HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-16, Page 5Is 194 E 34 **loot odern der *Ped very Muth I 125 bal- 'brood pres- hoine Pain. with • end I iand water 'farm conlY Maim L125 rkable •bal- Bait bowls; house above. with g in- nerly rnoce, 11. All acres work - storey CS pc. coal• barn Lc. Al- l: Full bse to tb 90 e real ;deem I', new 'add (mated rn spoc- Lirnace costly $14,900 terms. R OF P.UR- ONEY H TO W ING. ' PRO. PAST LEFT MAND riNGS send it city. A L brick ted for llmod- many s spec, replace window Clam* if and, minder cedar 7 offet- iettnes-• ig sites ddition nd with owner a small Llsinessf cpanded leavmg •ate ne and r your - Ltd; ONS 'E ***OS • "VvVV., ur mmanymiawir airways,' Afilovo it suirl‘rr • tam._ PAGE FIVE • osispAY, ?MOH 7040 ito Luactiow ,serrosst., Luactiow. ammo • K. MacKENZIE, 0.D. CARD OF THANKSINotice To reditos' Welcome VVee Girl 441111111. .4 0.44 4.04,44,..4 44F00440449 • Opternetrist • NOW IPI L RIPEY EVERY. WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 9;00 p.m. Phone Roy "MacKenzie, Itinley, 96-r-24 for appointment. W...R. • ' OPTOMETRIST,: NEXT TO LYCEUM .THEATRE • WINGHAM PHONE. -357.1361 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Lucknow, PhOne. 528,3013 • Day 'or Night Serving All Faiths According.to Their Wishes • Moderato Prices • Established -1894 ffi44••••••!•4"••.•••••4••;!•••••«!.."...- DU. VAII. D.C., SP.C.' , Chleopracter • .Physio and Electro Therapist • Wligham •-•-• ?Mine 3574500 Office 'located on John St. West out to *Toronto Dominion Bank) •*ar."4•?•••!•:.•••••••••••44.:4"84.....1,... . .• . . • INSURANCE FIRE, WIND,: CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE •and1.1 To Protect YOur Jack, Insure .Witti Jack Today.' .1. A.:..McDONAG11 iucknow, .Phone 58-3428 • . ••R: W. ANDREW ' Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO. • IN •LUCKNOW '• Every. Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon 'Office in the •Joynt. Block Telephone: • Lucknow 5283p6 • • • CRAWFORD •ana SHEPHERD: 1.. CRAWFORD,, Q.C.* • N. A. SHEPHERD Wingham 'and :Lucknow IN LUCKNOW • • WEDNESDAY 10 cm. to. 1 pail.' located in Klipatrielt Block • Phone Wingham *Offi4 3574630 Rel. -357-2330 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••p IMPERIAL OIL PR: PRODUCTS, for prompt service, and.quality products, . • Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect • Dungannon .5294524 "Always Look To Imperial For The Best" •••••••••••••4...,4444.,.......~••••••• G. A: Williams, O.D, .9ptometiist 9 Patrick Street W. • WINGUAM. • Phone *3574282' 14•4•••••••;•••••••••••••••••••••••••4 "I wish to thank all who kindly' remembered me while I was in hoapital. Their kindness was 'much appreciated, Allister Hughes Mr, and 1Wrs. Mark Johnston wish to thank all their relatives, friends, and neighbours who so kindly remembered 'them with cards, gifts and visits on the ob- aervaock of their 50th wedding an- niversary.. The offickils of the Lucknow Agricultural .Seciety wish 10 ex- press. sincere appreciation to each and...every one who helped in the' staging ,of Friday's variety . con- ceit, and1» Mrs. Bert Alton, who convened :the 'program,' .• VVingham Memonals • . . . GUARANTEED GRANITES • CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE. PRICES ..Buy Direct .and. Save Bus. Ph. 057-1910 •,•1 Res,' Pit. 357-1015 ttmmrng A. M. HARPER . . .CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. • -,57 South Street, GoderichTelephone 524-7562 --•••!P',#••••~0.4••••••••••• 4.••••••••••••••••94 • • Hadden's Stud 10 PORTRAITS Weddings and Children OODEltiCH„ 'ONTARIO 118 St.., David,. Street: Dial '524-8787 MacKenzie Memorial Chapel • FUNiERAL. SERVICE . • Services conducted 'according 'to your. Wishes at your Home, yobr Church, or At .our Mem- • .orial Chapel at no additional charge. . . .Lucknow, Phone 5284432 Day. or Night ' koo.„*.