HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-23, Page 4• • .4; 14 • THE 1.60040114, ONTAIt10 • • o wsmovoiDAy • rip.' nroo, Its f•-•'''• '1."1 • , , • , ' • ,t t 4 1 • • • .• • ',•;, • 4 j. .111..•oups • AA PHONE 528,4134 °. FOR- SALE FOR SALE. fence posts. Frank Pntland, DUsgaMIOn, 526-7343. CAR FOR SALE-; 1963 Velvo, in good conthUon,••• custom built *die, Contact Jim 'Sclmeider* 90 POW Ave. East Goderich„ phone 534-6535. . WOOD FOR SALE - a large num- ber of hard maple tops, $1.00 a cord. Elmer Woods, R.R. 2 Luck - now, phone 528-6835. • FOR SALE -- choice quality first calf Holstein heifers, reasonably • priced. Heifers available at all times. Contact Burton Shewfelt, R.R. 5 Kincardine, phone 101 r 7. • Terms available. «FO.= sALE 4000 bales of hay, • sell in large or small kits. Jim R.R. 4 Ithicartlise, • , phone 2410 Berm, • • FOR • SALE wpoden Silo, 12' x 24%, all pine 2,x 6's; Russel R.R, 7 Lucknow, phone Dun: - Pillion 529-7408. FORSALE 1000 square bales of hay. JeUe de Jong; R.R. 6; .Luck - now, phone 26-11 Ripley. CORN FOR SALE cob and kiln dried 'cornfrom. the Ridge- • town.- Chatham area in. 5' -ton. and • truckload lots. Jim MacEwan, Kin- •' teas, -phone 2410 Bervie. • FOR SALE i' United Church • ••,..,r• • •• . Lticlaiow;- 14 Clover leaf cups and saucers, 14 green cups,48 saucers. Dinner plates, 44 Clover leaf; Wild Rose pattern, 12 large, 67 medium,, 14 chipped. • Mrs. A. E. McKim, „. TRUCK. FOlt .SALX 1957 Chev, 13 feet stake truck, 'dr, will trade for cattle or pigs. Donald Curran, • phone 529-7s:... SNOW BLOWERS • 'FOR .SALE one used front' end blower; new three point hitch blowers. George Smyth, R.R. 2 Auburn phone • FOR SALE - 1" lying and counters; Ashton's (14 cknow) Lim -4 ibed, phone 528-2126. FREE BARN - situated at Kin - lough, to anyone who will remove it. A lot of good lumber in •barn. Contact G. J. Clurpentier,R.R. 1 Bolyrood. COB CORN FOR SALE • •Large Quantity SCOW BROTHERS Ripley - Phone S. or IPS VACUUM CLEANER 4/LLES and SERVICE•a Air all &ekes -- Filter' Queen Saki, Varna, phone 262-5350. 4 4.111Poll1111.•• 1:411.18P4 FARMS • • HOMES •• BUSINESSES • -. 4t * :* STAN' ICAY Lucknow,• Ontario Phone 518-3531 1 1 . • Representing •• • Dani Real Astate Lti. t • London, Ontario Dee's BEAUTY SALON In the Jahnstone Block on Main Streit, Lucknow, * (Deana Parrish,' proprietor) PHONE k11-3431 .or 529-7365 ' 0444..ioN000rt‘nodhim.e40.0044~.041.4•0041P4•004 -,. • , 4 .4 A4 . •• • FOR. SALE • - FOR SALE OR RENT -,-, 100 acre grass farm; lot 16 Concession 6, Kinloss Township, running water on farm. Contact Leonard Griffin, Lucknow, Phone 52a.3819.' BRIDGE T LLIES Bridge Tallies by , te.ridt now in stock at•The Luckno $entinel. ABSTAINER'S AUTOMO II.E INSURANCE ' Did you know that if /ou 't drink you can4buy,tyour insurance cheaper? For, further particulars contact: The • Abstainers Automobile - Insurance Co. Your agent for this area Alex B. McKague • Teeswater 3924332 FOR SALE - Rodney oats, grown from registered seed, $1.25 at the farm, will deliver. Burton 'Collins, R.R. 3- Ripley, phone 5 r 3. EAVESTROLTGHING and . metal flashing, place order at 1Vlurdie's Hardware, Lucknow phone 528- 2906. BOXED CARDS Children% Birthday Cards Sympathy Cards ,• Birth Congratulations REGULAR 41.00 SPECIAL 7k THE I.UCKNOW SENTINEL SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED' Vacuum cleaning and pumping of• septic/ teaks,- Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer of cement septic tanks and well tile. , ' • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any titian- ity. Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. Pig.s.every.- Tuesday. Beef from M onday through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET YOU'VE BEEN. ASKING - about' euchre decks of playing cards. We have them now as well as other regular decks, both single and double, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 524-3134. MIMEO AND DUPLICATOR - paper in stock, forget about those mail .orders and higher prices. Pick up your supply at The Luck - now Sentinel, .phone 528-3134. •. , • SILOS '' ATTENTION FARMERS ' Construct . Upright Concrete Silos up to 55 feet. Arnold Huai, Box 164, 19 Cambria Rd. N., Goder- ich, phone JA4-9437 ' collect. • A . . . T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE / Repairs and Installation, • Free Estimates, Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. TENDERS' WANTED WEST •WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP TENDERS 'will b received for the supplying of approximately'. 