HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-23, Page 187114 141CKNOW SIPSTIMM, 1400010W, ONTAR0.. . • •_''‘Optilt$1:0AY, 'MARCH 23rd, 1" •. • RH !. The Famous Insulation Micafil •Insulation Is Fireproof • • • • • • • • IT CAN' BE POURED ..BETWEEN. THET:jOIST.S.*II4 .TFIE AT° ',TIC, AND BETwEEP41..STODS.• IN •THE SIDE-WALLS, AND YOUR HOME IS SEALED FOR YEAR-ROUND COMFORT% . . •„•, . PITTSBURGH:. PAINTS YOUR CHOICE OF . UP .1.0 4,000 ..DIFFERENT..COLOURS...TO ...MATCH ANY SHADE.. YOU' REQUIRE. •• • . A , • . . . • . • . • It Takes OnIy • • , Seconds On :Machine.' by Murray Gaunt,• ' • • M. P. P. Huron0Bruce. Construction will start On Ontar- io's' new Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology in 1967, . • About $12,000,000 has been bud geted for the community colleges '• for the 1966-61 term. According to Education Minister . ,William Davis, construction will start this fall. in six areas of the province. Presumably the regions, names would have one college. • The districti•are.(1) The counties of Renfrew, Lanark, Carleton, Rus- sel and Prescott. (2).Wentworth and Brant Counties. (3) Essex Con- ' • nty and some townships of Kent County. (4) Counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Norfolk, Oxford. (5) Dist- • ricts'•of Algoma. „ManitOulin; Sud- , bury and Nipissing. (8) The districts • of C,ochrane and Timiskaming. Eventually plans call for 18 dist- ricts across the province to be ser- viced by these facilities. Huron County. Perth Waterloo and Well-, ingtbn will receive a•college. ' • Bruce, Grey . ,Dufferin and Sin:Foe will be served by one college, the location of which hasn't been. de-. • cided. • , • Sweeping new legislation that • would put the securities business in Ontario in line with U.S.Law • was inttoduced in the Legislature yesterday, • •• • • Two bilis, the Securities Act • 1966 and an Act to amend'the • Corporation Act, were introdUCed embodying nearly all” of the rec- ommendation of the Kimber Com- mittee and the Kelly Royal Comm, . . Dellitir..Speo0 Is • Wail$0100ectot wEszwAwoosn.TowNstup. , • COUNCIL MINUTES • West Wawanosh Coun- •cil held the regular meeting on March 8th, with all members pres ent, and Reeve JefferSonpresiding7 The minutes of the February ses- sion -and of a special meeting held On MarchIst were read and adopted ;On a motion by Councillors Smyth • and Errington. • • • On 'a'motiotaby Councillors ISitlyth and Lyons, Council aged to accept the tender of Murray Reid of LoridesborOto supply approxim-, ately: 600 lbs.' of warble fly powder at $4.25 per 15 lb., bag. • It was moved by Councillor Lyons that Council accept the app- lication of Delmar Sproul as War- ble Fly Inspector for the 1966 War- ble Fly campaign, at $1.25 per • , hour. Councillor Sinyth seconded and the motion carried. The Ashfield and West Wawa- nosh Township School Area Board' rhembas were all present and at this time discussed With Council the problem of school boundaries. Councilwas informed that Since the amalgamation of the two town , - ship areas into a County School .• Area that the County Couriail will now decide on the petitions receiv- ed from East Wawanosh ratepayers to have their properties detached from the West WawanoskArea.: Messrs. Mason Robinson. and , Norman Coultes, members of East WavranOsh. Township Council Were, also in attendance. They appeared in connection with school boun&-. aria too. •• . . • • • Messrs. Archie and Fhilip.Mc- Millan, and Gordon Struthers 'app- ' eared before Council with a request for road work to be done In' their • area this year. 2, ' • ,Mr. Jerry May, representative from Frank Cowan Co. was in, • attendance and reviewed the Town- ship's 'insurance policies with Cott- • ncil. . • ' The road accounts were ordered . paidon a motion byCouncillors. Smyth andSproul... - • The following general accounts mere ordered paid on a motion by Councillors Lyons and Smyth: Post office ,:clerk's stamps, 5.00; H. Jefferson, •convention expenses, 40.00; Howard Sproul, convention expenses, 40.001_ Clarence Greer, ,convention expenses, 40,00; Joan Armstrong, convention expenses, 40.:00; Walter Arnold,'tax refund, (house fire); 25.40;-K.K.Dawson, relief account; 59.86; Blyth Dist- . • • rtct Fire Area.• 1966 expense levy, • 100.00; Huron Co. Historical Soc- iety,, 1966 grant, 10,00; Edward Coal Co. ; relief account, 31.00; Hays, Prest and Hays, fee, drawing • agreement t. 10.00. •• • • , .Because of the presence of del-. • egations which did not permit Council to complete considerable •business neCessary, Council adjour- ed it approximately .6.30 p.m...to Meet again March 1.4thio finish the business for March. ' Joan Armstrong, Clerk. • • only. on Corporations Chartered in Ontario, while the Securities Act mustbe observed by all companies whose securities are trade in Ont- . ario. ' • . I spoke on a Resolution standing in my name to the affect that Ontario Hospital Services comm- isson extend coverage to all aged and infirm persons who are no • longer. eligible to remain in hosp- ital but require long term 'care - and