•••••••••441400•••••••••4•94 W. BELL OPTOMETRIST: GOOER1CH . , The Square' (Phone .IAckson 4-7661) •••••41;0641,40•044•0041.00,1104141PNINNIN*9400.4~4 TED COLLYER' • Registered Master Electrician *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In • • Electric Heating, Electric 'Wiring ..and Repairs •• • . and All Electrical Appliances Lucknow — Phone 528-5182 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gaviller, Mdntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, • ET, E. Kennedy, C.A. ' Opposite Post Office Phone 14171*-- Walkertim I wish to.thaink neighbours, tel. &Wen 'and friends. who were eo (kind and helped me so much dur- ing my illness. Also thanks to Doc- tor Corrin, Doctor McKim, nurse Miss Alton and those who. sent cards and treats. This was all ,gtvatly. appreciated. ' • Mrs, Peter Cowbell Mr. and Mll rs. Harold Campbe wish sto° thank their friends, neigh- bours for the lovely girt present- ed to them. A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Machines, who enertained on their behalf, W. ATCulbert and family would like to express their 'sincere thanks and deep appreciation to relitiires, friends and aieighbomse for the beautiful floral tribute and many acts of kindness shown 10 them during their recent bereave.. me*, Special thanks to Rev. J. A. Veldhuis, Dr, Vokes,.and Mrs. '14orne Hastie. I wish to thank all the friends and neighbours, who visited me and reniep here& me with gifts and. so many lovely cards, while was a patient in Wingham Hes, pital and at home. Special thanks to Dr. Coffin, Dr. McKim and the nurses at the hospital. Rev. B. F. Green IN IVIEMORIAM BELL -- in loving memory of a dear wife, mother, •=4 grand- mother, Mrs. Mary Bell,- who pas- sed away one year ago, March 14, 1965. Dearly remembered and sadly missed by her family. BLACK — in loving memory of 'a dear husband and father, *Howard. Black, who" passed -away "five years ago, March, 17,1961 There is never a day that passes bY, • " But our thoughts reach out to you. Never a joy that comes to us, • But we wish you could share it, .In. our garden of beautiftd n10111- You return to' us each day. Your memory is a de today M in the hour You passed away. Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by MS wife Edna and • Auction Sale AUCTION SALE ' AUCTION SALE of modern power farm implements, livestock, hay and grain will be held for Elvin J. Adkhi, lot 14, Lake. range Col- borne Township, 6 miles with of Goderich or 3/4 mile south of. Sheppard* on Highway 21. on Saturday, March 19 at 1 p.m. See bills for .list. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms Cash. ElVin J. .Ad - kin, prop., Allan MacIntyre, auc- tioneer. AUCTION SALE AUCTION. SALE of farm hnple- moots, livestock, hay and grain and some ,household furniture will be held for Harold Campbell, lot 2,',concession .2, Kinloss Township, VA mile north and 2 miles west of Luclmow on Saturday, March 26, all p.m..See bills for listo*Terms cash, No reierve, as farm is •sold. Harold Campbell, ',Prop., Allan 'Maclityre, Auctioneer. • • AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE -- of -livestock, implements, hay and grain and some household effects will be held for. Mrs, Thengas Hodgins,. lot 34 concession 12 Culross Township, . 3. miles east of.Kirdough or 33/4 miles ncr'bh and 334 miles west of Tees - water on Saturday, April at 1:30 p.m. See bills for list, Terms Cash, Mrs, Thomas Hodgins, prop., Allan MacInyre, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ,AUCTION SALE of livestock, farm implements, • hay and 'grain and some • household effects , will be held for Wiliam Avails, lot 26 • concession 4, Kitilbss Township, 33/4 miles east and 21/2 miles north of Lticknow' on Tuesday, March 22 at 1:30 p.m. See, bills for list. Terms cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. William Evans, prop. Allan Maclntyre, auctioneer. ' Eighi Boys . • NOTICE TO ;CREDITORS After• In the Estatec4 ALEXANDER WAL"..ACE MILLER, Deceased, All persons having clahns against the Estate of Alexander Wallace Miller, late of the Township of West Wawanosh, in the, County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 17th day of January .1966, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor. for the Execittors of the Estate on or before the 18th day of March 1966, after which date the Estate will he distributed among St those entitled thereto having regard only to. the claims of which the Executors shall then have nt Dated at Listowel, Ontarie, this 25th day of rebruary, 1966. R. W. Andrew, Listowel, Ontario, Sol- icitor for the Executors. ' • • Cucumber Growers WANTED WKS OF 'CANADA. vioixo. • LIKE' MORE. ACREAGE *.FREE PICK UP ;AT .GATE'... ff...