HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-09, Page 13h, 1964
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Lucknow Churches
Mold World
Diy Of Prayer
:The; World Day, of Prayer was
eld in'St , Peter's'Church, Luck-
Qw, with a good attendance from
” Il churches: of the corzrtnu:ity..::
s.' Harvey .Mole :of the Anglican.
hurch presided, assisted by
s. Jim Q',Donnell from St.'•
ary's' Roman Catholic Church,
s. WM.,.Wharr
y of the United.
hunch, Mrs. G. Hamilton of
.outh Kinloss. Church, Mrs..Noble
ohnston of the Presbyterian Church
rs. Vander.Velde of the Dutch
'eformed Church,.
Rev. D. Lieverdink`of the Dutch
'eformed:'Church gave.an inspiring
essage from .the theme "Ye are
y Witnesses" followed by a solo
'y. Mrs. S.,DeBoer ;'of St. Helen's...
The offering was received by
s. Stanley Jay and Mrs.'
'aunt. Mts. 'Molegave the clos-.'
g prayer,
The. afternoon . meeting . of the
.\/1 S //took place March 2nd
ith Mrs; las. Little presiding,
pd. Miss Margaret ;Malcolm at the
iiano,. .
Folaowang a hymn Mrs.:'H.
anner gave the Bible Scripture.
Prayer followed by Mrs. Charles
.teward. •A reading taken .from
he Glad Tidings was read by Mrs.,
as. Little; Are you, too
"Pabulously Rich"?
The Mission Band .was to be in-.
ited .-forthe next meeting; and
he .Bale was• discussed..A. verse
aken from -the Book .of Isaiah
.nswered.,the roll call. Prayer
was then given by Mrs. J. Emer
.on. The 4th chapter 'of St.
i ohn, ;verses 27-42 was.read.•in
unison, after which Mr.s H.
gnew gave the Mission Study on.
'The Christian's Calling:'..A ;
yrnn.was sung and the meeting
irought to a cl'ose with prayer by
rs, Jas. Little.
The March meeting of-Blakes
:C. W. •was held Tuesday .after-
oon, March lst, at the home of,
rs. Keith,Cr-anston., Mrs'; Jerry
ranston was in charge of the pro_
am which' was in the•.form of a
•nteti service 'and opened .the rnee
ng with the Call to worship. The
editation was in several parts .;
ith passages of.scriptureiead by,
rs, Jack Irwin and Mrs. Kaiser,'
allowed. by short prayers.
Mr, . Kaiser 'gave the' Bible Study
apters eleven and twelveof
esus Christ and the Christian Life
rs. Wm.•'Irvn herald for India
:vera reading and. Mrs. Cliff 'Kil-
trick the study book on Brazil.
The secretary's report was . iven
d the roll call was answered by •
e nary a of • a Disciple with 11 4,
'alts, 1 visitor and 3 children
esent. The treasurer's report,'`
:s given and,we were reminded •
the fourth annual meeting of
ton Presbyterial U.C.W. to; be
ld March 22nd in Wessley Willis.
ited Church, Clinton.
The quilt blocks 'were brought
and with the promise of a few
're, we had' enough for 2 quilts,
s. Cranston also showed .2 crib
ilts'tf[at were quilted fora bale
^Ce thelast tneetingt.
Themeeting\closed with a hymn
d in unison and prayer and a
testwas enjoyed while lunch
s being prepared. The hostesses
re .Mrs.. Keith Cranston and Mrs.
...nit 1: Luc.. nova UCW
Unit 1 met at thehome of Mrs,
Wm. Wharry for the' March meet-
ing Mrs. K. Murdie presided.
for the opening and business. -Re-
ports were given by tt. Treasurer
and the Community ,Friendship arid
Supply 'Committees. The roll call'
was answered: by 21 members and
1 visitor„ , r .
Mrs. J. Hall had charge of the .
program including readings by .
