The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-02, Page 1Ph, 100
VE�� �.•
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;ase bring
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44.0o A Year In Advance
�•.. •�R .:,.a 'AL..ii!#k -11.1 ;:i 1111.1.11Tt nit i/11 ,0i�T71.1+:IL, 71G: #f �. fir,'
;1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2nd; 1966 q Single Copy .10c
16 ,Pages
REAL CHAMPIONS -- is•how you:, would describe these sheep•'which :.
the Sentinel camera ,caught;at the farm of Tem, Todd of St. Helens.
Pictured ..are the champion Southdown Ram at. the Chicago Inter •
'national Show and the champion and reserve champion ewe lambs.,
at the RoyalWinter , Fair. Tom purchased the champion, ram fol-
lowing''the Chicago show from the Huff ranch of California. His .sera
was originally :from. New Zeeland. H. purchased, the champion and
reserve ewes from Henry, Besuden of Winchester, Kentucky, .following
their success at theRoyal Winter Fair Iast • year, The rens was tho
champion from exhibitors ;from all over- ,the •.Unita! States.' It was'
shipped, by ..air to ;Mallon on December 30 where the Todds picked..
it up. In the background are Hugh Todd, on the left, and Wayne Todd,..
on the right. _.. - .
;Rev Neil McCo�ie
• •
Resigns Charge
(Lochialsh News).
Due 'to the resignation of Rev:. ;
Neil MacCombie of Ashfield Pier
'yterian Church, Rev. Stewart of
eaforth took the service on Sunday
For. the next six months ser4ices
t Ashfield Presbyterian church
ill be held•at eleven a.m.. each
.unday' morning.
In: the report of the 'Bruce County
oad committee to county council,
t was reported that the 6.5 miles
'f road .from 'Holyrood to Ripley
ill be constructed this year. •
In thepreport, the road program
as shown in order of prioritywith
he local stretch the second on the. .
• Bobby Greer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Greer of Lucknow,
might be called ."the' best feeder.
in town" this we don't mean
his '.accomplishments at the dinner
table. i
Bob built himself a bird feeder
recentlyand can claim visits by
Most any of the winter birds. The.
feeder, which has drawn consider
'able interest "onthe hill",, daily,
hosts female: and male cardinals,
pine grosbeak, evening grosbeak;'
bluejays, sparrows,, blackbirds, .
black capped chicadees, downy
woodpeckers, • hairy 'woodpeckers,'
white -breasted nuthatch'and star- •
lings. .
.We can say with all. respect,
"Bob's for the: birds"-:
Quebec Road
Heavy Damage To
Crash Causes
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jardine of
ucknow had' a narrow escape in
highway accident on 'Friday ofast week: Ken was returning
ome from Tring Junction in Que-
et after picking up a load of ply-
ood at thatplace. Ken drives a'
ansport for .Walden Bros. of Win -
ham, • ..
•Near a small town called Garth-.
y, his tractor trailer was in colla
ion with the side of a school.•bus
nd the force of the side -swipe
coke the brake line on both ;the
ab and the.traileir and left the
rge truck brakeless. :Blowing
ow from a snow 'plow 'ahead made
labilitypoor atthe time.
Ken. Yost control of the truck and
ended up in the right ditch. A
• t
o he side of the
.culvert n
highway and guard rails prevented
the trailer, from upsetting complet-.
`ely and possibly crushing the cab
containing Ruth and Ken. They
Were not injured in the crash. The.'
cab itself nosed into a deep ditch
with the bunnper breaking through
ice on a lake. No blame was att-
ached to Ken as a result of the
Wayne; Atkinson of town'took'
;another cab to the scene. _The
cab of Ken's truck:was extensively,
damaged but little damage•was
•done to the,trailer.
, Ken -makes the Quebec runt.
quite regularly. °and Ruth had de-
ceded ;to go along for the ride,
sornething she seldom -does.
Annual Meetieg Af
St. Peters Church
•meq. �
The. Annual Vestry meeting of
St.' Peter's AnglicanChurch was
held in the Parish Hall. A pot: luck
supper was enjoyed. The meeting
followed= with Rev ,. Stanley Jay pre-.
siding. , .
` As Jim Ketchabaw had been war-
den for a full quota, of five years, �.
he resigned. Ed.' McQuillin was
appointed Rectors Warden and .Leo'
Beauchamp Peoples Warden Board.
of Management members fqr 1966 •
will be.- Miss Ruth Thompson, Mrs.
Eileen :.avis,. Russell Whitby, John
1Nrath,'Allan Manto,'Clifford.
. ,
Roulston, Mrs. 'Allan Manto,TOM
Pritchard . ` .
Fred McQuihin •was appointed "'.
lay delegate with Mrs.F. McQul-,•
in'alternatelay delegate. Mrs,'
Harold Cooper will be Church .Trea-
surer'and will also assume the dut-
ies of Parish EaymastBr.Vestry
Clerk for the year will be Mrs. •
Cliff Roulston, and Auditors Miss
•Ruth'Thompson and, Mrs. Tom
'Pritchard. Mrs, Eileen Laves is
Treasurer of Rectory Repair and the
Parish Hall Committee will be
Russell Whitby,. Leo Beauchamp•...
and Mrs.. Etta Roberts.
