HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-03-02, Page 13rd
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NA year In Advance — $1.1111 Extra To U.S,A.
IE 12:
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W LDHS Proper
arida Hunter, 15-year,old
3hter'of .Mr, and Mrs; Jim
ter of Zion was the winner of..
Junior High School division of
Canadian Legion public. sPeak-
contest at Wingham: Saturday.
he contest.is sponsored by the
gham Legion and Wanda will
vance to further competitions in.
yth•later this month.
This is the third year in a row
ata' c
u now High School stud -
it won
tud-it`won this division and the trophy
'w becomes the permanent poss-
sion of Lucknow District High
hod.. jean Sutton won the
styear and Wanda has won the.
at two years.. Three successive
ins entitles' the' trophy to be re
ined permanently,: • '
Entries in the contest were from.
ingham; Teeswater, Ripley,
cknow,,Belgrave,. Brussels and
'more, -There were 45 contest-
Marilyn Irwin,.' daughter of Mr.
Mrs, Elwood Irwin of•Win ham
formerlyofLucknow, $
, , won the
or elementary class. Jean : °
acTavish of Ripley placed second
the class that Wanda Hunter won
'd John Thompson of Ripley plac
third, Both are:students at
pley District High School.
In the senior' high "school class,
an Sutton of the Lucknow-Dist;- *
t Hi h School placed third
Junhr 11 Came
Is Mcney Loser...
The Junior "B" hockey .game
tween. Kitchener Greenshirts and
wen Sound Greys held here last
'ursday night was a flop both
lin a spectator standpoint and
om a financial standpoint....
Lucknow Liorrs Club hoped. to
'd a few dollars to their; funds
hich are used for community •
ttertnent, They lost about $50
the everting. Triose who' '
[gilt tickets and attended the
ne expected to see some good
key. They Witnessed one
ad lack -lustre gamewhich end--
' 1S - 3 for Kitchener.
This was the final meeting'of
;:schedule between Kitchener
I Gwen Sound; the top and
tom club in the league. The.
eu Sound team showed up with
y 11 players • and rumour had
:hat they had let some of their
ports go because of their hope-
s position in the league. .
GOLD CORD. GUIDES = `received fioir awards at a csromony, at
Lucknow United Church on Tuesday evening of ".last" week. Shown,
left to. 'right, are Mrs: ,Gordon . Montgomery. Elanor Whitby • and/
E.McKim. Mrs • '
'Mrs. A.,Mont-
cordwinners' and
Linda, Boyle,- gold •
ganiery" and Mrs.. McKim made the presentations to the girls. The
gold cord signifiss the highest achievement in Guiding,
MaryMcCreath Is
Top Ripley-Hurofl
Public Speaker
Mary McCreath, daughter, of
Mr. and Mrs. William McCreath
of Ripley, le was the winner of the--
Publk,'speaking contest held at the
Ripley -Huron school auditorium
in Ripley last Friday •
Second place _was won ,by:. Dianne
Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell `Stanley of Huron Township;
The winner received. $3 and the
second place award: was„ $2. Reeve
George. McLean of Ripley made the
presentation: to the winners and as
well, .:each person entering receiv;:
ed a silvei.dollar from'the village
Lucknow Fafr
E�ri�s Tak�`1.
Prizes for Slides
Lucknow Agricultural Society
took 'four prizes 'at the; Ontario
Fairs Convention photographic
competition it}'Toronto last week::
Prize winners in the local fair
competition.: were entered in. the.
Toronto contest but 'at lime of
writing, we •were unable to learn
who the prize winning slides be..
longed to.. ..
The Lucknow Society took a
first, two seconds and a. fourth
prize. The first ,prize winner was
entered in the "fair officials on
the job” class and pictured, Mrs,
.Harry Lavis, Mrs.Jake .Hunter and
of Ripley and Township'of Huron. Mrs., Kirby judging baking. •
Mary's ,topic was ".Trouble with Secondprize pictured the
. P Zippy,
;visiting" and the grade.8 pupil is
eligible to advance to the county.
finals at Port Elgin on March 5th.
'Dianne, who is a grade .7 pupil,•
chose• as her topic "Teen Age
Zionettes Display and .was in the
"ju•nior.or 4-H Club" class. Anoth-
er second prize. winner was entered
in the "fiowers" class and showed-
.the flower. display. at the Fair.
The fourth prize winner.was'in
Twelve young people from Rip- the "opening day parade" class'
ley -Huron Central School and and pictured Jackie Johnston of
• the Ripley area on horseback.
Four out .of the six entries made
by the Lucknow'.Agricultnral Soc-
iety were 'in the winners circle.
'$23 in prize money came io this
area as a• result of the entries,
Pine River 'Central:School entered,
this Ontario Ratepayers and•:Trust-.
ees' Association Contest.. They
were Bryan *Boyle, Mary McCreath,
Margaret Ann Courtney, ,Darlene
Currie', Joan. Ferguson, ,Wayne Fer-
guson', .Shirley McCreath, Gail
Courtney, Julie Stanley, Sally •
Elliott', Dianne Stanley , Wendy
Courtney, •
William Lowry, 'Reeve of Huron
Township; was chairman for the
evening and judges were Mrs.
