HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 10'The Ashton -Schmid team in the
'local minor house league emerged
as charnpions 4f the season byvir-
tue oftheir'6-.3'Win over.Ham11,
• ton's Fuels on Saturday morning: '.
Russ_ Moncrief paced the winn- "
els with four, goals with Andy Whit
by and David Fattish scoring one
'each.. John. MacKenzie scored:."
two. and Pat I-Iedley"one for the
• Lloyd Milne presented the cha-
mpionship trophy , donated by
him, to:Russ Moncrief as. captain
and George. Moncrief as coach. •.
A trophy was presented also. to
.the runners-up,. Hamilton's Fuels...
• The trophy, donated by Bud Ham-
Ilton, .was presented by ,Ken ; Cam
"eron.. and was received by team
captain, John MacKenzie.
A .second game was played '
between'the tylo low teams of
the season. Hall's Red 'and. White
team edged Chisholm's. Essos by
a'scoreof.2'- 1, .StewartAlton
' and Ken Hamilton' scored fot
Halls, and 'Paul Frayne flashed
„ . the red' light for; the Essos.
Lucknow 'Squirts were eliminated
on Friday night by."Elora 4 -, 3 .•
This .was their final game in
W.O,A.A, Group ?C hockey.
playroffs: Goals for Lucknbw.
• were scored' by; ,David Fattish 2,,
Ian Montgomery 1,
Congratulations boys; ona series
well•iilayed... It would have been
nice to have seena few more
interested fans at these games to
give the boys support.
.Goal, Ken Farrish; Forwards,.
David Farris'', Ian Montgomery,
Greg Hamilton. Kevin Ackert,!
Larry Hackett, Bill Hall, Brent •
Boak, David .Cleland. Douglas
Corrin, Kevin Murray; Defence,
'Stuart Alton, 'Paul. Hogan, Law-
rence Jay, Calvin McClenaghan.
Lucknow 'PeeWees,won and lost
the second and third;:games in
their playoff series with' Elora.
They are•now'down two,gatnes.
:.to one blithe best of five playoff
series with the fourth game •
'scheduled for,Elora on Thursday.
. The second game was :played in
• Lucknow on Friday. night of last
'week.:: iucknow`won 7 -':2 in a
real 'thriller -that was anyone's `
game 'until the last when Lucknow
let tont with, a dies 'of gosils,
John. MacKenzie:, scored '3 . Andy •
Whitby :2,• Paul Frayne and Jun
Fattish. •1 each..
• Ludlow lost .`a tough one: here
on . Menday night of this )*-eek. The;
game was tied 4-4 at the end of
regulation time; And Whitby .k
scored the firs overtime g+aal'for
Lucknow to take the lead; bet .
Elora carne back with 'feta before
the overtime A'a . dated to'
wrap it 'up. Final ccocev was Elora •
8,' LuckotoW5,. Jekif a'c e
•scored" all fo¢:r of l;n ow's other
A fifth game, if trete, v,►
be played in Leto aw on Re:6y:.
&mutat Hod, To
Win Last Nim
It aas;do w We' 1 '
Bantam hockey teal as -
ed in Ha sti a last nig&
in the -third game 7+:�.'•a 4''G<�`3a - .
three pian of orris` :' g. e
was trio lake for ns to c `iNtr, ���4' Au"' w�s•"' '
week's pages.
Harrincet %v -the tom.
Hattiston by
• in Lucknow VnM'e game was, tied
at the end of to .:l cc
and I.:kckto w xorod .. the i' •ec-
tittle, to take he : ,cv �--,e' - w .
:aok Hendersiv,of Litckmii and.
act wee o° .i es oc'e: l'andled
refereetni of this game.
In a batntam tournament ent .i ,
Southampton la 4aturd y .
•1. ter:. the ' first two bgames *tin
Aon and Southampton but were
4e:eateed •by ,Fitt Elgin. in. the third
gime which ended' their hopes of
.,(bi'Judy Hodge) .
•The:Ripley Mustangs still re-
main 'undefeated as they' squashed '
the -All Stars (North Ashfield and'
Dungannon girls)' 17 .- 2 on Tues=
day,, March 22;: in Lucknow.
