HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-02, Page 7led Hid - ety . pant meet atte ate` gr9 :as a, big •atur' .uck stagi t in itoti' cli •1 its an This:. :ntati on ' ea gt d of le :are ithe: mi fro [Ice a ave f' out .muni le sta. rch.1 This cone n-wou of his. rs pRESPAY. MARCH 19611 r• TH! L•UCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKMOW, ONTARIO '100% Aerilans, "501" nylons , ; continuous. • filament nylons .;..fabulous new wools ...every.' thing in.:glorious . new colors. Velvets .... twists . tweeds ; .'. textures.. ,,.. again , . everything! BRINC YOUR MEASUREMENTS From T 6.95. Up,.V.. WE WILL INSTALL YOUR CARPETING. AT A :MODERATE PRICE enzie Furnitur LUCKNOW - :PHONE' 52$-1432 NOPENF LETTER (1 THE MINISTER f:AGRIcULTURE VOICE OF THE FARMERS th open letter and a Springtime 116 our honourable minister. griculture, Mr..Stewart. • • g recent' weeks our Minister ,griculture has• shown complete . gard and irresponsibility for • ' . P y welfare and the future, of :he producers of Ontario.. is hard to believe that in this "` country ,of "ours, -with such ,a Ising future and with all the al resourcestthat a nation . d: ask for; our leaders'have.so respect for the most import= man in our economy the man feeds the :nation ,. • • • • the admission of the . econom= emselves,' we farmers are the' efficient people . in. the Count - e have the .highest` rate of ' tion per man..of,any spry,' and, yet each year approx ely 30,000.9f us 'must leave,' • and and seek a better :way of for ourselves`and, our farnines. rely, Mr. Minister, you must a9d think and wonder 'where, Ili,;be in the next 10ears if of. us who are already establ •and have been farming`. for -the' part of our life *are; forced off and, and the may. you: are ed-. ng the coming generation, isgoing to take our -place,- out children_ going. to starve.:.. he Garden of Eden because e will.be no one to•till•the . ince the beginning of time the lY peasant,has been oppressed 11 other walks of life, and as look around in our modern ' Id of today, the producer of.M .has made very little progress Is'struggle for his rightful place ociety, . • is s sad thing•when the men' horn we have entrusted the I!nsibilities of out -welfare and' hom.we depend for leader - knew so little of our problems tare less about how to solve We farmers are like the P• :Too afraid to defend our. es against the economic wol- , and so we aie,being devoured •COLOR'S:: • Peacock Slue • Poria Grown, •R: Chary Rod • Avocado • •diige • Ross , Brownie Pack Held. ThinkingPQ Meeting (by Linda Boak) ,1st Lucknow Brownie k Pao - m , �t the Town Hall. We went to our corners and then'Fairy Ring. We .. had a short pow -wow and had, a Thinking Day, meeting.. In our. Thinking Day meeting ,we had a chocolate cake: We closed our meeting with the Sciueeze, and'., Brownie Taps.. by the .wolves. whileour shepherds sitidly .by and do notfiing`to help us survive. Mother Nature has dealt thous- ands of farmers a• hard, blow, this fall. ,It is heartbreaking enough to, see your crops, totting in the fields; and not being • able to doanything about them:. . . It is a shameful thing when, we farmers must be humiliated into •begging for the very food that . we produce in plenty foreveryone else and are -denied the paltry amount. of assistance that it would take to• Pee ;us through until the Pun shines again;•0 If we had our rightful share of our:. booming economy in the past, •we`wouldn't be;in the;position where, we ,have to stoop to begging'. with our,hat inourhand. • •. . I ask you. Mr. Minister, you are supposed to be our leader, have you evergone' out in' the country and seen the plight of'the people who are ,depending upon' you for leader- ship?? Unless some'type of .help is given to the farmers, very soon, they will be forced to organize in great numbers or get off the land and leave behind all the hopes and dreams of any kind of.a future. And so in the days ahead, we will hope and pray that you will. reconsider your decision on your • "FlatRefusal for farm'aid", and that the 'Good Lord will give you the wisdom to deal with this prob- seta with "intelligence, integrity and ;courage" . On behalf of the ' fanners of ,Ontario; 1 hope that the coming year will make you• a' better shepherd for your sheep. ` . Mike Penich Local 342 Ashfield' . Ontario Farmers Union. OBITUARY( SAMUEL ELMERE PHILLIPS : ,Samuel Elmere Phillips of Harr r isto s o n, passed:away� in 'Palm,en r, o,• ,General Hospital, on Tuesday; February 22nd.; . Mr. Phillips,was.78 years. of;age.