HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-19, Page 8• OARIO: • "fI'iN'. LUCKNOW SN11'�'iN�4� -1`'�I�KDOW, WEDNESDAY, J11$ 14% 1 •, a' ii 7r. • Th of he Men • elect Wingl ber 2L As! man �1� g 'Oth atives were : 'The are a• the pr ment singin; The n, the av expect exclus a nam play a • group, done e thirty.. close 1 It 'w: - hear : -hear th impres.• besides thatthi. this wo and the to those to hear' in the r in the c'. bership Logopec difficul to -a sch :This we riate we voices s Speal were Mt the prow Huron -"E or of WI Russel presiden chairma He 'outli during tl ed engal • .i vention : • show, th Winghan services • and Aube Aquae Alex Cot Connell Arnold LUCKNOW MEN'S BOWLING (9 P.M. Group -Tues. Jan.11) • 'Jack`Caesar rolled the High, Triple score of 765 flat this.week. Bill :Searle captured High single :. ° Winters with .a,'game of 326. flat,. Ross Irwin'sBuicks, 3 pests, Bill Hunter's Dodges. 1 point; Bill Button's Fords, 4 points,°Jack Fish- er's, Mustangs, 0 .points; Freck Bur • ton's : Oldsmobiles 4 points, Ron- ald MacKinnon's Pontiacs,0 points Team Standings: Mustangs 36 . points, Buicks 34 points, Pontiacs • 27 points, Dodges 25 points,, Fords:• 22 points, Oldsmobiles, 12.points; • Games of 250 and. over: 'Bill Searle 826, Jack . Caesar 306, Clar- ence Greer 250, Walter Arnold 316, Albert Morton 268, Eldon Wraith 2`61, Bob Finlay 276., Pon- ald" MacKinnon 279.. LUCKNOW .DUNGANNO11 BOWLING Rutk•Mbntgomery rolled the ladies triple of .627 and also the top single; game of 297. Donald MacKinnon rolled the' • men's triple of 749 and Stuart Jamieson chalked up a,330 game.' Beaver's 38, Cubs 37,.Coons 35,, Tigers 34, Pole Cats 31, Zebras .31, Lions 30. .Kangaroos 24, Squirrels 20', Chipmunks 19, •. Gophers;19', Wolverines 18. LADIES AFTERNOON :BOWLING. (Monday,, Januay 17) High single and high triple scores• both go to Edna Rayner for this week, with a single game of 258 and a triple of 662. Marion Mac. Kinnon's Bluebirds, 4'points, Marie Button's Cardinals 0 points Shirley Haw, thorne's Robins 4•:points, Wil^ a tna•Chisholm'.s. Canaries: 0 points; Isabelle Eedy's 'Orioles 3 points, • Yvonne.Dougherty's•Wrens 1'point,• • Team Standings: Canaries' 87 . points, Orioles 34 points ',,,Robins 32 points, -Bluebirds 29 points Card- inals 29 points, Wrens 19 points. -Games of 200 and over Edna Rayner 258,222, Mildred Cameron 217, Freda Errington 209,202,22?. Wilma Chisholm 203, Irene.Nelson 216; • Dorothy ' Errington' 205.., Yvon• ne: Dougherty 205,; Mazie Mathers' 231, :Isabelle Eedy. .225 and .219 .: .• LADIES • EVENING BOWLING (Monday, January 17) Emeralds 3i, Rhinestones 1; Pearls 3, .Sapphires .1; Diamonds .3, Rub- les 1. High single. . Kathleen Gibson with 229.. High tiiple, Kathleen, Gibson with 642.. •;Games over 200: Kathleen Gib- son, 229, 212, 201, Pearl Jamie-;.• son, 220, Eunice Cunningham 205., Marie Johnston 205, Tillie Wilson 200. Team Standing: Margaret Fin-. lay's Rubies 40, Isobel Miller's Emeralds 34, Eunice Cunningham's. Sapphires 30, Shirley. Bolt's Dia- monds 28, Colleen Eedy's Rhine- stones 24, Pearl Jamieson's Pearls, 24. • 1965 :DODGE. $ 'Automatic, Radio 1965 PLYMOUTH tt Standard, Radio 1964 DODGE .' $ Stidc With Rada 1964 OLDSMOBILE 2 Door Hardtop, Power 1964 >. CHRYSLER $ . Automatic, Radio, Power EquiPPod 1963 VALIANT, _ poor, :'a Automatic 1963 'VALIANT 4 'Door; 6 Automatic , Equipped 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 Door • Automatic 1961.METEOR: y: $: AvtomM,C With 'Radio 1961 RAMBLER 4 DOOR Automatic With Radio 1960. `METEOR' CONVERTIBLE • NVERTIBLE ' Power Equipped 1959 EDSEL 4 Doer, Power E quipped With :Radio 1955. FARGO . 