Mrs'. W; H'owald', 'and Mis. 'H
Robinson; Mrs. J;. W Joy nt took
the Study ' Book and told �of the .
work being done in several parts
of the country in, Agriculture, .Wel-
fare, Medical Clinics. and Evang
elism. Mrs. •N, J•. MacKenzie •
reviewed Chapter 9 of'"'God and
His .Purpose., The meeting closed
with a benediction.., •
Unit 2 LucknowU
'The March. meeting of .Unit2 of
the U.C. W:. was at. the home of
Mrs. Leslie Ritphie with 18 ladies
present;, The 'leader, Mrs•.:•. L. Mc-
L.eod, opened the;meetin-�$�:with a
•proem "God Bless You", followed
by hy.ninand prayer... The roll
'call Was answered. by readings
• from the Observer. The supply
secretary, Mrs. V.. Hunter, asked
for quilt blocks and nylon stockings
find .also wants helpers ,to `quilt on
March 16 and 1'i .inthe: church • •
basement. Mrs. Curran ,gave a
reading on Stewardship and Miss
F. Andrew gave a report on Com -•
munity.Friendship. .The Social
Function committee showed' the '
dishes that they had bought for..the
The `beneral meeting of/the
U,C; W. ;is in the.church 6n March
22nd . also the Easter Thankoffering
in the church: April 19th. •The. •
Bruce Presbytery is in Paisley on
March. 29th. • .•
Mrs. V. Huntergave' the Study
Book: "God 'and His•Purpose".. assist-
ed by Mrs. Glen Walden:and Mrs.
H.. Houston. Mrs. Collins played
'several hymns on the mouth organ.
:which was very much appreciated..
Mrs. L McLeod gave the chapter
.on Brazil which was very interest
ing. A St. Patrick's,.reading was
given and. Mrs. Houston gay'e a
,vote of thanks'to Mrs; Ritchie:for.".
her home. All pronounced the
•Mizpah Benediction. A St; Pair.
rick's:contest was given; bp" Mrs.
L. McLeod during the lunch hour,
which was served by the hostess
and committee.
South Kinloss WMS
Hears History
Mrs. Rod MacLeod was hostess
to South Kinloss W M, S, at the
Manse on Wednesday, Match 2n4
Mrs.: Eyan Keith 'presided. and Mrs,
Lloyd MacDougall gave°the Secre.
tary's report. Mrs..Ross MacMill
an reported for the Treasurer. A
card of sympathy to be sent to.the
President, 'Mrs, Gilbert Hamilton.
was signed. by the members; The
matter of an Easter rhankoffering
meeting was discussed,. Bible
Study was. Isaiah 43, with roll call
'answered by a verse with "precious'
Mrs, pouglas. Graham gave a
detailed account of the beginning.;
of the W.M.S. and. the Mission
Band o in• the congregation and, the
activities down theyears including
names of officers and leaders,
Mrs..W. F.( MacDonald had charge
of the Prayer Circle.''
Mrs. Sandy MacLeod and Mrs.
Harry Lavv♦s sang a duet a ccorn pan-
• ied ,by Mrs.' Rod MacLeod...Brian .
Keith :gave a piano instrumental.,
Mrs-. Keith:discussed parts of Pro"
gram One "Called for a Purpose".
pertaining`.to thematter of Christ
:ran Witness and our involvement
through, Christian Outreach. Mrs.
Ira Dickie conducted •a' contest on
Trees of the Bible 'anti hostess and •
• directors served a delicious lunch
(Whitechurch News)
This community extends theit
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Morrison and family in the passing
of her father, the late Alfred
Buckton;. ,a resident of this village.
Attending the funeral on Friday
frorn..a distance. were Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Horwood. , Mr. and Mrs., '
Eric Horwood. and Mrs, Flowe, Tor-
onto, Mrs, Victor Casernore,
Brantford, and. Mr, and Mrs. 'Alf-
red Buckton of Toronto,, a . nephew
who arrived on Thursday• and re-
mained at the Morrison home till
'Sunday. • • •
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin •
were• Sunday .visitors with her par-
ents, Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Brown,
of Lucknow.. • •,.
Alex, 'John, George and Richard.
Coffin of Galt accompanied their
mother, Mrs. Claude. Coffin of
Galt. here on Sunday. Mrs: .Coff-
in remained fora few days with.
• Mt. and Mrs. Albert Coultes to
prepare her•village home•here for
This community extends sytnp-
athy to Mrs. A. Wilson and, Jim
in: the loss of her sister, the late
Mrs., McPhail. .
EUCHRE PARTYThe progressive euchre.
party was
heid at Curries School. on Friday
evening with 19 tables of players, .
Prize winners were high lady Mrs.