600 lbs. of warble fly powder, said warbicide to be 'delivered under the supervision of the Warble Fly Inspector. TENDERS will be' re- eeived for the spraying of cattle under the Warble Fly Act. Ten- '• ders to state price per head for each spray. Tenders to supply all necessary equipment and Township will supply wathicide.. APPLICATIONS will be received for the position of Warble Fly In - specter at a set salary of 51.25 per hour. Inspector to provide his own. transportation and will be required to collect Spraying fees from cattle it COMING EVENTS • NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games - $10.00 each. 4 Share -The Wealth games with jackpot included in each game. Jackpot /this week $80.00 on 56 BOX SOCIAL., CARDS A /3ox Social -Card Party will be held in St, Helen's Hall on Friday, evenin' g, February 25th, 1966, at 8:30 P.M. Girls, bring your dec. orated hoses. ,Everyone welcome. RIPLEY-HURONI PUBLIC SPEAKING • CONTEST Contest is to be held on Feb- ruary 26' hi Ripley-Iluron Central School auditorium at 800 p.m. RECEPTION AND, DANCE A Reception and Dance will be hel,,,• in Whitechurch CemmenitY t on Saturday, February 26th at 9 p.m., in honor of newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Turnbull (Frances Henry). Music by Tif- fins Orchestra. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Everyone welcome. •• SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party will be held in,the Assembly Room of the Lucknow •Town Hall on Monday,. February 28th at 8:15 p.m. under auspices of the Lucknow Women's Institute. PRINCIPAL TO SPEAK • F. Madill, principal of the, Wing - ham District High; School, will speak on "Community. Colleges and Education", on Monday, Feb- ruary 28th at 8:30 p.m. at Legion Hall Itipley, sponsored by Com- munity Learning Committee, •OWIlerS. All tenders and applicationa to be in the Clerk's hands by 6:00 p.m., Saturday, Mara 5th,, 1966. , Mrs. Joan Armstrong, • I. Township Chnic„ I- RA. 2,. Lucknow, Ontario WANTED' LAND WANTED Acreage oi shy size wanted •for cash. Suitable for hunting or fish- ing. State lowest price, location, etc. Box 1313, Bracebridge, Ont. SALESMAN WANTED For Lucknow District to sell live- stock supplement, concentrates, pre mixes, vitaituns, minerals, antibiotics, etc. Apply to Box 666, Kmcardiue WANTED - farmer with lots- of feed to finish 1042 big steers. Ap- ply to Chas. Hooisma, phone 'Ripley 100. WORK WANTED -• new house and farm building canstrucf4'on, Remodellin' g, carpenter work, tile floors and ceilings, built in clip- boards, inside work given im- mediate attention now, good work- manship; free estimates. Roy C. Schneller, Kinlough, Phone Ber- m 2221. ' • • -WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER Lady seeking position, . part or full - time as Cashier; Clerk or • waitress. For details , contact by, phone or mail .tti: Editli Gardner, Lucknow. LAND WANTED small acre- age near Lucknow on Highway. Apply Box F Lucknow Sentinel. • •!**4414144141444#41..41044~...... HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR DEADAND DISABLED COWS AN.Q HORSES Call Citilect S1114459 ra toc • Removers WALKERT�N WANTED CONTRACTS WANTED - for Bet- ze malting barley; seed oats, Gar- ry, Rodney and Russell; , bean con- tracts also available, .Warren Zinn -R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7350. SALES HELP WANTED - MALE HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME MAIL TODAY The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd., Dept. B-271-HY 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen: am interested in the world famous Rawleigh. Line on a ( ) 'pattAiine basis • • ( ) full-time basis ( ) Please send me FREE . Cook Book and catalog with full details. Address City , Prov. Business Announcement Reg' McGee and Sons. Ltd. of Goderich are pleased to an- • trounce the appohMnent Of.