HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-02, Page 11this ye. eC• laid iston :r for. tlati • n thi res g ,con rid th it dist :lies with songs Gail )ecial peat - red fo `he R• is -pre Loc.' rides, hP . tris, letY the SPATI,MARCH 2nd, "THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1 UCKNOW, O NT+A►RiO 4 RED, CROSS_ IS .ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR ,HELP lrea Churches Observe World Day Of Prayer Calvin -Brick (Whitechurch News) eWorld.:Day of Prayer was Id by Calvin -Brick .congregation :ehorne of Tubs, Alex Robert. i, on February 25. Mrs. Ken son8 ave the call to worships Onion and Thanksgiving port - i, -,The scripture reading. was • etibyi Mrs. Lawrence'•Taylor. ;, Gordon McBurney led .in the. afession and: Penitence part.. the guest speaker, Mrs. George Ode, was. introduced. by Mrs." beet Beecroft, and her thence 4".Ye ate my Witnesses N rs,, Roy Patison led in scripture ding. Mrs. Norman Coultes ' ethe 'Act of•Dedication.,The dication of the offering was giv by Mrs. teorge McGee, The,. ercession' was given :by Mrs. Ibert Beecroft. Prayers .were en for Africa, Asia, Europe and *Isles, and Latin America, , 'Mrs Donald Dow, Mrs. Peter. endler, Mrs, John Jamieson and 1. Ronald Coultes The attendance* w as .• 19 adults d 2 children andcollection is.oa, .. r Kk tough (Kinlougla~News) the WorldDay of Prayer seryice. this district was held.' in the sbyterian Church with Miss W in red•Percy as,key. woman. There xe 28 ladies. present.. Scripture• (tions were read by Mrs.. Frank gulden'and Mrs, Wihm ia'H•alden•' 'Mrs, Donald Robertson gave. .. endid address on the theme,, ,.•are My Witnesses" ' : This was awed with a solo byMrs, Har Baldenby, "Building for Etern- Leader for the Act of Dedication Mrs, Torn MacDonald.: The ging received :by Mrs-. Mor Bushell and Mrs, Djn Bushell., Lyman Sutton gave the "offer - prayer. Miss May Boyle led_ the Intercession.:: -Pr -a -err -were ;red for the 'women of Africa Mrs„Bert Nicholson, the 'women Asiaby: Mrs, :Bill "Burt ` the w'o- of Europe and the British Isles' **Walter Breckles, the wo n of Latin, America by Mrs. Geo Haldenby. 'Suitable hymns the form•of service were used. Miss Edna Boyle or anist.' • Winnifred Percy expressed her eciation to all who had assist!..‘ With the :service. Miss May ' e was. chosen -key woman "for year wlien the meeting will* held in•the Anglican: Church. St Helens. he World Day of Prayer "Service. held at the•hotne of Mrs. W.I. ler on Friday, February '25th. eobservance''of this Dayof yer on the first Friday in Lent • now become international. orld theme:. was "Ye are My tnesseS"; ' • he leaders for this service were W.I. Miller; Mrs: A .E.' llis, Mrs, T. J • Todd, Miss B. Rutherford Mrs. john Cam - 'and Mrs, -L. Woods. The Ipture passages were read by .11. Garrick and Mrs: lames chison, and, prayers offered by S. G, McPherson, Mrs, Wm. therford and Miss Isobel.'Miller. eRev, A,E.Willis gve an Piring messy a on the theme earelogare $ ,, my. witnesses • .A short period was followed by ch served by Mrs,' T . J Todd Moet. Woods. • • ,Ashfiiield Explorers The World Day of Prayer, Chil- dren's service of the Senior and Junior members of the Explorers of Ashfield Presbyterian Church, under the leadership of .Mrs. Hen- ry MacKenzie and Mrs. Warren, Wylds, was held -last Thursday iri , thebasement';of the church, .The meeting.oAened by the call tot), worship and repeating the ,par- pose and motto in unison. The scripture psalm 105. was read by.Greg Hamilton. A .poem entitled Our father's Love for All was read by Mrs. Wylds, followed by4esponsive reading. The Study Book,".a . Story of a handicapped boy doing his. share of Christian work among people" was told by •Mts. Wylds. Hymn "The Brotherhood of Man' was sung; A fibs was conducted by: Mrs. MacKenzie entitled' ' "Jesus teaches us: how to pray." The meeting:closed by singing "Children who walk in Jesus way and prayer:. Refreshments were served to the children. Chalrners' A: ntd Whitechurch United (Whitechurch News) Dungannon The. World Day. of 'Prayer. Service was held on Friday it 240 in Cha- .The.World•Day (Dungannon„News)of Prayer was liners Presbyterian Church' with .- held on Februar.25` :in Erskine:F es - the United Church joinin �� 8 in the•�byterian'Chttrch with a good 'atten-. service.' . The theme wa "Ye are dance from all churches of the • : . 'm witnesses ; Mrs. °Victor Emer- Y communit” : Mrs.' Robert McAll-• son, on behalf of the W.M.S. i. y ' ter, .presidentofthe .Presbyterian, welcomed all and. presided for the. W. assisted by 'Call to Worship, Hymn singing, Mrs President of the'' ' . Paul Caesar; pr .. Adoration and Thanksgiving, and . `:Anglican •Guild, -'and Mrs..' Wilbur gave the :scripture. and the scriture. - p •' � p Brown.;. president of the U,•C; W. :`: readings,"'{ The scripture readings were •read by. Mrs. Millan Moore presided for 'Mrs. Arthur Stewart. the confession and penitence per- *Miss Dorothy Douglas of Lucknow iod and gave, the meditation on -the` who for many years had ,been. a ' Y. Theme..Ye are my. Witnesses; missionar in' Formosa; .ave a which means:that we are His rep-fi very inspiring, address on the theme resentatives to all with whom we. Lt»ye are My Witnesses" A solo .come. irt_contact_._._ We are ,camp:-_ _: was, sung by -Mrs: Veldhuis- accom- aigning for Christ in. our every .day anied�.b .Rev. Veldhuis•;: and , life if we are His:witnesses. p Y • prayers .were. 'offered : by Mrs, jack' Mrs. William Rintoul'presided 'C,aesar for :Africa;`Mrs , Howard for the scripture reading. A spec -*Johnston; Asia,' Mrs,, W.:J:' Reid ial number; 'a: solo "Pause for a -. Europe, and :Mrs: C. Hayden for Morhent of Prayer” was', given by Latin America. The offering was Mrs. Andrew Gaunt with pianist • received -by Mrs.;Wallace Wilson, Mrs: Johnston Conn. Offering was , Rev • and •Ivlrs. , Arthur Stewart . ..• W . received by Mrs. H.D.MacDonald `' ion. .McLeod pronounced the benedict". and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. The film ii .McLeod 'The Day Thou Gavest" was pres- '. , ented` by Mrs. `.Watt with Mrs. Geo -1 rge Thompson giving the Cemmenti. ary. The film showed the Day of 'Mrs- Wm,;, Farrell was key:wo rrian for`'the jointra. er service P Y. Prayer to be one -of praying, sharing held in Bethel. on Friday•at:.2'p.in. and giving... The services go into - The ladies of the three congrega- all countries and communities. The .tions were.welcomed by Mrs. Fred monies:help prepare. Literature. for Oraigie arid Mrs. Ed Creech,, those with leprosy and the blind, to supply, Bibles, pigture, books and stories' of Jesus, in India and Jam ' aica, and other literature in' many tongues and lands and to the Many refugees. Help is also given to provide radio -tapes for radio has an influence bn those who listen and knows no, impenetrable borders and through it countless peoples lives 'have been -touched. Mrs. Elwood Groskorth presided for the Intercession when prayer for Christ''s Kingdom was given by Mrs. Russel .Ross, for rulers and leaders of. Nation Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, for peace Mrs. Wallace Conn, for all labour for the coming of the•:Kng- doirri Mrs. Russel Gaunt . Mrs. Geo- rge Mitchell gave the. blosing'pray- er. The Key lady,. Mrs. George Thompson, gave the 1965: report; Mrs'. Bill Rintoul was appointed 1966 Key woman. ° There were 35 present... As. The World Day. of Prayer service was•held at the Ashfield Manse on Friday with members. of Slakes, H'acketts and. Zion U.C.W. present; The theme for this: -year was "Ye are.my Witnesses" .written by. the Women of Scotland'ernphasizing. that lay Church•nembers'must . realizetheir responsibility, to