HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 271914
WEDNESDAY, FEB* 1�itir • 1!f i � .. --
'The February meeting of Zion
U.C.W. was, held at the home of
Mrs. Rbbt . Kelm on Thursday,. the
1 Oth .. After the opening .bymn and
prayer.. the minutes of the aanuary,
"meeting were read and adopted
and the Roll Call was answered. by
21 members, The Devotional Per
iod was conducted by Mrs. Wesley
Ritchie, with Mrs. John Hunter
reading :the Scripture. The Intro-
duction to the New Bible `Study
Book was given by Mrs, .Chas.: Wil*.•
kips, and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie 'took
the chapter from the Etudy Book
on Brazil. Mrs, Earl Swan gave a
reading and Mrs. Pete Cook, an itr
Mrs • Gordon Kirkland'showei
what she.had on hand for the: lay-.
ette, and some of the ladies offer"•
ed to do. some of the sewing requite°
ed to:complete•the layette. Each
member .is to :bring, (two) blocks to
the March meeting for a supply .'
quilt They. are •to be of print
12" x12" when finished.
The 4-11 Clubwork was mention-
ed with Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs.
Hunter to attend ,the TrainingSch'e
dol in Wingham , February 16th and
17th, A. donation was given to the
leaders of the Winter Club for their
Work ' with.. the girls. , .
' The ladies were reminded about
the joint meeting of the 3 charges
for the• World Day of Prayer. at the,
Manse on February .25th.; The same
ladies•are in charge of the •lunch,
as appointed at the January meet-
ing. The,visitorsfor the coming
Month are Mrs. Marsh „Gibson and
Mrs.• John Hunter.'' Mrs;" Allan.Gib=
son hadcharge of'the last chapter
'of the ,Bible Study. from God and
His Purpose.- A.hymn was sung':
and Mrs. Kaiserclosed with prayer.
Lunch was served by the hostess and
Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and. Mrs. Allan •
Barger. The March meeting will
be held kt the home. of Mrs: Jim
Unit 1 of Pine. River United.
Church *omen held .their meeting
on Wednesday February 9; Six --
teen members answered the roll
Call with . a verse containing the
word 'Light'. Mrs, Sam Snobelen
gave the call to worship with a
reading and prayer. The 'secretary
:Mrs. Ernest Thompson, read corr-
espondence and thank you.notes
and .Mrs; George Wightinan gave
the treasurer's. report. It Was de'`
cided. to save196.5 pennies also
a collection for birthday pennies.
After the dedication of the
'offering by Mrs. Snobelen,. Mrs.
Mervyn Hooey had charge of'the
Study Book 'on Brazil which: took '
the form of a panel discussion led
by Mrs. Mervyn Hooey Taking.
part in the discussion were Mrs'. S,
Snobeleri, 'Mrs. John Ferguson and
Mrs. Morris Reid with readings by
'Mrs. Wesley,Robb and Mrs.' Wm.
Courtney. • The government .of
Brazil' is somewhat .unstable and
the large population poses a prob-
lemin housing 'conditions., Mrs.
Sam Gibson who was convenorof •
the program gave a reading fell-.
.owed by the Lords prayer in unt-
After a=hymn •Rev. H, Pillen
led in prayer., The Bible study
wastaken; from"God and His Pur'
pose",and was led by Mrs.,Eldon:'•
Bradey assisted with .Bible. read-- > .
ing by Mrs, Pillen. Mrs. James
Nesbitt gave an organ instrument-,
al and Mrs. S Gibson gave a read=
ing on "Try Smiling" . After • the .
benediction by:`Rev. Millen ,lunch
wasserved in•the'Sunday. School
roomby the hostesses, Mrs.. James
Farrell and 'Mrs. George"Wightman,
U.C.W.' UNIT 2.
Unit 2. Oldie Pine Rive United.
8htirch Women held their meeting
on Wednesday evening February 9:
Mrs. Donald Courtney presided • •
and'read a -passage. of Scripture ,
The secretary Mrs. Elden Lowry •
read correspondence. •;The roll Call
was,answered with an item of inr
erest ip',Brazil
The scripture ,reading by• Mrs-.
Ronald Irwin was followed with the.
