HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-23, Page 11• "'4 Poop 10« your the • geo• col. rob. when .and',• ;the !aled aside. leg. five• her teard Tech; lospi• s. af• se at s de• y,re• lathe• to do.. ot of ~' • t ire r love Once, being .tions, th 42, it too cipals,, bone, viind lots.' '• y, and ct • and 1 and 'more,. ill PAY • prig' eading , The'. quail oolong ieealed �uddyrs . flinch t ,their oubled cs and ossed a good VEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd, T966 Honor' April Bride With Shower Miss Joanne Hunter was honour - I at a rniscellaneiotts Shower , •• ven for her by Miss Marion • ;avie and,Mrs, Terry Pym at THE ;LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; the home'of Mrs. Harvey Webster, Former school :friends .of the bride -elect were the guests and Joanne received 1otve1y gifts. F0117 owing•the program and lunch, Joanne invited all presentto her home this•Saturday to,her trouss- eau tea.. , Hacketts U.C. 'the March meeting of 'Hackett's. nited`.Church• Women was' held at ie home.••of. Mrs. Oen Walden. he Fresident opened the meeting y reading a verse of a hymn. The ord's Prayer was repeated in uni Mrs. Barry Hackett had harge of the devotional period ith the s cripture taken by MrS. , • Donald Hackett and prayer by Mrs. ivin<Alton: The chapter 'frim ie Study Book was, taken by Mrs., aiser, : then: questions were taken. ad discussed by members. The ,•- )ll c. all was answered by, 12 mem ers with. a, verse with Prayer, It'_ as decided to leave the concert lamed for the Ontario Hospital. ll a later •date, Tice Easter hankof fering is to be :held in. the. hurch :on Wednesday,. Apri1.27th. itha guest speaker. 'The Presbyterial is to be t Clinton on March 22.. • A11 the .diesare: invited to attend the. onference.at Wingham, The'material received from, irnpsons w'as handed out to be lade' into articles for the bazaar; lis. K'en Alton reported on seeds nd handed out seed catalogues, rders to be: handed in • at .April meting. A colorful display f aprons sere judged with Mrs. Bert Alton,' firs, Chester Hackett and::Mrs. ".• alph:Cameron' the winners. ;,Nancy ialden favoured with' several nums ers on theelectric organ. • -A ymnwas sung, • and•,Mrs• Bert Alton closed with prayer. ',Lunch as• served '• h :C.W. ladies. Hos#: a�Presbyterians `.. Units 4 and 5 of the-Lucknow • C. w. were hosts to the Presby ria.n Evening Auxiliary last uesday evening; • Mrs. Lloyd Ashton played .app= priate music Preceding 'the 'mee. g, which, was presided over by rs. Gordon Montgomery ,• who, ter'.offering prayer , welcomed ':' eguests. Mrs 'Robert :C•ampbell pounced several irriportant dates' keep in mind; March 22nd- the neral :meeting in the church' in • arae of Mrs;' Wilfred Drennan arch 29th- the Presbyterial meet - at Paisley starting: at, 9.30 a, rri ril 2nd- a bake'sa*e by. Unit 4 be held on. Main street; April 19 The Easter Thankoffering,with: ss Haslam from Toronto as speak The collection was taken by ' S. Gordon Brooks and. Miss Helen ompson its. Noble Johnson conducted' devotional period and Mrs. , o Pedersen read: an interesting ter' from an Indian boy "ad'opted'' the .Auxiliary, ,A reading by s: M . H'enderson,. and a. solo Mrs;so Norman ♦Ta lot P ed by Mr . e much enjoyed, y. , , he.topfc Christian 'Maturity, most capably given by Mrs. Rayner. iss'Maudi:e Fisher thanked all took part and the ies'for•inviting them.. Mrs.. vey Webster replied and inyit.- all to lunch.. Mrs. Sherwood eluded with the benediction, Whitechurch W. M. S. .(Whitechurch News) Whitechurch W,.M. S; ,group` 'held their ',March Meeting on. Wed nestlay the 17thIn the aftternoora at the.h'onie'of the President Mrs.• Victor Emerson, who opened the meeting with the -poe'rn "There ' is no unbelief The scripture reading and the meditation Wei given:' by Mrs. Russel Ross who •stressed "Don't put •off doing imp- ortant things. now because tomo.. ,ow' may be too late. The'tides of , life,are similar to the tides,.of the ocean which at low 'tide makes some harbours unenterable . In spiritual:life don't miss entering if you have quarrels make it right now... Tomorrow could be too late;. The Glad Tidings 'Prayer'. was given by Mrs. H. D. MacDon- ald. Mrs, Albert McQuillan gave a reading for Mrs. Tom Morrison: Mrs, Donald Watt gave the. topic Easter shoppingin Hong Kong: Mrs.. Victor' Emerson..gave a read- ing Qn- ead-ingQn• Keeping Coolin Summer. . :No one should boast that they::have; n't taken a vacation.iri 20 