The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-23, Page 131 )1) >Non Nay 4 y. t• 4. !,(1.‘411 l Call tad nuts chit Over, and ,bbon 1.4..eee.••••••••••••••••••••••••••,4••••••• Me • bias.• Years: Ago her depatture tO Toronto to become'• 'he?, 'a student nurse at Western Hospit- 1956. • •al.. hats bostrisathered at the home The post offiee •Whitechurch 'reinggt :nd Ma. Ritchie to was moved from.Miss Ida McQu- Ir. and Mrs. Jack Bannister oid's tO. Mr. Chas,... Wightman's In.Hockey Game The ey departed for Zurich store, . (Dungannon News) ck was to be manager at Because of the deep snow., run- . lay .e •We are sorry to report that Paul• of Montreal. Mr. SalOs- ners were attached to the wheels houi Eedy Is wearing a walking cast as succeeded by N‘D.McColl. of the fire hose,reel6 • Ilhe reel the result of inibry-tatis ankle itobert DeGruchy, 75, was'drawn.behind Henry Carter's, while. playing hockey. • way suddenly it his home • express sleigh. • The firemen fou- . Bill Blake, student at. Stratford • low from a'heart seizure: nd that the reel was rather heavy Teacher's College, spent the week. pound female wolf was ' "lugging" as -they had to "help' end at his home here.' He is .pract7 Bill Colwell in Kinloss the horse" at times. : • ice teaching in Wingham Public pt A'party of nine' Winters Mrs: Sarn Nicholson.of Tiotford; School this week. • . ink and Harvey McQuillin. • Sasi., died after carbon monoxide Girvin Reed.' Donald McKenzie la; Donald aliCi Jim gas from a farm lighting 'plant' and Gordon Boyd of Ashfield are Ivan Hodge, Alex Bruce . unable to escape through a:*froten attending the.Good Roads Conven-. y Scott had been hunting and snow -plugged exhaust pipe; tionin'Toronto this week, di days' after seeing .tracks. filled the house. Mr. Nicholson M. and Mrs.. Lorne:10o visited with Me. 'and 'Mrs. Harold Congrain Of Wingham on Saturday evening,... when,they entertained several of theii friends f� dinner. and, cards. Mr. ,and Mrs'. Joe Petrie of ''enna .Were .weekend visitors.witly • Mr. andiirs. Wilbur Brown and • attended the Reed7Adkin:Wedding at Nit:Albert on Saturday. .. • .Karen. Dawson has' gone to con- tinfie her nutsing•Course at the Mountain San;itoriurn , afterlpending the past .two weeks at her hcime here. Mrs. T. C: Anderson was a patient in Wingharn,HOspital for • few days as'a result pf a fail on • ice at her 'home. We are'pleased to report 'that. she had no serious injuries and has returned to her hotne. . • Wayne • Brown of Montreal, spent a 'couple of, days at the 'home of •• his parents, •Mr'.. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown 'this week •,..• VACATION IN FLORIDA •. • Mr. and Mrs. K K. Dawson left on Sunday for- a' Vac atton. in .Florida. They. were accompanied by Mr. and Mrt, N. McDowell Of Auburn, " . • . VALENTINE EUCHRE .PARTY gned his school and announced he The Anglican ladies guild had thirteen tables of euchre at their would enlist for War service. Valentine card party on February 14. The ladies .high prize winner, Was Mrs. Chas. Johnston, second Mrs; Mary" Chisholm and low Mrs. D. Aubin. .Arnold Stothers was. ° high for the Men,. Carman Hayden second• ; and George•flenry low, , The ladies lucky ticket was held by. Mrs; Lorne:Ivers, and the men's by Lorne Ivers. ' , • ••• S.S. NO. 6 EUCHRE PARTY S. S. No. 6 Ashfield had twelve tables of euChre at their card party on February 17'. The high prize winners were Mrs. Joe •Dauphin and illoss/Errington. Mts. Nelson Pearson and Jack Culberewere low. Another card party it planned •for March 3. ' uaY, FEB. 23rd. 110 essoor.i..,........orpoopo...~4.09~4.0••••••••.$4••••• • MONUMENTS. • 1' "*„:. 