HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-30, Page 71946 ILD TE )flee o• *114 and road near,! ious tone later Fav cin val- gage,' Ap-. of- Pand and >mat. )uilt- sav- just NLY :rms. Very sizing to of "here very crate Iy to S, -to wiry with es of full land awn - 195 cash paver- 'acre work - .i 150 ood from hie to xders .1110 vis. a K. ,! M KENZIE, 0.0 •Optnh:trlst NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 9;00: p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley,. 96-r-24, for appointment. W. R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST NEXT •TO LYCEUM THEATRE' WINGHAM PHONE 357-1361 .JOHNSTONE'S. `FUNERAL HOME: Modern and Convenient • Lucknow, Phoge 529-3013 Day or Night. Serving An . Faiths According 'to Their Wishes • Moderate . Prices Established 1894 A. R. ' DU VAL D.C., Sp: C. Chiropractor Physio .and '• Electro Therapist :.. Wingham • — Phone : 357.35110 Office located on John St. West next .'to Toronto Dominion Bank) INSURANCE • FIRE, WIND, •CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE . and LIFE • To Pr tett .Your "Jack, • Insure With Jack ..Today. J. A. McDO14AGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R..W .ANDREW:. Barrister ° and ;Solicitor LISTOWEL,. ONTARIO- . IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday. Afternoon '.. Office in the Joynt Block. Telephone: Lucknow 528.3116 CRAWFORD ' i~nd • SHEPHERD !:..H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A. •SHEPHERD' Wingham and Lueknow IN •LUCKNOW • -WEDNESDAY 10 a.m.• to 1 p.m. • Located• in Kilpatrick Block •: Phone W ingham Office. 357.3630 - . Res. 357.2330 IMPERIAL' OIL PRODUCTS •for prompt service, ' and quality products,. Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon 529.7524 ,•• "Always Look To Imperial For The Best" A. Williams, O.D. Optometrist ,td t 9 Patrick Street W. i WINGHAM Phone 357-13$2 9 B..rl�y C.ntrads Grain, Corn CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS . MIXTURES MIXED IF • DESIRED CUSTOM CLEANING. AND • TREATING E1RptYs Seed.'NiiI LUCKNOW 528-3500, . Winghan.r: Memorials GUARANTEED .GRANITES CEMETERY :.LETTERING.• ;REASONABLE •PRICES. Buy .Direct and Save bus. " Ph. 357-1910 :Rm. Ph. 357.101.5 'HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 15 - 57 South Street, .Goderich . Telephone 524-7562• Hadden's Studio A • PORTRAITS Weddings. and• . Children -GODERICH,. ONTARIO 118 St.: David Street ' Dial 524-8787 MacKenzie Memoriolhap C el ..F.NEAAL SERVICE Services conducted .:according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem- oral ChaPel at no additional charge..:• ,Lucknow, Phone 5204432 'Day or. Night R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST. GODERICH The .Square: • .:(Phone JAckson 4-7661) • TED . COLLYER Registered Master Electrician - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • "Specializing. In Electric Heating, "Electric Wiring, and' Repairs .and . Ali Electrical . Appliances Lucknow —. Phone 528-5182 Gavil ler, McIntosh and �lU,ard CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J. E. Kennedy, C:A. Opposite Post Office Phone 1.3471 Walkerton CARD OF THANKS Harold Stanley weak*, like 60 thank all thaw w110 :ee rt and visited hlm while, in hospital. All these losses were, appre- cia ted. 1 wish to .teak : my ,Luclmow friends for the many Idndaesees shown to me, the several times that 1 have ' been - In •W Hoe ital and in St.• Joeetb't 1100, London, , Eleanor M. Plumeboel I would like 'b0 thank all who kindly remembered me with Vis, visite:' and cards while 4m, Wi ig- ham Hospital. Thanks to Drs Cor- ds. oe-rin. end McKim' end. Nuxeee l the Hospital. ' • Mrs. George Hunter ; . 'THANK YOU :Mr., and Mm. Peter Carter wish to thank all their neighbours, friends and 1+elatives: who oto kindly remembered them with cards, gifts land visits on the observance of thew 29th ° wedding anniversary: Mrs, Elden wishes to express her thanks to all who so kindly remembered her m var- ious ways, while she was in Kin- cardine Hospital. Special thanlw to Dr. Tyndall and the nursing .Gaff. . Bertram G. Oman, 'Bev, Danny and Roseanne wish to thank the ' Mends. of Lucknow : a district for their kind expressions of.' syn achy extended : to them • during ' their sad bereavement, to the lossof a loving husband and father. IN MEMORIAM WEST,— In bring memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Jack West, who passed away, April 6, 1965. One sad and lonely year has pas- sed Since our peat sorrow fell, The shock that we' received ; that day No one will ever know. It's lonely here witho tt you, We miss you more each day Forlife is not: the 'same, to usr Since you were called away You bade .no one your last farewell Nor even said "Good-bye" You were gone 'before we knew (it And only God:.knows why. Lovingly . remembered and sadly missed by his wife Mary, this fam- ily, . Lome . and Betty . West,_ Joan and Phillip Lewis and his : grand- children, .: Michael,.: Susan, David and Paul Went. CORRAN — in loving . memory of Herbert C: Curran who passed a- way April .2nd, 1961. He . would not wish for sorrow, Nor would he wish for tears, But •'just to be remembered By us throughout the years. • Ever remembered , by wife and family. Lucknow Arena Schedule* * * WEDNESDAY, • MARCH 3 Mothers and Pre School. Children 1:30-3:30 Bantam ProOtise 4:30.5:39 Skating 7:30.9:30 THURSDAY, MARCH 310 Curling 12-6 ' FRIDAY, APRIL 1st Squirt Hockey Game 7-8:30 . SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd • Lions House League 8:30-12 Skating 2-4 .: Lions Carnival 7:30 SUNDAY, APRIL 3rd Skating 2-4 4. . a. r►„ " WANTED I CONTRACTS WAI -- fns' flet- ze malting iseed oats, Gtr- ry, Rodney and ell; bean eon - tracts. also available, Warren Zinn R.R., ' 1 Dungannon, phone 629.7350. SALES HELP WANTED MALE *Rawleigh 'badness now open ill part Bruce cowy, fab}Wwd. Vacate* opportunity, Full time, Write • Rawleigh. Dept.. C 271-X89, 4001 Rdcileliew, St. Hen- ri', Montreal: • • FEMALE, .'HEIR WANTED - Doea an Avon repe+eeeitative call,. on . you? .Wanted immediately 6 LucknoW a representative.' Phone 3764792 collect Owes. Sound, • er write Mrs. Shirley Craig district. manager, P.O. box. . 102 n Oven HELP WANTED • Woman for pmt tinge wok, In general advertissing' layout • and new, per makeup. Details ex- pplatoed .bo ;+applic. ard. T , I • Will be given. Apply by letter THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL WANTED' D. — VOSS for 50 • head of yearling cattle, will rent • by month s or for • season. -Wayne Reef• mond, St. Augustine,' phone 520- 73020. 20-7302,. Dungannon. MALE HELP WANTED -Young man to Team . carpenter Made., Kitchener's leading bouse sub cOntnactor has open eta- able for ambitioui youths per - =anent employment top wages & . benefits while learning trade. Applicant should have "grade. 9 education, age. 17 to 21, with. preference for healthy .!and chal- lenging oudoor,.poiaition Apply: TAMPA -HALL LTD. 14 HOFFMAN ST. KITCHENER. TEACHER. WANTED TEACHER; WANTED Applications . wanted for position of teacher for senior' grades in one mom. School, 'duties to com- mence in September: Salary, sche- dule in effect. • Please apply 6 writing to Allister Hughes, secre� aryatreasurer, Kitdoos School Ares; Board. R,R.. 3 .Holyrood. TEACHERS WANTED. C.R.C.S.S. ASHFIELD on High- way -21,• 13 miles north of : God: erich, invites applications. • from teachers for new four -room el- ementary school opened February 1st,1966. This school is; well 'equip- ped- Duties t0,comunenwe Septem- ber 6, 1966. Please statequi Dations, . experience and name of last, inspector to . Donald ' Frayne, Secr. etaay4reasurer, R.R..:3, God- erich. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE —. of livestock, implements, hay and grain and some household effects will be held for Mrs. Thomas Hodgins, lot 34 concession 12 Culross 'Township, 3 miles east of Kinlough or 3% miles north and 3% miles west of ; Tees - water on Saturday, April 2 at 1:30 p.m. See bills for list, Terms Cash, Mrs. Thomas Hodgins, prop., Allan MacInyre; auctioneer. Addition IFIED DSon • A AUCTION SALE AUC ION SALE Of ltveste014 farm. implement., bey.lond will be held for 00 lot 7 and S, Gonceseian► 7, Kinkier: nooWp,, 5 .nailer • north •of Luek- 14 mile west of olyruod on Monday, April 11 et 1:50. Live- stock Includes 7 Holstein cows fresh end sig, 12 Here- • cows, some ford �- � with calf by aide, 8 Hereford , sheets eros .950 lbs. • 2:'heifers around. 800 lbs., 18:. yeatitag. HOW ford Steams, 17 yearling heifers; 15 .spring Calves,. 20 .feeder hogs, • York sow end litter, saddle mare, 4 year okk. Terms Cash, No, Re- . . serve as farm as sold Albin •M•a1e Au t• ane .Mc •• i3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Rattle and Machinery at let 22, Cite. 3, .Weed Wawa jams 4 miles north west of Aum on TUESDAY, APRIL 5th 12:30 p.m. CATTLE: 5 Holstein .eons, just freebe ;. 7 Holstein cows, due to freshen; 1 Jersey cow fah; Jerseynaw. due time of sale; Jersey heifer, bred; Holsten heifer, bred; blue now; Holstein ,heifer, 1% yam old; 2 'Holstein heifers, 9 months old; 2 . Jersey heifers, 1 year old.; Holstein heifer calf; 5 Hobtte4n steers, rising, 1 year old; .15 . veal calves. These cows 'and heifers are all off the Waterloo Unit and bred again to the Unit. PIGS: 5 young sows with litters, 1 sow bred��..2 months, : York .:..bog, 6 IMPLEMENTS: International W4 tractor, Inter- national 3 furrow plow,' 2 rubber tired wagons, bay rack, ` MaeeeY blinder, Massey 4 bar side rake, 6 section diamond harrows, New Idea horse draWi manure sprees- er : on steel, :corn scuffier, 6 : ft. cut : Cockshult. mower, . 2 wheel trailer, Vesset grain grinder, 2 unit Debavral.milidng machine, with pipe line for,18: cows, :milk cans, 'Electric pail ` beater, aur compressor Hydro electric fencer, set electric .cattle. clippers, 6 inch vacs, 50 ft. belt, shovels,` forks, Large amotmt of scrap iron, Quantity hay and grain. TERMS CASH No Reserve, . Farm Sold Propietor TED. MILLS Auctioneer: HAROLD; JACKSON Clerk: GEORGE POWELL:• CLEARING AUCTION :.SALE of Choice registered :Holstein Cows.. and Heifers, 6$ . Head — 'Accred -f, tree and Blood Tested; alto at the same . time and .'place, A Full Line of Modern • Implements and Dairy •Equipment Will be' held for: CECIL A. HOLLANDS Lot 6, South Lino, Kincardine Township 1 mile east . of Highway . 21, 1 mile from Kincardine, Ontario . SATURDAY, APRIL of Sale of cattlebeginning at 12 sharp TERMS CASH Auctioneers: D. B. Blue and D. McLelland • • 26° milk. .cows, 14 open heifers, 14 bred heifers, 11 heifer calves; Cat- alogue available on request or at the sale; Massey Ferguson Baler, bale "stocker, Massey . Ferguson side rake, 3 years old, New Hol `and 3 point hitch mower, 2 yrs.,' Naw Holland Hay ' crimper, 4 yrs., Massey Ferguson drag cultivator, Van Brunt fertilizer drill, 17 run, Massey Ferguson 65 standard gas tractor, with Freeman loader, Mas- sey Ferguson 65 high arch Diesel Motor; both overhauled recently, John Deere one way disc, Massey Ferguson 3 point stitch four ,furrow plough, New Idea • 150' bu. manure spreader, 1 yr., Massey Ferguson 72 Self-propelled combine, 1 year old, Jbhn Deere 12 ft. self -propel.. led smother, 3 yrs.,, grain box, o • roller i mach- ine, Solar stainless steel bulk tank, t. 300 gal, capacity, dining room suite and other furniture. • . Lunch Counter On Grounds M