Study Booli on Brazil by Mrs:
on Elliott, M.S.Leonard Courtney
was convenor of the program and
had -charge of the. Bible Study per
It was decided to have a' skating
party for the children. Pennies
for 1964 areto be saved. After
the closing hymn, lunch was ser-
erved by the committee in charge.
United Church
(Dungannon News)
Rei. 1.A . 'Veldliuis: presided for
the annual meeting of the Dungan-
non United. Church: The meeting': •
waspened with a• devotional per-
iod and welcome to those present.
Reports of the various organiza-
tions.were given in reviewing. the
years activities'. The nominating,.
repos was given, and Wm., Cran-
ston and Wilbur Brown werelre-el-
ected to the Session. Thos. Web-
ster,' Harold Errington; Robt.. ••Irvin,
Leonard Reed and Nelson Pearson
were re-elected to the board of
Stewards:;, Elected to the board of
trustees mere Hugh McWhinney and
Harvey Culbert. Secretary-Treas-
uter of the Su'nday.School is Mrs.
Arnold Stoth•ers with Frank Pent-
land as superintendent....
'The resignation of Clifford Croz-
ler from the session and trustee
board was received with regret,
'tie to i11 health. Adjournment
as moved by Bert McWhinney
nd Mr, Veldhui-s closed with
raver, •
Pancake Supper
Among W.A. Plans.
The February meeting of St. Pet-
as lreld on Tuesday
evening February 8th in the Parish
Hadi• -Mrs. Harvey Mole presided
and. opened the Meeting with a'
hymn followed by the W.A. prayer
and the Lord's prayer..- The script-
are was read by Mrs. Stanley Jay.
Mrs: Etta Roberts gave th'e:rnedit ..
,at f on, the theme being the "Farah,*
le of the Sower," Mrs. Jas. Dura-
in gave the. Prayer partners player.
A motion was made to order 22
Family Life Kit= for the children. .
'also to give $S to the J.A. Plans
'were made for a Shoot. Party and -
the atnual Pancake Supper on
Shrove Tuesday.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Tom Pritchard and Mrs, Jas. Durn-
in, . After the singing of a hymn,
Rev. ,Jay closed the meeting with
prayer. A social'haif hour follower
Slides Shown At
(Dungannon News)
The St. Paul's Anglican ladies
g ,.
guild' met at the home: of Mrs.. .
Jack Caesar on February 10. The
president, Mrs. 'Paul Caesar, pre-
re sided and the meeting opened with
repeating the, guild prayer' in uni-
son and scripture reading by Mrs.
Elmer Black. Mrs, Jack Caesar//.
gave•tte treasurer's report and the
roll call was answered: by one, of
the'. ten commandments.
Mrs. S. Jay thawed slides of
• their trip to Yellowstone Park and•
views of North West Territories.
Valentine card party was plan-
led for :February 14 .when special
prizes will be given. Material for
making articles for a bazaar later,
in the year was given out and tur-
urkey. pies will be made for sale
during the last week of February:
A -donation was: made to St. Paul's
residential school at Cardston,
Alberta, ,
The: meeting closed with prayer'
and lunch was seri/eV' bythe host-.
ess; .
Mrs:George Fisher
Is . LiIrary Head.
(Whitechurch News)
The .Library. Board held their''•
meeting Thursday evening.. at the
home of Mrs.. Doris.Willis. Those
attending the meeting were Dave,'
MacDonald, John Gaunt•,:Tom ' • •
Morrison, Mrs . H . D . MacDonald
'Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mrs. Garn-
et Farrier with. Mrs., George Fisher.,
chairtnan, presiding .for the meet-
ing. Theminuteswere read by•
secretary treasurer Mrs. Doris
Willis. • The financial statement'
etre Receipts $428.92. • ExpendP•
•tures $218.27. Balance $210,22.
In 1965, 27 families who read 1180
books, joined the library.
A`report of the meeting attended
by Librarian and committees on
October 27 at Kitchener was given
by 'Mrs. Willis and Mrs. H'. D Mac-
Donald, Two,minutes silence was
held In honor of the late Mr. Dus-
tan Beecroft a faithful mer her of
the. Board,
The officers are, Chairman Mrs.
