HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 14THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL„ LUCKNOW,.ONTARIO Served As Ag Rep .Local Residents In C.G.1.T. Sponsor: In Three Counties Same Florida Aiva:A Toboggan Po 22 Flint Ave... . • . (Zion News) •DUNCAN JAMES MATHESON . . . Lakeland; Florida, Donna and Elva Ritchie, Ch learnLoc Local tfhrieensdudsdwoenrepasassdidnge7iendst:r Th,o Lucknow Jsa:E;ti2n7el,,196.`, • Bannarbiaargapwaritiyiohnseme7oinoytehdealottohb nia of Duncan James Matheson ..71. Dear. Folks: . . ene Anderson, Brenda Ritchie CeSSi90 • on Saturday' night , sp-. '''nYaotuivnegessotnooffththeilacrogine InfauMnlitlYi.of • tinIellist. 7'SloinfaC; we ehadvoelnieisstt rtheceeSiren7 mor,oned bythe tyhceucn g. people.os /. T . ggiarthise..reA • the late William and Mary Math- ed one Sentinel since the first of for the party. Lunch was sery eson of Lochalsh, Duncan was an_ ' December, ardent Sportstnan.in his youth. He drop you a line to see what_happen" was'a graduate of the Ontario Ar ed to the -paper. ‘ ;. tioil in Sarnia... Berm. have had so • so thought we would. . Sympathy of the community in Hackett's'Chureh to donclu servedasAgrWileengle4iirnalGRueeplpreliSeanntda-.' . and Mr Is.,i;a.nadnir ms:,.iwNoodickewl. frebosnItervinr..:.dzicerntee,--:deiinut:ot..er:e.lative:41); the la trheteirPionglymine1r9C5or9!ora • sive ilt 6rey.' Carleton and •Lanlir . gham are'in Lakeland, also Mr, a .1.1.iiernejr augnoieTruuensddeary.wienntwsuinrgght ri:Dultarigherg orfecthenetsyaeradrias hHeohuasisnbgeAeun ion counties: In 1942 he joined ' Weme wet ...' weather here, and Mrs Mark Berger from Durr • • • gannOn. also Oskar Armstrong from hdoestipetvaled. Apufeeldo.anyias.l.atwere jwimi, night, they tell us.in the 40'S. going to be cool to °I,i im a speedy recovery. • tharity and also a popular .member ' Hopeiti is well at Lucknow, , Mr. and Mt. Roy Keane Of 'Stratford Spent the weekend wi Mr . and MS., Wm,G Hunter a •Mr. ,and Mrs. Jiff.: Keane: Ann Ritchie is practice teac at LittoWel•this week. • .• Mr. arid Mrs. Alex Leaver. Winghatn spent the 'weekend w Mr and Mrs. D A Hacf<ett an girls. . . • . • Joanie Hackett has had the chicken-pcix. .• • MK.:, and •Mrs. Charles Ander Charlene and Joan, visited Sun with.,Mr. and MisMel Dickso of Port Albert, • Mark Chisholm and Kiri) Co played hocicey on Saturday at Paisley where aliikkey tourna entertained the hockey fans for the da . • . • weather is suitable many fani Will take advantage of these 'ins to update theinselves'on FOR, T,IOSE‘ House DOORS INSIDE OR OUT ' USE WEISER LOCKS • • of the Sarnia Golf and Curling Club. • • • He is survived byhis widow. the •former May ShaCkletOn:4 daughter Isabel (Mrs; Harold Jadk- • • • son). of Hamilton, son Kenneth,'for Maple Syrup Producers sponsOr • of Toronto, five grandchildren ed by the Ontario Food Council. and one brother,Farquhar Math- This meeting will be held in Walk- • •eson'of Vancouver'. • 'erton on February 22nd and more Funeral service was held from details will be announced and ad- ' • vertised as the time approaches.- • The D.J.Robb funeral home, Sar nia, on Wednesday with entomb The Annual Farmers'Week for. 1966 willibe held February 21st • ment 'South Kinloss Mausoleuen. - Interment will be in Lochalsh Cern .to 25th in War Memorial Hall, • - eteryi. . • • 1'. • O.A.C. Guelph.. • Monday, Feb- airports - ritralik 1 11 Li iraltarrirlr 1 1 1111 1 1 HAS A HEAVY punt,' BAKED, GLOSSY FINISH , . JUST A WIPE OF A CLOTH AND. IT SPARKLES '.:COMES IN A VARIETY OF COLOURS • • ruary 21st is Soils and Crops Day • 'new plans for Hog Quality PrOgraths •Tuesday, February 22nd, is Dairy will be discussed and in that re- Cattle Day .': Wednesday, February Ord' the latest:report for 1965 from 23rd will be farm BuildingPlaris the Canada Daiartnient of Agric- and Farmstead Day;" • Thursday. • . ulture gives Very encouraging in7 February 24th will be Livettock. ; • formation for Bruce Hog Producers. feeders Day with sections on Bruce County marketed 56.6%. Swine and Beef Cattle. Friday, Grade•"A's" -out of .136;356 hogs • February 25th, will.be Farm • ECM- marketed.' Thisis the highest. per omics