The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 12' (St., Helens News) . •
The Senior Classes of West Ka-
wanosh Schools attended the Cou-
nty Council Session'in Goderich ..
• on Friday morning. Mrs; George
Fisher' accompanied them, and
Ml's: Jack Caesar was supply,
teacher at St. . Helens School. ` •
Mr. and. Mrs. Mel•'Brown and
Mrs, Mabel Murde of :Kitchener
were weekend visitors With. Mr, •
• and Mrs. Lorne Woods.
The St, Helens .Actors present
ed•their skit",, ."Wanted - A wife" .
at .Goderich on Saturday evening
at the. Ontario Hospital„ The
evening consisted: of a Variety
Concert presented by, Lucknow
and district. ,This : skit .will be•
presented at. St. Helens in the
near future.,. •
''The April meeting of the We I.;
will beheld on April T, at 2.30.
This is the annual meeting. Roll
calf, paying of fees.,, nd written
suggestions for the coming year.
Election of officers, Lunch and
program,, Mrs. Allan Miller,
Mrs.' Harvey Webb and Mrs, •And,
rew Gaunt.
Eight tables enjoyed the Shoot.
Darty at 'Ste Helens School. High
winners.were Frank. McQuillin.,
Mary Pannabecker, and Sally
Dorscht. The travelling shoot
was won, by,Mrs. Jirri Aitchison:,
•Among those attending the 4th
Annual meeting of.•the Huron:
Presbyterial U.C.W. of the. United
Adopt Schedule .
Culross-•Teeswater school area
boardhas• adopted 'a salary schedule
the first in that area for element- '
ary'school teachers. - •-
Level Lwas set ata $3500
minimum and •$5`100 maximum,
Church held at the Wesley Willis
United Church in Clinton were -
Mrs.* L., Woods, Mrs. L. MacNeil,
Mrs. S. De Boer and Mrs, • H. '
revel .3: is ;$4100 and 46000,
An annual increment of $200
will apply. Teachers will be all-
owed: 20 days sick leave per year.
An allowance of $5 per day will
be given for any unused sick le:ay.
Salary f lary he principal is to,be
25 per classroom above tlie..
Help your .Heart Fund fight heart •
disease your Number One Health.
Enemy , Send, .a contribution now
to the Canadian Heart Fund, 247
Davenport Road; Toronto 5 .
We hope it ins more than any other 'symbol you
have everbrein exposed to. Because tls.symbol. is
CAnariaAnd Canaria is you- .•
• .Itis Composedof elms triangles. e'en arc ting
the Provinces.,and the oth ossr 'north= territory::
The triangles are asranged as a stylized Maple Leaf,
the • denufving syn2bol for Cama and ("adi2m
It is your symbol and it can belpcs;and $rar your
involvement in Ca11a432 :It can ;show yoln mow. It
can interpret your, enthurZasm for a vt== C.i iA
From this point (in,..aur_,,r—ti,c7th be might up
in the growing excit.-rm-fit of honio-..thng o years of
Confederation. IndividY ;all swabCinvolved '►nth
their .own .Centennial projects. Many ---•x
have already begun to embarkon large scale Cen-
Centennial efforts of v
teauial endeavours. Industries have initiated wide-
spread aryuis degrees. All
Cariariians working to say "Canada" tothe world.
You 'willbe seeing this symbol' everywhere. Like
to •be one of those behind' it? We'd like you to use
the sy±nbol' in your home; your office; at school; in
your plant; wherever %you can. The manual noted
below may help to explain how you can best Use it.
Remember, this is an opportunity for all of us to
understand Canaria, its history, its present and: its.
future. Let's explore what can now be called a great
country. Let'sall be a•symbol for Canada, the same
way this is a symbol for Centennial.
The Centennial Commission
P.O. Box 1967
Ottawa, Canada.
Please send mea copy of the manual,
"How to use the Centennial Symbol"
Address .