live and witness to the faith :they Pro- fess not only in the Church, but out, in the work -a-day world. .Mrs'. Bert Alton was. chairman' for the meeting: and Mrs. Wesley :Ritchie'the. pianist.. The 'following members took part: Adoration and Thanksgiving by Mrs. Bert Alton; Scripture Reading, Mrs, Frank Ali ton; Confession and Penitence, Mrs. Warren Zinn; Meditation on the Therne,"Ye are my witnesses", Mrs.'Kaiser; Act cif Dedication, Mrs. Harvey Ritchie; Offering taken by Mrs;` Alex Hackett; Ded ication: by•Mrs. Harvey Ritchie; Intercession,. Mrs. Bert Alton; :Special ,praY ers:.Women of Africa, Mrs. Earl. Swan, Women of Asia,. Mrs. Robert Helm; Women of Eur- ope and British isles, -Mrs. Ralph. `. Cameron, Women; of Latin 'Amer ica,, Mrs. Bert Alton, The Bened- fiction• closed the meeting Calvin -Brick U. C. ilk%. Calvin -Brick ,U. C. W, held the. it meeting onpWednesday at the home of Mrs, Norman Coultes with 15 ladies in attendance. 'lairs« Ronald .Coultes. gave the Call to Worship, read the scripture and led in prayer, The offering, was received and dedicated; by prayer , given by Mrs. Ken Mason, who also led in the ,Bible Study.. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor gave the Study ° on Brazil. Mrs.. Peter Chandler., read a •'• chapter from the book "The Pres. cher's Kid". A :general Thanks.. giving prayer was given in unison.. Mrs. Alex .Robertson presided for the. business,: Mrs. Ronald ?Coultes. was appointed. to :obtain a ,place :for theBake Sale to be held by •- the group on April 2nd. 'The Eas- ter .meeting will be held April 13th in the evening in the church, when a film will be shown. committ ee'Ivirs. Gilbert Beecroft, Mrs.. Norman Coultes, and Mrs. A. Jackson were appointed to look into -prices and plans for a bus trip instead of the special meeting, in., May. Delegates to attend, the 4Piresbyterial to be held March 22 in Wesley: Willis United Church Clinton were, .Mrs. Alex Robert. sons Mrs.. Peter Chandler, .Mrs. :Norman Coultes, Mrs. Harry Cook and ;.Mrs. Gordon 'McBurney. The supply committee reported, 2 cr b.ouilts•quilted ,and 2 quilts. had been tied, Lenten books will be ordered for those, interested. Mrs. .-,Alex` Robertson led' in prayer and gave the Benediction. .. . • • Bethel .Mrs. Eldon' Bradley of Pine Riv-:. er led the call to worship with Mrs. .Harold Courtney at theorgan:. The ,scripture was .read by .Mrs. Bob • Courtney with Mrs. Sam. Snobelen giving the, meditation on the theme "Ye, are My Witnesses'. 'Mrs.. Reg, Godfrey of Lurgan con- ducted the dedication' service; The Offering was taken by Mrs..,ROY . Walden and Mrs. Harvey Harrison, after which Mrs. Leroy Walden favoured with a beautiful solo, ".God has not Promised." Mrs.. Elmer ,Courtney of Bethel conducted the intercession with prayers being given by. Mrs.' Harold Pillen„of Pine River, Mrs. John Emmerton of Lurgan, Mrs. Walter Pollock, and Mrs..W'm. Farrell of; Bethel. • The key woman' for 1961 will be Mrs. Morris Reid, After the clos- ing' hymn, .Rev. H. Pilien pro- nounced the benediction. r: Vokes, Speaker At W.L. ° eeting . . (Dungannon' News) Dr.' Vokes .was.. guest. speaker at the February meeting of the Wom= en's Institute at the home of Mrs. . - Fred ,Young. He displayed X-ray films he .had received from Ch a showing .progress of TB patients .and, also gave some highlights of a refresher course held at Londono. • He also stated that a .First Aid Kit. .is available to any person at' any time at his'office:, • Roll call was answered by ."nam.- ing'something our province` is• doing. to promote better health." During the business period it was decided to send- delegate to the Officer's Conference at Guel- ph May 4 - 5; A donation of two is to be sent to the London Area bursary. fund. Mrs.. Warren -Zinn., Mrs. H. Girvin and Mrs..