HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 16•d TIIE' :LUCKNOW SIENTINIU.,. LUCK N0115 ; ONTARIO. NOW THERE'S ONE MORE GOOD REASON WHY YAW ' SHOULD CONVERT. YOUR -PRESENT EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL. OIL:. HEAT It's easy.t+o convert ', .oil. We have a complete , line of top quality o Heating Equipment to =' choose from • Esso '= burner- -$1.85 a month • Complete° Esso oil furnace : unit—$4.951ke month. And now, with Esso heating equipment, we can, arrange for you to get Esso Home Heat Service, at no cost.,Your best guarantee for continued home heating comfort. ' ` a a e gin ilii wwi Mr. Goyette asked. M. Joyntq where he -had obtained the., figures and. Mr Joynt was vague saying that he had picked them up in one of. the departments he had been in contact. With. QueStiOfS Contin- ued onthe matter and it was determined that the:figures which' Mr. Joynt was using were . from . a' mimeographed copy. of projected enrolment back at the time the addition was built to the school a sfew years ago, Mr. Goyette said that these figures were not correct apo that they had not been issued by him 'to the Reeve. PeterConnon said that ,.as a teacher, taxpayer: and home owner, in the 'Village, he was interested . . to know what the proposed move : • to Wingham would cost in view of the facilities which will have . • io be built. Mr. "Connon said that he had'always been trained ` to find out the cost of a•pro- poral before reaching a decision. Mr. 'Scott said that Wingham•s mill rate last year was 12 mills' and'tie would see no, reason for any appreciable increase. • Reeve Joynt questionedif the meeting felt the taxpayer should have anything to say in a ;natter of such ; importance . to the tomtit-. unity. He said that a'vote of the. taxpayers had'been suggested to him• on more than one occasion. Mr. Scott said that he:feltthey were preseltly .talking to the rep'- resentatives of: the taxpayers and •he was sure 'they would'have. faith in the Reeve'. The Reeve replied ' that he had. not run an ,election' lately and. wasn't ,too sure. Chairman Hunter said .that many have said to him,` if you:want • + better teachers, why not pay tore Money 'and you wouldget them... He said that :when he first started on the.board.he hadfelt this way himself butfound this not to be.• ,', true stating that it just' doesn't 'wor ,out that way.. Mr Joynt :asked Inspector :Scott how long Ripley School would con- tinue to operate.. 'Mr.. Scott's reply: was that he•did:not know. Reeve Joynt asked him if he was satisfied with their performance; is Mr. Scott said hewould not dis- cuss anything about Ripley's' opera- tion anymore than -he would dis.- Cuss Lucknow's operation with them Reeve .,l®ynt questioned if there would be any,possibility in'trans : porting academic pupils from the west end of he Wingham•area to' make up:for the -loss of'vocati.onal pupils to Wingha• m.• Plumbing:. and Heating, Phone ' 528.3012 _ Lu eknow ESSO OIL BURNER SALES and, SERVICE HOME HEAT SERVICE SCHOOL QUESTION , CONTINUED FROM PAGE Board at tie time it was establish- ed he knew the hardships ,involv- ed and hated to see the school go but felt they;must rely on the wisdom of the :school board in the decision to be made. High School Board Memhers From Culross' and Greenock. Art Hodgins and•.Del Lindsay both reported confering with their municipal councils on trine matter. Both' townships have little involve meat. in .the Lucknow District • ' `High. School area and left:the dectSion to the board rnertnber3; It was/ expressed that they are not as keenly . ntereszed in. ae Luck •? now area as the tomer: three town:- Slii*bekause.of their limited 3n- \ittivment. ii eet'eo as o1 Lock o* said he had Aidied the pope since the'rneex :two week and felt that the two-week peri,: had •snot been etrtigh far to delve :into a matter, a sax'h `:aporz ;anc�e 'fie said that:�atte'rocas;: of 1St .a tisiI pst¢' the :'z^ a - it' and was I. key r factor,as far as fume developiriei •of the Tillage. w:0 concerned '3 z. loytax said • two industries were seriops int Skied m xicl o* ss she fir ex- pansion x-p rasion if tleF v& 'became mate; •which is' being *rocked a &: the present time., Fie said ai ,, zri tn- it ip a a •esentat ve Can, g is rnee i dzi_c7° *ill' locate in am• mum-- b it •fey teat the two pro•~:- pecti welt excellent. The ir'actlifiout . Ree'w"e went or..'To 'explain that he had fit it :coin'. *1th:the Fovinc god' i1trierrg last ueek toBeane is time Ifit,ER5 a pctqsibzlity that a w type course C.00 i ld sit' 3I rIc'1 1?0 d ii+ the. scb Wliac3 *orb,' IG p'i" wv ido 1,13z-,4„. riche Seri ``1 '.