3 Tan Dun f Truck SEVERAL OLDER; MODELS • MOTORS yaur beds Plymouth - 6Cheysler . Valiant ;holier JOSEPHINE STREtY *INGHAM PNONI, 337.3N3 MINOR HOCKEY WEEK .STARTS SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 DON'T SEND . TAKE YOUR BOY TO . THE ARENA Ripley Curling News support Minor Hockey 1'fiis _Week ;;mow : ' , 1 • • Keen competition is expected for the Massey -Ferguson Caul- ()- Rama to be held at the. Club this coming Saturday. This popular event, . sponsored by J.R. Reed , of . Kincardine, is the fourth annual bonspiel of this kind,; to be held in • Ripley The winner becomes elig- ible to. advanceinto District play=, downs, usually held in Hanover, - early. in February: Previous local': winners have been: :1963, Mervin Funstonf 1964- Kenneth L. Mac- Kenzie; 1965- Sandy,. McCharles•. Entries are still being accepted for the two Kincardine -Ripley Days; in Ripley, January 29th; and in . Kincardine on February 5th. This, you will recall, is a mixeo, l•w. r day ` total point series � with separ- ate P ate prize lists for each day. Pres- idents Doug Shielis of Kincardine and' Don;MacTavish of Ripley, wit'. 'their respective Bonspiel convenors,. are now' finalizing plans for this, annual event.. So, pick your rink, fill the board, `and let's keep the Geo. E. Harrison Trophy in the local club! Considerable interest is being. shown in a Mixed. Coinple's Draw to be worked in; .at a convenient. time.. President. Don MacTavish has appointed executive members,. Howard Hodge and Don'McLay, to work out..the,details and post the •dra'w.It' is'planned to have three couples for each rink, so that per haps, .one couple cad.be alter- nated lternated each time, 'It is hoped that this competition:will develop an entry , from the Ripley Club, .for the O.C.A. "Rose'Bowl" Mixed event; • .and also provide strong con- tenders for district mixed bonspiels, 'Eighteen rinks are involved in the Ripley District High School Curling Club,, whichcurls from 4.30 to 6.30 p, m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. stud- ent Council President Allan Trantr er,..with his committee, are in charge of this event, The climax PEE .WEE ...., January ' 21 Mildmay at . Lucknow. MIDGET• . `January 21 Monkton at i ucknow . *!*. inserted, era' Support ',Of muster Hockey By Grant ' Chisholm Esso; Ageflt. of their season' is their .annual bon- spiel to be held early , in' March The Club. is deeply appreciative'of: theattendance of Shirh Bowers and Lot Culbert at the High School. curling, • 7. =.; Don McLay'. LUCKNOW MIDGETS •WIN OVER BRUSSELS AND' MILDMAY' The biicknow Midgets chalked up two more wins during the week. In Brussels on' Thursday night of last week they won 7 to 3..,: They also. won over Mildmay 6 to 4 in . :a game played in Lucknow last :•, Friday night.. " Goal scorers: in the Lucknow-•Brns• sels game were Glen Morningstar 2 Jinn MacKinnon 2, Donald Mat - Kinnon, Bob Mullin 'and. Calvin' • Ritchie, one'each. Penalties Lucknow 2, Brussels 1. ' . , In the Lucknow-Mildmay gamer goal'scorers were.Donaid MacKin-° non 3, Jim MacKinnon 2, Bob 'Mullin 1. Penalties - t,ucttnow 3, Mildmay 1. Their next two games will be played in Lucknow with Monkton .the visitingteam on Friday, Jan- teary 21st and Brussels'on. Monday, January 24th. On January 27th the Lucicnow Midgets will visit Monktoi. Attends Gonference' Of Arts and drafts '. Mrs. Oliver McCharles of Loch- alsh was 'a representative frorri • the Lucknow-Ripley Kincardine dist- rict at a conference ofArts and Crafts held at the Carousel Motel • in London over the. weekend,.Jan-._: uary.14, 15,and'16. There were 85 delegates from all parts. of Ontario and two from the American Crafts Council, The object of•the conference was to identify the concerns of craftsmen in Southwestern Ontario:, hear the report of the newly form-. ed Ontario Crafts Foundation and rt comMend. ways in which crafts at all levels can be encouraged and developed. This is a way in which comm- unity night. schools can be carried on and promoted,as well as corrm- unity leadership corses;. Itis a • means for training teachers who are interested In teaching the arts.„. The information gained by r"rs. McCharles at this Conference should be .a big help in this, comm- unity and we know that she would be very willing to pass on.'this knowledge to any interested per sons oryorganizat f ons in the area First use 'of jewels •as • bearings in watches dates back to 1700.