HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 11••S...
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THE :LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCICNO N A. ....�..-.«,,..� ,. ,.....,.�,
eregular monthly meeting
Eh Kinloss W. M.S. was held
e home. of Mrs. Sandy Mac-
on Wednesdarafternoon,
2nd,. In the absence of
esident, Mrs. Harry Laois,
ed and. Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug'
vethe secretary's report. a
Ross MacMillan read letters
ening the supply,work and the
don for the Bale.
Rod MacLeod as guest .
er introduced the New Study
explaining its. purpose and
•to be discussed.. 'The Bible
was Exodus 19 and roll call
answered by a verse with"Obey
Ira Dickie gave, a' report
Presbyterial held in Lucknow
, Annie. MacIntyre .had
e of the Prayer Circle, Mrs.. • •
rHamiiton, accompanied the
g and•also contributed; .a
solo. Mrs. Douglas ,Graham.
Missionary News •and gave a'
:on the Travelling Library
which she had on display.
,directors of the meeting; Mrs.'.
Laois and: Mrs. W . F . Mac- '
ld together, with the; hostess_
lunch. ' . .
KNOW.U'.C.W.-UN1T:1 .
nit #1 of the U.C.W. met at . .
homed Mrs. H. •Treleaven, •
the.opening, Mrs; Treleaven
cted the business: meeting'.
,plans were made for the year's
k.. Miss Ma Webster was in
,geofthe:Devotibns,and chap-
B of the study book,'.was'discuss-
Mrs.AAndiew, lobs. '-K. Mur
, Mrs. C. Greer. •Mrs. • W B. ' :
'e'rson and Mrs.: W. W.harry tak-,
pan. .
Ors; J., Hall and Mrs. J. W'.Joynt
g two songs, the latter 'being
NationalAnthem of Brazil..
rs;R.C. Robertson: introduced `
studybook on Brazil and led, a •
1 discussion on that country,
ed by•Mrs.. N.•J.MacKenzie,
Geo. Whitby••and . lobs, Dow-
The information on geogra-
history, 'people and: Mission-
work in,Brazil was very. inter -
he meeting closed with a bens: •
cion and social time was•en-
he February meeting of Blakey..
w. was held Wednesday aft-'
on, February 2nd,; at the home
1rs. Win. Irvin. Mrs: ' Russel
lips had charge.of the program
opened the, meeting with the
to worship and a hymn.• Mrs
ren Zinn .gave the Scripture
fn followed by meditation anl:
r Kaiser .gave he Bible study
Iters 9: and 10 of "Jess Christ
the Christian. Life Mrs
s•Cooke gave the Study . book .
razii ; Y.
Mrs, Jerry Cranston,. . ,.t
ld for Japan gave a reading . ;
'wed by a' humorous reading
4rs. Chris Cooke, .
5e Secretary's• report was given,
the roll call was answexed
book of the New Testament
13 adults, 4 children and 2 •
ors present. The treasurer's
rt was given by Mrs. Cliff•Kil-
Lek, Mrs, Kaiser invited ever-
''to the Manse for'the World's
of Prayers. February 25th. It
be combined with the annual
ting and this society to take
ties for lunch, : Thank you
s were recetvetl from John An'
' and Mrs. Shackleton, .
18 March meeting is to be
at Mrs. Keith•Cranston'sand
o11 call to be, answered with
tame of a Disciple.
ie meeting closed with a hymn
in unison and while Mrs. Wm.
and Mrs, Livingston Menary
are lunc ,•
g M n ry
h a'contest was con-
ed by Mrs. Russel*Phiilips.
The February meeting of Unit 2
of the U,C.W. was held at the
home, Of Mrs. •A.E.McKim with
18 ladies present. •
• The leader., .Mrs. L.McLeod,
opened with a poem , ' f o1lowed by.
prayer. Pianist for -the year is Mrs.
Houston, Mrs. Les Ritchie ,None
inating'committee, Mrs'. •Barkwell:
Supply Secretary, Mrs.. Curran "
Stewardship Recruiting representa-
live.. . ,� ' ' • •
A•vote of thanks'was 'Moved to:
Miss' Helen'McN'ay for.;typing out.
the.programs for the year.: P:lans
are being made to quilt ,2 quilts
for Mrs. McKim. Project for the
year is a dime card. Reading •was
given by Mrs. V. Hunter"Count.'
;your blessings" Devotional wase
taken by. Mrs,: Houston Mrs.E.
Henderson led, in prayer.,.: Mrs. .
