HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-16, Page 18. • , WEIDNESDAY, 16t1 • . 0'1,1 „ , - 6 , • ' • •••• • vn. ••• .1..••••••• . • . TIRE ‘UCKNOIN ON_.1110 GE EIGHTE_^ 'tern- ,ort Qn Friday evening a shower was held for'Mrs. Kerry Hogan (Diane 'Hewitt) in the Anglican church basement, which was decorated with ,streamers and weddingbells: Miss Norma Haldenby was.in the chair for the'folloWing program:, Community singing by .Edna and' • May Boyle, Norma congratulated , ' tbebride and welcomed the lad" ies, a reading by Mrs. Rae Stanley solo by Mrs. liaroldrHaidenby, reading by Mrs‘ Burton Collins,. contest - Mrs. Tom McDonald, , piano solo - Brenda Bushell, read- ing - .Mrs. 'P.A.:Murray ; Song by 4.• the' grades 7, and 8 girls of, Kin lough School, accompanied by • Mrs. Ja. McEwan. The wedding music was played by 'Miss Edna • Boyle. Diane.was assisted by her sisters Brenda and Heather Hew - 1.4, and the groom's sister, Fay • •Hogan read the attached verses. • Brenda Haldenby read the address , • to the bride. ,Diane thanked ever- yone.for the lovely gifts and those who arranged the shower. For she's a jolly good fellow" was sung and lunch. Was served.' ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Ed., Schaeffer of • Kincardine visited with. Mr. and.. Mrs: Geccge Graham. • Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Hilton • Jvir. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert of !. . • Lucknow, visited On Sunday with Mrs; William Cox and Rev. Ben • son •. - ' • ' . Mrs. Gertrude.Walsh and Mrs. - . • 'James Wraith of Lucknow visited. •• • on Sunday evening with Edna .and ' May Boyle. • . • . Mr. and Mrs. George lialdenby , 'returned home after visiting with • • relatives in the west. Mrs. Bob Smith and Debbie. of • With another variety concIrt gone down in history and a fine %success, thanks are due those who worked so.harci in making it what it was. Mrs. Bert Alton.with Rev, .Kaiser's assistance, did fine job in gettin'g together the variety of entertainment presented on Saturday evening.. ',• • Another concert will be held •next year if at all possible and it would,be well if some of thoseor- • gan4ations who needed more time for preparation of.a ntunberwotild bear this in mind and make pans to have a number ready cwhen ask7, ed next Iaintry or February.' '- Directors please have meetings in•the various sections and have their section ready for a meeting early in April to revise the -prize list. The books-muk'be ready for the printers soon and to do this we must get the Separate sections ready now. • • 'Preparations are already under way for another big .Parade. If • • you have ideas for this, please • contact Charles Webster. '• Once, againthanks are due Char- les Webster and Gerald Rathwell fora job Well done at the door the:: night of the concert. •, . Goderich spent a few days with . • her parents. Mr. and Mrs. liarold . :Haldenby, Barry and Geordie. Pupils at the, Kinloss Central •School, have been selling tickets: . on Maple Syrup with the:proceeds for the Junior Red Cross. The draw was made the evening of Open •House. First prize of 2 gallons , went to Mrs. RussellfGaunt • RR 5'Lucknow. Second prize of • . gallon went to Mr. 'Jim Broome, • of •Wingharn. •• A nursing visit to the home of a' crippled child is one of the Servicel •provided through Easter Seal funds. This young girt basher artificial arm examined by a nurse from the • Ontario Society. for Crippled -Child- • ren, while her mother watches. Nurses from the: Easter Seal Society make more than 20,000 home visits a year. ' . .IVIOFFAT family' sized washer Wonderfully simple to operate. . . top efficiency . . top value! Washing's no chore when you use this family -sized • washer. These features assure you of the cleanest, brightest washes. • • 4 position water temPerature. switch • Safety switches for spin and • off-balance load 4o Deluxe agitator and lint filter • • Automatic suds return,available And many other features riursitiqPtogra • •The Easter Seal sponsore rict nursing service of the: Society for Crippled Child ••no.equal in the field Of ch • The.Society nurses are a ienced public health 'grad have hadspecialtraining* opeadics and have had /ma Ms training in working wit •led'Children,.before being :tQ one Of the eighteen dist nursing offices., operated 1 :Ontario Society for Crippl ren through Easter Seal fui From district offices, the ietely cover Ontario, Wof close co-Oidination Wititt • rict public health Offices, parents and the Easter Sea •clubs. in addition to thei ing duties of attending el treatment .centres and hos these highly specialized r will make more than 20,:i visits in a year. " • These:travelling nurses great source Of comfort fi parents of crippled childr well as the child. They onstrate the correct use:o 'es and'.Wheel chairs, adjt to release or preventpres sores; make certain that. attends'. a .clinic or, treatn • centre when necessary a boys :and girls,who need mer vacation.go to one Society's five camps. • There is no other, Fast( ganization in the, world t nursing programme for d children such as in Ontar this has beccime possible '=the• support of the people ario to the annual Easter 'pap. Every yearhon.( crippled children' are be; covered and many as ir treatment overcome the. disability. The nurses a true example of an Easti Service. • Easter Seal COntributic • being' received by the LI ST: HELENS. 14,i.*• '. M11. Harold Gaunt Presided at the March Meeting of the St.,Hel7 ens Wornen'sInstitute in the hall.': The• roll Call response'Wai an "Irish Joke." • : • " .. • ...The:guett speaker Was Mts. Vic- tor Ernmersori, Whitechurch. She. Spoke on the officeInd duties of . .Public.RelatiOns officer, She• . remarked that each Meaux; could • be a Public Relations' officer by ' following' the ten commandments : • of good relations. She was ih,ank ed by Miss Isobel Miller: • Mrs; Lorne Woods presented the Motto "What Is our generation' • •leaving behind for the future". Mrs. Andrew Gauntfavoured wit • three Irish piano instrumentals. A , reading "Housecleaning time" was, • given by Miss W. D. Rutherford. • ,During the business period a• , nominating committee of Mrs. Ros • Gammie, Mrs'. E. W. Rice and. • . • Mrs: Chas. McDonald were app- ointed to bring in a slate of off- • kers fcc,the next meeting. All were in favour of having a sunshine • sister, banquet and Mrs. 'Lorne Woo- ds• and Miss Isobel Miller were ,app' • ointed to Make the arrangements • for it. Theentertainment comm• ittee for the month of Mira is • Mrs. Wm. Purdon,4*s. E. W. 'Rice, Mrs. H. Carrick and Mrs. L. McNeil. Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and • • Mrs. Gordon Struthers are to look • after arrangeMents for the Birthday •Party at Huronview, Clinton, in April. ' A contest was cimducted by Mrs. Wm. Rintoul on the names of • business places in Lucknow. • Lunch was .served by Mrs. Wm. Riritoul, Mrs; George Webster Lions Club with Gordon and Mrs. WM. Purdon. ' ing as treasurer orthis e ,