` Harvey Alton. were named. as a nominating committee. Mrs. Cecil. Blake thanked the members who brought in 'sewing and knitting for the 'Children's- Aid. • A valentine reading was given by, Mrs, F.`Jones; followed; by, an auction of miscellaneous articles. The meeting closed with the 'Qu- *ten; and lunch was served-by•the hostesses: in charge. PURPLE 'GROVE Pue to, a:necessary. .cancellation . of the annual U C, Wk me eting earlier in the year, this meeting. was held at the close of the World Day of Prayer service. Mrs. Cord*. on Kirklaiid, president, was chair-' man, After the Cali to worship., an interesting skit 'Using each day . for,God''was presented by Mrs. Alex Hackett.,Mrs, Russel Alton,• Mrs.' Ronald I-i.ackett and :Mrs, Bei : m Alton. Minutes of last meeting .were read by Mrs. Frank Ritchie and • adopted- as read, , ° 4 " Reports given Were Blokes, Mus.. Warren Zinn; Hacketts. Mrs. Ralph Cameron, Mrs. Rusell • Aiton, MiS,' Bert Alton; Zion, Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mrs. Bill -Hunter, Mrs. Gordon, • :Kirkland: A solo by Mrs, Eunice Dunsmuir,' "Every Pka er y . is a' Flower" was en- joyed. In.the business,' Mrs. Andrew Rit- chie was made prestdent.for 19667 67 and Mrs. Donald Hackett secret. dry- Members plan to present a programme at the Ontario Hospital at ,a later date. Members preferred'. two, meetings,instead of the comb- ' tried one if possible. .Mrs. Warren Zinn;gave an inter- esting ,reading. after which Mrs. Kirkland. thanked Mrs•.Kaiser and all those: who took part. Mrs. Chas. Anderson presided' for manse committee and reported. on work'cornpleted at the Manse Officers for 1966 are Mrs.. Hugh , Menary, president; Mrs. Cordon -Kirkland, Secretary; Mid arfrert `� Zinn, Treasurer, -There are also two.representatives from each . church,. Mrs. Kaiser and committ- ee served a delicious lunch..., `. Mr., 'and Mrs, Claude Dore Sr. of (,Bernie; Mr. and: Mr.S Laurie Fry • and Linda:Robertson of Kincardine, Mrs, :Harvey. Thompson :.and. Joan, Mr..and, Mrs. Dan McInnes and family ;and Nancy Dore of Kitchener Mrs. Gerald Rhody and Marilyn: visited recently With: Mrs; Claude Dare of Bernie, Ken Mason from 'British Columbia spent the: weekend with ;Dick Mc- Cosh-. Walter and :Roy Collinsvisited on Mon a =- Mrs.>: Don:'' Dore •- Gladys Gawley of Toronto -spent -�-- the weekend with her parents,' Mr. and :Mrs. Victor Gawley;” Mr. and Mrs Gordan Patterson , ,spent Thursday in Toionto where they attended the Fall Fair's annual; - meeting. ? 1r. and !yin. Francis Boyle and family were in .Mildmay on Sarur . day .;morning where they attended a hockey game and from there they "drove to Winghamwherellryan took part in'the Public Speaking: Mr. ; and, Mrs.*Donald McCosh • and Dick were Sunday.' visitors with The Walter.Forsters. Mr..and Mrs. J'ack Farrel have returned:to their home after an enjoyable stay in Florida.. . Nancy •Dore, who celebrated her eighteenth .birthday this Weekend, spent Sunday with Mr. and hirs .. Claude. Dore With her Were Di- anne and Ronttie, :They also visit- ed 'Mr.:, and, Mrs. Don, Dore. Bob Forster of Kitchener spent the weekend at his .borne," 1\r.'and Mrs. Earl Elliott' and family were.Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stan1e�• 1%nlocs d evening with Mr and The 4-H Club rneeting was held this week' at the home of Mrs, Jack Farrel. .Mrs. Farrel and Mrs.' Gordon Patterson being leaders,.. Friends `will be happy to hear that Walter Forster is home from 'hospital and is feeling fine again. Recent •visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. William ,McInnes of Teeswater'were I,/II�MMI• • • ry, ♦ • MONUMENTS .' Foramino counsel and a fair 'price on a monument correctly designed from. quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton . Pat O; -lagan; , Prop. Established' Over Sixty Years Picone 881-0234 2. Ontario :.iiw,eiAt�i1 �•rs..::5ra�ar. J