Houston took the study book, Goa
and .His, Purpose.: Mrs,. W . Hender.-
son read 'tlie scriptur e after which
Mrs. R. Ackert introduced the new
•Book. on Brazil.' A vote of thanks
was given to Mrs,. McKim for' her
home -for the meeting:. A valen
tine reading was given by Mrs
Houston! after which all pronounced
the �mizpah benediction:- The
hostess and committee served
;LUCKNOW •U,C, W',: -,UNIT 4'
''Unit4 of the U..C,W. met for
the February _meeting .at the'home'
of,Mrs. J"; Rite 'e with 19 mem
bets present.
Mrs. R. *Finlay gave an interest-
ing paper' on Stewardship "What's'
my business". It was. voted on' and•
passed•that` the members have sec-'•
ret pals. for the coming year.
Unit 4 are.. tomeet with. the lady
ies:of, the Presbyterian Evening
'Auxiliary on 'March .15th: ' World's
Day of ;Prayer is February 25 with •
speaker Rev. Dirk Lieverdink '
';'•Program was: provided 'lay, Mrs J
R.Arnold and Mrs G. Joynt Mrs.'
Arnold introduced' the Study Book . •
Brazil assisted:by Mrs,..' Lloyd 'Asir
ton• and .Mrs. Cliff Crawford. Mrs. •
Clarence Bell gave the Bible Study
•"God and••His Purpose".
'After the 'close of the meeting a
lovely lunch was served by
J .: Ritchie. ' .•
mug 1111.1V-41
Unit '3 , of the U.C.W. met at
the home of Mrs. Ewart Taylor,
on February 1st, with an attend,.
The roll ll nswered
a. ca wasa
suggestions for'our meetings and the
payment of fees. ° Our attention
was called ta•the World's Day of • .
Prayer, to be held on Friday, Feb-
eb-rua y 25th, at the Anglican Church
Mrs;' Sam Alton 'reported for.stew-
ardship with a reading 'God ex-
pects each to, do what he can in
bis own way", * Visiting committee
for, February is Mrs;, .iailatn and,
Mrs. Richards. '
Ixrojects•.for the year were dis- •
cu sed . ' Mrs. Taylor and Mrs .Alex
MMNay; were appointed to make
plans for a Spring Bake Sale.
Mrs; Ken Camerons introduced
the Study Book, God and His Pur-' ,
pose, •also. the Mission Study on
•Brazils with Mrs.. Hallam, Mrs: •
Saunder'sand;Mrs; Irwin taking ,
part. Mrs. Alex. McNay gave a
valentinereading. Lunch was ser
ved, and `a social hour enjoyed.'
General retin9
Highesi �ri�e iflC€,nUHan$,..edicifle;
Johnston Qration"
W 'Victor Johnston, M.D; ,, retired
executive director of the 'College
of General Practice, has been hon-
oured by 'having., an annual medical
education lecture named after him.
The first one will be given during
the coll'ege's spring cruise by Char
les L. Gass, M. D. , of, Tatama-
gouche , N. Sc;, one of the founders.
of .the college and an early presi-
dent. . •
' The W .,Victor Johnston Oration
(Pfizer) lectureship' will Barry w at ,
is believed to. be the largest hon
arium 7 $1,000 for any medical
paper in Canada..
Dr. Johnston, whonow edits the
college's journal, was .a GP at
Lucknow who las: always ;been Con•
cerned with continuing ,education
for .fancily doctors.
As specialist training 'was grow-
ing rapidly in. the late forties., Dr.
Johnston and other GPs became
worried that family doctors were.
being regarded unfavourably. With
a $10,'000 loan from; the Ontario
The first .general meeting in.
1966 of Lucknow United Church •
Women met in the Fellowship, Room
on February► 4. Despite the fact
that the meeting was postponed: ,`
one week on account of the storm,
there were thirty- five present.
Mrs. •Wharry, the president, •
.opened -the 'meeting: with an app-
ropriate poean_and prayer for the''.•
beginning of another. 'year . ,
Announcement of the World Day
•of. Prayer on February 25 at 2.301.'
„p.m. in .th'e ;Anglican Church was
made and' • everyone urged to att-
end- if possible. ••
'Following reports, by the secretes
ary:.and,treasurer, twenty "Thank
You" ,messages.were .read 'and 'Mrs:'
K.. Cameron presented the, budget'
for .1966.. • .
A committee was farmed to •
buy new dishes for the kitchen Oil
dispose of the present; Ones; ` /
Mrs. E.. Lewis; supply, convenor.
