The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-23, Page 1713rd;
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from • .the Emergency
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';,45% of the total cost: of
recently acquired Fire
above .at the: Inaugural
of the 1966'.E.M.O. Com
Of Brace . County • Council,.
left, Co•Chai'rman, Ar-
ulloch, Reeve of , Sau..,
Treaarrer, T. H.
alkertan; Chairman, Clif-
Reeve of Albemarle.
County E.M.O. Co-ordina-•
an Porter,. ..Walkerton,,
of Bruce County, P.
y, Reeve. of Kinloss Twp:
Successful In.
Grade 8 Piano
(Kinlough News)
Congratulations to Brenda Hewitt .
and Joan Percy who were success-
ful in passing their Grade 8 piano,
Stanley Demmans and Mrs. Ste-
,phenson.of tundalk'visted on Wed•
nesday with 'his sister nd` brother=
in-law Mr.` and Mrs'. �A'r•thur :Hald
enby, andwith Mr. and Mrs. Geor-
ge H, aldenby,..
Mrs. James. Hodgins, Jr. spent •
de Of Beef Halve:
200 LB. AV.
the past -week with her parents at
Mrs. Frank Johnston returned-•
home from Windsor where'she has'
been spending a while with Mr,
and Mrs. Louis Vegh.
Prayer Day service at 2.30 p.m.
Friday at the Presbyterian. Church..'
Mr,. 'and. Mrs. Howard Thompson
visited with Mr:, and: Mrs. Russell
Hewitt. °
The Prespyterian W. „S., ,the on. Wednesday afternooat ,the
home Of Mrs. William :Mc Pherson
Sr with: a. good attendance.. The,.
President, Mrs. Gordon MacDonald.
presided and the meeting,' opened •/
with hymn after which.the pur-.
pose was repeated, *The. word
for the .roll call was "proclaim .
A short business period followed
then the program wa's ,turned, over
to'Mrs._ Morley Bushell and. Mrs.
bon •Bushell. The theme: was ".Call
to proclaim". Mrs.' Morley Bushell
gave the Scripture Mts.. Don
Bushell: conducted a question and.
: answer period on: the scripture. ,
Some of the members gave read
ingscorresponding with the Prog-
ram. Mrs; Jack Barr. gave a read'',ing onn "Favourite hymns and their
Writers" followed by a :Bible `quiz
and . a poem "My Faith". The
meeting closed with 'prayer.; after
which a lovely lunch was served.
Mrs,_ Lyman Sutton gavethe court._
esy remarks, '
Mrs. Tom Hodgins entertained
ladies at her home on Tuesday
afternoon at a Church quilting,
Owing to the inclement weather
the Anglican service was cancelled.
on Sunday and the service will be :.
held. next Sunday.; February 27,th •
at 2 o'clock. (.Not , change) The,
Presbyterian'servic�e was also: Can -
.celled. •
The H.W.•I. will meet on Mar'-
ch 3rd. Hostesses.- Mrs. Harold
Haldenby and Mrs. Frank Maulden.
Topic -,Our local paper. ''Motto -.
A friend is one,who conies in when
all theworld goes put. Contest
The best scrap book : Directors-
Miss° Edna Boyle, ' Mrs Sam • Farm-
• Mrs, Vera !Parr, Kitchener,'Spent
several days at 'the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Gerald Darscht.
' Members of the St Helens In-
stitute are,reminded that their .
March meeting takes place on the
3rd, Mrs, Victor Emerson, White^
church, is to be the 'guest speaker.
Roll Call :is: an "Irish: joke". Mn.
Lorne.Woods and: Mrs. Harvey Car"
rick are in charge of the Motto
and ,Topic. Lunch and programme'
convenors are Mrs.., Wm, Rintoul,
'Mts. George Webster and Mrs. Wrn
Purdon. • ,
Rev, B. F. Green is a patient
in the Wingham District Hospital.',
' World's Day Of Prayer {for, Women
is being held at •the home Of Mrs.`
W. I. Miller, on Friday, afternoon
February 25th at 2.30 p.m. • All
ladies of the, community are invited
to attend. • -
.Mrs. A. E. Willis spent the week•
end in Angus with `friends of their
former parish Rev.. A. E. Willis
and daughter 1111 .oIleiPeler were
Sunday visitors 'with his parents,.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mc ltiiin. .
Donald Dorscht, three yearold
twin son of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald
porscht has been a patient In the
Wingham Pistrlct Hospital with a
severe virus infection.
Mrs. Gordon MacPherson;, Mrs..
Ernest Gaunt Mrs. , Ross Errington
and Mrs, James Aitchison, attend!
ed the 4H f.readers Training Course
in Wingham. The new course
being taught•,fs ''Accent"on Access-
cries.", '
Mary Belle Hunter, •daughter of
Mr. and Mfrs. Lloyd:. Hunter, is;
hospitalized with pneumonia. • ..
and Mrs; Walter Brubaker,
Mrs: Edward 'Brubaker and baby
daughter,: Glenna'," :aid Mrs. Norrnt• -
an Chester of Hespeler were Wed •
nesday visitors with:Mrs. Donald i •
Pannabecker. .
Jfmi� ie Laidlaw, lot), of Mr. arid
.Mrs. Ray Laidlaw. Wingham:,
. spent the weekend at the home,of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,.
joined her on Sunday afternoon. , Thomas Todd. .
Mr. and Mrs. Howard White
'sides, Howard and .Brian esf?oronto.
,visited with Ivir, and •Mrs. ' Arthur
H ald'enby .
Lila Humphrey of St. Helens
is visiting- with her sister, Mrs.
George Walker. .Mrs. Clarence
Walker and baby.who had visited
there the past two weeks returned
home on Saturday • with her kali-
hand Cathy.: and Rickey remained'
for a 'further visit. .
This coni ztunity'extends to Mr,
and Mrs. Stan Kay of Lticknow
,former Langsidc, residents, their
sympathy in the passing this week
of hi's mother, Mrs.:1C,ay, .at the.
Carruthers Nursing Home, Kinloss
because they'll tell you What
gets them •off to a' good start.
Baby, pigs grow fast and you get more income:when
they. are fed a good. "ration to supplement the sow's
milk. At.Purina Research Farm, we found that a pig.
that .is 10 Ib. heavier at.9 weeks, takes 25 days less,
to go to market.
Purina Baby Pig Chow is a highly 'palatable 'pre=
starting ration that supplies. young pigs with added.;.
energy and extra, disease fighters, so'they'grow fast,
It, comes in the easy to feed •
Checkers. Startoun�
y young pigs _ ..
• • few
on this� nutritious ration a
days after farrowing, it will help p�
them to' be strong, healthy, and rte. o
grow fast for market. '
a r •
Try,your next litter on Purina.
Baby Pig Chow Your records will
soon prove its efficiency,