1111.17741111111 1110111.110,1001 ;41111.11011P NZ VP 1841111i WIWI UM' ff.", " THIN LUCKNOW SENT MOIL 41/ LUCKNOW ONTARIO For woo counsel and a fah' price on a• monument correctly designed from quality material. rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS. Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Yeats . 'mon Phone 881-0234 Z, OnliariO 000••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS 1 ROUGH THE :SENTINEL , FILES, BIRTHS MURRAY - In Wingham and Dist- rict Hospital, on Monday, Febr- uary 14, 1966, to Mr. and: Mrs, 'Frank Murray, R. R.. liolrood, a daughter. BARTHOLOMEW •- In Loncion,Liosp- ital on Sunday , February 20th, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barth- olomew (Lois Conley) of London, • a son, a brother for Darrell'. - • ALT° ON:- Wendell and Sheila (nee Gordon, Reg. N.) are happy to announce the arrival of their son; Geoffrey William. hti February 15, 1966, at Victoria Hospital, London Suffers Iniury P. Lindsay of Fort. FraneS, wasalso 9yercorne and:hospital- the age of 9. Mr. Lind.. izecldi Mr. Nicholson' yiasdfOimerlY one tittle), Was stage driver frorn,Kirilois TOWnship; and his cknow to Goderich wife, the farther Martha Kennedy, 4nersonwas Installed as from Huron Township. Master of the Orange Lod- Rev. Frederick 1. Oaten, Ash - !est Bruce. •field Circuit Pastor from 1900,to,' almost three months of, 1903 died in Los Angeles'. ty. traffic" over the Lucknow James Emmerton, a druggist, bndge, while a new diedin,Dresclen at the age of 30 oas built, 'travel was back foliowing avbrief illness With pneusibniefollowed: by a heart • Henderson was winner of condition. Jim was a former Rip des 6,7,,8 boys race at the ieyite. ' • en's ice Carnival.. ' . • • Chas, Wardell (the former , . SO Years Ago e line Henry) was burned in home in Huron.: Februaiy 1013. ., • s p, She was in her 78th , :john Tolmie, former Liberal t was thought that Mrs.- -member citParlIament, died . 's clothing caught fire in Kincardine from- a fracturedskull. the stove and that she he:sustained, when he fell down ". a heart seizurefrom :the his. cellar steps Striking .his bead. • . . He was in his Murrayrnd Mrs Walden Andy Orr was in the Lucknow eemnall thikieri were ." net as the local hockey team de-; • neless after fire swept their feated Brussels 11 e 5. • • . • R.J.MacKenZie of; Lochalsh s MaeLeod.of Kinloss recei- sold a horse for $200., 5 year membership jewel •Walter Walden of Verdun, fay - 0,0,F. • oured thi Pine "MVO church con . e WOSSA public speak gregation with a solo. ' nination held in. Kintardine ' Wilbert Walden Of.Verdun resi- d, son of Mr, and Mrs. ted,, placed, first in the. 'oys class and Marilyn Kn.- was second in th Senior ass, dn.) occ‘red of 'Mitt • tinter and her infant daugh- s. Hunter, the former urran, Was i&her.38th year . . • A new 490 Chevrolet could be purchased from George Smith for $67§. • • . • Will Reid of near Lanes fractured. his ieg when a gasoline engine rolled off a wagon and onto Will's feet and legs. •.• . LucknowPresbyterIan Church de 0 Years Ago cided to sell a strip of land 15 feet ‘iide to the Lucknow School Board 1936 • at $7,per front foot. A new fence J. Bowen was using snow- ,Was erected between the two Pro''- '. some of his short trips.. erties. • • ntjte rnade was threemiles Williant Andrew, 17 -year-old 'n Morrison was kicked M son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Isaac Andrew • by a frisking colt while of the 1.2th, of Ashfield, died .foll- oing chores. • . •• :owing an attack of appendicitis eeks of almost continuous which developed into peritonitis. sub -zero weather with Edgar Racine, who had been em - storms• The '. • '• Hugh McCrostie of the-11)th of break a long drift jtist at West Wawanosh was gashed and kins of Ripley. This° was knocked unconscious‘by a