The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-23, Page 8• • .
In The
Lucknow Arena
Thursday; February 24th
et 030 P.m.
Kitchener Greenshirts
Last Week's Spiel
The names and scores of those• .
playing in last Wednesday's open .,
mixed curling bonspiel sponsored •
by the Lucknow Curling Club and
competing for the, Esso Trophy are:
Blake Alton, Marjorie Alton, •
• Alex Hackett, Doris Colwell 3 wins
+13; George Whitby, Jean Whitby,
Harold Austin, Ann Austin 2 wins
+8; Ivan Rivett, Mrs. Rivett, Jam-
es Hawkins, ,Mrs. Hawkins 2 wins •
• +7; Alvin Hamilton, Gladys Ham.-
ilton,Vernon Hunter, Anna Mae
Hunter 2 wins +5; Orville Elliott,:
Grace Elliott, John MacKinnon,.
Mildred Bushell 1 win + 6;
Leahy, Mrs, Leahy, Harvey Miller,
Mrs. Miller 1 win '+ 5 =consolation
prize; Henry MacKenzie, Rhoda
MacKenzie, George Moncrief,
, .
Adults $1 00 ' • Mlle School Children 75c
Advance Sal* Tickets 'Available From AB Lions Club
Elsie Houston 1 win +4; Jack Tre-
leaven, Jane Treleaven, James
MacKenzie, Ferne MacDonald 3 •
Jack McKim, Mary Boyle, 'Jam-
es Boyle, Carroll McKim, 3 wins
• +12; Bill Fluff, Marie Huff, Grant ,
Chisholm, Wilma Chisholm4 wins
'+8; Dr. Meredith, Marion Mere-
dith, Dr. litigh Edgar, Margaret
Edgar 2 wins + 3: Ted McClenagh.
Well -- 1 guess that's:the way •
• things go.
Lucknow Pee Wees went to Dux-
ham and each and every team
! member gave a good account of
themselves. The return game was,
to say the least, quite different.
Lucknow had a couple of players
'missing, Andy Whitby out with
pneunthnia, and "another" out with
cracked ribs which, we understand,
were received when he. fell out of
bed. • This. however", could not
possibly have,mmade the. difference
we saw in the play of e two
games, since the replacing for-
wards played very well.
The defence, while they did let
some rushes through, stopped many
many more and received .a few
bruises doing it. Therefore, no
great blame can be given them
for the loss:
Maybe it was the netrninders,
who did, we must admit, let in
a couple of "strange" goals. But
since they then robbed Durham on
about four clean breakaways, we
don t suppose it was all their fault
• t•i•
This being the case, we have no
e . one left to blame for the loss but
the referees, dear, blind sails •
that they are. We sometimes won
• der if they should not be equipped
with rear-view mirrors, since •
most of the sculduddery occurs
behind them. 'This game was no
- No att r how we try to make
jokes, the oss still stands. Dui.-
ham has a good, 'fast, strong and
on occasion, rough team. They
wonby playlog har0. and, even
when aheacL41-0,'neVer even.'
Slowed down. They have severa
very' good players who soon had
Lucknow's few stronger and faste
players,shook up by heavy check
and a.bittired from ihefast pac
• This,. we. suppose • is what ha
when .a town of 2400. is Match
with a village .of 1030.
The local,lads, good 'sports that
they are, lined up at the end of
the game to congratulate Durham
and wish them well in the Femain-
an,. Freda Errington, Jack Ritchie.;-,'
:Helen 1.411;1 win + 1 -consolation
prize; Glen Walden, Doris John- .".,
ston, Morgan Johnston, .Betty
•• art 1 win + 1, Dr. Donald Mercer,...
Sybil Mercer, Ron Altkin, Muriel •
Aitkin 3 losses • •. ‘. •
'lin• ." . • .
First, Second,
• Two ruiks, from the localclub,
took part in the eleven o'clock •
draw at the Bruce County Federa-
. The Lucknow Midgets played an
exhibition game with the Ripley'.
Midgets in the Lucknow Arena on
Monday of this week. The game
ended in a 3 - 3 tie.
Each line of the local team
scored one goal The goal getters
were Donald MacKinnon, Donald
Johnstone, Men Morningstar.
Ten penalties were handed out
by referee Jack Henderson. .
The Lucknow Midgets and Ban
tams played an exhibition game
on Tuesday in the_ locatarena.
Scores of Ripley Industrial Hock-
ey Played Thursday of last week
were High School 9 - Ripley Pack-
ers 5: kintail 4 -'liolyrood 0. • •
RefereesJack Henderson and
Dave Hendersotthanded out three
penalties. These two referees
will handle the playoffs slated for
the Ripley Arena this Thursday
be:rweett Holi-rood,and High Schaal.
Kiniall and Packers,
tion of Agriculture.bonspiel held, ..
at Paisley on Thursday last and •
returned with first and second
prizes. Don MacTavish's rink of
.Jack Scott,:-Jird•MacTavish 'ancl.•
Gordon Rou s , presented
with •the Andy Robinson Trophy by
Federation President,Cameron
McAuley, of Ripley. The winning
rink just hosed out the second
Ripley entry, skipped by Bert Ell-
iott, with Gordon Patterson, Jack
Elliott add Jim Elliott. Heartiest
congratulationsgo to both these
rinks for their fine sb,,owing in
Paisley. . •
Well, your correspondent finally.
did it! It was our pleasure to acc-
ept the Johns -Manville. Trophy on
Saturday night., from Mr. Bert.
Kerr, of -J -M•, on- behalf of 'donor
Jim Lowry, who was unable to be
• present. Don Gaunt, Bob Johnston
and Leroy Walden,. demonstrating •
almost perfect 'slibt-malting, piled
up a record for the day of three
wins and a plus of fifteen. In so
doing, .the J -M champ of last,
season, .Sandy MacCharles, with
hiS same rink.of MelPollock, Jim
MacDonald and Shirl Bowers, was'
dethroned'. Sandy certainly forced
the issue, .as he endedlthe day
'with sa record of three wins and a.
plus of nine, to win the 9 o'clock
• draw. Second place on the early*
draw went to Jack Pym's rink,
om Kincardine, with John p. -
MacKay's local entry coming
through for the liter Con-
sdlation prizes, for both draws,
went to the Ferris and Leask rinks,
froni Paisley.
The Lucknow- Club re- ceiday ct, week that the machine
.•• ved w delivery of a nepropane t
ice 'burner last week. The Curling' was ready for them in Aylmer.
Club has been havGlen Walden, aecomPanied bYing trouble keep-,
jog the arena ice., which is skated ; Vernon Hunter who .will operate
on, true enough for good curling ! the machine; went to Ayliner on
ice.• .' • 1 Tuesday and picked it up. They •
• returned in time that the machine
After the executive had studied ,
•,the problem and had seen what was used on the ice Tuesday night
other clubs were doing, they de- hefote.weduesdArssullsPiel-.
cidedtb buy a propane ice rnelter,i., Although they hatelY had
, •
This machine is based -on the prin.-
to experiment with the meterthe ice w bett th. ' had been
All the Curlers are hoping that
this will be the anstver to the per-
ennial problem, but also the fav-
ourite excuse of."runs" and "drifts"
in'the ice.
•• ciple that Water will run level. '
It is composed of a 14 foot long
propane burner which melts the
• width of a rink• and allows the ice
• . tO be levelled.
The club received word on Mon
• We were pleasedto hear,that
the R.D.H.S, rink, skipped by
Ricky Dodds, with Marilyn Thom-
pson, •Paul Farrell and Katherine
Culbert, won the eleven o'clock '
draw at the Kincardine High
.00l Student'Slon.spiel on Satur-
day. .Unfortunately, their 'plus
was too low to win the ,trophy,
but they are: to be'cOngratulated!
Don Mcl.ay •
ESSO WINNERS -- at last Wednesday's 'Curling Bonspla spOnsored
by the Lucknow Curling Club with ***championship trophy donated
, by Roy Flavor's, J. E. MacDonald and Grant Chisholm, local Imper-'
lei Esso representatives. When this picture was taken, only one of
the rh* of four was available. Shown in the cent' is Mrs. Currie
Colwell of .Kinloss, a.member of the V/inning rink as she receives the
trophy from Grant Chisholm,•on the left, and 'Roy Havens, on th‘
right, .two of' the three 'donors. Other members of 0* rh* Were
Blake Alton, Alex HackOit and Marlorke Alton . • •
Lucknow Holds 1st Open Mixed Bonspiel,
Five odors Assure Safe Throughout
On Wednesday, February 16th, ' second, game to .defeat Jack Tre-
the Lucknow Curling Club was host leaven's team 10 - 2. Their third
to its first mixed open Bonspiel game with Orville Elliott's rink
with curlers from Lucknow, Ripley, was close, with the final score
Dungannon, London, Ildenon,
Teeswater, 'Goderich and Southam'
. .