:askedfora blitz' of used nylons tr.
send overseas., also a quilt block -2
181 x 20" in crazy:;deslgn either,:
printor flanneletteas a roll call
at the March meeting. •
The programme was in chargee•
of'the ' stewardship committee'
' • with -Mrs.. Vernon Hunter. as con-
LUCKNOW 1J.C,W.'UNIT 5 venor. Scripture'reading,from .
:The' February meeting of Unit :5 .Luke: by Mrs. Bryce Elliott was,:
was held, at Mrs. Elwin Hall 's,horrie
With Mrs. JamesBoy1e;as, convenor
Mrs: ••J:';McKirn /read the'scripture
•''followed by. Mrs. N.J.MacKenzie
readi:frotxt Micah. .
Mrs. Lloyd-Hall'gav:e a very in-
and Mrs:: Harold Greer; the prayer • teresting reading on "The'Garden
Mrs. Boyle continued the.study; of ' of Peace" •where'a' than of..each
Brazil'.w.ith the •use of a large map.,
pointing out the sections of South
Eastern'Brazil where there are
mission fields: Short articles on
each of the' missionary teams were
read by Mrs. L.Ritchie,.' Mrs:. J.. .
Treleaven, Mrs.G..Brooks; Mrs.H.
Greer and Mrs. J.MacTavish. Dir
cussion groups were formed among.:
the members and 5 short'. stories'
were read and. disdussed'abou:t.
Brazilians being helped bythe
missionaries of the United Church...'
Master Robert Hall -favoured -With '
a fine 'piano number., A timely,
Rein on "Woodchuck's Day" was.
given by Mrs. Harold Greer. Mrs.
Harvey' Webster: read a humorous
item on "What every mother of the
•bride should know' . '.
Mrs. Robt . Campbell opened the
business portion with'a 'poem, "Gods
Cathedral" , Mrs., E.Hail read a
paper•on "Christian Stewardship"
,and Mrs•.•J•. Treleaven read a news
account of recent Education and
Community .Development among
-the Indian people. Dates to keep
in mind, World's Day of Prayer,
Anglican. Church, February.25th;
Units 4 and 5 cornbined meeting
in church with Presbyterian• Even-
ing Auxiliary as' guests °March 15th;
Unit.5 will'hold a bake sale April
race - white, ,brown, yellow,red.
and black separately tried his key
unsuccessfully to open.the .gate
to the garden, but when all' their
keys were applied together:, rep
resenting service, co=operation,
tolerance, :trust••'andfaith. the
gate opened and 'all went into the
Garden' of. Peace together.
Following, prayer by Mrs, Hunter.
the,offering was received by Mrs. ,
Clarence Greer 'and Mrs. Alex
Andrew and dedicated by Mrs;til.
B.Anderron. • •
Mrs. Eleanor Irwin rendered two•
beautiful violin selections "Take
Time to be Holy" and ''The Lord's
,My Shepherd" accompanied by •
Mrs-. Gordon Montgomery,
Mr's. B. Elliott favoured with a
tape• recording entitled "contemp-
ory Women and Contempory chur'
rhes" which included the singing •
of "Women Folk". and the.work •
Of Peggy and, Bill Wade. .Public
welfare should not consist only of
preaching sermons, but also of
feeding the hungry; both physic-
ally, mentally and morally..•
Mrs. Hunter thanked all .who r •
had contributed to the service.
Hymn 488 was, sung and the Mir
pah Benediction ciosed•a very ' ,
successful' first general meetingof
1966•.. • '
The: meeting of Lucknow W. M;;S
Was held on Februar'y. 2nd:in the
Sunday School Room of the a.
Church There was a . gratifyiing •
attendance present. Mrs'. C , Fin• . .
Jayson was in.,the chair, incl. -open•
ed with all repeatingthe Aim and •
Purpose of the Society in unison.
A hymn followed and:Scripture . .
was read by Mrs. Finlayson, "Thea;
•restoring of sight to,two'blind• men,
and a
Ch a eat mo e•1 br
rests pp a for , r.
outers" , The. -Bible Study. was .
taken by' Mrs.'H.. Tanner, who •
took as her topic "The Ministry, on •
the Mountain .Top" hymn'was . l
sung... .
-The business was then transacted
which consisted of .notification of
the World's Day Of Prayer to be'•
held on: February 25ttii in'the Ang- '
licanChurch. Appreciation from.
'the,ladies •of the .Presbyterial fOr''.
the use; of Lucknow Church. 'on. Jan-
nary 11th was acknowledged. The
Roil Call was answered by each
member repeating a verse •from
the Book, The 'Song_ of:Solomon.
'Prayer by Mrs. MacLeod` followed.
The mission, study 'wit' given by • .
