HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 4•• 4 .1, .t ,4 AGIE:,*KOR •.• • „Jr •'• 4 r",.4."4"e‘ Troolsomp .. • . . 114 a fairaM t..0 lft; jurer 14:1AY1 milF14a1Z4 .114.1..d ''Ir"j. 4 1A2ret • a111.11a. A 11 :1111j77.1V4.0-.V11 frit, /kw:: M 11,./Vellibir71C7r: ijkl.-45-11,- '1411:17. ‘051 '.11111/1/ff '117:1‘7191r 0/41•••••••••■•• 1; • a • . ° FOR. SALE. FOR SALE — choice quality first 'calf. Holstein :heifers, reasonably priced. Heifers available at all times: Contact • Burton Shewfelt, R.R. 5 Kincardine, phone 101; r 7.. Terms available. FOR SALE; -Fertilizer spreaders which will also sow your grain; -tank type cattle oilers with. concen- trate; farrowing crates; snow blowers from; $150.00 up, made for any make or model of • tractor Morford W. MacKay, R.R. 2, Rip- ley, phone 6 r 8. - ' FOR SALE — Frigidaire dryer, 4 years old, excellent condition. Ross Irwin Lucknow, phone 528-3132. . FOR SALE — 1,000 round bales of bay. Keith Blake, R.R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529-7386. FOR • SALE — York dogs of °ser- viceable .age. Gordon Kirkland, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 529-7508. FOR SALE -- Holstein x Hereford calves, Brian Doelman, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone Ripley 127 r 9. SNOW BLOWERS FOR SALE — one used front end blower; new three point hitch blowers. George Smyth, R.R.• 2 Auburn phone 529- . • FOR SALE — 150 acre farm in Huron Township, Lot 47, north half or 46, Con. A, five miles south of. Kincardine, Lake Range, -a good brick house, one barn 36 x 70 with stabling, one hay barn, an implement shed 30 x 60,- hydro throughout, a good bush, and drill- ed well. Apply to Johii McCormick, or Arthur McCormick, .R.R: 1 Kin- darcrthe, Phone ICincia.rdifie '' 1174, FOR SALE — one Fairbanks Mor se hammer mill, 10" with pulley, in geod, condition. Charles Aider - son, R.R, 3, Lucknow; phone 529-7115. . . • FOR SALE -- a wringer washer with timer and ' pump, good •con- dition. Greer T.V. and Electric, LudmoW,- phone -'528-3112.- -- BRIDGE TALLIES Bridge Tallies by Rustcraft now in stock at The Lucknow Sentinel. ... • LET i'%10 WORK FORYOU . . • • VACUUM . CLEANER SALES. and SERVICE For all makes — Filter Queen Sated, Varna, phone.262-5350. • -.-......-.4,-..........,-..-•-•-4.-0.....-...-•-•-• . . , FARMS MONIES BUSINESSES • * * `*• -- STAN KAY • Lucknow, Ontario Phone 52$-3531 , Representing Dani Real Estate Ltd. London, Ontario, -...4a..•••••••••-•-....0....*4.4-40-...-•-••••-•-•-. 4.,.............0........~.........•~4".•••••...... Dee's BEAUTY SALON In the Johnstone Block on Main Street, Lucknow. (Deana Parrish, prOprkietor) • PHONE .528-3428 or 529.7305 ' 0,......................,..1.....2,......................— FOR SALE FOR SALE oak buffet and one rocking chair. Mrs, Les Ritchie, Lucknow phone 52-2709. FOR SALE — 3 Holstein heifers due this month. Eldon Culbert, Dungannon, phone 529-7494. • VALENTINE SERVIETTES available at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134 • BOXED 'CARDS Children's Birthday Cards Sympathy Cards . Birth Congratulations REGULAR $1.00 SPECIAL • 7Ic THE ILUCKNOW SENTINVI. 'SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, :manu- facturer of cementseptic tanks and ,well tile.: . • , SEED CORN We are agent for United Hybrid seed corn and have limited. quan- tity of UH -108, the new single Cross Hybrid. Anyone wishing to try any of this superior single Chas Corn, please _leave orders at store. D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucicnow • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and perk sold in .any quan- ity. butchering in Govern - Ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from M onda y. through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET" 101•XFAREktSM.LE earning P4*klAreOli4Ae FINLAY„D,ECOR404.-. -•-, Cliti<NOW' - • • • , YOU'VE BEEN ASKING -- about, euchre decks of playing cards. We have them now as well as 'other regular decks, both single and double. The Lucknow Sentinel; phone 528-3134 - . • MIMEO AND DUPIJCATOR paper in stock, forget about those' mail orders and higher prices. Pick up your supply at The Luck - now Sentinel, phone 528-3134. SILOS ATTENTION FARMERS Construct Upright Concrete Silos up to 55 feet Arnold Hugill, Box 164, 19 Cambria , Rd. N. (]oder- lel, phone JA4-9'37 collect. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation, Free Estimates, Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 ttox 467, 'Hanover, Ontario. VALENTINES By Rustcraft • 'FINLAY: DECORATORSi .• LUCKNO1N ' • . • • 'THE WORLD'S, STEADIEST • SELLER . TOBACCO OPPORTUNITY Requires only 2 to 4 hours per •week in your spare time openings for Men and • Women Ye service. Automatic Cigarette /Vendors • On, prominent. established locations Start earning CASH'. Immediately Only $800.00 required to commence Bak financing available with $100.00 deposit for sound individuals WRITE BOX S LUCKNOW SENTINEL • COMING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO. Legion Hall, Lucldtw; every 'Thursday evening, ,8:45 p.m. 15 regular games — $10.00, each. 4 Share -The Wealth • games with jackpot included, in each ,game. Jackpot this .week $80.00 on 56 calls. • . • GODERICH -LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions will hold a • bingo on Wednesday, February 16th, 8:30 p.m. at the Harbour - lite Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, one share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot and' the new acceler- ating jackpot up to $250. and 2 door prizes. Admission $1.00. • MIXED BONSPIEL • The Lucknow Curling Club will hold a Mixed Bonspiel for the Esso. Trophy on Wednesday, February 16th: 9 and 11 o'clock draws:Send entries to Glen .• Walden, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone 528-3205. 'WORKMEN'S 'COMPENSATION FOR FARMERS Meetings will be held as follows from 2:004:00 p.m.: Monday, Feb- ruary '14th, Ripley -Huron 'Town- ship Hall, Tuesday, February. .15th, Paisley • Town Hall, Wednesday, February 16t.h, Wiarton Legion Hall.' Speakers from Workmen's Compensation Board. Sponsored by Bruce Farm Safety Council. Every- one interested welcome. • ANNUAL MEETING The . Annual meeting. of the' Lucknow Agricultural .Society will be - held • on Saturday, February 12 'at 2:30 p.m in the Lucknow „Tewn,:lfall.- A :good s'attendance is ietinested.AThis'anee:thig -was , sche- duled for earlier but was postponed leant?* `eonditions FARMERS' UNION MEETING , Local 342 of Ashfield Farmera Union of Ontario is holding a com- munity meeting. to discuss local problems and 'to discuss 'farmers Problems in general.. All farmers 'and...thein' wives . are cordially in- vited to attend this meeting. Wel- ter Miller; director of organization* for- O.F.U.-will-be-guest....speaker.„ Mr: Mifier has been with the O.F.U. for the past fourteen years and is • well qualified to discuss farm union policy. The :meeting will be conducted at, the Town Hall ,in Lucknow on Thursday, February 17 it 8 p.m. • ' MANAGEMENT MEETINGS Brice County 'Farm- Manage - m Meetings and Information on ne Farm Account Books. To be held at 2 p.m. at the following places: Kincardine Town Hall, Wed- nesday, Rebruary. 16th, Port Elgin Library, Friday,. February .18th, Walkerton •Department of Agricul- ture, Monday, February 21st. • EU.CHRE and •CROKINOLE A Euchre and Crokinole party will be held in the Scout Hall at Holyr rood, Saturday, February 19, 8:30 p.m. Proceeds for the Centennial trip. Everybody welcome, prizes. This Valentine Dy what better , way to remember the hearts' you love than contributing:to your • Cnadian.11,eart Fund. • • , 41***esal011441e11••••••••••41,, HIGHEST PRICES FOR , . P ID A inAb AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES , ' Call Collect 881-3459 Graf. Stock Removers ••••••••4t••••#••••••••• • WANTED WANTED — any quantity of Bet- zie Barley, H,allowen Farinst Port Albert, phone Dungannon 529-7932.. SILVER DOLLARS WANTED All dates, also -other 'coins', tokens, etc. Will pay top prices- ,for de- sirable items. e.g. $115.00 will „be. paid for an 1867 Confederation Medal. Send a list of what you have to: Hobbies, 217 _Park Street, Goderich, Ontario. • WORK WANTED — new house and farm building construction, Remodelling, carpenter work, .tue floors and ceilings, built in cup- boards, inside work given im- mediate attention now, good work- manship; free estimates. Roy C. Schneller, Kinlough, Phone 'Her - vie 2221. • SALES HELP WANTED Male and Female NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Men or women, here is a bus- iness you could start entirely on a credit basis. Full or part time. Write promptly without obligation for complete information. Rawleigh, Dept., B -271 -CS, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. NOTICES . • . , • . ANNUAL MEETING •• of the WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY • The Annual Meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held in the Parish Hall.Dungannon, On- tario, on Friday, February 18th, 1966, at ,2;004.m.,, to receive re- ports, to elect three Directors, to appoint Auditors, and to trans- act all other °business that may be introduced in the interest of the Company. The retiring Directors are Mes- srs. Donald MacKay, John F. Mac- Lennan and William Wiggins, all of whom. are ,elegible for reelection. Paul S. 