HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-16, Page 15ARCH 161h,
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1966 PONTIAC 4 Door, V8, Automatic. Transmission
1965 CHEV, 4 Door, V$, Automatic Transmission
1965 PONTIAC 4 Door, V8, Automatic Transmission
"1965. FORD, Gslaxis 500, .4 Door, Hardtop
1965 FORD, • 4 Door, Automatic Transmission..
•1964 PONTIAC. .4 . Door, d Cylinder, Automatic Transmission
1964 CHEV, 4' -Door, 6 Cylinder
1964 CHEV, Impala, 4 Door Hardtop ` •
1964 CHEV, 2 Door, Automatic Transmission, 6 Cylinder
1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, 4 'Door, 6 Cylinder, Automatic
Transmission `
1963 MERCURY, 4 " Door, . Stan dard Transmission'
1963 PONTIAC,..6 Cylinder, 4 Door Standard Transmission
1962 CHEVROLET, 6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission
1962 FORD Fairlane, Standard Transmission'
1962' FORD,Galax', 4 -Door
1962 ZEPHER,.4'Door-Sedan, 16,000 Original Miles
2-1961 PONTIACS, 4 Door, Standard, Transmissions
1961 PONTIAC, 4 Door, 'Standard 'Transmission
1960 AUSTIN 4 Door q `
1959 FORD 4 Door
1959 FORD
1958 PONTIAC,'•Stationwagon.
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►ur'. fertilizer
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iccar+acy in the
(Contributed by ; Ashfield Q. F, •U, )
• Last. Monday night, March 7th;:
oval 342" of •Ashfield Ontario
armer.!s Union held -a meeting to
iscuss plans on the proposed mar -
h to Toronto. t� Queens .Park. tri .
protest of the:ever increasing gap
etween the prices :a ' farmer •gets
or his product Wand the rnanufact-'
ed goods he must' buy to keep
perating. This cost price .squeeze
as come to a point where som e
ing mit be done and done •
mmediately.: •
On Monday,' the local members
ent' out in pairs to canvass the
wnship and the town of Lucknow
�r-donations to the action fund •
r the march on Queens Park, and
the. surprise of the committee,
e business people of the town of
ucknow gave wholehearted supp-
financially and morally in our
fforts to obtain 'a more realistic
turn for our labour , and invest-
It is evident as we. talked to
ese townspeople that they fully
alizethat their future also de-.
nds upon the welfare oldie far-;
er.. .with such encouragement,
is; up• to every individual farmer.
do his utmost in the.fight.for
s`fair share of the economy of
r country,
I believe that the time,:has• come
at the people of our cities and•
wns are finally beginning to
ke up and realize that their
osperity depends upon the ability
the farmer to produce the food
at this nation, and other hungry
oples of the world,., need in "ever
reasing.amounts, and this will
orsly be possible if theproducer, of
:food .is given an ,equal opportunity
to have his fair;share; so he has
some encouragement to keep ;on
I.f the farmer is Left by. the Way-
side much longer ,:the whole
-.economy will also suffer`in due
time, therefore,-wernust"all work.
.together'aswe are all dependent..
upon each other for' suryival,• One
cannot do without'the pother, let . •
Us' join forces and"ego: hand'. in hand '
and build• a great nation out of
our country as we have all the, nat-
ural resources to; do'•it with but We
must each.have a fair share for our
efforts. It is not just that the few .
who control the economy of our
`country should have:so. much while
the many who build it hate so • • "
little. •
On :behalf of the O. F. U., local
342 Ashfield,. I with to thank all
those, who so enthusiastically supp-
ort us in our efforts to be able :to
keep on producing food.
. Mike. Penich.
, Kathy. and Anita .Hogan spent
Sunday with Maryanne O'Keefe.
Several ladies from.the comm -
:unity attended the post nuptial,
shower. for Mrs. Kerry Hogan. in
Kinlough on Friday evening:,
Mr, Jim Gilmore attended the
funeral of a family friend, Miss
Iola Percy in London last week. ,
Mr.: and Mrs. Ray Dalton visit-
ed relatives in Wallaceburg,
Kingsville and Detroit during'the'
week' . •
Paul Frayne and Michael Hogan
of the Lucknow. Pee Wees went to
Maple on Saturday where they.
played against a Pee Wee club
19th. Birthday Of
Purple. 'Grove W:i.