*rested Write* Phene Bkki.. :.Of Canada' • SONE DUBLIN OR. John ..•Von. Roo' • . DITNGANNON 529-7436 . . . • . • . . • . • • • .474.1' 1Y-414•4•44!"•‘...**9 Lucknow Arena Scheilule • .• * *.• * ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH' la... 'Curling 77-11 • THURSDAY; MARCH 17 Curl. 7,11 •• c—FRIDAY, MARCH 10 • Belfast Ns No. 6. Ashfield • 4:30-5:30 Bantam. Practise Watch for posters if no hotkey there. will be skating et regular time. • •SATURDAY, MARCH19 Ashlons and Sclunids Halls lied. and White, 9-10 •Chishohns Esso •/ vs • . , ' • Hamilton's BP Fuels. • 11-12 • Skating 2-4, 8—le. • SUNDAY, MARCH 20 • Skating 2-4 • Curling8-10 MONDAY, MARCH' 21 iVESDAY, MANCH 22 Bantam Practise • ' 4:30-5:30 Peewee Practise Squirt Practise 7--6 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 • Skating for • 'Mothers and Pre School Children 1:30-3:30 Skating 8-10 THURSDAY, MARCH 24 Curling 7-11 -- :romp..sr • 4• (Whiteehurch News) Henry to Mr. and Mts. . Henry Ruby on the birth of their daughter on Thursday, March 3, in Winghain and District:Hospital, a sister for 8 brOthers. Quite a number of ladies from this community attended the Dessert Euchre party held by the Wingham Women's Institute last Wednesday. • • • • BORN - In Walkerton Hospital .on•Sunday, March 6th. /,966, to Mr. and Mrs. George Needham (nee:Doris Wall), Rk1. Pinkerton, a son. .. ' . DEMONSTI4TION,.HELD .". 'Mrs..Albert Coultes was hostess to an attendance of 18 ladies for a party Fun at your Fingertips with Arteit roll on paints for embroidery • ;• • I work, on. Friday afternoon, with Mrs. Delores McAfee of RR 3 Our= •" ham doing :the demonitrating. .Each.guest was given the Opportun- . . • ity to decorate an item Of embroi- dery and usethe tubes of paint.' • . nEach was given. their fi isheepiece. of liquid embroidery to take hoine 'The hostess served lunch at the • close of the demonstration,. E . EUCHRE PARTY • , On Thursday evening a progress= euchre party sv.os held in. Whi- techurch .CommunitY Memorial Hall With the north members of. the W..1. as hostesses.* There -were 1 tables of players. Prizes for high lady Mrs. George Carter, • high gent Frank 'Ross, low lady Mrs Dave Gibb, lowgent vave $ , 4 Liacsy.draw for lady Mrs." Hazelgrove and tor gent Dave Gibb Thp village:W.f. members will be. hostessesfor die euchre partY to ' beheld on March 24. Lunch. was' • serVed,by 'hostesses Mrs. Russel • Gaunt; Mrs. 'Wallace Cann,. Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs. %Russel Ross, Mrs.. Don Ross. Mrs ,Johnston Conn. • • t • • • • • 4 Y • Richardson Farm • (Langside news) Peter DeBoer has purchased the . farm' oliohn Richardson where the late Jim Richardson and. Mrs. Rich- ardson resided. • Joe .Stobie, ElMire, Spent the... • weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Welsh and family on Con. 6. Congratulations to Mt. and Mrs. WM.' Brown. Lucknow , who quiet= ly observed their 47th'Wedding anniversary on Saturday, March 12, and*Mrs. Chas. Tiffin, Lang= side and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston, BelgraVe, visited them • on Satinday.. • . On Thursday Mr.' and Mrs. Russ- ell Ritchie 'and Mrs. Fred Tiffin took Charles Tiffinto London to see a specialist. . The ladies of the iangside • W..M.S. group are invited to the 'South Kinloss Easter Thankoffering meeting at their church on April, 7 at 2.30,p:m.: when Mrs. Ross Shiells will be the guest speaker. Bob Richardson visited Sunday afternoon with.Mr. and Mrs.. Gor don Wall and' family.. • Mr. and Mrs, Harold McQuillin ' St, Catharines visited.With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mc Con. '6; on Sunday. Mt. and Mrs. Eugene Conley and family visited with Mr. and Uri. as.. Conley at Durhatn.on Sunday'. Mr. and Mrs'. Wn., Scott visit- edon Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Clayton Leddy,,Goderich. • ATTEND OPEN HOUSE A number of parents attended ',Open House' at Kinloss Central' School von' ThUrsday evening, and enjoyed seeing the work of the pupirson display In each room, • • ,•4 • • • i• • • • 4. L. • • F. •