falling train cancellation in The paper was published' J.Trevett died . at his home in te as the publisher 'played Lucknow. A former partner of in RiPleY en the Monday John Button in the furniture busily: ' d betause'of the weather ess, he was the inventor of a par - cancellation, didn't get Ior'game called Trevetr. Wednesday Morning. Ackert and 1athwell were succ7 •dkerchief shower w,as held essors to IN. J. Joynt in the shoe. Winnifred Johnston•befote .business had .been experi, ployed at Armstrong's Drug Store, L.O. L. HOLD EUCHRE storm got To bad that enlisted for overseas serviceTh • ere were nine tables at the y train from Kincardine . L. O. L. euchre on February • .X8. High ,score winners were Mrs. Lorne Iversand Wilmer Rutledge.. and low prizes went to Mrs. Russel Brindley and Russel' Irvin. The lucky chair prizewinner was Mrs. Wilbur Brown. • Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard -Reed, newlyweds, who were married on. Pebruiary .19. We welcome Mrs. Reed to our comm. unity., • • • ..111V oc• .11%91.1 • 1.11111111it •• be sure of your spring fertilizer save too. • Don't make the•mistake of Buy yolli CO:OP,lartilis• r.now • . yWoauitrilliegrillirizteilrs.p.,..ntghattosb.uy. ' ese.m:02/'"8 melt 0.ninloit:Y I witirothfroon'" .117 **7 .. • : . ' • daNvery savings. Special Winter' when everyone. else does. • : ' That's when supplies can ' . • .. , run, low too, even irk the FEBRUARY DiKOUNIT ' best -stocked warehouses. - , - - That's when you should be . applying, not buying. Make . ' sure you have your spring supply of CO-OP* fertilizer in time : . . prder. now. i .. . . . pacop Luc o *Registered Trade Mark r ton Quality controlled for your satisfaction Still Quilting - At "Corners" • (Culross Corners News) • For •some•time it seemed as if quilting bees were'a thing of the past and,ouilting•a lost' art, but last week ladies met at the homes of Mr. aidMys. Tom Hodgins, ' •and Mrs. Morley Wall, where in each -case a lovelyOM was quilt- ' Mrs. Annie Wall, Mrs.- Harry McKague; Mr. and: Mrs. Everett Whitehead *ancl'family Teeswater, were recent- visitors.with Mr. and • Mrs. Morley Wall. • • • The ladies of 'the W. M.S. of • the Presbyterian Church, Kinlough, Met at The home of Mrs'. William McPherson..Sr., on •Wednesday. afternoon. Mrs: Frank Brown. nd Reg visit-,, ed, Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart and boys. • • David. and Lois Hanna spent , Tuesday with Mrs.:Morley Wall. Mt. and Mrs. 'Ezra Stanley 'spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Frank 'Brown and Reg. ' • Mrs. Ella Smith,. Kincardine, visited a few days with Mrs. Ezra • . • • . Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall. Mrs.Frank Brown, Mrs. Elmer Benedict and Virginia., joined a bus load leaving Teeswater on •. Friday evening, their destination being the Ice Capades.' Ki,tchener. Helen McNain Is .Awarded Bursary,- • (Amberley News) ' 'Helen McNain of I Lon- don. was awarded A $425.00 saryi•ecently. • Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Duff of Tara visited list,Week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert licNain and fam . ily of Amberley. A number from this vicinity attended the ice Capades at .chener on Thursday and Friday. evening of last Week. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Courtney visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Kincardine last Sunday evening. Mrs. Laura McNain visited .for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Murray McNain and daugh- • ter of Mitchell and with relatives • in Clinton. • • URGENTLY. REQUIRED SPRAY PAINTER • EXPERIENCE Nacessmor GOOD STARTING IMAGE APPLY . IN .PERSON OR WRITE • LUCKNOW WOOD PRODUCTS Lucknow- Box 190 .r.781.0;* 4. • . .> a II I