George•Fisher., 1st Vice H.D. Mac-
Donald,, Sec. Treas. Mrs:D..Will...
is, Auditor Mrs. Albert Coultes,
Library, "Board, John Gaunt, .Mrs.
Dawson Craig, Mrs._ 'G. Farrier,,.
Mrs. V. Erherson,, Mrs. E.Scholtz
and Mrs Albert Coultes. The
hostess served lunch at the close•
of the Meeting.
Visits SEoy Town
A caller in town the first o`'the
_week was Ernie "Twink" yaughan.
Of Loreburn, .Saskatchewan, .well
known to'iucknow residents who..
was here from 1948.. to 2950. .
Twink was one of a group Of '
,Loreburn district• young men who,
came to Lwcknow a nurnber of
i years ago to play hockey. The
a Westerners from► :tire Loreburn Cis"
r t were well thought of in The
Soy Town, and added some
.strength in local t ockeyc.Pir..cles
at that time.•
;Also calling at the Sentinel with
Ernie was Pat Book; a Loreburn
district farmer, who .i's a .e0usiri of
George and Babe Book who also,
played hockey with Lucknow. a
number, of years before Ernie's
gang..made the trip from the west..
The men were in a party which.
came East with a car dealer and
were taking back six trucks, three
school busses and a car; .
. We asked Ernie'where some of
the other: Westerners which had '
played hockey. at, that time were.
now' located: Ron McLelland.., :who.
is a. frequent 'visitor to;LticknoW, is.
now a member of parliament;' Bob.
• Vddlemiss is working with inter
nation Water Supply across Canada;
Jim: Wankel works for,'' a machinery
dealer in !Elbow, Sask.; :Sob Dodds
is teach ing •at the''University of .
Saskatchewan'in,the winter anis
farming in the . summer months. "
Arnie,' himself, is the owner of
a. Red and White Food Store. in
Loreburn and • iso marriedmwith..:a .
Y. . .
famil _. 'oftwo. It is "Twink'S"
first visit back to; Lucknow since'
1950 a .trip he• says he had been
planning for the past sixteen years:
•He: played,hockey , for threesear
ons here; :194$.;1:949 and 1950. '•
Hemay be: remembered as. work-°
ing.at McKitn's Drug Store.
P * *NM
British. cies Tilt)
(Cairo**, Corners),
• pon'Don'aldson, Fatal Maohinezy:..
Sales .arid. Sery c+e,. •is enjoying s►
two weeks trip to the British Isles,
sponsored by the Machine Company
Don. left Mahon AirPorta .for Eng-, ral on'Saturday evening,
50 XEARS W.ED .'
fulations to Mr. and M s..
• • Congra t
George DeLaMare of Roblin. Man*.
• on celebrating their golden wedd"
ing.anniversary on February 16th.,,
Mrs. DeLaMare was the former k
Delia. Stauffer,, daughter of Mr.. • •
and.Mrs. Joel 'Stauffer at one tit e
residents of Lucknow,
Mr;`and Mrs. Mldford Wall, were,
'Monet guests recently of Mr,. and
Tom Hackett and Doug. AO -
field, •
sh-field..•. : • • •
Guests Monday .ev ening'of Mr.`
andMrs, Fom: ,Stewart were :Mr.;
and Mrs. 'Gordon:McWhinney. Kin':
• card, Mr and Mrs Motrley
iaeand Frank $billing.
Misses Elda 'and Beverley Wall,
London,' spent the: weekend with
their parents. Mr, and Mrs.. Mori^ • .;
ley `Wali.
On Saturday; Susan Wilson att-'
ended. a birthday party;'for Laura
• ij
The community was represented
at the John Deere•'Day fn Teeswar
er both Friday afternoon and everr
The familiar, "Caw ,•Caw"• of
void Blackie the crow is once again
heard over the countryside. pror
claiming the nuisance he will be
• Miss' Elaine: Green,, 'Walkerton,
visited Sunday afternoon with • Mrs
Frank :Brown
• Bob Green . and Harvey Parker.,
FOrt William,'. spent a few days'.
at their respective horses here..'
ro m ca l v els
hat grow .&Igrow & grow
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