Howard Harrison, Mrs. 'Bob Rutled-
ge; Reuben Burnett, • '
Mrs. Ethel Thomson of Huron
view Home in Clinton is: a patient
in W ingham Hospital
Accepts Position
At Orangeville
Thom Collyer,' son of Mr,. and
Mrs.. Stuart Collyer of Lucknow,
.has accepted a position as clerk
of the county registrar's office
with offices in, Orangeville..
Thom commences his new posi
tion next week. He has been with
the Toronto Dominion Bank ,for
close to four years and is presently
at the Orangeville branch:,'
Top Guides
Thinking Day, February 220:
is,a special day in Scout f ng and
Guiding as It • is :the 'birthdays,'of ' ti
the. Founders of•Scouting and Guid-
ing, Lord and LadyBaden-Powell.
However, it was of double import-
ance to the Lucknow girls in Guid-
ing as, two of their fellow Guides
received their Gold Cords, the
highest' award possible..
last Tuesday evening Eleanor
Whitby, 1,4 year .old daughter,of •`
Mr. 'and Mrs. George Whitby of
town and Linda Boyle, 15 year old •
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Royle oftown, were awarded
their Gold Cords in, a ceremony,:
held in the basement of the Luck-,
now United Church , ' Both Linda.
. and Eleanor have been "Guides',
but are now members' of the Rang-
er group'which formed last fall • •
under the leadership of Mrs. Milt
Rayner. Linda has also been •
Company Leader zn,the Guide
Company 'and'until lately was
Packee in one of the. Brownie
Packs. Eleanor at one time•serv-
ed : as : Packee, with .the Brownies.
Mrs, ;Gordon Montgomery who
•was.Eleanor's:Brown Owl' when
'she was a Brownie made the Pres
Luckn�w Business.
Changes Owner°
A. locale business transaction' w as
completed • and became effective
Tuesday of this week. •Mrs.. Phil
(Sadie) MacMillan' sold her east,
end restaurant business to Mr. and
Mrs. Allan.: Reed of 'Lucknow.'
The business will continuo to
'operate with the.same staff in •
charge.. •
Mrs,, MacMillan started the
• restaurant in co -Operation with
Mrs. Robert Hamilton of Lucknow
in May. of 1962. About four mon-..
the later;. Mrs. MacMillan assumed
the operation herself and hascon
tinued Since that time.
lo Copy 1 c : 14 .Pages`
Have Liquor Store
Licence For ViIla_
Connie Hogan and Beverly Mac -
/Uy, both. Of Ashfield Township;
have elicence to operate a ;liquor
Store in -the village of Lucknow'.
Unfortunately, the licence is not
in their names andyis dated 1903.
and 1902 so we doubtifnthey could
legally make use of the piece of,
The twosome. who are employed
-by Elliott's Seed Mill, . were storing •
grain in an old building at the rear.
of the property of Mrs, George Ell-
iott on Rose Street in Lucknow.
The old building was the former
Alex MacPherson liquor store and, `.
while in operation, sat just south
of the residence of -William Mc
Intosh on - Stauffer Street:
-Many years ago, the building
was moved to itspresent location,
put on afcsundation, and now .ser-
ves as the upstairs in what was
used as a garage by the Elliotts.
Bev and.; Con were storing train
in the, building and came upon the.
licence which cost Mr. McIntosh'
either $180 or$3B 0, .we .Couldn't
figure that one out by the inform-
ation on the certificate. Two.
licences were found, the second •.
one being a follow up the next
year. The ,licences were signed
by James Bryan as inspector, as.•
well as, twolicenced commission-
ers of the Province of•Ontario,' We
believe Mr. Bryan was•editor of
The Sentinel at that time and how
this, qualified him. as a liquor tun
spector, weare not sure,
••+rio•••••Aooaa+nraleaa '.
Js Sold
The, Point Clark area property,
consisting of 35 acres on Lake
Shore, West 1/2 Lot 10 Huron
Township, owned by Donald Blue
and John Blue. of Ripley, has been
sold. • The new owners are Fred
Keuner, Edmund Heuchert, John
Ries -and Leonard Fenger of Kit-
chener.. plan to develop the
property, subdivide : it and sell,' for ^
lake lots.
The sale was made by -F.C,Van
.Eyl of Lucknow, agent 'for John
Bosveld'teal Estate .of Meaford...
INSURANCE OFFICERS — Pictured following the -annual meeting of
the West Wawanosh Fire Insurance Company • at the Parish Hall in
Dungannon are officers of `the company: Shown seated: left to right,
aro Frank Thompson of. Dungannon who is .secretary -treasurer of the
company, Paul Caesar •of �Dungannon, president of the group; William •
Wiggins of R.R. 3 Auburn who is vice-president; , Standing, left to
right, are directors, Ross McPhee of R.R. 3 Auburn; • Herson' Irwin of
Belgrave; Brown Smyth of Dungannon; Donald MacKay of R.R. 3
Ripley; John P. MacLennan of R.R. ,3 : Goderich. Absent when thw
picture was taken ' were directors: Georg* Feagan ' of Goderich and'
Allan MacIntyro of. Lucknow. ,
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