HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-09, Page 2•� hriia#�Aw.�4:.i11Y 1.1.10 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. 1.UCKNOW1 ONTARIO The future of Lucknow District High School came to a head ata ; meeting in the Lucknow District High School. on. Monday•"of this • ' week.. Attending the meetifig .at the invitation of the Lucknow boa :rd, were 'public• school inspectors Kinkead from Huron and Keith Walde from Bruce; •as well as, secondary school inspector Don ald Scott. ` The Sentinel•sat in on the pro= ceedings for four hours and we find the .Meeting, ' which. was all of a .discussion nature, a'very hard one to report. Inspector, Scott outlined the , many advantages for secondary school students in attending a larg er school where courses and: options were more:readily available to suit their particular needs. Public School inspectors Waldie and Kinkead; :in their remarks, outlined the many advantages which senior elementary school woul',w et if the. Lucknow Dist'' rictHigh School were to be used is that in the future as had been advocated by.Department Of Educ-. 'ation officials.. It was pointed out by Mr. Scott that 56°1 of the students at the Wingham School are taking voca- tional courses as compared to •l7% • from the Lucknow :School. -'The average across•the province is in excess of 5014.. It. is felt that an increasing trend to this type of ed - on on will ev�entua ly drain -the Lucknow school of enrolment.to the point where it will not be ec-. onomicaliy nor practically sound to continue• operation of the _school New curriculum withspecialized„ t types of education will make it increasingly difficult to engage teachers. In learned' education circles, thefuture of the school is considered comparatively short, However,:no one is pushing the Lucknow D strict High School Boardto close the school at this 'tithe. The elementary school sir uation.,in this area has,caused them to hasten' this major decision • Several factors have caused .ells decision to, come to a head. ' Ash- field • and West Wawanosh combined school boardsare presently:con- structing a newelementaryschool for their townships, Kinloss.,School Area Board :have permission to' build .an addition to their central, school but have held back pending the High School decision. Luck- now Public School Board are faced with; .a building program either in the line :of extensive. renovation program or a' new school. ' The Lucknow: District High' School is the property of these four municipalities as well •. Culross -.and Greenock, Townships to a smaller degree. , The Lucknow High School Board feel that: now .. isthe time to be pondering the future of the school so that these municipalities might'make use of the building shouldit become vac ant. If the matter were left Sever- al years,which no doubt could be done, .the• other schools would proceed with their plans, and the . e Lucknow District. High School • • might. be left a vacant building in the neat fur *e; The Lucknow School could con- tinue fora time This was gener- ally agreed. But it would not be offering the student the type, of education 'that should be 'available to him in this day Amalginiation with the Wing - ham District .High School was the . • suggestion ofinspector Scott who made it clear that this was by no • means a sure ;thing. 'He said the Wingham board: might not be: agree able but -he Suggested- a -meeting between the two bodiesat an early date. He felt the tithe wastipe foor such a mope in View ' of 'the Wingham board',sexpansion plans which are presently under study.. The decreasing enrolment at Luck - 'now as the vocational plan becom• es more accepted; the elementary . school possibilities; which the move would make,. were.. other. factors Which made Mr. Scott rec- oinmend the move to the board. It was generally agreed by all three inspectors that a senior elein- entary school in the high school . • building would offer "eery -advan- tage to that of city schools and that it 'w,ould be available to the . taxpayer :much more economically by this.rnove,. ,PHONE 3S7 -1$3S. STARTING TIMES SAO p.m. day to Thursday 7:1S'..and 1:13--Fr.day . and Saturday Saturday Matinee -2:M p.m. WED_: THUR.-FRI. • . MAROI 9-1011 • "FLUFF" C&&0117" Shirring: . Torr Randall - Shirley d'ones in this one a ,lion plays •cupid and it's fun. all. the way, It's mod family entertainment, • . eteelm.••i••a:. • e oa.s. .*. o.• SATURDAY • MATINEE MARCH 1`2 • ' "FLUFFY"•' • .• • ' • •. •. i • • • • r • •• 0. • ,•. • ase .•. , • • . . • ..es.. : .. eo••••+., .••o••s•..•. . ' • • r ` . SAT.-MON.-TUES. MARCH 11-14.15 •• •. • "DO: NOT DISTURB" • ' • • Co)our - { .nemaS cope. - • •: •ring:.iDoris.nay 4., W.Sd MOW 'Trials is. the ]atest A the Doris Day fun unci • ••..romance series, . .