HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-16, Page 1671411 Luciar! SENTINEL INCRNOW, ONTARIO Former Resident Saskatoon Cm* Are 60 Years We lLttle ,complete trust, and that trust is well placed. For • not only is she given love and understanding but financial protection as . well.. Her family are Sun .Life policyholders and her lather makes •sure that their life insurance 'portfoliois carefully checked . • at regular intervals to take care of changing heeds. rot' associated with •Sod Life of Canada, the Company with the policy. , • that's right 'for you and your' family,. . Why not call The today? • • MRS. MacDONALD Mrs, Thelma Alison MacDonald passed away suddenly or a heart • attack March 7th in ToiOnto; She was the fOrmer Thelma Cairns, daughter of the late Herb- • ert and Alison Cairns, and was • born at Evanston, Illinois, January 1st, 1902. left an orphan.as a., small child she was raised by, an • uncle and aunt in Perth, Ontario; •COmpleting.a course in„Business, she worked as a seeretarY•in.Detr • roit, Michigan.' In 1923, she' .married Thomas A. MacDonald, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. D.S.MacDonald of Lucknow. • They lived in Windsor and Kings- • ville until:1941 when Tom was • forced to give up his garage.busi- • nes due to ill -health. They re- turned to Lucknow and lived at the MacDonald home (now known as Clandonald). Her husband passed away in December 1945. • She is survived by one daughter, Dorothea, Mrs. Walter Birch of • Toronto, and one son, Thom,as A. of Dartmouth , Nova Scotia who series in the Canadian Navy, and twoigrandsons, Walter Thomas Birch and Torinny.Patil MacDonald also one -sister, Mrs. Melba Gib.: son, of Marian, Ohio. , Of a very friendly. nature, ,Thel- ma made Irkany friends in this ' community. She servedterms as • president of the WI A. of the Un- ited Church, Ladies Auxiliary to , Kairshea .W I . and .the .Ea'stern • Phone'Vfikhain 35 7- 1987. Star. She was bookkeeper for • . . LIFE AS$URANCE COMPANY OF CANADA several years at the Lireknow.Saw•- Delegation-Oppose Boun4gry Opening HURON COUNCIL MINUTES -Huron Township Countil met • on March 7 for the regular meerin • with all members present. Min-. .,utes of last regular and three spec7 • ial rneetings,were read and con- firmed.. • • A delegation attended.the meet- . ing objecringto'opening.the Kin- • ardine boundary and also gave some sugestions, on the proposed widening of Con. A: frCan Con. 4 to Con. 10.. They were told by CounCil thit. the Kincardine Bound- • ary project was oft for.the tithe being 'and that agreement had.bcen • reached with the Town that the Town 'will improve, Bruce.Aye‘,.. =4 Hurbrt Township will inarroYe Con. 12 from 21 highway to Con; A. COuncil decided ito complete the . , plans for openng•the boundary in '. case it rhightbe opened at a future . • date.. ' • Mri H. C-erer reported the • • deeds far a road behind the coital' of ,_ ges south Point , Clark. were ail at • the LaWyer's office and..asked the council 'to acdept.thern and build the 'proposed rOad. • • '•, • The following tenders were, • .., awarded;*Gravel erushing.::.:foel,:err Construction of Wins•harn .15' per yard. Dozers and scrapers, •' W.I:Shantz of Huron Twp. Dozer • ;...S16 and dozer and scrai..Ner 1S. per hr. Motor scraper Hged Kerr of Win0iam 4.7 8.1€ per 1.,r; • .