Day. We.,kn ow that if the • :latest technology'in agiicultur centage'of Grade "As' for any :, • • ' - - • county in the Province Marketing. over 6;000 hogs This is also a significant increase from last year'si • average of•47.60/0Grade."A's" and the 1963 average ef'45.74. It is interesting (o note that the Ontario 'average is'32.610. These increases are certainly encouraging to the .. Bruce County 'Hog Producers' Organ' ization and also to the individuals • who produce the hogs. It was also • interesting to note in this report that the average price for 1965 was ' 31.770 -while 1964 was 26.230. Another series of meetings not. • previously announced is the series on Workmen's Compensation by ' the Bruce County Rani) Safety 'Coy - *O. These meetings will he held in RiplerHuron Township -11 al -1-;. Monday, February 14th, and Pa' ley Town Hail on Tuesday, Fe ruary 15th. and Wiarton Legion on Wednesday, 'February 16th. All .. • Meetings will cotnmence.at 2.00 . . p.rh. and the speakers will be rep resentatives'of the Workmen's . ' • Compensation Board. Many people are questioning the;diffetent rules and regulations and here is their . • chance to'get their queries answer ed directly from the experts. Brief- ly, all farmers who either have hired helpor will have hired help during the year, are compelled by law to make application for cover age under. Worlanen't Compensatio By law you must make.application whether you have hired help for one day or full time. Failure to do so, and the employee is injured' could result in full assessment of • costs to the employer plus a fine. The employee would receive full -coverage from Workmen's Comp . ensition. The employer should • • '• • '1 BY JOHN C;McTAGGART. ASSOC. AGRIc• REP. BRUCE COUNTY,. • ' Winter appears to be coming ' . right along in the last few weeks and perhaps We wil end up getting our normal share before we see • Spring weather. We are still' fully occupied with the analysis of the Farm Account Books and as already mentioned this year, the intreased*, beef and hog prices are showing up ' extremely well in the Labour In' come of well managed farms. We • would urge those who a.re'still .planning io send their bookein io d�it as soon as possible so that we • can make up the`averages fOr 1965' and get on with other. detain. The • Other details include qnite, alew ' 7. important meetings coming up in the. month -ofFebruary-;- -One major. . one is the organization of the Bruce 'County 4ilk Producers' Committee to be held' in the FOrmosa Comm- unity' Centre on Tuesday; February ,Sth, 1966, at 1,00 p.m, A rep - resentatiive of Me Ontario Wiilk Producers', Board will be on hand to answer questions and fifteen Direct- ors will be elected from Bruce Cou- my to be the Voice in the future development cdtnik marketing. • Nominations for this Committee will be 'ace ted if thepominee is prese t 'ye his consent- tO stand:for elec " . In order for a Mit Producer not present at the meeting to be nominated, the nom- inator nmst have a statement sign -ed by the farmer he wishes to nom- inate beforvit is accepted.. Then on Friday, February llth . the Bruce County Hog Producers Annual Meeting will be held in the make application•to Workmen's • Walkerton Town Hall at 1.30 P.m- Compensation Board, 90 Harbour .' The regular annual business, elecr Street, Toronto.., stating expected ion of officers, and election of payroll and type of farming oper• ation. For tnOpt farmers in'this are the rate Will be $3.50 per $100,00 payroll with a minimum f--premittritOf $16-:00. Assessment, or prerniurn, ischarged on estim- ated wages and adjusted the follow ing year on actual wages. 1 .Another new meeting for this to be an excellent speech. The. . year Will be the Maple Syrup Day voting representatives will rake place. Also this year morninations for County COmmittee men under the -Ontario -Hog Producere-Marker- ing plan with an election, if.re- quited, tki Tuesday, March It. Mr. Fred. Stock° of Wooditac'k will be guest speaker and this promises SPECIAL PRICES ..ite••••••••••••••••••• 32' ALUMINUM REGULAR $59.30 NOW .$4187 GET ONE WHILE THEY LAST • LIMITED QUANTITY Lticknow District