• . • •••••. It was stated at the'meeting that. a senior elementary school to handle grades 7 and 8. °from. the district had received favourable reception from the .Lucknow and Kinloss Public School Boards, but that the Ashfield West Wawanosh Board did not appear . interested. Representatives of these. boards re- cently attended a London meeting at which time details Qf such a . .proposal were •spelled out., The expected enrolinent, at • Lucknow District High School over the, next -few: years shows a slight increase for two yearsand'then.a slight drop back for the next five years. At no time is it expected to exceed 250 which includes all students, both those attending; Wingham and Lucknow. This meant that if Lucknow followed th provincial pattern for enrolment in the vocational courses As itv exists :today, it cotlld;:be'conceiv able that :enrolment at'the Luck* now school would drop• to about 125• or possibly less. Principal .L� EGoyette said .that hedid not feel, that grade 13 could be .effectively handled at the Lucknow.' School next term because of the increasing change in curric .ulurn and the difficulty in obtain-. ing staff to meet these changes. The pupil enrolment .as. compared to' thenumber of teachers required also .makes:it economically un- sound It was generally agrreed that ther are •a lot of.good features about'a small,'school and a ,lot Of bad :feat:: • ures' about a large school,. Some of the: board regretted that the public were,not mare aware.of ' their motives in 'considering the -amalgamation with Wiigharn. When questioned by=.theboard as to how long the Lucknow school; could continue; to operate, Mr. Scott.,said he felt the grade 13 class was doubtful for next ;year. He said that'the school might carry;: on the 5 year present course for some time but felt it was not fair to a young..people to be deprived ,of e options that a larger School* could. provide.. He said this plan is`now being ,carried on only main- ly in -isolated areaswhere it is not feasible to transport pupils to Iarg= .er centres, of learning with more ' of this ballot elsewhere in this issue by Press.time, • It should be.clearly. understood that the vote was only in the matt- er of whether. or not the Lucknow board would 'meet with the Wing - ham School board to discuss the possibility of amalgamation. No decision other than this was made. at ".Monday',s meeting. Whitechurch Farm. Angus. Falconer, of •Streetsville has sold his . farm in East Wawanosh; en Highway 86, lust east,,of White- church to Nick Kloostra .pf'Wing-. ham. The sale was made by F. C. Van Eyl of Lucknow, agent for Bosveld Real Estate of Meaford. • 'Thr X Town", On , th Huron•Bruce Boundary •• . e . Authorized. as : second class : Mail, Post Oce.' Department, . Ottawa Established 175 --Published Each Wednesday. Afternoon ' Member of tho C.11/41.A. and O.W.N.A.. Subscription Rate, $4.00:a year In: advance „�— to the IJ S,A.45.00' Donald C.• Thompson, Publisher opportunities.:. .. Some of the topics given serious discussion by the board' were:.are we .providing adeq late education, do We feelthat the; Wingham sch-' ool could offer a better education; - do we think a decision should be made on the information we have, shouldwe postpone of drop. entire ly a decision,should vie consider . the Lucknow: Public School's Gond- ition in making our decision; should the decision of the'Ashfield- 'West Wawanosh Board not to send pupils' ofgrade i' and S to a cent- ral school influence our decision, would the closing of the Lucknow District High Schooll affect the economy of the tillage and dist- . rict, These:were the topics.that received a full hearing at Mondays meeting." Board •rnerrilaer, Allister Hughes was unable to be present because of illness and a sealed ballot was taken with Mr. Hughes 'tc be contacted for his vote the • follOwing•day. We hope to hale,.. An announcement". of the result • 'WILSON ' In:VC ingharn and District • Hospital, on Thursday, February to Mr„ and Mrs. Murray • 'u' lror:, . RR'Auburn a ton. • • C,pEEN In Witifnar and District •Hospital, on Sunday. February 27• ,. ".1.r464* W :o Mr. and Orr. Donald • •' ;reer, RR 3"" `e sw stet, a daughter THEATRE GODERICH FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT • ENTERTAINMENT IS OUR . BUSINESS WED. TH MARCH 9-10-11 In Color Stars 4 Stuart Whitman — Stanley Baker .: Susannah York TheStrangest Adventure. The Eyes. g t .. .Of Man Have Ever Adventure. 2 SHOWINGS AT 7.15 & 9:25 RM. •• ' Adult Entertainment •�,' 0 0- —0s=0— Em0 out SAT MON., TUES. MARCH 1214-15: In Color Stirring:. Paul Ford, Connie Stevens, And Maureen O'Sullivan Broadway's Bouncingest Bundle. Of Joy On The Screen 2 SHAW NGS :AT 7:15 '& 9:20 P.M. Adult Entertainment )i=O O=Q 0=101===0=0 SPECIAL MATINEE SAT., .MAI. 12 CHILDREN'S . MATNEE REGULAR MATINEE -PRICES napiciozpoise=o1====ocoo WED , THURS, FRL MARCH 1647:18 iiic