'Caesar, President ". Frank O. Thompson; Se.-treas. • NOTICE Phone calla to pine River Cent- ral and • Rfpley-Huron Central Schools must be limited to urgent calls orly at the following times: 10:45 to 11 a.m.; 12:30 to 1 P.m; 2:30 to 2:45 p.m.• ' Ripley -Huron T.S.A. Board • Wm. McCreath, Chairman. CHILD HEALTH CLINIC • The childhealth clinic of the BruceCounty Health Unit for pre-school children and infants will be held in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, • on Tuesday, February 15th, from 10 -to 11A0 a.m. • Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF MARY ANN MacDIAR- MID, late of the Village of Luck - now, in the County of Bruce, Wid- ow, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or demands against the Es- tate of Mary Ann MacDiarmid,' a- foresaid, who died.on or about the 29th day of July, A.D. 1965 are re- quired to, file proof of their claims duly verified with the undersign- ed executors on or before the 26th day of February A.D. 1966. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the, under- signed executors will proceed to ..distribute the 'assets of the said estate among those entitled there- to ' and will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any one of whose 'claims they shall not then have received notice. Dated „at Ripley, Ontario 'this 7th day of February, A.D.,• 1966, John Blue, R.R. 1, Ripley, Ont. Donald B. Blue, Ripley, Ont. • Executors PIIONE 528-3134 IN MEMORIAM IntwITT ;loving memory of •a dear mother, and granclm,other. Catherine 'Hewitt, Who passed a: way one year ago, February jai A beautiful memory, dearer than gold • • .s Of'ntle.v.yrothbeert,t'adw,hose vvorth ca* Always SQ true, unselfish and kind Fewfiinnd,t" world,sher equal Deep in stir 'heart her memory is kept, • ' We loved her too dearly, to ever. forget. And though . the . years May be many or. few, We will always be thinking dear Mother of you. Ever remembered . by the family. p••••••••••••••••••••••••1 FOR SALE ONLY $15,000 .FOR 200 ACRES yes this is right that is the full price with $4,000 down for this rolling clay loam farm with a- bout 150, workable. There is a 2 storey 3 bedroom brick house with new 4 pc. bath and fur- * nace. Good bank barn with steel roof . trench silo drive shed and garage. Owner wants quick sale so don't wait too long to inspect this bargain. 190 acres with new 3 bedroom brick home with den, recreation room and attached garage just to mention a few of the costly extras. King sized' barn mea sures 56' X 60' .With,`L' 30' x 70' silo,,drilled well and strong sprinat 'haat' bflfarm: Land is level medium clay loam well tiled with 130 acres workable balance' in hard maple bush. The owner of this outstanding farm wished to retire so some lucky family is going to be the proud owners of this model arm. Situated in Hullet Town- ship on paved road on outskirts of. thriving village. Shown by appointment only. 80 acre clay loam pasture farm situated north west parrof Hur- on Township. asking $8,200 with easy 'terms. 100 acres Ashfield Township all workable. Fair buildings. Full price of $13,5004 • 100 acres Ashfield township, no buildings, . 95 acres workable, $10,000 with terms. , . • 4 150 acres on NO. 86 highway west of Lucknow. Good boa ings full price of $17,900. PERFECT CHANCE: Only. $8 500 plus a ,:moderate- stoCkwill start you in a -lucrative easy to operate business all of your very own. Specializing In a bright attractive line of small hardware., Located in a lovely town on No. 4 highway. Bus- iness is brisk and you can make Yourself a tidy profit in the self contained low overhead oper, ation. So dOn't miss this opport- unity call us' today and this fine' business can be yours. • Sold WE HAVE SOLD MRS. LEV/i51 FARM TO MR.. NORVAL Mo. CONNELL • • . .DON 'HOLST Real Estate Rural Ontario Specialiits IVAN STRUTHERS • and . KEITH FITZSIMMONS REPRESENTATIVES • Phone Wingham 351.3840 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •