HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-09, Page 1iucknow . District High School'
Board wlU meet with the Wingham
District High School . Board at an
early date, A vote by the Luckpo%
board on . Monday "in the Matter``
of the board of Lucknow District
High School approaching Wingham
,DistrictHigh School board to as -
'certain whether or not this district
would be accepted in amalgamat-,
ing with their district" received
a unanimous, votein favour by the
•Lucknowiboard. ,
: After the opinibnsof theWing-
han't Board are heard, and the
Lucknow Board receive more det
ailed information, a decision will;
be made on whether, ar . nat
close the Lucknow District High
' School in favour of an amalgam
ation plan with.; Wingham
•* roawrrAaoarpfiroeet►•ne►e••s•• .,
Donald Hamilton, son of Mr.'
and Mrs, Gib Hamilton of Kinloss,
has received 'a transfer from Go-
-gams to .North Bay He is with
the Department of Lands and For
and has been stationed at;
Gogma for two years
Donald has just completed leted a
month's course at Toronto. He
returned on Thursday of last week.
to Gogama and then to North Bay
to -resume his work.
Mr,, and Mrs. Milton Rayner
are back home to Lucknow after a:
winter vacation in Florida..; Milt
and Edna returned by plane from'
Miami to Detroit on Tuesday of
lase week.
Milt had a swim at`Fort. Lauder-
dale in the Morning, made the',
plane , flight, to Detroit and then
went curling with a friend at Leam
ington that evening.
Lucknow District High School
as been successful in securing a
ighly rated English :teacher to
11 the vacancy caused' by the res-
•_nation of Miss Eleanor Plumsteel,
The new teacher, who comm-
need' his. duties Monday•of this
eek, is David S. Mackenzie of• •
terborough He is unmarried.
Mr.: Mackenzie received his
arly education..in_Switzerland an..
ceived a B.A 'and M.A. degree
om Cambridge University in. .
gland, as; well as, an •M; A. from
inburgh in Scotland.
He was .headmaster at Newcastle
hool in Scotland, supervisor of
hoofs arCanso in Nova Scotia,
ofessor of English for RCAF/ at
entralia, head of: En.glish depart
ent 'at Haliburton secondary
hoof, head sof. English department
Crestwood secondary school in
eterborough. Mr. Mackenzie
ad takena year off from teaching:
hile he was writing a'text book •
ASSUMES PRESIDENT"S CHAIR Donald Macintyre: has assumed
the office of .president of the: Lucknow. Agricultural Society. Donald,
a Kinloss Township farmer, is 'shown on the left, He succeeds Oliver
McCharles of Lochalsh who has held the• office for two years and .'
'was president for the successful.. Centennial Fair last year. Oliver is
shown:. in the centre and on the right is Mrs: Fred (Margaret) • Mc -
who was returned as secretary -treasurer of the group.
and this is how he was available
to the Lucknow ,school at this , ,
He has 25 y.earsrteaching exper-
ience and comes highly .rated,
In World War 2 he was a major,
in the army. Hewas diplomatic •
advisor to Free French military
mission to Canada. He was creat-
ed'a,high honour "Chevalier De
la Legion ion D'Honneur"' by General
DeGaulle in 1946..He came to
Canada in 1954.
Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Henderson
of :Lucknow announce the'engage-
ment of their eldest daughter,
Marilyn Louise, to Mr. William E.
Chislett, son of Mr..and Mrs.
Norman Chislett of Toronto.., The
wedding willtake place Saturday,
April 16th, at: First United Church,
Waterloo. '
inloss Board Adop#-Salary Sch�du�e,
et $3500Min mum For Category One
The Board of Trustees of the
intoss Township School Area have
ached an .agreement with the •
achers in. regard to a salary
hedule which will become eff
tine in September of thisyear.
The agreement.provid�es fof a
inirnum salary 'of $3500 and 'a
aximum of $5000 for teachers.
category 1,: and a minimum of
900 and a maximum of $5700
�r teachers.,in category 2. The
incipal's allowance. was • set at
$150 per classroom in addition to
'salary.' Teachers will also•receive
$100 forr completing summer '
coutles' approved by the board.
