HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-23, Page 1iRCH 16th, l irk..et $4.00'A Year In .Advance:_ $1.00 Extra. To 'U.S.A. EN AVE' ,TO:.. 17c. 11S; 49c SAVE .Tb Sc . les .49c OMPARISON inns 89c iAVE TO 17c kgs.$1 SAVE •TO He ton 59c. SAVE TO 13c lbs. 5.7c' BARGAIN' i 79c' Q , osseeseoas IECTIVE 1e, 19 ;t.,..sc,a'of Mr.:ani lliatt of Lucknow .h to his chin'in•. ast week at the gash. required' s • • I�nbyGeF �k poshioi 'n received dills Don Haldenby u wager, Bank'of n 'office. • Toronto, serving , as the sex eneral Manager fa past three years. Mr;, and Mrs, 14,1 Raton 1 education in Ltd joined the.Bank d in November. of 19 Lloyd Ackert of Holyrood is. one ,f ten Ontario residents who have each won. $2,000 under. the 'Bank. Pf Montreal Canada Centennial Farm Leadership Awards program. The award to Mr. Ackert and to 19 other: winners across the Country' 25 in the East and 25 in the Wrest was announced by G. Arnold Tart, chairman and president of the bank..( Other 'Ontario. winners. are Russel Yungblut, Fonthill; Peter Mac.i(innon, Bath; James McGuigan, Cedar Springs; Mrs. nez McCoy, Ashton; Douglas Sim- non', Glencoe; . Peter Hannam., 5uelph; Eric Webster, Lansdowne; fohn Benham, Rockwood; and All an Slater, Lakeside:. Mr. Ackert said that he will use ifs award; to study desirable leis-. ire activities for rural youth 'anada and Europe: His applica• - ,ion was sponsored by the Corpora= :ion of County of Bruce. Lloyd plans to leave for over- :. yeas on the first of January, 1.967. end will be, away ten weeks. 'As • Wn'Wanda Hunter s Further' Award . (lion -News) •. Wanda. Hunter won lst prize in the Junior Secondary class of• Zone C1, Royal,Canadian Legion Public Speaking contest held at Blyth on : March 19th She spoke on the topic "'What is a Canadian?".: Wanda: received . a certificate .and a Sheaffer Gold Pen as awards. 'Zone C1 compri ses all the area from Kincard- ine inc to Exeter, and the Xst prize'.. winners•at Blyth advance toanoth- 'er'zone. This competition will • '• be heldat Harriston. on April 2nd. Wanda had previously been suc essful,in winning the Public Speaking ,Trophy comprising the . Secondary schools. in this surround-. lag area,: �OCICS OF STEED CITCHANDS A U.IGHTON SEES ED,IS CERTIFIII MENT STANDAR rders M!e will tg is a sU99 fixture • Alfalfa Red Clover. TimothYGrass Brome per acre ... JR 'COST Per °do FINLAYS Lucknow Public School Board and Kinloss School Area Board • met on Monday of this week and the'two boards decided on an "amalgamation plan if the Luck now District High School building became. available.• The plan's largely hinges,at the present time' on whether 'or not L' ucknow: District High School Board decide on anamalgama- tion plan with the Wingham Dist riot High School which. would make the•local High School av- ailable; for such 'a 'merger. Under the .proposed new.board,,. a senior elementary school for, grades 7 and 8 would be operated; It would be the plan to provide an opportunity class within the area and kindergarten facilities would be Made available -to ' ail children in Lucknow and Kinloss, Under such an amalgamation; the Lucknow. and Kinloss elem- entary educational system would be under one board, with repres- entatives epres entatives from.the village and.`. the :townsh p. LLOYD 'ACKERT part of his.. farm leadership study abroad, : he will: spend 2 weeks in, England, 1 1/2 weeks in France, 1 1/2 weeks in.Germany,..1 week in Holland, 1 week in Denmark and • 1 1/2 weeks' in Sweden; • COT1NUED ON PAGE 'W ison W IiTerryI Teoch A# Win harp. Terry Wilson of St. ':Helens has • accepted a 'position. as . a teacher with the Wingham District. High ',School with .duties .to commence this Fall . Terry, the,son of .Mr.. and Mrs., Frank McOuillin •:of West Wawa-. nosh,, is a graduate of Lucknow District High: School and Of Alt - house College of Education in London. Prior to his. year .at Alt- house, he attended the 'University of Western Ontario for three years to obtain his B.A. degree. He majored' in Mathematics and Science. Horticuliural SocietYWelcome `22 New Members, To place Lily In Churches The March. meeting of the Luck - ow Horticultural 'Society, was ever ell attended'•and some f the new embers were present. Miss 'Ada Webster reported the embership to be 103 to date with 2 new members, •and these were iven a special welcome. The financial report shoveda glance odhaftd of $21000 The eeting approved of once again applying an Easter. Lily" to. e he area churches on Easter' S he•Apri1 15th meeting will eld in the'Tow�n Hall and th onvenor is Mrs. Wm..WharrY. fth Mrs. W;• B. Anderson a $. .J.'. W. Joynt, Thel�residetit,' C•timm ice President Ada Webster,ecretary-Treasurer Dorman or and Director Mrs. Ted 1VI lenaglan, attended a Hordcult- tal Society Workshop at Gu .A•Con'Thursd.ay, and N aylot.reported ort -`some of t ighlights of the sessions, T orkshop' touched on all 'admxnist- tion of a society •and'the h at is available to make a 's �eft�l to the community. Cent- niai••1>rojeCtswere thoroughly discussed' and it was.•pointed out that action; must be. taken. in 1966 .if a project is to be of any conse- quence in 1967. • Stuart'Collyer presented: a sound film entitled the "Horn of , Plenty" featuring the growing; harvesting, canning and use of Ontario fruits. Small' recipe parnphlets were given out to compliment'the film. Miss. Hazel. Webster gave anIrish• read.- ing and a group of jynior boys sang "McNamara's: Band"' With Bradley . Parker taking the solo part. Mrs. Cumming told of her rec- ent trip to Texas and Mexico. She stated that while 'roping calves at the rodeo was quite alright she.` just couldn't condone the bull- fights. It was quite evident. to all. present that the highlight ;of, the whole trip:for Mrs, .Cumming was .attending the Grand Ole Opree at Nashville Tennessee. Folders 'and information were given out at the meeting Concern., ing the Centennial Rose and mem- bers are rerninded'to Order through June Collyer. Miss Ada Webster, program. convenor, thanked those whet had contributed to the prog- rat . There will he an executive meeting later in'the week,. 25 Years Married' 71- Over one hundred guests gathered at the hegion,Hall in Walkerton Saturday evening March 19th hon- ouring the 25th wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs; Peter Carter of R R 3,, Holyrood. Peter, the second youngest son'', °of•.the, late Mr. and Mrs, Peter Carter, has lived in the .Holyrood. • district all his life, having been born on the sixth 'of Kinloss,;.just • a mile from where they are•now living ort the Pierce farm where theyhaveresided "for the pat four- teen years. For the first eleven years. of their marriage they lived'. . on Concession ten. Mrs. 'Carter, the .'former Frances` Margaret Aileen Carter, second daughter of the • .'late Albert Carter. of Clinton, and Mrs:. Simon' Donaldson of Wingham was raised in Walkerton' until her. marriage on March 22nd, 1941 Playing for the dance Was Elliott Carruthers''Orchestra, Elliott' hav-' ing been -a `school chum and neigh- bour, of Peter's all his' life. Their' family of three daughters and two sons• -are; Eleanor; Mrs, • Murdock McLeod Walkerton; • • Marlene,` also of, Walkerton;'.•Ail een, George .and Peter at home two year old"grandson,', Kevin Mc- Leod and their son-in-law Murdock They presented their parents with c 'c fo burner pop an ele tri ur up toaster. The-othergifts consisted of an electric razor for Peter, and an,electric floor polisher for Ail- een, presented to, them on behalf of their friends, Their' daughter Eleanor read the presentation add- ress'. They' also received other gifts at their home •on concession six. • , 'Guests included neighbours, friends and relatives from Holyrood , Pinkerton,' Walkerton, 'Wingham,'• -Ripley, Lucknow, Bluevale Tor- onto, Kinlough'And •Spartansburg, Pennsylvatinia, • Mr. and Mrs. Jelle de Jong of Kinloss Township have returned from a °six=week trip to their .home land, Holland. The de Jongs. had'. an 'interesting ;: experience. on Saturday when 'pre- paring to leave the airport at Am= sterdam.' Someone phoned a bomb threat and the plane had to : be completely searched as well as luggage. The bomb scare held up the flight. for 3 ,1/2 hours', The de Jorigs. arrived •home on Sunday. morning Reg Carnpbell of Amberley has sold "The Campbell homestead on Highway 86,• a mile east ,of ,:- Amberley, to Ken Elphick, of the•. !Lochalsh• area Reg has been employed at Cent- ralia for's ome time and had rented the farm.previotisly He will re= tain•use of the house fora period: of time. The farm has 150 acres:. The farm ,was,taken'up by Reg's 'grandfather' Peter Campbell about 100.years ago and originally was : 300 'acres extending back'to the second Of'Huron. Reg's father," Ab Campbell of Lucknow resided there and in the 1940's moved, to .the 'Alex Ross place"' just up the. :road He later went to the "Cow an farm" at Hemlock City : and from there ;to .Lucknow where he and Mrs'.. Campbell reside now . • ' The .:bank 150. acres of the'orig= inal,Campbell farm is now oper- ated r- ated byBobobCa Campbell..: • . •"Reg is planning an auction sale of machinery and equipment for Tuesday, March .29, with Donald B. Blue of Ripley as auctioneer. • The Board of 'Trustees of Huron County School Area/No. 2 :meet- ing in special, session on Thursday, March 17th ,''unanimously agreed ". not to a malgamatewiththe 'Luck - now and 'Kinloss, Public School Boards in an Elementary 'School; Area . . Plans ep a and ec'f'c t a io s forthe p x x n new school were - presented by Mr. .H.D.Falls.of the firm of Riddle, Connor, Falls and Irvine, Archi-• tests; London. Tenders will be called 'for shortly with• theclosing date set. for April 14th at 3 park. The Board would like to bring to Y eve r -one's ;attention the fact that •. this school area has been named • Huron Cou..ty School'' Area No. 2 , by. County' upder:whose ,jurisdiction this board -operates.. Repeatedly we hear •of the Ashfield • orWest .Wawanosh Twp. Area'. Boards which in reality do no exist. Howard C. Blake Secretary -Treasurer.. MARBLE 'MADNESS is a typical' spring disease and with spring-like temperatures 'prevailing last'. week, kids ,at the Lucknow Public School were all wrapped up in their;game. Pictured,, as they took off a minute from their recess gameof marbles are,' left to right, Dianne Hawthorne; 10, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Haw- thorne; Jim Ritchie, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie; Marilyn Hamilton, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Jim Hamilton; Donna' Greer, 10, daughter of" Mr, and Mrs. Clarence . Greer; Barbara Hub- er, 11, daughter : of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Huber;.. Coree Passmore, 10, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. . Melvin Passmore,, Larry. Henderson, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Henderson