(Purple Grove News)
Family Nightwas held on Fri
day evening in the Comminity
Centre to celebrate the nineteenth'
birthday of the•W.I. Euchre was
played and,the prizes went to
Joan and Bob Thompson for the
highest' score and it special prize
to Mrs, Frank Currie A lovely
lunch was served including birth-
day cake and: later Mrs. George
Harkness.and Walter. Collins supp-
lied music for a dance; •Mrs.
Harvey .Thompsonr, Mrs. George
Harkness,.. Mrs, Vic .Smith and
'Mrs. Cecil Sutton were on the.:'.
committee, '
Bruce County Seed Fair was
held in ,Formosa 'on. Thursday,
Those showing :.grain from here •
were Cecil Sutton, Francis.. Boyle
and Gordon Patterson. 'Donald
McCosh accompanied them to
,the fair
• Cameron McAuley, President '.
of the Bruce County Federation of,
Agriculture..and Mrs:••Don McCosh,
Director pf. the • F. W, I, O. attend-
ed the O. F, A. meeting in Toronto
on. Friday..
Among the seven boys from
Toronto who came down to join
the, Ripley Pee Wees last week
was Billy Bralic who'spent,the four
days with Bryaii'Boyle,
Miss Nancy' Dore spent the week,
end in.Teeswater with Mr. and
Mrs,: Wm. McInnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson
visited; recently •with Miss Marg-
are; Robertson and also with Leon-
ard MacDonald of Lucknow•.
'.Mr. and•:Mrs, Walter.Forster,
' and Mr,'�and Mrs, Don' McCosh
were Sunday guests of Mr: and
Mrs. Frank Colwell of •Kincardine.
For,the:weekend :with:'Mr, and
Mrs; -Norval' Stanley: were Miss' '
Deanna Doupe of Brantford,,.Don-
ald• Doupe of Millarton and •Mr..
and Mrs.. Art. McCallum of;'Tiver
Miss Dianne Dore spent the wee-
kend with her girl friends from
school, the .Schrieiders: •
.Mr. and"Mrs, Don. Dore and•
family spent .Sunday wi�thher
parents, Mr,., and Mrs... William
Wood at Port Severn; ;Bill Wood
Jr. made the return trip with
them. and plans to spend a few -
weeks .at Purple Grove.
Recent visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. William McInnes .and family.
were Mrs;'. Claude Dore Jr.. of
Teeswater, Mrs. Gerald'Rhody,
Holyrood', Mrs. . Ritchie and Mrs.
William White. of Kincardine,
and Mrs. Louis Mitch of'Wrlker-
Lynn Armstrong spent last week -
:end at Francis Boyles.with, Bryan. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson
•were. recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs,; Goldie Huston of Ripley.
Frankie Dore spent° Wednesday;
afternoon in Bervie with .hi Gran
ny, Mrs, Claude Dore.;
With Mi. and Mrs,. Prank. Currie
for the weekend were. Alf Herbert
and his daughter Wendy from.
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Forster
spent a few days in Oakville with
Mr. and Mrs Bill Robinson.
Last Wednesday' Mr. and 'Mrs.
Frank Currie motored to Gorrie
where they met Mr, and Mrs.'
,Harold Keel and from Gorrie the
four went to Galt where.they att-
'ended the wake"of Ken Galaway.
Mr. Galaway was an army buddie
of Mr., Keel' and Mr. Currie.
Claude Dore Sr. accompanied
Don pore to. Goderich•on Wednes-
from Toronto.
Eugene •Frayne, Danny and. •
Jimmy , Mark Dalton, Lbuise and
Maureen, attended the Saturday
night hockey game at Maple Leaf
Gardens in Toronto. ' •
• Alkyd :Dulame:l is the ideal finish. for kitch-
ens, .bathrooms, °woOdwork and trim This
beautiful semi -gloss enamel is amazingly dura
ble and iS not affected by repeated 'washings
or exposure to,steam and moisture
•DEVELOPER. supplies all the necessary
nutrients required by the growing birds.
By restricting the energy level,this,feed /
will aid in retardingthe maturity of the
growing pullets.
This energy, restriction will result in
pullets being in good condition to assure
top egg production in the months: ahead.
Drop' inand .we will discuss the .complete
Sl I LTR -GAIN pullet.reecing .Program with •