Goal scorers for the Mustangs
'were;' Dona McCormick' 5. Margo
Nicholson 3," Susan Coiling and •
Gaul. Courtney each scaled 2. •Kar-
en Lackey, Gai1:,Lock. Barb Thu'
ell, , Gwen Ann McAuley and. San -I.'
gra Collins equally shared the'" re -
Sapphires. fres 1o:p,
(Monday, March 28).
The Sapphires are winners of
the playoffs. Congratulations.
'Pearls 3, Rhinestones 1; Diam-,
odds 3, Rubies "1; Sapphires 3.
Emeralds 1.
High single of 257 and.high
triple of•596, both went to Ruth
•Jardine. .
' Games 200• and oveRuth Jar-
"dine 257; Mary Fisher 245, Kath.-•
leen Gibson 243, Mabel Whitby
206,, Anna. Johnstone'203, Josie
Hamilton 214.
Team Standing: Eunice Curia,.
ingham's -Sapphires 13,. Isabel
Miller's 'Emeralds 12, Pearl • '' . .
Jamieson's Pearls 11, Shirley
"Bolt's Diamonds 10, Margaret
Finlay's Rubies 10, Colleen .Eedy's
Rhinestones 4. •
Squirt Hockey Tournament at
Mildmay on Saturday. •'The}= met
Flitglerton in their first game and:
Lnnka:6 9 - 1 Goals were
!)yr. David Fairish 4. Ian
Montgomery 3, and Kevin Ackert
In their game, they tnet ,
Cre , a. ad 'they' tied the game
S. kt= It= on&"on'pal
.,a`•a' 71. All goals: were scored
c itpley. m.r, Mon-
.14.4n=- cz
le=4 _sty'
• F;..z-r :tad
a? ��`'alat
a .�.'�'.:.2 31.1- and
fir—► w..0 .�+`o:. '....A �—
Fele Y. T,
• Coats
arcus 1, Wolverines
cal:`turingthe trx by .
Evening : ;Men
(1ues.Mar.22 .- 9 p„m.)
High single game was rolled this
week by 'Howard Agnew with 365
flat. High triple goes to Harold
Errington with 774 flat, '.
Rost Irwin's Buicks 4 :points,,
Donald MacKinnon's Pontiacs' 0 .
Palms: Jack Fisher's Mustangs; 2,
points, Bill Button's Fords 2 ”'
points Bill.Hunter's' Dodges 4 pai
nts, Freck .Button's'Oldsmobiles
0 points
' Play-off point standings Dodges
9, Buicks 9, Oldsmobiles, 7,:Fords
6, Mustangs 4, Aontiacs 1.
• •Games of 25 and over; Howard
Agnew 365, Bill Searle 257. Allan
Johnston 312,, Harold Maize. 251,
'268, Milt Rayner 260, ,Bill Stew-
art .256,
tew-art.256,' 25.5, Ross Irwin :270, '•
Harold Errington.258,263;253,• -
Donald Maclntyre 301,263, Omar •
Brooks 262; Jack Fisher 276:
Visitors on. Sunday with Mr. and
"Mts. George Fisher were Mr. ,and
Mrs. John L. Carruthers., London,
Mr. and Mrs.: Gordon Fisher and
family of London.
• Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw spent. Thurs-
day in London with. Mr'.; and `'Mrs.
Cameron Simmons and Mr,. and -
Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw..
Mr. and Mrs; Oscar Schefter
were Sunday.visitars with Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Schefter and family of
Clifford, :'who have recently movec
' to bait farm home from Kitchener
r Mr.. and Mrs. Dan Tiffm'and.
family moved the household f
effects from the farmer' Angus fal-
cotter faun to the MacDonald farm
• east of Teeswater on. Saturday,
l.s. • and Mrs, . Bill Evans of Lang-
side moved their household effects
with the assistance, of Robert Orr,
an Monday. to the Coffin -residence
Congratulations to Mr. and icy.,
Albert Li nnepson thearrival on
Tr sday in W.ingham Hospital
of a daughter; a sister for Joanne,
,Jean . and Henry..
1.&. and !sifts. Ivan Laidlaw and
Janes were Sunday' visitors with
isrr patents, It. and Mrs. John'
. Crow-5ton of Lucknow.