9- 7 for George. This gave the.
Whitby -Austin rink 2 wins with a
pton playing fgr the E.sso Trophy..
This trophy was donated to the
club for annual competition by
plus of 8. to nose Ivan Rivett's • .
team which had 2 wins with a plus
,Of 7, out of second place;
The.consolation prize went to • •
Grant Chisholm As well as the Dr. Leahy's rink,composed of
usual prizes; there was a good Mrs. Leahy, vice- Harvey Miller, •
array of door prizes which were., second, . and Mrs. Miller; -
donated by the sponsors, • . The booby'prize was jovially
The Esso Trophy went to a team received by Jack Treleaven's
skipped by Blake Alton, with Doi-- team,' made up of Jane Treleaven,
is COlwell•aslead, Al • ex Hackett; Vice; Jim Mackenzie,: second, and' .
2nd, and Marjorie Alton as Vice.'', Ferne MacDonald, lead. Ferne
They ended up with three wins and was trying out the sport for the'
plus of thirteen. first time, and curled very well.
9 O'CLOCK DRAW; W,11 --em is-of-the---We-hoperii.see. her back on the
nine o'clock draw. Blake Alton's- ice very soon. • ,
• •
team, did not get off to a flying • 11 O'CLOCK DRAW -.First prize
startbytiMproved,as the day went in this draw went to Dr Jack Mo-
on. In their first game; they edg- rink'which:cansistedot, , •
•ed out Henry MacKenzie's rink . Mary 'Boyle., vice; Jim Boyle, sec-
by's score of 10 '7. , They defeat- ond; and Carroll McKim, lead..
' ed AlvinHainilton's rink 10.-' 6 They started off the day by play-
Jack Ritchie's team to a tie
and winning the extra end. This
game gave the team' great confid-
ence and they proceeded to beat
Dr. Mercer's team 13 -'6, and
Grant Chisholm's team 10 - 4
in the third. game.' This gave then!
first prior twelve.
zwthithree win! and a
p •
•Second prize went to a team
'entered bit Grant Chishohn.with
•Chishohn, leadi Grant
Chisholm, second; Marie Huff,
vice; and Bill Huff, skip. They
mstarted off by defeating Dr. Mere,
dith's.rink 11 - 4. In their secaid'
game, they played a tight contest
with Glen Walden'to edge him out
:by a score of 10 A, 8. -They lost
their. third game to the first prize •
winneri,. to the tune of 10 - 4,
Consolation prize for this draw
went to Jack Ritchie's entry, con
sisting of Ted McClenaghan; skip'
•They lost their first game to Dr.
McKirnys rink in .an extra end.'
their second game to Dr. Mere-.
dith's team 7 6; and they won
their third game from Dr. 'Mercer's
rink by score'of 6 5.' So they
were close games all the 'Way.
: Everyone had an excellent day,
but had anyone been injured or '
stewankdaeminnpeg7t4d1 ,.ebhyseptihweiotuflipt.iiceoh .ial,voeeeathboyretfen
. aTtte.e:
swater, Dr. Mercer, Southampton;
etredithibr.' 1.1dMertcKs3niinDirroirrEidgar
• Lm1
in their second game. • By their
third game, they had no trouble
defeatirirthe other two game win-
ner Ivan Rivett's team, and did so',
by a score 0( 13 - 3.
• Sedond prize went to an entry
composed of Ann Austin, Harold
Austin, Jean Whitby and George
Whitby. George's team started off
by losing to Alvin Hamilton's team
I by a score of 6 - • HoweVer,
they came back strong in their °
The Curling season of 1965 - 66
Will gd downin the records of the
Lticknow,Curling.Club as being a •
good year for Alex Hackett.For
this season Alex Hackett Kai his
name on every trophy that has been
presented. • •
In the Boxing Day' spiel fOr the
local club, Alex skipped a rink to
three victories. to win the'Silver-
wood's Trophy. Alex played vice
fdr Toni Hackett in the CO -op
Bonspiel and this team Won the.
Trophy. •
In the mixed. bonspiel held last
Wednesday, Alex played second
for ilie•rink,skipped by Blake 'Alton,
In the final game of this bOnsPiel,
Alex and Blake switched Positions
and Alex lead the rink to their
final victory to win the Esso Tro
PhY- •. ••••t
Keep your e Alex In the
next bnnspiel to be eld by the
Lucknow Club n rch 9th.