,Mrs .M... Henderson. ', The Prayer. •
Circle. 'yras taken: by .Mrs. 'J . Adams
and Mrs. P.. Stewart, ,The meer
ing closed with hymn and prayer,
• by Mrs,. C. Finlayson. •
'amine In India':
Heard On Tape
(Olivet News)
• Olivet'U.C. W. met at the.
home of Mrs. Melvin Collie otr
Thursday 'afternoon; Those taking
part' in theworship'prograrn'were
. Mrs. Colling, Mrs: H'. Clayton,
• Mrs. •A A. B. MacCharles, Mrs; O.
.White and Mrs. Robert Osborne.
ask ..'—..w .4rt4.._ r ....IN& •.Yp0-,......�. W liter
)N.10' i'AA etc .
Mrs, Jack McGuire playedt pe
recording entitled "Famine in •
India", telling of the need for a'.
fresh water supply in India. There
is. some conversation on this tape
'with Jim McNairn, who went out
from here to drill Wells in 'central
India. They struck water at 60.
• feet , but had. not gone through the •
rock which is'very hard :in the city
of'Indore area.
Mrs. Walter Dexter gave court-
esy remarks and lunch. was served
by the hostess and her group.,
Mr. and Mrs.. Lee Bennett left
on Sunday for their .new home at
Penhold, Alberta, air base. Mr.
'and' Mr's,, Jim McLeod. of Kitchener
visited at the Anger home at the
. Ivir, and. Mrs. Robert Barkwell •
and Murray of Dundas visited on
Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. W.T.
Roulston and Jack., Mrs. Jean
Hamilton and Janet and little •
Paula' Hoffmancalled during the •
.0r. W.' V. Je*nsfon:
Medical Association the college ,
was- started' 12 years. ago. to'help,;
GPs with post graduate study. Dr.
Johnston became its first -executive .'.
president and continued ,in the post .
for 11' years.
WiII� Eollect Bale
.For Hong Kong',
(Whitechurch News)
The 'U. C W. held their 'meting'•
Wednesday ,at 2 p.m,. at ,the home
of Mrs. Russel:Chapman. Mrs
George Thompson - gave the call to
Worship ,with . the theme, of -the
meeting being Stewardship.. She •
had posters,placed' around the room
to ,which' she referred. She read an
article Stewardship' and: What it is .
and Whets my Business which dealt
ith the,question.:of sharing, -:Mrs:-
• Dave•:Gibb read the story "The
.Olive Tree" in which the audience
took -part in : filling, in left out"por
tions' which:- included 9 scripture
readings dealing with the story and. ' • •
'ended with all'repeating the' 23rd
°psalm• in unison. Mrs. Russel Chap•
man led in prayer-. A• sing song in.
grounds was sung which, was 'Unify
Mrs. Thompson gave:"United we
Financewhich dealt with how. bud-
gets. of, the, church are broken up' :.
.and each person's part in it..
•'A skit ' along theline ofstew ard-
ship' was presented by Mrs. Chap-
man, 'Mrs'. Clarence Ritchie, Mrs.
°Fred Tiffin, Mrs. 'Elmer Sleight-.
holm; Mrs. Charlie. Tiffin, Mrs.
:Ezra Scholtz', "Mrs. • Clifford Laid:
law •anti' Mrs. Dan Tiffin.
Mrs.' Th•
ompson dealt with the
•girestion' Gambling in Canada,, arid.
How' to' Prevent 'it . Clip sheets
were given to Mr's.. Albert Coultes,
Mrs. Clarence•Ritchie,• Mrs. Geo-
rge Mitcell, .Mrs. Garnet Farrier
and- Mrs. Elwood- Gr'oskorth Mrs:
George. Mitchell gave :the•'story,
'The Sacrifices an Indian woman
has to make to Give to the Church.
Mrs. Mitchell led inprayer.; .,The
offering was received. The Roll
Call was answered by naming a
,lrtissionary and telling where.they
serve.': Plans were made for the
Day of Prayer, February' .25th. •
The ladies have as a new project
the erection of sign 'on the Church
lawn, stating Name of Church.
• Mrs., kilitchell expressed: thanks
to Diane Coultes and Janis Farrier
for .typing the U. C, W. programs
for •the year and which Were handed'
out. She also thanked the Society
for gifts given them at Christmas.
The•ladies'were reminded to save
their used 'stamps to help finance
the healing of leprosy. It was •
decided to buy a Record for the
Messengers' and to collect a Bale
for Hong. Kong.
Mrs. Moore ,thanked the hostess
and Rev George .Mitchell gave ;the
closing prayer'.
The Travelling Basket was then
passed around, with each one adding" .
to or taking from. ••