who choose -to enter a nursing- home provided that nursing home Is provincially licensed and inspec- ted. • In, addition 0.H.,S.C. should be extended to cover disabled children, whose disability is so • great that they are incapable of •• caring for themselves, The number of People over, age • 10 increased by 33% from the per- iod,1951•61 and will increase even more from 1961-71. This is,, .in effect, a population 'explosion at the top. This is a social prob- tan and any enlightened society `should look after its' older citizens This is one May a big steRin this direction could be effected. • FERGUSON GERYNOWICZ • • Wedding vows were exchanged • in St, Paul's United Church, Bruin- pton. by Helen GerynOwicz and David Ferguson at 7 I.M. Saturday • February 19,i966.. Rev, J. A. 'McDermott officiated at the: double,ring, ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' George GerynOwicz, Collingwood. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, John,Ferguson • R.R. ••1 Ripley, ° • • The bricle:chose a suit of White . wool, with white mink collar, • and corsage of tinted Carnation's.' The maid. of honor, Miss Glenys Bauxall, Brampton, wore a tur- quoise wool snit, withlimilar • , corsage. • ' Lynn Ferguion,:' Toronto, brother' of the groom, was best man; • , A wedding dinner was served to the immediate family. follow !ed, by a reception in union hail, .for about sixty-five guests. " • After a triP.to Florida, Mr; and , Mrs. Fergitort will reside at 58 Rosedale Ave., Brampton. • . • (Whitechurch News) • The United. Chutch Messengers, held their monthly meeting on • Sunday afternoon lin the Sunday School room during church service Thelma PurciOn gave the call to worship, Barbara Ritchie read •the scripture, and Linda PardOnled in prayer. 'Janet Adams received the offering which was dedicated by .2'. Janet Sleightholm. The minutes were 'read by Secretary Thelma , r dtbhin2S92e' nt.T01.1res r•s7.0laiR bct caa 1;1 lai e,wlaBes eaa(ilind:a Donald and Stephen, .and Joyce Tiffin were presented with JO all are moving to homes out. side this community. 'Donald a Stephen Ritchie received pictui Brenda and Barbara Ritchie mid RI:ri tYecCimi arinfedfc1::siu.lygersiabroaches,ol;dttlaann:uoni‘friteeas, man was appointed. president to' 'fiiiouttheterm for Joyce Tiffiii and Glen Naylts was appointed hisotl.Mgavevi.cePr!rshkteeittn.iorn Ms rtseeSittltsig14 and ,Mrs. Dave Gibb gaye the seniors a story. Mr. andyevwiMrsiaors:ie. reAwliethx Leaver,ranMi w • George i •The U:C,W. .of Whitechurch will hold. their Thinkoffering meeting in the church. at 2.30 on April :§th,'When Miss Clara shlp ce ?pkoewr . Guests an of Blyth will be gue vin -Brick, DtIttevale'nd,Cnalra W.M.S, Of Whitechurch, Mrs, Victor Emerson; 'White. churcb.W.I. representative, atti ended the Bruce South District Executive and District Pinata, • meeting held in TeeiWater on • Thesday.. •: • , • • 1 • Miss. Lila Humphrey of St.' Het ens is visiting with her sister,, George•Walker„..and Mr, .Walk Mrs. :Mind: Haggitt is visiting a. few weeks with'her•sistet, .Lifitmetton, West Wawanosh, '• • . Mr.• and.Mrs. Chris Chrisenas and family of Ottawa will be ftting,in the near futpreto take • over the, farm of Gershom • and Mrs; Elden Emerson St. Catharines spent the week* • withAila Etnerson. EDNi 111 'PRE pig PUB Gr Best Gi B Gr Best :1 • (D • he ji elle eric itHt ers URIN . g old I ndin Xico Carex he S •t, tie in ever •Con f tin don vlr. Y w •ted fk 13io Uaj in ke der .41 Fbe ted me side frsidr :h ,t,41 on wet,' t 'th argg rhe em )1se An int anfl at ns re, ath . This legislation brings Ontario • • up to date with the U.S. in, five major areas. (1) Insider, trading. (2) Proxy solicitation. (3) Financ- • .141 disclosure, (4),Takeover bids. •• (5) Prospectuses. , • The Corporation Act Is binding • , (Kingsbridge News) The St. •Patricki Day' party held in the Parish Hall was well attend- ed and enjoyed. The school child - 'Ten sang several Irish lyrics acc- ompanied by Mrs. Walter Clare. Piano Solos were played by Denese Dalton, Jimmy Frayne and Anita • Hogan. Paul O'Donnell', Gary • Courtney and Marlene Drennan sang together, Basil Hogan played • the violin accompanied by Mary Clare. Ursula Courtney, Kathy Hogan, sang duets accompanied by Sharon Courtney. Eddie Sinn- • eti sang a sok). Eugen€Frayne • sang a solo and lead in a sing-; Wilfred fredaHudog:tteTI4 n,T:dtheic Toronto ort song. Lunch was. served arid the rest of the evening was spent Toronto hockey game. • playing cards. Mr. and Mrs„ Clarence. Doherty and family, Toronto, spent the weekend' among relatives. Mrs. Jim Martin underwent surg- ery in Godetich Hotpital Saturday. Mr. and•Mrs. Michael, Xinahan and family spent Sunday wIth Mrs. ..Kinahart. • Mr. and Mrs. John Van Osch • spent the weekend with his' parents • Mr. and Mrs. John:Van Osch. • Mr, afid Mrs. Dennis.HOgan, • Mr, and Mrs. Leo Courtney and • Michael visited Mr.' and Mrs. PCS IN •PRIZES WILL' BE • , GIVEN. FOR HOME-SVWN AND READY-MADE DRESSES CARRUTHERS ORCHESTRA • ADMISSION $1.00 • , • , • LUNCH WILL BE SERVED • . .