HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-02, Page 6roe-
kfr..and Mrs. J• *Guest ofCu'
visited on:Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom MacDonald,
I*, and Mrs, Dan McInnes and.
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
William McInnes and faniily*.
• Mr. and Mrs..Verne Hodgins of
Angus visited on Saturday with
• Mrs. Tom Hodgins.
• David and Allan Nicholson of
Lucknow spent the 'weekend with
Ronnie Gillespie.. ••
,Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray were
jn Toronto during the week attend
ing the .Ontarici"Good Road, Con-'
vention. ' • • • * •
• Mr: and Mrs, .BobtSmith 4nd
Debbie of Goderitii:Nitited with
Mr.. and .Mrs, Harold Haldenby and
boys.; ,
Mabel Dixon, Mrs. Dan 'McInnes
and Nancy visited with Mr. and
• Mrs. William Humphries at Walton
Mr: and Mrs. Howard Bennett
and son Howie of Toronto spent • ,
Saturday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Haldenby.
Mr and Mrs. George Haldenby •
Spent, Wednesday in -London.
There will be no service in the
Anglican Church next Sunday but
.on the following Sunday, March
/3th, 'the service Will be at 13!
clock. • :*•• ' . •
Mr. and Mrs. R, J.'Kaake and. '
•,Mrs. .Ezra 'Stanley were in -Water-
loo last Saturday where they atten-
ded Family Day 'at the Waterloo
• University. Larry Stanley is a • •
student there; •
Mi. and Mrs. William McCue
of Preston visited on Sunday with
Ms, Tort Hodgins. • • • •
Mr. and Mrs.. Russell Ball qf •
London visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Percy,' . . •
Eric Haldenby, son 'of Mr. and
Mrs. •Glen Haldenby, returned '
home 'from the Wingham and Dist-
rict hOspital where he has been'a
patient '.•• • • •
Sunday visitors with Mr.. and
Mrs. Ezra Stanley were Mel Os-
borne, Mr'. and Mrs. Rein Priek
and famil of Hanover • •'•• •
Plumbing and Heating --- Phone 528-3012 Lucknow
• and Boy Scouts $2 per night,
20 Years -Ago ' exceptiods, said the council as
February and March 1946. • , they attempted to put things on
The IlolyrOodUnit of the Red a paying basis. ' •
'Cross, 'which did fine work daring . Two crosses were burned on the .
the war years. disbanded. Mrstreets in Lucknow and the posSib7
aynard Ackert was president S.
ility of •the Ku Klux•Klan organiz
• R
Jack ' AckerVwas secretary:, ing wasibeing considered in view
Of its: spread in Canada;
•: - '
Pearl Henderson was advertising :The Lucknow School Board
re -
art for prospective Ancientsquested village council to pass a
;‘Herb .McQuillin opened a grocery bylaw prohibiting school pupils
fruitand tobacco store in the form!! from attending public dances in..
•er D. 1. McCharles stand: the town hall. It was felt by the
JohnstonWm, .whO resided board that their attendance was ,
.. •
alone On•his.farm on the lake bank ,detrimental to their best interests
e work of the teachers
in Ashfield, suffered a fractured and made th
hip when kicked by ,a horse He .1 more difficult: . .
•: was discovered by Lloyd Stein as , Council followed tip with a by_,
he was attempting to era*" from . law that no one Under 17 years of
the barn to the house.• • .age might attend town hall dances
6eor&e,-Colwell sold.his.Holyrood unless accompaniedby a parent
General Store to -George Perey,of Of guardian . .
the Tiverton area, and a Kinloug The family theatre was to re -
native. George had run the busi- open in Mr. Taylor's building
„ fless far -five years after purchasing , under the management of A, Pat-
..' it from the %rites estate by Which' • eis9w: -* • .
farnily ran the business Over -half :•, ,'Mts. W. V. Johnston was the
a Century. , • • new lieutenant of the Girl Guides,
. • r
Dr. Ross Howson' was engaged as 60 Yea rs Ago
an assistant to-Dr...W..V Johnston.
4N '
-,...';1•; The murder trial of Neil,Naski-: March 19016. : • .. ,. ,. ,
.i.••., kawas, Saugeen Reserve Indian. : W. J. Anil/ left for Seaforth to
'41 I opened in Walkerton with P. S. ' become agent fox Frost and Wood
, t i MacKenzie acting for the defence. •Agricititura/ImPlernent Co. .,' , ...•
Arthur Andrew returned from The-Aihfield barn of WM. Spee,
Toronto and ente.red.theimplemenr•rs was destroyed. by. fire
business with his father, W.G. An-. Mr. and; Mrs. Hugh Anderson of
. ..
drew. . • . • Sr. lieleres observed.their diamond'
The ..Kairshea Club of Kinloss • anniversary. '.. •• . , .. '.
undertook tO endow- a robin at . --; 25. members formed a Lucknow
Wingharn Hospital at'a cost of $400, Retail Merchants!..Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mto - - . D. N. Lawrence was president.
, I pp
purchased the brick home of Mrs. lats. Reid ist vice, Dr. Spence ..
