, granular $3,151,263 providing for a nom base,$268,000; road 13, Clinton final surplus of $7;338, west5 miles, paving, shouldering The. new mill rate "qualifies . cleanup,$60 . 000; Road 27, Nile the county for the maximum' am north, land and fence,,12 miles ount,of development road aid. $35,000; road 14 , Dublin north, the report stated. At 8..76 the: 2;50 miles; paving -by Perth county would have qualifiedfor county, $90,000; road 37, Air $136,500 for 1965 and also 1966. port road, 0.25 mi, grading, At' 9.3 the subsidy_ is. estimated at granular base, ,paving, $10, 000, $35 000'.plus additional develop- Bridges and culverts willcost ment road entitlement of about. $225 ; Principal items, the $100, 000 for 1965 and 1966 "cr Marnoch. bridge. in East W awa;nosh ; total D.H.O. money of $235 , 00:'.': $160,000; .'a 40 -foot span in .Con;. "The whole idea," County Eng- 8/9, Ashfield, $30',0u0, and a, ! ■. • ..■.■■..i, l.uu■■.: ■■.■ ■■ ■.�■: Iu S..i i'; f 111 ■ i;. ■ • ■ ■ mu • • 2-1965 Chevrolet impalas, 4 door hardtops, automatic, .fully:. ■ eNiPPed . ■. • ■ ■ ■,. i ■• • ■ . A Number . of 1964 Chevrolets, Pontiacs_ and Fords, is cylinders, ■. • automatics • 1963 ;Chevrolet, Impala, 4 door, fully equipped• •. Is 1962 Pontiac Parisienne . 4door-hardtop ••1962 Pontiac Laurentian, Automatic • i■. us 1962 ..Falcon, automatic, sedan ■ ■ .1065 Chevrolet Belair, V41,: power :sneering, automatic 1965 Meteor, 4 -door hardtop, V -$''automatic, hilly: equipped/ ■ ■ 2-1965 Pontiac Laurentian,sedans;automatic ■' 1964'Pontiac Custom ■Sport convertible, fury equipped i 1964 Meteor, V$ Automatic • 1964 Dodge Polara sedan, V -i, , fully: ,equipped ■: 1964 .Chevrolet I la, fullys ■. � equipped ■: .. . p 1962 Meteor.; sedan, standard • transmission i 11 1962 Pontiac •Stratochief,.4 door, 6. standard ■ ■ � 1962 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible ., ■ 1961• - Falcon, Automatic i ■ 1961 Ford, 6 cyiihder sedan standard transmission ' ' ■ ■ 1961 Pontiac • .Laurentian, sedan ■ 1960 Chevrolet,' 4 -door, standard, sedan ■ Number of '59 and 50 models ■• .• ■ STATIONWAGONS a yew product from I tial Oil for no with Atraziwe 65W as a post -mergence tram t • Corntrol 862 is an emulsifiable light mineral oil, Itis used at the rate of 1% gallons per acre with • 1.5'to 2 lbs. of Atrazine 65W which • effectively controls ,quack ,9rasa and annual grasses ■ controls. broadleaf weeds over a longer period. CORNTROL 862 has undergone repeated plot tests and field trials' over a three-year period and is now FULLY FARM PROVEN. Ontario tests have shown yield increases of over 20 'bushels per acre when an oil -water' emulsion is used with Atrazine at 1.5 lbs..- com ared to Atrazine zine in water only: • . Order your requirements of Corntrol 862 nowt BE READY TO GO WHEN .THE WEEDS. ARE READY TO GROW I CONTROL 862 OIL—AVAILABLE ONLY FROM YOUR IMPERIAL Esso AGENT GRANT CHISHOI.M LUd(NOW 30-foot'span• in. Con. 14/15,' • Howick , $15 , 00.0; : Second •phase of county :road; reversion to townships covers ;, 1147 miles; Road 2 from High- way .84 ighway'.84 toocounty road 10, ;2.35 miles, road 21 from Highway 8 to county.road 13,4.20 miles road 23 from Highway 21 to High- way ;86; 4, 82 miles. This will be effective when the bylaw is app roved in Toronto In addition, Reeve McKenzie; road chairman, read just before,. adjournment a list of 14 short sect- ions, technic ally designateddev- elopment road, being turned back by the countyJo local:,municipa17_ hies. ' "The .purpose," Clerk -treasurer Berry explained," is so the money can be paid :back 'to the local mun= icipalities o'a 100% basis this year; The money is paid •into.the,. general fund and used for any pur- pose. If•on roads, there will be, subsidyon that as .well," ' A• bylaw was •passed extending ■ I half -load restrictions to May 31, s': a inonth'•later than set out in the ' ■. me in .■ • ■ ■. ■ 1964 Pontiac, 9 passenger V-#, .Power• • Ste r k g i 1962 Oidsrnobile, Super 1111' • • ■ ■ TRUCKc 1964 _ Chevrolet ih Ton Pick-up. 1.963 Chevrolet, ' Ton, long box 1963 Chevrolet 44 Ton :Pick-up 1963 Chevrolet 1Ton Pickup 2 1962 Chevrolet 1, Ton Pickups 2 1962' G.M:C. Pickups 1962 Chevrolet '414 Ton 2 .