The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-02, Page 12THR LUCKNOW :NN'iNR.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WlDNESDAY. FEfil., 1. Bruce County Council, • on the :recommendation of the Bruce Car tlty Public School. Consulta,tive Committee, will pass bylaws mak- ins a number of changes in some school areas. .. Because the, average daily atterr dance in the schools of the Green- ock township' area was below 100 for 1965, thearea. is to be adjusted as followse . Theproperty consisting •of the "former Nos:, U.1 and 1.1..2'• Greenock G ock and CulrfSss,secrions will be added to the township .school, area of Culross-Teeswater. The former No. 4 Greenock section will be attached to the Kinloss Township School;Area, and the re=, . mainder of the property comprising the Greenock Township School Area.will be attached to the Elder slie- Paisley Township School .Area The former union school section. • involving property in Amabel and Arran townships will be dissolved and. the portions added to the town-, shipschool area, of the municipal-:,' This affects the ,Arnabel TSA and the Arran -Tara TSA. In the Amabel . TSA- Albemarle.. TSA the Albemarle, portion pre sently. attached to the Amabel Township School Area will be , . transferred to the Albemarle Town* ship .School Area, • In the Albemarle 'TSA and Wiar ',ton .Union School Section, the, • W iarton . Public School. Section , No. U.48. Amabel and No. ;U .14 Keppel will•lie added tattle Albe- marle . TSA and tfie.name. of the new Board will be the Corporation ; of the Public School Board of the ' Township= School. Area of Wiarton- •Albemarle; The Carrick portionof the form- " er U.12 Culross, Turnberry, Carr • ick. and Howick section,will reg main in the Culross Teeswater Township School Area. The former No: U.2 Arran and . Saugeen Section will be left 'as part 'of the Arran- Tara Township School Area for the.. present: ' MRS, LORNE WEBSTER, Mrs. Lorne Webster., of Seaforth passed away nine days, after suffer ing a severe stroke, in the Seaforth Community Hospital, .on Thursday, January 27th. Mrs,, Webster, the former Ethel Ada Lawrence, was83. ••" • She is survived, by five daughters. Mrs. Edward (Mae) Holland, Tor , onto; •Mrs. William (Pearl) 'Dodds, RR,1. Seaforth; Mrs. Clendon .(Aud- rey) Christie,. Hensall; Mrs: .gob-- . ert (Lulu) Wa'tsoti,; Seaforth,. Eric, (Freda) Richter, • Kitchener. The funeral servicewas held - from G.A. Whitney funeral home, . , Seaforth, 'on Saturday, January' • . 29th. Temporary entombment . 'was made at •Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum. '• . Mr. and Mrs. Webster formerly' • resided •on,the farm just 'west of • Lucknow ; now owned by Robert Reid.. They. moved to Seaforth in 1910.where Mr. Webster,farmed -and was also a'mailcourier. Mr. Webster passed, away 'about six years ago. ' 'agencies concexned with health Newbolds Altend . matters it was. stressed emphat A ally overall planning wase; Cfrenceneenuai to the solution of our bea problems, and: that Hospital insu Mr.. and Mrs. George A. New ance coverage must include'all bold, Lucknew, recently attended health care from..the acute sta i the Canadian Conference on Agingto'the long term stage, regardl at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto,. oY of the hype of facility required from January. 24 28,. The Confer^ .give this. care. Complete healt ewe, the first ever held in Canada, care is our main concern and: al wascalledto studyall the problem health facilities must be co-ol of our elder citizens, the young' • ated into a single team dedicat old, middle -old and the old old,a to providing the finest in this ty to attempt throw actionplan!. Y P Sh of care. Hing groups to find solutions to . . During the Confer these problems both at the local, " encei repre provincial and: federal level. Approxirn .rely 550 delegates •all a ecies or anfzati ns .from. g , g . o , .. and .government departments at, f s attended b s ecial ins all level y p for and a provisional executtv`e vitation, and one of the recurring consisting of,all the Provincial themes throughout the whole. con- . Presidents,: has been set. up and ference was the need for co-ordin• the leadership of Burrel , Mor ation and cod operation among • Grimsby, •Ontario, Ca .adian every agency etc. concerned with son officer of