HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 29U1, 1 � . Ce an 3ry. p1e: ,nd en' • en, ed, Ink a ad P• They µs . paui with !*•.-,T a visit. Baer of L'a`+ ever Mrs. s 11. Mr. and. a.:Dside,, Rive Mr. : s of Fir' end with .• r0.rs. Bili t tush of e � ,:czs wi �erscr�,i I 1.6 F. '`V1'' Sressd ier:er. P i.sX=Tod h ewer. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 'f, 1I 'H! I.UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' past week with her daughters, Mrs. Thomas Traflet at .Southampton,, end Mrs. Robert Johnstone, Kin. cardfne.. ' • Nancy Cranston of London spent. :the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Allan Cran" ston, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burden and children. of Bearnsvflle visited with over, he�weekeand nd, s. Donald 'Tay* ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .RUtherford have returned from a visit to 'K'ingston to the homes of their sons, . Grant and Hugh.. While 'there, they attended the wedding of their' granddaughter Maureen', daughter of Mr. and: Mrs.. Hugh Rutherford',.'Ito Melvin.McMurter., of: Preston, We wish to extend sympathy . from the community to Mr's. Geo- rge Stuart on the passing ,of; her ' husband, George,' la st Thursday and to his. ,brother, 'Joe; Gasoline tunes up your engine as you go B�bby Burns Bale.' Held At St, Helen (St, Helens News) • A "Belated Bobby Burns Bali" was held. in St, :Helens, Hall a. week ago Friday; ' This event waspost- poned one week due to the heavy snow storms, Mrs. Wm, Rutherford 'played a medley of Scottish songs; A ,play, entitled "Elmer" ` was presented by,the Presby- terian,. Y. P. U; of Whitechurch. Piano•:solos were given, by Marie ,. Boyleand Vera MacDonald. Mr. and ,Mrs. • Fred MvlcQuillfn .presented several mouth organ and piano duets. Dancing was enjoyed '!)y all to 'music supplied by •Tiffins Orchestra. Mrs. E. W. Rice .was guest solo- ist at die Luckriow Women's tnstitr •:ute meeting on Friday afternoon. Vrs. Laura McNen. visited this PAGE THIONOS. Mrs,:a Johnston has returned to her home in.* ltghener after ' - visiting the past two weeks with her son, Gerald Dortcht, Mrs.. borscht and,farnily. SHOOT PARTY • S. S NP, .4 was the scene of'a successful. shoot party on. Friday evening with eleven tables in pray Prizes were awarded to is Doris Willis for high lady, Harvey Car rick high man, Mary Pannabecker low lady, 'Gordon MacPherson low Man, high pupil Verna Aitchison,. Punt shoot hands George Fisher.' •and travelling shoot prize 'to Frank Mewhinney. "Valentine Mall Boi" prizes were awarded : to Junior pupil Loree Gammie and Senior pupil Lorene Errington. Delicious refreshments were served by- the ,teacher, . Mrs.- deo* rge Fisher, .and senior pupils. It was announced that a joint card party;- box social affair would be held on, February 25th:,at the St. Helens Institute Hall. ' 1g�tLi.,,ji - -=1 — - a� _ r. v 0 1.1 :CO-OP* Gasoline . has a special detergent that, cleans deposits out of your carburetoeand fuel system ... keeps .your throttle; clean at all times ❑ 'You get faster: . starts, less stalling and better performance. You cut down on tune-ups and engine repair costs too. p That's not all. CO-OP Gasoline works four. other ways: to save you money A built-in rust inhibitor protects., vital engine parts; volatility is controlled to adjust power to y.Our needs; an anti -icing additive " combats cold weather. ;stalls; and a epecial' additive letsyou store CO-OP Gasoline longerWithdut • fuel deterioration. Try CO-OP Gasoline soon -There's a tune-up in every tankful LUGI is.tric •.a *Reetirend bide Mark 0.0! i1 o- phone ` 528-2125 PURPLE GROVE Mr . •and Mrs. Jack Farrell have • een holidaying in•Florida for the ' ast .week . • Saturday dinner guests,of Mr., • nd Mrs. Claude.Dore, Sr._, of ervie were Mr, and Mrs. Burton ollins, Johnny, Sandra and Mar-.` ie. ` Mr, and Mrs. Don McCosh vir. ted on Sunday :with Mr. and Mrs. ictor Ernerson Whitechurch and rs. W,. N„Bushell, ,Lucknow. Recent visitors' with Mr.' and rs. Don'Robertson were Mr. and Goldie' Huston and Mr. ,Cal - in. Robertson. • • Mrs; Don.Dore and Frankie spent onday. afternoon with Mrs. Gord- n McDonald and girls, Mrs. Victor Gawley.visited: re-. ent�ly` with Mrs. W. N., Bushell n LuOnow•, Mr. and Mrs..Frank Currie and • iris motored to Car],sruhe unday where they spent the day , ith Mr. and. Mrs. Scott Walsh nd family. • • Mrs; Claude Dore, Jr., 'Perrin nd Kenneth of Teeswater isited Mr , and Mrs. Claude Dore, r. , Servie, on Thursday. Mr.. and Mrs. ,Victor Gawley , ere Sunday guests of Mr. arid. rs: D4nald Chadbourne.. Recent visitors with Mr. and rs, Doti McCosh were Mr.. and rs, Ardill Mason and Mr, and rs. Donald: Robertson Mrs. Don Dore and Frankie ent Wednesday afternoon in Lucknow with Miss Margaret Rob- ertson. • Weekend .gvests.of Mr;and Mrs. Earl. Elliott •and family were Ray Elliott and John. Mrs. Gordon. McDonald and girls visited .on. Thursday with Mrs.. Fred Gilchrist on the . Fourth ;Con- cession. Con-cession. - • Mr.• and Mrs..'Don '.McCosh spent: an evening this ,week with Mr. and Mrs: Norval Stanley. • Aprp�arently the crows disagree with t•he:Foundhogs who saw their, shadow and returned to their homes as' many crows have been `seen and heard this past week. Brenda Hewitt He�ds4HCIub . The Holyrood #20:4-11 Home- . making Club is once. again busy 1 this time with their new club "Acc ent On Accessories”. . We are proud to boast of an enrolment of eleven .znembers, andtwo°capabie leaders. • the new slate of officers is: • pres- ident, Brenda Hewitt; Vice- Ptesi=. dent, Margaret Bushell; Secretary,` Joai{ Percy; .Riess Reporter, Jean Sutton. , ' . During our first meetings we .have analized our wardrobes, individual outfits, and discussed the advant- ages of accessories.: We have also been successful in'productng col- ourful scarves. , We would like to thank those mothers who have volunteered their 'homes for our .use during the past few meetings.. The mtost complete Farm -Tailored. Ferzer program: availabl+� With expanded warehouse facilities, C -I L Fertilizer Dealers are now .. geared to give: you even bet- ter service. An experienced team of technical advisors is on handto help you. with... your individual farm. require ments. Take advantage "of this exp. pert. advice. Find out how Super Flow Fertilizers and C -I -L improved service can lead you to higher yields and increas- ed profits. See your. C -I -L, Fertlizdr Dealer today!; FERTILIZ SERVIC ER E C.ANADIA,N.I.NDU'STRIE.S LIMITED Ell) SUPER FL9VV FERTILISERS WAREHOUSES LOCATED AT: LUCKNO'WPHONE 528.2026 • BLYTH, PHONE 523.4241 • BRUSSELS,RGILL, PHONE 199, CAPHONE: 366-22 ... ___ .., • 25 • Y