- Hauling pit run eravelt Bill Kemp- ton and Harry Coiling 4'23e per '. yard for the rpt Mile and Sc per yard' for each additional Mile . , hauled. McTavish Bridget G.A. ' Gibson and Sons of Wroxeter, , $26.07.4, with the Township supp- • lying the cementand reinforCitig , steel, lt!ied hall•,piano: Bob Court- % .tiey for $10. • Dave Nioore was hired as general handyman for the year q 1.50 • drain inipeCtor when required, ail per hr. and to also act as htunicip , Road expenditure by-law was • passed for 1966 at $70,000 and sent to the Departinent of Highways for approval. , The regular meeting's business could not be completed at • 6 p.m.' and was adjourned .until • next morning to finish after which reports on. three municipal drains were, read and provisionally adopt- • ed. Roadaccounts paid were • $7155.73 and township 'accounts $3830.31. Council adjournecitto meet for next regular meeting, on April 4., • • • • Last year The Salvaucx1 Army in Canada provided shelter for 1,157; N 000 homeless and unattached men, Are Natives. Of Dungannon Area , Brent Holman and Dolores Mr, and Mrs. Stuart •Finlay of I pgraannywhp dchitikirlanbep n,desliagxhotehdotl tShaisskaarteor obanedrvforedm.thereirnaoilithesaonfn. 1 trmunmnp:ftpseeiveocnt.joAnIst.a.mr. AnE iSv:srksaartoY07hFoemberuaarTyh2e°7101alowt ttgir 1iTehdtArisi4H. olau9nsode6.mia'tspu..Fningiaanynowne arsttarTichlappeared itee 060etnhixw.eddiinn:haenniSaysekrastaoryon1 . of ii Ashfield Township anent • S 1MOrEithanSdt.Mr, Ss'aShtautooarte*r•invilaasYc:flelb1r1 .1_9g09inththeye civiaraechwraemst:Bhoon add Sunday. : .' , ' in the Finlay homestead then ru :friioemtooai.Scaaimkaetona' :nahodlite ehnbsouurrseouInedain In the afternoon manY friends. g :itir91 119w.6hoeThrreetetiryheerndyQtrvoeerndlcroai4neEpdlis: at their home.: ,Later their family., home In Saskatoon •,. honciiiTed thern,at a dinner at Jay . Their family of four we Dees. ''. ••• • Franklin Finlay of Saskato •There the table was decorate4 • Hazel Johnston' (deceased) with' a Miniature church scene, ' Vera Holman of Devon, .a three -tiered cake, and silver - • '- and Mr. °Stuart Finlay of•E tapersholding lighted white .cand-, trival Theireight grandc Finlay, Dolores Log les.- The cake had been made byO Velva Buell Susan Finlay • tiahinnedi• rFdigrulauaagynhdt.dera.uta.....tlearw, ,,Vmre.lvsa. ,BFruaenk11,- • Finlay and JOhn Finlay w . Holman, Brent Holman, ( • • . Toast Mille couple was proposed present for the oeoasiOn a .by a nephew, •Mr. Finlay Reid °f Cindy Finlay. one of the Edmonton. -Congratulatory mess- ' great-grandchildren. .. ages were received from HM Queen . Among out-of-town gu • Elizabeth; Prime Minister.L.B. the diantond wedding cel • Pearson, the it , Hon, J;G.Diefen- 'were•Missletitia Durnin, baker, Premier Ross Thatcher, U. Whiteley and Mrs. Olive 'Gov: R.L.Hanbidge, as well as of Goderjch, Ontario; Mrs from friends and relatives. . • .erson, thsow; Mr. and Mr 'Following the dinner Mr-. and.. Reid of Edmonton; Mrs. Mrs. Finlay were entertained .w it h Logan of Pine Poin.t ,14W reminkences by Mr. Finlay ReidndMrs.H41nan(ft and°Ieslowjlgotpicttresde; Alta., Mrs. E. Evans of picung their earlymarriedlife Mi. Gordon John Finlay, Robert Holman. . Ontario. • • ' • . . . 'and for severalyears was employ- . ed in an Insurance of ce there. • I •Funeral service wa held Thurs- . day afternoon from e MacKenzie Funeral Home Lucknow, with temporary eniombment, in South, Kinloss Mausoleum. Pallbearers were Donald Maclntyre, Ira Dick- ie, Leonard Maclnnes, Harry Lav- • is and nephews Stewart and Inglis • MacDonald., • Mrs. MacDonald was a membez •�f Luckno‘;,, United Church and Rev. Howard Strapp conducted the service. • 71:11rhy. Fearnturns. • delivereCd b r):•J F:iroinr sig 300 'Century . Farms In Huron..• Y a of the Junior •Farmers' Association , Huron County, Int allsi7son: At the January. Direetor's Meeting ber tO by yfari rec.t:anrg • Of Ontarici, the Association adopted • ing and identification of all Cent - be 16 inches by 19 iliche tch. • • - • . • as a Centennial Project the locat- M The Century Farm Si ury Farrns in the Province of Ont - it will be made of twentl ario. • (Intended for.Last Week) • Mrs. Don Gray, Bonnie and Donald of London Mr and Mrs' • Former. Resident • Calvin David and Shirley, • ' of Oshawa, .spent the weekend • (St; Helens 'News) Mr. and .2,frs.