Mr .:Jay closed the meeting with
Returns Home After
Visit. In .Holland
'.Mrs. F.C•. Van Eyl, who resides ,
a mile north of•Lucknow, returned
last Monday from Holland'. She
had been called to her pomeland'
because of the serious illness of;
her brother, who later passed away.
just shortly after her arrival..
Mrss Van Eyl visited for three
weeks with other members of her
family. She reports good weather
in Holland with hardly any snow,
E30.000 to $36,000 Project
w� Addison Proposed At
United Church. Annual Meetin
' A:'$30',000,'to $36,000 addition
to. the Lucknow United :Church, to
be used.'mainly for Sunday School '
accomodation was the main topic
of'discussion at, the annual meeting
of the church on Tuesday evening
of last week
Some time ago, a committee.
comprised of Lloyd Ackert, Ken
Cameron, Gordon Morrison, Mel
.Goyette. and Rev H. W : Stapp was
appointed tostudy the possibilities
of adding to the church acomo= .
dation and: findings of -the comm-
ittee'were presented'to those pre-.. •
sent at the' congregational meeting.
Details of the proposed building
project were presented. by Lloyd .,
Ackert by meansof plans drawn
on large sheets of paper and posted
for allto see, i.loyd explained' the
:findings of. the committee and
made. it clear that the proposals
were by no means final andinvited
suggestions by those in attendance:
The initial plans asp suggested by
the committee would include the
Frank King Gets
New Appointment
Frank;:J. Kii g of :Toronto, ,well
known•.in'the Lucknow' community
has .been elected executivevice-
president of the_ Ralson Purina Com-
pany of Canada,.. He was formerly
director ofmarketing as well as -
ivice-president and director of the
' company . .
He is , now; in charge of sales and'
marketing Agricultural and 'Poultry
Products with offices at Don Mills:
Frank is married to the former
Rachel MacDo ld, , daughter of
Mrs::. James MaDonaiti:of Lucknow:
construction of °.a two storey, add- '
ition at the north-west corner of the
church The lower floor would in- •
c.lude,:seven classrooms plus en-
largement of the, present kitchen
in the church. The° upper floor
would . include, a ministers study,
two classrooms, a choir and coat
room, washroom and kindergarten
and nursery room. .The new unit,
as it was described;, would contain.
3000 square feet of space:'r Renov-
ation •to the present .basement would
'include new .ceilings, doors -anti
curtained: off areas for seven ;class-
Winter's Wars
' Winter's worst .wasthrown at 'us
last weekend and • from Thursdayyto
Monday over 20 inches•,of snow fell::
The local weather recorder, J.M:.
Greer Measured - 5". of snow last.
Thursday, 4".. Friday, 3" on both
Saturday and Sunday and S.6" ori
Monday , This is incontrast to,
many points 'in -Ontario which. -re
ceived:the snowfall all at once.
Winds: whipped ,up drifts on Sun-
day and Monday and made driving
hazardous: Driving was poor from
Thursday to Saturday of last week
as well and rural schools were
closed; meetings cancelled -sand
school busses taken off their' runs.
The high temperature recorded
locally for January was 40 degrees;'
and the .low:_dipped to 13 below on
January, 12th :. It was 12'below
here on the 26th of January. 36.•6:
inche s of snow fell during the. mon-
th'with ,7 inches of rain. Six ,
days in January.were sunny and•twa'
days were perfectly clear:.
Dungannon Couple 55 Years Married,
Observe Occasion As Hospital Patients
Mr. and Mrs SA. Culbert of
the 4th concession of,Ashfield ob-
served their
b-served'their: 55th" wedding anniver-
sary on Tuesday, February.lst, in
Wingham • and. District Hospital
Mr, and Mrs. Culbert areboth pat-.
lents in the hospital but until re-
cently, have enjoyed fair. health.
Mrs... Culbert is the former. Nettie.
Emeleen; Tyndall, daughter of the •
late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall
of Colborne: Mr..Culbert's, par
ents were the late Mr. and Mrs.
Abram' Culbert of Dungannon.
•The marriage took place at the
bride's home near Carlow , • the
minister being the Rev. Mann' of
Auburn Presbyterian church.
They have a family of two dau-
'ghters, Cora, Mrs. Earl Sherwood
of Carlow and Evelyn. Mrs. Leon
,ard Crawford: of Wingham;. three:
sons., • William at. home, Howard
•and°Cecil all of the 4th .concession
of Ashfield.. They' h.ave.16 grand-
children and 5 great grandchildren.,
Mr. and Mrs. Culbert have'resid-
ed' on the 4th concession Of Ash-:
field on Maple.Emblerri Farm since
their miarriage .where Mr. Culbert
was well known Shorthorn breed-
er ,and is widely 'known throughout
Ontario and ,other points. This
business, in which he is still great= '
ly interested, been carried on
by. his •sons,. Howard and Bill. •
Mrs. Culbert has` been ' active in,'
her household duties until her re-
cent confinement to; hospital.
To mark,their anniversary,, a .
gathering of the immediate family
was held at the hospital'with the'
serving of'refreshrnents. , •