or 30 ' ' ,years, as a vacation provides a tirrie of freedom and relief from worry, Begin and take a inorith's• vacation, fromfault finding. We "all.have .faults 'husband wives;: :sons;,daughters, sweethearts.. if we are ever 'trying to remove Some one.else's faults, it is an •irritating , matter, and makes heat. Hence :. refrain: from fault finding and ev- eryone will be cooler..' The r'oll call was answered by 11 members, with a verse with word "Hope A hymn contest was conducted. by Mrs. Dawson, Craig. The financial statement .was. • given by'Mr.s, Johnston.,Conn. It was decided to 'accept the invita- tion of South. t<in''Qss .W, M. S.: to enjoy their -Thankoffering..meet ing in Aprii.at'2.30. The off= Bring was received and dedicated • by Mrs... H. D.:MacDonald. Arr= angernents' were made for the Thankoffering. to be held on April 19 when Mrs.• R. McAllister of :Dungannon will be guest Speaker when Bluevale"W..M.,,S.and UC. W Langside W.M.S. and White- church' U; C. W. will be 'guests.' • The closing prayer was given by Mrs. Johnston Conn. The blessing was given and Mrs. Emerson'served .lunch, C.W.L.-HoId Pot luck Su pier , g , ,A meeting' cif St, Augustine . C..W,L, was held in the rectory' . in the form of a Pot Luck supper served at 6 o'clock.: Previous to :.the supper, the monthly meeting; was held. The meeting, opened with pray- er by Patlter Caruafna The rtiin- utes,were read by Mrs. Bill Kina- han•, later dsrussed by Father ,Caruanna, A nbminating comm-' ittee .was chosen for 3 new mcrn- bers. President, 1st' Vice•Presi' dent and Secretary,- Mrs. Gus , • Devereaux, Mrs. St. Marie and Mrs. Gus Redmond., All members, 'are requested 'to return the. names to some of the three members. Tie next meeting will be in April.. Thank you cards were read from Mrs. John Foran, Mrs. Gord- on Foran and Jimmie Gibbons. • The meeting closed with prayer, •p Paramount Pals The'third meeting of the Fara.- rnoutri Pals was held at the home of Mrs. D. Anderson on March 1966 after. school. Lunch was ser- ved before opening the meeting. The meeting opened by reading In unison, the 4-H •purpose, foil owed by the roll' call that, was ans- wered.by theaccessories that each girl was going to: make Norma Anderson read howto. select a scarf, to suit the type of. clothes they would be worn with, and the colour of. complexion. We -then dyed our samples ofcotton using•imarbles. and stitching. Mrs. Anderson then' showed how to do a hand -rolled hem on scarves. Some of the girls also cut out• their 'hats, Happy Handicrafters'' The fourth `meeting of the St. Helen's Happy Handicrafters :was • heid March 19th'at the St. Helen's; hall. The'meeting was opened • with the 4-Hpledge. The roll call "My tie-dyed scarf" was ans- wered' by,19 members. The min- utes .were read and the next meet= ing is to be l]eld April 2nd. Miss • Diane Liddiard is to visit the club' April: 16th ... A discussion: was given by.the' leaders on :select- ion: and care of hats and. shoes; ,,'. The girls were shown the mak- ing and joining of•bias tape,, and Made ;samples for .their 'books... • They also<w.ere shown making and blocking'headsize ribbon. The meeting closed with the Queen: Learning Lassies The second meeting of the. Col w. an ash 'Learning. Lassies was.held on March -14 at the ninth concess ion school. The me.et`in'g'opened with the 4-H: pledge,, followed by the minutes of the last meeting read by Kathy: Hogan•.:. The roll , call, "The ,basic colour theme of m'y wardrobe;'•;Was 'answered by 12 members present. ' • • Notes were 'taken orl,"Basic col - Ours. for olours.-.for yourwardrobe'and planning -your accessories." Different styles and colours of hats, scarves; and .purses.was also discussed. The meeting was hien cIosed- with the singing of the Queen:' It• was decided that the next meeting would be held on April .4. • *Zippy Zion ettes The fourth meeting•of the .4-H Club was held' on March 15th .it , the home of Barbara'Wilkiiis, The meeting opened with repeating the. 4-H,pledge and the minutes were , read by Charlene Anderson: 'The President, Nancy Kirkland,' called on the,members,•to '• answer the Roll Call by showing ,their tie-dyed scarves. Mrs; Kirk- land got the .girls started on their weaving, and Mrs; Hunter gave out' notes on Hats; .and also told. the girls the cardboard for their. • covers was on hand. The leaders then showed the' girls how to place their patterns on their material. 