HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 171Ki EDNESDAY, ,MARCH '341b, 1 044 � 1'6 qya• ,01i1' THE LUCKNOW NTINRL,, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .11.1.110. 11111111111011011, 4-11 ORGNIZA1PI(..* Moxa HURON COUNTY 'HO S .PRODUCERS' 4M' .SWINE :CI UBS GILT AND MARKET .HOG AT ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BOARD ROOM CLINTON,. THURSDAY, APRIL 1th, WS .P.M. • LUCKNOW.4.H BEEF CALF CLUB �• LUCKNOW 441 DAIRY CALF CLUB • LUCKNOW 4=H CORN CLUB DUNGANNON' MH BEEF .CALF CLUB DUNGANNON 444 DAIRY CALF CLUB . DUNGANNON 441 GRAIN CLUB AT LUCKNOW HIGH SCHOOL, FRIDAY, APRIL `1Sth at 2:1S P.M.' All boys and girls . who hava reached their 12th' birthday by .Januarylst, 1,K, find have not reachect fb lr 21st birthday by 0acambir`31st ,1tU era. *wind to loin oro of ffi, clubs.'` HuRON:couNTy: CLUB 'LEADERS ASSOCIATION LOCHALSH Finlay MacLennan. of Kitchener pent the weekend with;his parents, , and Mrs. D. A. MacLennan. • Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Rodgerson nd. Jimmie, and Mr and Mrs. J'au1 Emberlin, all, of.Toronto;` .pent the weekend with Mrs. .and rs. Gordon Finlayson and family.. Sympathy is extended' to the. • 3aikweh family: in the death of r. Herders: Barkwell, formerly. .f this area:., Mrs.. Dan Wylds is a patient in Wingham and .District.Hospital..: Mr. and Mrs.• Allan McCharles and Susan of Clarkson, . and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ,McCharles are enjoying a vacation in thesunny southern state of Florida, Mrs; Donald R. MacKenzie is spending .a . few: days in Londesboro visiting relatives. ' • Mr. and Mrs. D. F. MacKenzie have returned to their home at • Lochalsh after spending the winter in Wingham. "Stove Pipes" On a cold October day i'orrColbarne-wtrere;we-1tay For the summer • I went down to see The Druggist of the town ., : • To my question where is he, His good wife said to me Jack is puttin up 'the stove pipes . Which last season he took ,down. Ever since I was a lad' I'd forgotten people had Stich a sad and dismal duty to per form So I'said I'll wander back And just• take a look at Jack At hisannual performance And to sge his tempers nottoo warm There'he stood like once stood`'Dad Arid the self •same look he had As he .held two lengthsofstove pipes Which .eft sed to join at all • I'll declare from head to loot Hewas smeared' with, last years soot Just as black as my Daddy At that duty every fall... And I chuckled, when 'I heard Him repeat the very words •That my Daddy used•.to mutter When to link the pipeshe strove,. And I'll vow I, thought that day I could hear: my Mother say • Son, don't dare repeat: what Daddy says When he's puttin up .the stove.. Wm. Buckingham: ""wr, A r PAGE I�ii+RT N Russell Ritchie tread' the following Langsude adorers. and h!m. Scott presented __Honor and Mrs, Evans both replied fiat i �� --ingly # thankingthe friends and neighbours for the social time . and the gift. Everyone, joined in : . singing "For they are jolly good fellows', . Mr. and 'Mrr..B.ill. Evans, Dear Neighbours 'Neighbours come. and neighbours: go,. Their families widely scatter. The folks are left to carry on How long, it doesn't matter. There Comes a time when all farm "folk Just feel they should.; not be Complei rely tied wth jobs and cho- res . t entire relaxed and free. We trust. retirement will for you. . Be all you've ,.*earned dreamed 'twould be; In your dream home:' in the village Like a castle by the .sea. therewith a purse of money. Mr. `(Langside News) Friends and neighbours gathered at Langside Community Hall on Friday evening to:honour Mr. and Mrs1 Wm! Evans' who are leaving the community;, Progressive ' , euchre was enjoyed with high prizes going, to Wesley Young and Mrs. -Wes Tiffin, and:low , prizes to. Victor Emmerson and Mrs: ,Charlie Tiffin: Before .lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. Evans were called to the platform, Mrs. • Family HoOured ,... : Prior To M (Olivet. News) Mr. and Mrs: Herman Anger an Dianna were'hosts•on Friday even ing when neighbours gathered at , their home to honour, them prior •.to 'their'moving to W ingham. Euchre and: crokinole were enjoyed during the :evening. and prizes Were, won by 'Mrs. ' Ray Hamilton and Lynn Clayton. Mrs. Sandy McCharles read an address. and' giftswere; presented to Mr. and Mrs,. Anger. and Dianna, 'who re- pliedgraciously expressing regret • in leaving the community and ; inviting ; all •to.. visit,them in Wing - ham. ing-ham. ;Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christ- ie and . Brend a of Teeswater,`, and • Mrs. Jinn McLeod and Timothy of -Kitchener were present. Now Ns the , Time to 'Plan Your pang , `Seed�nq '.:Quallty.. and service .are: the most: 'important :commodities of ;your 'local Co-op. That• is why It pays to see your Co-op .first. #ERTIZER Your Cooperative Wert .you a. co npiste line 6U -quality fettn-. leers. Contact them now and arrange for` delive y or pick-up sof yaw spring tequhements.. Custom spreading and equipment leasing : W Got . a tractor but no spreader.? Need your fertilizer' applied fast? Them see your CO-OP and arrange the fertilizing: serviceyou, need:.. SEED GRAIN Supplies; of top quality seed grainare limited this spring due to the wet harvest season last year.. Order your supplies now! LU •. .yl, V• Convenient pick-up cuts costs. Yogi.' CO-OP BULK SERVICE CENTRE is stocked with fertilizers, that meet your requirements, . readyfor immediate pick-up. Using Department of •Agriculture •re mmendations as a basis he will 'recommend a mixture of high. quality name -variety seeds. These will be blended: with ,prescription 'accuracy in the exclusive CO-OP Seed Mixer,. KNOW DISTRICT C Phone - 528-2125' Rd r�C .66 When you have time to meditate On things,that were worth while "Twas hard work and achievement: reached, Fond. hopes • that made you 'smile.. Although ' you're not going far away -Our very best wishes go'too For many pleasant years of retire"; trent With. good health try enjoy them for: you. .Signed on behalf Of your friends' ' • .and neighbours. Fred and .Elizabeth Tiffin ". Bill and Donalda Scott. Charlie. and Gertie Tiffin Russ 'and. Margaret Ritchie • Sunday Schooh at Langside Pres- byterian Church will begin next, •Sunday,.Apri1,3, at 2 p.m, Chur- ch services will `be: at 3 p m.' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Letinips on the . birth of, a • daughter, .Thursday, Match 24,: at Wingham and District Hospital, a sister for Joanne, ,Jean.and Henry. John McKinnon, formerly of • Langside,. is a patient in Wgham and District Hospital.: We wish hirn improved health. MOVE TO WHI,TECHURCH A .good crowd attended`the-sale • on Tuesday . at the, farm of Wm. � Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Evans mov ed this Monday to 'Mrs.. Claude Coffin's house at Whitechurch;• They plan to. build a'.new: hotrte on . a lot east, of Victor Emmerson's.: White -Church , ,Little Patsy Scott of B elgrave : 'visited hit ,week.with Mr. and • Mrs.. George Young, , •Ken •Young, Thamesville, ' spent the weekend, at the home. of his parents.: • :Joanne Lennips has been visiting at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. John Askes.. and lean Lennips. at the home .of Mr. and'Mrs.. Peter De Boer. Sharon and'.Steven McNay of Amberley spent the weekend with •their grandparents,. Mr, and Mrs,- Dick McQuillin,' . Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Bartholomew Darrell and Dale:of London, spent, the weekend with Mr. and ' Mrs; Eugene Conley and famihy Mr. and Mrs, Ted Evan's;. Linda and Larry of Downsview spent the' weekend with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Evans. • MOVE TO LM GSIDE. Mr. and Mrs. Bloss Koyle, Lon don, moved to' the .Evans' form. on Tuesday; We welcome Mr. and Mrs.: Koyie and, family, to this community. ' Mr. -and Mrs; Gordon Wall vis- ited her mother, Mrs, John Arthur, • at Huronview on Wednesday after - noir' .• fter-noon.• and also with IVir, and Mrs. Robert Arthur; Auburn,, Mrs. Eugene•Conley and Mrs.. Gordon Wall are in• charge of the card party at Langside Hall. on 'Friday, evening. A. '4v al. •