Mr. andIts. C-acdon. McBurney
Hc.git. and Ronald. and Mrs.' R. M.'
irll of am. were Sunday
• err with Ntr. and Mrs. Elmer.
a family of Landon,
w`7c + s. FSii`d'� ausee, also
are hold -
TM •Eastea : hankoffering
T e das , April Stn..
w :SQA . Mid
WIT; Tie
' . and Mrs. - a3 Tohnston.
oc.14-Smdal. Marchst ,
,:(a"`'e cc, C&ha..pine
n'."_'^z; o , it#1
HarryScott'S Foursome Take Top Spot.
in.Arnival Ripley "wind Up" Bonspiel• '
RIPLEY CURLING NEWS postedat the club and, play
Harry Scott's rink, with Ricky derway, with the final game slats
Dodds, vice, Jim West, second for Thursday, April 7th.
and Marie MacDonald, lead, more -- Don McLay
presented with the J.D.Lowry K
Trophy.on. Saturday night as the k .
winners of the fourth annual "Wind,
up" Bonspiel of the local club. .�
Don Lowry.. made the presentation
of the trophy on behalf of his
father , who: was unablee to pres-
ent.. .This represents an r< Y .: ��:;,,.:;:�:'<� ..,,;•,:
,jLr K
. unusual
achievement for Ricky Dodds:,. in � ;" •: ;� '� • ,.•,
that he acted aevice on Sandy
MacCharles rink in 196.5 ,A making
him the first double winner of the
trophy:..: Harry Scott piled up'a'
°total of 56 points for the two-day
event, nosing out. Lloyd Wylds' r
foursome, who had 54 points.:
Lloyd had steady curling from Hugs'
Mason;' Russell Stanley and Lois
,Final standing.of the other rinks
in the final day was as follows;
k 2•
Gordon Roulston 51 / , >• ,,,�•
Paquette 49; Gordon Patterson
48'1/2; Bob Johnston 45; John Mc -
'Fad .en. 42 1/2; John D. Mac Kay
39 Doug Martyn 3$ aggregate
42; Leroy Walden 38;' aggregate
39, Allan coping 3.5; 'and•Jaclt
Scott 31... A ,f
Skipping rinks which failed:to�,"
make the finals were thefollow'-
ing; Howard Hodge, Murray'u
bert, Sandy. MacCharles, Jim
MacDonald, Carl Funston, Mery
in .Funston, Bert Elliott, Elmer �R� RS' , ,•
• Bradley., Jim Elliott, Donald Mac-
' Tavish, Clarence Pollock and Don
Jean' Wylds'.'rink,was the winner
of the Shirl Bowers Trophy in a .•
playoff last Wednesday evening.
It is interesting to note that Peg ' s
MacCh'arles played lead, on this
rink, and will be one of the first :
recipients of the trophy presented
by her father. Other. members
of the foursome were .Marge
Hodge, vice, .'and Evelyn Coiling.
.second. • Scoring., by ends., was.
.as follows; Jean Wylds'1,0,1,0,
1, 0,4,1. --8.: , Isobel Love 0';1,
. •
Playoffswere held lastevening
for the Ladies'. President's Trophy,
between rinks skipped by June
Dodds and Mary Walden: This
was held'immediately prior to
the annual meeting of the Ladies'
Club; A fuli.repart Of this game
will be printed next week.
e ,• t.
Wednesday ;' April. 6th , has. beer
finalized ai the date for the ann-
ual'meeting of Ripley Curling
Club. President4,Donald MacTav:
• ish has -asked for 'a full attendance
at this most important meeting. '
Financial statements will be pre-
sented, new officers elected., and
many interesting matters will be
discussed;. '
Either Courtney's draw committ-
ee has been working overtime to' `.
lay plans for playoffs leading to
the club' championship and the John
Bell Trophy.. Fullw details are now . .
wete•.Jack Johnston, London, Mr.
and. Mrs Jirn Johnston 'and family,
Listowel, and on Saturday, Mr.
and Nits. !Sen Johnston and family
of Clinton; Mr. .and Mrs. Ross
Michael and family of..Seaforth, .
and Miss Brenda Ritchie.
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Leader
• ` and family of Gerrie were Sunday
j visitors with 'W and Mrs. Jim
Currie. • /•
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bon of Bele
wood were Sunday, visitors with: `
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Coulter and
callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Gordon Rintoul,'
« Mr', and Mrs.. George Ross and `
Cheryl of Owen Sound were Sunday p
visitors witl2 Mrs, and M s. Donald
Ross and farnil'•..
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