the American Nui sentatives of,all Nursing Homes Canada held their second meet' a to form national body, the. C. adian NursingHome Associati�oi A federal charter has been app our aging. citizens. Nursing homes mg Home Association and. Past from across the entire country were President. of Associated Nursing Homes Inc.' Ontario:. This b is to be affiliated with the Ca ian Medical Association, the:C adian Hospital Association and other National Health Organiza and will provide; a ,voice ons a ional level; for Canadian. nursin 'homes; with. -the federal, as we • as provincial, .governments..' - represented and one of the main recommendations comingout of this; action -planning group was, the need fora co-ordinated health plan embracing all facilities: and British' auto. sportsman R,, .R. C. Walker (above). has hada life-long devotion to • fine Machinery. Obviously he.. knows something about cars . but one thing he didn't' know was how 'remarkably quiet the 1966 Ford is: Auxiliaries hold. Card Tournamen The' Ladle Auxiliary, to the adian Legion Branch. #309, Lucl were hostesses to the Auxiliarie Zone C-1 for .the.`second' of a w ter series of'card tournaments, Thirteen tables of players,were. attendance, ,playing:°euchre, br 500. and cribbage. Winners wet Euchre, High Mrs. Russell' Bushi Goderich, Low, Mrs, ' Edward Por Clinton; Bridge, High Mrs. 'Ron MacDonald ,Clinton Low Mrs,, 1. Harold Wright, .Kincardine;' Cri bage, High Mrs, Robert, Good C 'each, Low Mrs.' Lorrairie--Hyde, Kincardine; 500,' High Mrs, Da MacMillan, Goderich, Low`Mr Howard Carroll, Goderich.. A draw was held on a•set of grapefruit spoons and a biasket o apples. These .were won .by (1) Mrs: Russell Stanley, Ripley, ai 0) by Mrs., Wm..Smale Hensa Players were present from. Ex Hensall, Gederich, Clinton,' Wi ham, Ripley, Kincardine and LI now. Auxiliaries. The next game in the series be held: in Ripley in mid- Februs :the ZoneC-1 Bowling. Tou{n 'tient will be held in Exeter in March -:. .' . Ford's Quiet Man, who recently demonstrated the extraordinary quality.of the 1966 Ford to some of the world's ry , Wiltshire, England. t Compare: you, most expenswe IuxU cars"here:disCusses the '66 Ford LTD with fiob'Walker at his family's estate in car with. the quiet' of Ford's _. . . solidly built body. Take 'a auiet:Test" today. .. . British sportsman Rob 'Walker was skeptical about comparing the quiet of 'the '66 Ford with his hand -finished Jaguar Mark 10. . quieter. thenheAstonishing ! ' a Y• y 9 eve this Ford of yours really is But he • YJrove both c rs"anal said;." lea// is astonishrn I heli Compare your car with the "66 Ford and you'll understand his astonishment. Ford's quiet ride is a direct. world's o momosr expensive uaality—a serotoniObiles. solid body that gives you quietness that 'competes 'with 'the result of more more built-in quality a strong, ,. This quiet quality,means more value for you - because today`s Fords are built for years of dependable .operation, years of owner satisfaction. And with it all, of course; come Ford's wonderful new ideas for your comfort and convenience. Stereolape players., Silent -Flo ventilation, A "'Magic Dogrgateeevon wagons that swings out like a door, and down like` a tailgate. And a host of other features offered first byr Ford. " . Visit .you' Ford •Dealer for a quiet revelation of the solid quality you get'in. a Ford TO BUY OR LEASE'—SEE YOC'It FORD lli UMI e•to bad,weather condition the card party; which was to be held at the.Cominuniity Centre last Saturdaynight, was called . No definite date was set for the next one. Mary Helen and Judy MacDrn spent Tuesday afternoon with Frankie. Dore. The children fromhere as wi as many others had a . four daV weekend when school busses we unable to get through the clogg roads and stormy weather. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore and Frankie visited in Bervie• onoWe nesday afternoon with Mi. and Claude Dore.' Miss•Gladys Gawley spent.thc weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor' Gawley:. Bryan Boyle spent part of this weekend.at Aurel Armstfone ' Lynn. , Mr. Donald oh ten the DsistrictonalOficerMcCs.Ivlshe def o sub -division sixteen', W.I., . in Paisley, at the home of Mrs.. Ge Woeifle on Tuesday. Mr. and mtg. • William .Afoot spent Saturday evening with Mi and Mrs. Donald McCosh andel