'We are having a variety of three styles of hats in our club. We are, to work on , our hats and also on our rolled hem on the scarves, as much as possible, aS the next: regular meet- ing Will eet-ing'will not be until April 6th at the hom of Donna,and Elva chie i, Mrs.. Wilkins was thanked for the lunch and having us at her home, ;he•'meetini closed with the 4-H Creed repeated by all the meta"- hers. : E. GoyenESpoke' OnEclucation L . E . Goyette,• High School princ- ipal, was guest speaker at the Kairshea Women's Institute meet- .ing, . Mr. Goyette spoke on the changes in education and the prob- lems facing,schooi' boards in meet- ing these changes, •and doing.what will be best for the pupils both now and later.. Members received a great deal of interesting and• useful information. Mrs. Harvey Houston Was hostess and .Mrs: Ted Collyer presided.' Mrs. Lioyd• M acDougall read the, • Scripture. The roll call." Name a good deed that you will al•ways i'emember" ,was Well answ:ered:.by members and visitors. • . Reports were beard from Stand ing Cornmittee convenors and 4H leaders. The nominating. comm- ittee are .Mrs. R. Gilchrist, ;Mrs. A..Macintyre,•Mrs. O. Iiarnilton and Mrs., F. Gilchrist.. Mrs.•. Cur- rie Colwell am' Mrs. R. Gilchrist reported on plans for the Calico, , Ball which .will be held in the' Lucknow District High School on, April ~1st. This year the admission will be: $1 with. . lunch supplied free. A committee was appointed to operate -a booth at Harold Camp- ' bell's sale. ;Mrs. A. MacInty''ie; is convenor with'assistants Mrs. Lloyd. MacDougall; Mrs. Frank MacKenzie,. Mrs.' Donald MacKin- non and Mrs." Leonard Maclnnes.. Mrs. Ira Dickie presided for the programme. .Mrs., 'Houston played severalrish numbers and asked ' the ladies to sing along. Mrs Roulstola introduced Mr. Goyette, • and Mrs, •lviacDougall thanked him and presented him with a small .gift.. A;.duet _'Here comes,Peter. 'PAGE ELEVEN: Shower Held For Mrs. Kerry Hogan On Saturday afternoon -March 19 th, 1966, a shower was held for Mrs,, Kerry Hogan (Diane Hewitt). at the home of Miss Dianne Hum- phrey, 02 Lucknow. The living rogln was decorated with pink and white streamers and bells. A. read- ing "Marriage changes a man t'o •r what he was all along".; was•read by Marianna MacDonald, Mrs. , 'Marilyn McDonald of Guelph.read the address to the bride. Mrs.' • Helen Forster assisted the bride in, - opening: her gifts from her school • pals',and girl friends., Diane thank. •ed everyonefor the'lovely gifts" and••thdse who'• arranged:. the shower; A contest was conducted' by Mrs. Sue Humphrey. -A dainty lunch was served by the.hostesses, Dianne and Sue {Humphrey. • Cottontail" was sun b Cheryl* sung yy Flaldenby and Grant Gilchrist." Miss,, Dean MacLeod gave a lovely Irish. reading and Mrs. MacDougali con- ducted two Irish contests. ' Mrs. Roulston conducted a contest on Public Relations.. It was reported that a copy of . Miss Dein MacLeod's;.book :of , poems will be received for proof ' • reading this week, and that' Dean's . . picture' had been taken to.go in the book,. Mr's: MacDougall thank ed Mrs, Houston 'and ani those: tak-': ing part :in the programme and Mrs..Houston replied"i . After the meeting closed with the Queen 'and :•Institute'.Grace, . Mrs., Houston, -Mrs. Dickie ,and• Mrs. MacDougall ;served .a delicious' lunch. . Leonard Ivlaclnnes • Will be hdstess'for the April meet ing. ;. • DEPENDABLE GARS 196b Models SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1966 PONTIAC 4 Door, V8, .Automatic Transmission 1965 CHEV,. 4"Door, 'V8, Automatic Transmission -1965 PONTIAC 4 Door, V8, Automatic: Transmission. 1965 FORD, Galaxie S00; '4 Door, Hardtop - 1965. FORD, 4 Door, Automatic Transmission 1964 PONTIAC. 4 Door, .6 Cylinder, Automatic Transmission 1964 'CHEV, 4 -Door, 6 Cylinder 1964 CHEV, Impala, 4 Door Hardtop 1964 CHEV, 2 Door, ' Automatic •Transmission, .6 Cylinder - 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, 4 Door, 6 Cylinder, •Automatic Transmission. 1963 MERCURY, 4 Door, Standard Transmission „ 1963 'PONTIAC, 6 Cylinder,. 4 Door Standard Transmission 1962 CHEVROLET, 6 Cylinder,' Standard Transmission 1962 FORD Fairiane, Standard Transmission 1962 FORD, Galaxie 4 -Door 1962 ZEPHER,4 Door Sedab, 16,000 Original Miles 2-1961 PONTIACS, 4 ,Door, Standard Transmissions 1.961 OLDSMOBILE, 4 boor: Hardtop 1960 AUSTIN 4 • Door . 1959 FORD 4 Door : • 1954 FORD 1958 PONTIAC, Stationwagon SEVERAL OLDER MODELS • S�: :THESE AND:OTHERS". amm s Gara BLYTH PHONE 523.442 F i t!f 0