• • MR. OEBELE .ROZENDOL useoto r 'eacaleiers.. staff for MW Mr. Roseadot. has been ac- tive in a GM Dealership since 1951 and is a4 qiialified and capable salesman • and spec. ializes In trucks. • NOTICES CLOSING NOTICE Gladys' Beauty Salon in Luck - now will close permanently on Sat- urday, February 26th. We are mov- ing' to Paisley and will continue. to operate oure.Beauty Sakm busin•-• ess in that town. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING _ Tbe Ludmow Farmers' Cuaoto- erative Co. will hold their annual meeting im . Saturday, February 26th, 1966 at "230 p.m: at the Luc- know Scal.es. NOTICE CAMPAIGN MEMBERSHIP The Goderich Community Concert Association will conduct its Mem- bership Campaign for the 1966-67 season from February 28 to March 4. For further informatioli, • call your Lucknow Representatives, Mrs. %Ken Mowbray. 528-3421 or Mrs. Gordon MontrmerY 528-3329. IN MEMORIAM BLACK •-• in loving memory of Eva Black who passed away 6 years ago, February rth, 1960. • The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, • ' Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful:, sleep, • • - Her • memory we shall always keep. Ever remembered and sadly missed, by husband, son, daughter- in-kr.v, grandchiklren, sisters,. and •brother. , . • . JOHNSTONE - In loving memory of a dear father and grandpa, Ad- am Johnstone, who passed away February 23, 1965. • • There is no parting from those we love, • • No distance can divide; For today iir memories'. garden We still -walk side by side. Each dawzdng day a thought of At' eventide a prayer; In the hearts that 'loved him He always will be there. Lovingly 'remembered by daugh- ter Myrtle, son Gordon, daughter- in-law • Bernice, grandchildren John, Bruce and Marion. STIMSON. - in loving memory of William Stimson, a dear father and grandad, who passed away Feb- ruary 22, 1963. , hi our hearts Ms memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true. Lovingly remembered by 'Ber tha and .Carl Whiteroft and child - CAR OF THANKS Mrs, Alvin.. Robb wishes to ex- press her sincere thanks to all her friends and neighbours who re- membered her so kindly during het two weeks stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and especially to Mrs. Hewitt for her assistance with night school sewing class. • Through research, medical science' bas made great gains in prolonging the lives •of victims of heart att-, ack and heart failure, I • Notice. T� • NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF MARY ANN MacDIAR- MID, late of the Village of Luck- now, In the County of Bruce; Wid- ow, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIN that all persons :having any . clathi or demands against the Es- • • tate of Mary Ann MacDiarmid, a- foresaid, who died on or about the 29th day of July, A.D. 1965 are re- quirecl,to file proof of their claims ' ' duly ' verified with the _undersign- ed 'executors On or before the 9th day of March A.D. 1966. AND NOTICE' IS 'FURTHER GIVEN that after -the said date the under - 'signed executors will proceed to distribute the, 'assets • of the said estate among those entitled there- to and . will not be liable for the said assets or any part •thereof to any one of whose claims they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Ripley, Ontario this 7th day of February, A.D. 1966. John Blue, R.R. 1, Ripley, Ont. Donald B. Blue; Ripley, Ont.. • , • , • Executors , o•••••••e••• io•eeee••••eie4 • • BARGAIN WEEK moo for 400 atres. Good buildings, all conveniences easy $13,000 for 1.21 acres. The 112..gsp:aved yard. areneatas Pin, And $10,900 - 100 acres on bigbc waytturldings in good repair. Terms available. • $9,900 100 acres: •Good house and barn, $600 from gravel pit. in '65. Machinery included. $3,50642erms-1.00., acre paar pare E In with $7,00, brand new • winterized cottage, 3 bedrooms, 4 Pc: batb. What terms clo yeti wane' $2;000 down plus stock and 'yon can own *Iris hardware store with gaspqmps. Modern 1bed- rom, living qizart,ers.Will rade- on ham- . $10000 full 'Price plus stoak for self -serve grocery store and snack bar 4 bedrdom living 4litartersowii: Always busy here, ffaif DON HOLST • Real Estate ltd. Rural Ontario, Spectalists STRUTHERS and KM! FITZSIMMONS REP ESENTATIVES Phone Wingliam 367410 ••••444.44••••••••••••i• *4