The Kinloss School Area Board
employs ,'four teachers, at the cent-
ral school at Holyrood and three
teachers for one -room schools. at
Kinlough, Kinloss ;village and
Miss Catherine MacGregor 'of
Lucknow observed her 93rd birth-
day on Saturday, March•5th. „ She
continues to enjoy good health. •
Miss MacGregor suffered .a fract-'
ured.hip in October 1962. A few
years previous shehad suffered
a fricture of her•ri8 ht hip and a •
short time later had her wrist brok'-,'
en in a car .mishap: Eachtime
she made a'remarkable recovery.
She is a ,daughter of the late
D N.MacGregor and Jessie Mac-
Kenzie of Cape Breton where she
'Was born.' She came to Ashfield
as a child with her parents and for
over fifty years has resided in
Lucknow, where for many years
her services as a seamstress were
much in demand.
Mr. and: Mrs. George Stewart
and' -Joe Stewart , since moving
from St. Helens, have made their
home "with. Miss MacGregor: Mr. '•
Stewart passed away about a month
ago. .Mrs. Stewart was the former
Mae MacGregor.. :
Many friends called to extend
congratulations and best wishes to
this beloved Lucknow resident. On
Thursday evening she was guest of
honour at a dinner party at the •
home, of Elmer Untbaeh Present
for•the occasion were Mrs. George
Stewart, Joe. Stewart, Mrs. Marg
aret MacLennan, Annie McLeod,
Mary McLeod. Ruby Webb and Mrs.
Mrs. Charles Hallam
Mr. and 'Mrs..' Mark Johnston,
area residents for their' entire life,
'observed .their 50th wedding anni
versary at their Kinloss. township
•home on. Tuesday of this week,
: March I3th. Theevent was obset
ved on Saturday when all members
of their family of nine 'Were pies
•ent with their,parents.'
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston reside
. about a mile west of Holyrood on
• the eighth concession of Kinloss
where they have, farmed for the
'past' 37 years. Mr. Johnston has
--not enjoyed` the best, of health in
recent years and open house was
not held . to observe the anniversary
Many friendsand neighbours of
the community did call however .
.. to extend' best wishes to the'resp i
ected Kinloss couple;
',.Mark is the Son of the late Mr. •
and Mrs. Jim Johnston and was
born on the farm where they now
reside, Mrs. "Johnston.is the form-
er Mary Conley', daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conley. .'
The couple, were married in Luck-
now on March .8th.; 1916 by Rev
J. S. Duncan of Lucknow Presby-
terian Church at the home of the
bride's parents, At that tittle they
resided.on Gough Street, just east
of the Holyrood road, where Mel
Stanley is now living.. Mrs. Elmer
Johnston (Agnes Lockharr)' and
'George : Lockhart signed the register.
as witnesses at the ceremony.
Following their wedding,' the
couple resided at Langside, on the
Frank Miller farm, at: Kinlough,
in Greenock and Culross before
taking up residence, on their pres
ent farrn 37 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have a
family of nine, all of whomwere:
present last Saturday. `to observe'
the .occasion. They, are Cliff of
Kinloss; Mrs. Maurice Hodgins
(Vera)'of' London; Mrs. Pere. Dey-
ell (Jean) of Wingham, Everett of
Ottawa; Mrs. Don Martin (Mary)
of Whitechurch; Mrs. Bert Moss.
(Doris) of Auburn; Lloyd who re-
sides at:horme; Keith' of Wingham.;
Wayne of 'Montreal. Mr. 'and Mrs.
Johnston have 19 grandchildren
and 7 ;great-grandchildren
Mr, Johnston is the, last member
of his family.'' Mrs. Johnston has. .
a brother, •Joe Conley. of Lucknow,
and,two sisters, 'Mrs. Fred (Id'a)
Johnston of Listowel and Mrs, Joe
(Annie) Wall of Teeswater. • '
Mrs. Wilson Irwin, formerly of
cknow but now a resident of
ucelea Haven, Walkerton,. will
•serve her 95th birthday on Sat -
day; March Nth; Mrs; Irwin
enjoyingfairly good health.
Lucknow'United hurch approved
construction of a n classroom
Wing addition at,. meeting at the
Church' Monday vening.
The idea was first presented; to
the congregation at the annual.
meeting, in late January. A cong'i'
regational meeting was held 'two '.
Weeks ago to deal with the propos-
al but weather prevented a large
enough attendance. to proceed at
that time. .
Forty attended Monday's meeting
and voted in favour of proceeding
. with the classroom wing. Estim-
cost of the structure will be
$30,0.00 to $36,000 and would pro-
vide. about 3000 additi nal square.
feet of space which wb'uld be used
mainly for Sunday School purposes.