•. `He was born in Ashfield Township on October 2nd, :1887•,' and was .a' son of Jaynes, H. Phillips and Fran- ces Alton. • .On February 26, 1913, he rnarr-` ied Letitia Maclver of Kingston. The couple 'formed. in Ashfield Township for many yearsprior to leaving this community. " Besides his wife, .Mr. Phillips is survived by. two daughters . and two sons, (Frances) Mrs: Eino •War- • nos of.Rochester, Michigan, (Elizabeth) Mrs. Wallace 'Peeves, of Brantford; .James of Kitchener, Archie of Toronto. He was pre- deceased by /a sister (Laura) Mrs. ,Ernest Blake. •,Mt.'Phillps was a member of the Presbyterian C:htirch' at :Dungannon. • . • • The funeral service was conduct- ed by ,Rev, )tod MacLeod from Mad - Kenzie Memorial Chapel. ;Luck= now, on Friday, February 25fh, at2.30p.tn. • • The pallbearers were Howard Blake, Keith Blake, 'Harold Web sten, Gordon Morrison,Jerry. Cran- ston, `Russel Irvin. Temporary. entombment was made at South Kinloss: Mausoleum; with 'final resting place Greenhill Cemetery. ' Calico Ball To Be At High School Historical' Research was the .' theme 'of the February meeting of the Kairshea, Women's Institute -which was held. at the,home of Mrs.' Harry Lavis in• Lucknow. Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mrs. EV-, an Keith conducted the business. • Ivlrs. Allan Maclntyre read. the Scripture and the Roll Call was.an swered;, by "The farthest I have . been from home." • . The District Directors meeting will be held in Teesyrater, .March. 15th. It was decided'to.send the Hon* Economics and.Health ponvenor,: ' Mrs.. Currie Colwell, to•the :Off Icers Conference at Guelph; May 4and S. . .Five dollars was donated to the • U'nesco 367.roject.. Reports p were' heard frons Standing Comm- ittee. convenors .and 41-1. leaders. The committee for the Calico Ball reported that it will' 1* held at the Lucknow District High School' on . April 1st .., .Mrs.. Virden Mowbray took the chair for the programme•. Hughes then showed her new ,book for the Tweedsmuir History and also the new Scrapbook. ' She Show- ed the work'she and her helpers have done' and asked for help.: to, :continue;the'work, W. Evan Keith' then read. a .portion of the book "The; Bruce Beckons." The motto "'Though we hive • wrinkles in 'out face.,, we do' not . need to have them in tut hearts'," •was,discussed by.Deana4Leod, who contributed readings from - Edna Jaques,, Patience Strong and: Edgar Guest; ,:in connection with the. motto. Community 'singing ,was, enjoyed, Eileen Burt enter- tained with accordion music. •Mrs; Alian.Maclntyre thanked the. hostess,'and Mrs, :Lavin replied„ •fittingly. Mrs. Lavis.assisted by Mrs, .V.:Mowbray and Mrs. A. :Maclntyre,:, served a delicious lunch. •The Marchomeeting' will. be hilt) At the home,•of vey'Houston.. 101 QL1VET 'NEWS Attending the Christian Educa- tion Leadership workshop in Walk. erton on Thursday were Mrs. .W W. •Black, Mrs. •W . Dexter, Mrs. H, Clayton and Mrs. O White. • Several' Olivet ladies attended' the World Day of Prayer services ' in Ripley on Friday. .• 'Mrs. ;Gerald Colling and Mrs Bill Nelson attended a shower for Miss Charlene Lohnes'in London on Thursday., Robert Osborne. Joyce and Joan, Visited on Thursday with his mother Mrs. E. Osborne in St. Joseph's hospital, London.. - Mr: and Ives. Bob Orr and Dale visited with Mr, and Mrs. Walter. Rottlston .on Sunday. PANE SPOON .00••••••••••••••••••••• Huron Co-operative Medical Services; pRoviDitid Prepaid Medical insurance At Cost , .. CQ -OP INQUIRE FROM, GORDON • KIRKLAND • R.R. :Lucke w . MRS.,- O, 0...ANDERSON ' R.R. S Wi glsont HURON, . COOPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES, Sri Ontario Si., Clinton ,Ph. 4524751' 0041000000000000000044001 Twerr At Euchre Pa Two Tabl�s (Whitechurch News) Whitechurch Worinen's Institute held a progressive. euchre party. with: the programme Committee' Mrs. James' Currie, Mrs. Dave Gibb . Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Frank Ross and Mrs.. Ezra Scholtz in charge on Thursday evening<. Twenty-two tables of players en,; . joyed the evening ,with'prize for high lady Mrs. George Day; low'• lady Mrs. Wallace Conn; high gent Frank Ross; low gent Alvin Orvis winners of ladies draw :Mrs;' Alex' Leaver and for gents Howard •Walk- er. ' Randy Zinn did the 'drawing of the lucky names,.. Lunch Was serv- ed. by the committee in charge. It was .decided: to hold another euchre on March' 10th with the north group,:' Mts. Bill Evans, Mrs. Wallace. Conn, Mrs. Johnston Conn, Mrs,. Don Ross ,and ,Mrs. Russel - ,0 • Gaunt in, charge: PLE LANE HOME DELl VERY alesmen Wante i --- SALARY AND. doMMISSION WILL EARN GOOD SALESMEN AN EXCELLENT IN- COME YOU MUST BE ACTIVE AND IN GOOD HEALTH —WORK CONSISTS OF DELIVERING, SEL- LING, COLLECTING AND 'SECURING' NEW CUSTOMERS. -EXCELLENT FUTURE, STEADY WORK AND A. COMPLETE "COMPANY' PAID" EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. Apply In Writing aple Lane Dairy` Limited Box 1236, Kitchener • a 1