�it1a 1 ,d�'itt .sor?c. adecivate type •it'" &Inc lit30114 . .t said he hesitated to adyist the board' tc bold 4te feu ' ears title. He sale. `;`}e. *gr. .• :: Vq,ILM adecitat. Reeve Joynt mentioned an art- icle in rye Wingham' paper ( re printed elsewhere in this issue) ' 'which reported •Wingham Public'' School being turned, down on. thein proposed building' addition• by. the municipal board pause +of exist- : ing debenture debt which appar- ently w7as over. the maximum level allowed. I•ie questioned bow this would affect' /a. proposed building program to Wingham• High School. Which would be greatly enlarged if Incknow School merged with Wingham. . • .Reeve Joynt said he was aware of a move on foot bar. the'govern- mens OfOntario—to :check Depart- ment l cart-naent oftelucation building pro grams, iia favor ofmaking use of existing fic4ities available. Mr.. JOynt spake' o nnfar+ cable ± 1rs b past year );;Tiahyteachers�aand � .. p 7 A,f 1 al=b spoke of well - ited pel whipb, .site present– here, resent bei • Ir tzti -Scott said staff is not the big. prem; :bna•that. =then.. of pupils s she mom: serious factor said xlLat: it should be conssdet- eL ,, Zit vie' of Yu. JLit m' remarks about' the fl Doc pal' board re - ingVtri aim to, iictri., :that th town of.,Winuttme yOuld be slily a. =nail part DI 114 cbmbined b - ' l ik na Ir)3:rsl i, High SC3rciof in event o •timse'problms. re-m=1u 'were that eve a f cinch rr. • • cont�ibilted a' feu thousand 167... .t. it, such an expansion program, ii they verte Over the cetinc cis the tnttn opal /cobalt they might be aefiised•pe#- missirat to buil addirional datn- itiet becatise tr their e1 r.ing deb- efiture ,fit are presently attends- Hr. t Sthoc ra . l ct neo*. numih taking vot.' - tali".. Miler tri 4+•irighar s b io: f'o .a .csmiturtee , :ric in,. yr - Walter.Breckles expressed the • opiraionthat some ratepayers in North. uiloss and Greenock would petition out of the .Wingharn' area in. favour of attending a much, loser school, Walkerton. . . Reeve Joynt asked Inspector'Scott ' that four yeah . ago, when :Icknow built an addition, why did°the,de- • partinent' approve such a move„ "'Tlaere was closing tall. then , ...'' be said.. Inspector Scott' said the depart. - merit of education never tell' a • sehool what to do, they leave it up to the local boards to decide for themselves. • ' Reeve• Sovnt said he was an op- ; tonic/ .and had a great deal o'f • :faith in• the frture of the area ' but with the school one, l.uck:o es • , ,topes pr'etty'weil come to an end. He felt the departrnem of educa- tion, as' part of the goverment have a moral obligation to the camrnnniry, If present facilities are nor satisfactory, they should proviee 'soinerhving that is: Loss. 01 be Schoc i win be a direct. det- riment to the municipality asfar as growth is concerned . was the comment ar the l uc knoa Reeve. . hhattinar. unser stated that the =gl: SCh0C1.1 Board had conferred brie • befrrre the beating and had be bac . prr, trze enraimeir, lookee e'en pi:I 'atole 'it7•ure:; T nCzna d b ,{L� ��w+ �p�.r ryt tri - tr- 1.4,t,3-...± 'i `. •.i it M ,a :re f ?inr rte; idea that tic decisior.•would be ' mace that evening and 'that a dec! lam would be 'left over =t:;•' 0 . • teen boar ,t coag the EDI SEVERAL :TO CHOOSE FROM 1966' CHEV, .4 Door, Vautomatic Transmission ' 1965 .FORD, Galaxie 500, .4 • Doer,' Hardtop • 1964 PONTIAC 4 Door, 6.' Cylinder, AoMmatic Transmission 1964 CHEW V, 4 -Door,. 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