• Lorne Durnin.• Mr. and M.rs.' Angus McDonald and • and Mi. and l',Ars. 'Wm. Rintoul attended a surprise birthday •party for Nis. Elizabeth t.fcDon-' aid on Saturday, evening at Mr. • With their mother Mrs Tom • Magothn, and visited with their, father, Mr. Magoffin, a patient in Wingharn and District Hospital. -* Mr. and t.irs.• Don Dirstein of • Toronto spent the weekend with • her parents, •Mr. and Mrs•. Russel and 1.6s. lingh David McDonald's. Gaunt, . • • at Whitechtprch. Yzs. McDonald Visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Ivan was S5 on' March eth-Con.gratn- Laidlaw were Mr. and Mrs: Clar- latices. • •• . ence Crowston,. Debbie and Dale Da n Rose of. Emo was Sunday of Chatham • for the weekend, -ViSitar and.1,&s. Harvey and on Sunday othervisitors were . Webb. , •• 't Mr. and Mrs., Orland Irwin and Sympathy of the community goe!' family of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. to 1,/s. and•Nfrs: Min Curran in the Clayton Alton and Anne, Ashfield, .-tdden asit:g of ;his bi6thers 15ert" and John Crowston. 1.11c•know. ram Curan,• in London early Su Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Anne day rncrnitg* - Marlene and Clair were Sunday ham and District Hospital. cold rolled steel, and wi Maurice Love, R. R. #3 'Exeter ' ' . ' ble faced (i.e..'thesign Who is Huron Counties Provincial ' painted on both sides). Director is compiling a list of. . of the sign to qualifying Barnes and addresses of possible' . will be $1.00 wittrthe J Century Farmowners in 'Huron • nters'Association of Ont County.. Clerks from all of Huron's sidizing the, remainder q 16 townships have been requested t of each sign. There wil advise Mr. Love as to the Owners, es in each sign - two at of Century Farms in their respect- formounting and tit ive. townships. Any farmers qual- : for attaching a name pl. ifying for recognition in tliis pro- • jet may theck.with their local. ,-- • Pense)..• • . • , • township clerk to see if their farm In order to qualify , a: • is included:' * •• be resided on, and it•ml ' • Immediately following the Jun - active operation; farms ior Farmers' Association of Ontario . register,ed in the same.fi Conference in Guelph; March 11,;. r_ • • tor 100 or more years as lit; 1967; farms in the widow will qualify; an i farm will be.eligible.. It is estimated that o ms may qualify for Cen sign recognition. in Hurc • E. W. ;lice is a patient in Wing- visitors with' Mr: and Mrs. Harry • I. D. Durnin spent a few days at, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ho.we and' • Orders placeil now rand before. f S r Louis this past week. day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ON FLORIDA TRIP • •• Carl McClenaglian:•• . Mrs. W.• I. Miller and Isobel, PRACTISE TEACHING an&M,its. W. p, Rutherford, visited Sandra Pridharn of Mitchell, at ki‘chmand with Mr. and student teacher at Stratford Teach- ' Gordon 'McIntyre on the week; ers College, is' practise teaching end. Miss.Putherford plans to this week at S.§.. No. 10 under leave for Flovida4nn Monday. the supervision of /sets. Kenneth , Ed Blackwell was recently lock- t Wheeler. Miss Pridham is staying, ed on the heel by a horse but x -lay I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in hos- ital revealed no broke - Albert Coultes while teaching here bones. 12 and 13, all possible•Century. Farm owners Will receive a notice or order form. from the Huron Cou- nty Junior Farmers Aisobiation. May 14, will be established as '• the deadline for Submitting' appli- catiOns for' signs to deSignate • ORDER NOW AND AVOID FREIG METAL AND'TAX INCREASES AND MONEY the Purina Research :Fa.rm.s at St. • Sandra of Teeswater were Sun- for a 'firm price for 'both labour • and Material or, p Lucknow and District Orders Can Be Placed At MURDIE'S• 14ARI3WAItE • LutKNow. *PHONE S28.2$4 „