Melvin Iirwin'and Mr. and Mrs. 2nd ice, W. J. Little treasurer.
Bob MacKenzie purchased the
"D.C.Taylor home'. from Eldon anditors W. J. Earls anakileirgi
Twat -Riley of Chatham. . ' a Agnew. Art organizer front Berlin
47oite to the meeting.
40 Years. Ago t,,. Et, MacLeod, was erected . • ,
president of the bowling:club, • '
Match 1926. . . ,
oder officers were Vice president
Attending S. S. Sd. 4 Mrilc'ss Tartelarvan, secretary Robert ' • .
were Lillian .5roOnte, Winnifred ,
rchr =ten , treasurer I .6 . Murdock ,
Ackert, ,Edith Birrt., Helen Burt', manadag, committee Ed. Lawren-
' Jerome Valad. Harvey Ackerr., ce, T. .m. -c,,,.. ,t1.1.456. ;,1,,atsct.i,,,
Lkierne JOhristort, Harold Cciag.yt. A.. litc Ellen:Z. .. s
• Douglasand ArthurStanley spent
the weekend with Mr.'and Mrs
Dan Tollefson at Port Credit,
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Perry
Hodgins were Mrs'. Ethel James,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks of Wing -
ham, Mr. and Mri. George Percy
of Listowel, Mrs. MorleY-Bushell,
• •
Margaret'and Marilyn.
Mary Cassidy, Greta HOcidey
Annie Burt, Reggie Broorr.e,CLt
•ord tonzarn , Leine ,Johnston;
Burnice 'Cassidy Jimmy Burt, illy-
nard Ackert,. Lida Johnston, Eileen
Valad, Therese Cassidy, Clifford
Robb, Teddy Burt . Teacher was
M. Webster.
• 9Singing Jimmie' Hunter , a '
link with by -,gone days, died in •
was in Kinloss Cemetery . • •
Rental rates of the town hall
were put up; concert $lk con
cat and dance $20; Girl Guides
Orders placestisovand befara,April 1, .1,14, .can bo.contractso
for a firm price for both labour and material for spring end
summer delivery.
Lucknow and District.Orders Can Be Placed At
(C,ontributed by
Lucknow Agricultural Sticiety).:
Lucknow Fall Fair Dates are
September and, 17th, and if
we are to haVe another successful ,
fair, then we must start to plan
now.. •
There is plenty for all to do.
If you have suggestions for a better
prize list, .or any improvement
• you have' to offer in any section,
contact Donald ,MacIntyre, the
new president, any director or the.
secretary. Mrs. Fred McQuillin: •
The school prize list will be •
in the printer's handS.soon so we .
wonld, ask the Co-operation of"all
teachers in the area, contacting
Mis. Bert Alton with ideas and ,.".
suggestions' for this new list. This
' must besdnne.at once, as the
judging, will once again be done- •
.,..7FlaetlayseinnoJ:eyand the deadline •
for entries will be June pthi?.96,
The report cifihe Convention'.
held in Toronto last week will be
given at the meeting on Saturday.
' There will be sornething•for each
section of the fair and all direct.,
ors are requested to attend and
find out r•Dmties of a Director
•aeoutlined iMe Convention.
Then too, having won four
prizes in the photographie. cOmp7
.etition4onSored. by the C.N.g:,
.Lucknow Agricultural, Society
anxious to have the participant
in attendance at this next mee
ing to hear the results.
Everyone is' welcome to. atte
•especially Wornen's. Institute'
members, to hear the new gro
exhibit ideas.
We have a wealth of ideas a
all that Is needed now is a big
crowd at the meeting on Satur
in Luoknow.
Once again we, of the Luck
Agricultural Society, are .stag
our,annual Variety Concert in
Lucknow High School Auditori
on Saturday eyening, March 1
Remember the past 'concerts an
how they were received? This
.will be .just as fine a presentati
• and we'd .advise you to be on •
hand 'early to be assured affia g
seat. The theme is of
Birth' with everyone :in the ,are
having a part to play , .yoti the
tiheencaeteaait..d the 'actOrs :chasen fro.
There's nothing quite like a.
Variety Concert, as we have f'
in the years past,. to bring out
conoCome hidden
iett i:rbda thela talents n, t s in our., C on-Jmuni
best yet to be sta
evening, March 1
This Landis Out Land, This
Land is your Land. This con
is everybody's.. Be early !..
In, a '20.' mile, race , a man watt
win over a horse because of his
durance. • - •
ean healthier, heavier pigs
Feed SHUR GAIN Creep Feed
ff •
- SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed is extra palatable.
- SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed contains a high level
of antibiotics. ' ' •
• Fed in a creep, young pigs will start eating
solid feed at an earlier age. .
Whetheryou are 'growing'
pigs through to market
or selling weaners, drop in soon and discuss the
SHUR -GAIN Creep Feeding PrOgram.You!ll have
healthier .and heavier pigs at Weaning time if they
receive SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed from 2 - 3 day's
of age. , • • • • '
Anderson Flax
Products .phoneLis.m.ited
• . feed service