Nethery, low lady. Mrs:; Ken Curr •
le, high gent Mrs;' John Jamieson
filling in as gent,. low gent Lorne
Scott. Novelty. prizes went to
Mr. Gnay and Mrs.Rutherrford
Reavie: Mrs:: Gordon. McBurney„ •
supervised 19 girls and 3: little boys
in play in the .basement., They
too •were given prizes for games .
and contests. The hosts and host-
esses Mrs, George Walker., Mr.
and Mis. John L. °.Currie served.;
lunch; The .other host,. George''...
Walker who atrived home from
Winghani hospital or! Thursday;
was unable .to attend.. The next . .
party will be March ;1$ when Mr.
and Mrs.. Alex . Robertson and W.
and Mrs:. Roy Dawson will.. be the
sponsors. • •
...Diane' Coultes entertauredher
friends Sandra Fisher, Beverley
Soloman and Janis Farrier on ' '.
Friday evening to celebrate her
Mrs. Roy Schneller was confined
to the house: during the .week with
a .throat infection..
• Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs;
T..Hogan• (Diane Hewitt) who. .
were married ,in London' on Satur-
d•ay. .Members of the family att-
ended :the wedding .;and : reception.
Mr.. and Mrs. Don 1VlcEwan vis-
on Friday 'evening'with her.
mother, Mrs. John Bushell; at
the 'home of Ben Montgom e ,
• North Line..
Mr. and. Mrs, 'Dan McInnes and ,
family visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Johnston.•
Sunday visitors with:Mrs Will
ram Cox and Rev..BensonCox
;were Mr, and .'Mrs. John Scott.,
:concession 4, Mr,•..and Mrs. Bill.
Scott, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Hodgins of London.
4-H CLUB •
The,6th meeting, of the"4-H
homemaking cl "Accent on; ,
Accessories" was held at the hone
of arenda and Heather Hewitt
with eleven girls .present..
Sandra Percy of Toronto spent
the weekend at her home here..
,Mac MacDonald spent the•week-
ed :with his parents, Mr. and •
Mrs. Tom MacDonald, and Elma
Mr., and Mrs. Dan Mclnnes .and.
family visited on Sunday with •
,Mr..and Mrs.,Dan Tiffin and fam-
ily at Wingham:
Mr,' and Mrs; Morley Bushell
'and family visited: on 'Sunday with.
Mrs, John Barr. $ • '
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Evans ; • •
Linda and Larry, visited last week
end .with.Mr.. and. Mrs. Bert Nich
olsori, Allan and Lois. Mrs. Evans
and: the children remained. for. --
the week when they returned to
Downsview with Mr and kilts.
Jerry Collison who spent this
.weekend 'at the Nicholson horde;
Mrs. Bert, Nicholson and Lois,
Mrs. N. Er Evans, Linda .and Lar-
ry, spent a day at Woodstock with'
Mr. and Mrs.. Cliff Langford and.
Jamie.- •.
Mr. and Mr's. Roy Schneller
visited on Sunday with Mr and
Mrs. Elgin Hogg. and: farnily at
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins
'of London were dinner guests' with.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Grant Eckenswiiler
and family on Sunday evening.,
Congratulations to Mr, and: Mrs.
Kerry Hogan (nee Diane Hewitt)
who were married in London on
Saturday. .
Unit .S Lucknow:IJCIN
Unit 3 of the U, C. W.. met at
the home of Rev., and Mrs. Strapp
on March 'lst at 2.30 p.m. with ;
Mrs. Cummings in charge....
A. sample of:the new dishes, pur-
chased for the Church kitchen,.
was on display.
Mrs. Ken Cameron reported the
next , General Meeting to.be held
on March 22nd, Easter Thankoffer-
ing April 19th and the Presbyterial
at. Paisley on Aprih 29th., Quilt
blocks were handed .in and a quilt-
ing date is to be announced later
in March. 'A request was made for
old nylons to be handed in to supp-
ly committee. Plans' were made
to hold abake sale on May 21st.
Mrs. Strapp and Mrs, Lloyd Hall
were on the program committee.
Mrs. Hall reported for Citizenship,
and gave the Study Book on Ther'
Purpose of God in Christ. Mrs;_
Shiells presented Brazil. Music by
Rev, and Mts. Strapp was enjoyed,
and Mrs. MacDonald gave a read-
ing "March is here" `
Mrs. Cummings' expressed her
thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Strapp
and: the program committee.:
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Gordon Johiistone
FHONI . 528-3719