— 1962 Chevrolet. ih . Tota pint-ups\i.. Highway Traffic Acta It•will not be.submitted for Transport Depart- ment approval unless there is a , late spring breakup The' county' engineer read to .council a statement of`1,000. words in reply to letters appearing in county weeklies recently. ' Cop. ies were distributed to members, ' II and the'county has facilities for ■ further distribution if desired. i. The writer of the letters had to ■ listen without comment, . but does • not think he should have to copy i a .1,000 -word statement for seven , 111 papers.' ,Mr. Britnell says the ■ statements made and statistics.. ■ used 'by the writer were " essent; .■ tally correct," so I will say the • same of his statement, except � the, final paragraph, which. de- •• mends immediate comment.. •It B 'e complains that t' have blamed st "almost the entire" increase in • . • Brussels Motors.. ■ ■ ■ ■ .Cities serv` Dealer P1 .173, Brussels n ■ is e■i.ialea, e•uhUai siii* IIKalimil onwpos oe iiiir F provincial debt of 78' million (in. • h 1964-65) on highway expenditure, Well, the government borrowed in that year on highway account. $68,725,996(See Accoun • is of Ontario) and: I leave it to the .county councillors whether that is close enough.. W. E. Elliott GODERICH. -"Some automotive engineers believe 22 good feat- ures could be incorporated in cars for better safety, and Simcoe •coun . ty council suggests that the. feder- al government take .the necessary. steps to see -that these features are added assoon: as. possible.. Huron council accepted a recommenda- tion of its legislative committee .that this resolution be concurred, in also a somewhat' similar one from Grey. county. 'The latter Called as well for compulsory driver training. • in secondary and vocational schools, Bruce sent along five resolutions, all of which won' concurrence. .Ori proposes that the federal govern- ment have, Parliament pass a 'law making the Bell Telephone Comp- any responsible for all costs when cables are located on municipal, •roads. "Since the price of farm mach- inery is steadily increasing and the quality in some instances deterior- ating;" the Ontario government is requested to investigate, and introduce legislation'requiring implement manufacturers "to provide repairs and services to the farmer, and that the repair depot be within a reasonable distance,' ' The minister of education urged to consider revision or grants to municipalities in outlying districts '• for construction of new schools or additions. • ` It is proposed' that funds be made available through ARDA to help bear the cost of establishing wwater'. . reservoirs in municipalities for recreation, conservation, . ground water level improvement, and general' rural improvement. Huron joined :Bruce in opposing "any action to`abandon' any rail= road lines in Ontario,, and adopted a resolution of its own: "we point.:! out that the rail facilities of the ` CNR. in the Goderich-Stratford area,should be reviewed by the. railroad authorities in view of .the deplorable conditions that existed during the recent Rural Municip- alities and Road Conventions." . •. 165 ' nacre , form, " one of the beet gyms farms .in this area, 45• accs. Just seeded down, ` plenty' of water $L750'. 100 'acre far. m,iwith.small . house and barn $7, 100 save fa=with good buirdings $12,000 ' * * * 50 buildings :' tee: farm, .very good near Wingbam ;10,000 50 etre farm, good bar • 7k' * :* 100 nacre tann with: lovely build. ings, +alio,milk house and 8,O0 broiler ck i p it. Total pritie including $1S,000' Very easy terms ' *. * *, CONTACT, 0 4 Marc' 'No, and i moue Scier! Co11a resin Fact erate now the, ri Shoe pev force l,ut eda the ftp ricts,; 200. asses iond ,Fos Alexi Orvil acre conA Fow 1E Town erson les sc Fly 0 ye Wm. �shf� ital. a critic was a trona: foam untee of wa' was c, 1th apoc ;and 'p Gr High: Don •ci Drent Gibs Johns} Ston. l C arri rence Gwen Tap( leave elect] 'A ngul Sat Harvi trapp: C. -van EYL BOX 193 PHONE' 528.3618 , 'AGENT: FOR JOHN : B05VEL0; REALTOR • BOX 353 MEAFORD, PHONE 411 ,••••••••••••••• • *, *WO'