The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-19, Page 7rte_ -„r s
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D�rothyDOuglas Is Guest Speciker
At Maitland Presbyterial Annual
The members of Maitland Pres-
byterial Society of the W.. M, S: .of •
the Presbyterian Church in Canada,
held•tiieir annual'meeting•in Luck-'
now .Presbyterian Church with Mrs..
Geo. Sutherland, President, in the
The•following business'iwas dealt'::
with at the ;;Executive MeetinS : The •
Sub -Executive will MeetinWing
ham on February :3rd, _ The nomiri-
ating-eommittee :for 1966 ••will be. •
• as follows, convenor,'. Mrs. J.F.
Marcus, Kincardine; representative
from Kinlough , Langside; Lucknow
.Evening; ;and,Mrs:• Mei. Ritchie.
Kincardinefrom the executive: Th
• Synodical; meetingwill be, held in
Niagara Falls on Apri1,19 , 20 , 21,
1966,. and:the delegates :will :be:•.•
Mrs:, Geo. Sutherland,. Mrs. J. W.;
• English, Mrs B,. Thomas and an
appointed one'.from Wingham ev-
ening, Brussels,' Cranbrook,Gorrie,•
Ethel, 'Langside ,and Whitechurch .
• The Presbyterial Meeting will : be...
held in Teeswater, .Thursday, May.
•26th, •1966. '
•Mrs. Wm King, Mrs..Gerald;
Gibson and Mrs. James.•Mair Brus-
sels: gave the devotions. in the morn°
ing. using the text Psalm 19 : Enc
.couraging. reports were given :by •
all the' different secretaries on he
work that had been •undertaken dur
ling the year 1965. Mrs'. Morgan •
Henderson, Lucknow' gave the wor-
ords. of 'welcome
After the luncheon hour, the de-
votions were taken by Mrs. Gordon
Stobo, Mrs. Walter Ballagh 'and '
Mrs. T J. McKinney of Teeswater
Rev.. Neil' McCombieRipley,,
brought greetings from. Presbytery
and remarked that he thought we
• lose sense of oneness in our miss-
ion fields because,, the •women and
the men meetin separate church
groups. If we are Christians we •
should be missionaries. Be assur
ed of,our prayerful concern as. you
:praise God through the mission Of
our Church
The speaker, Miss Dorothy Doue
las, was introduced. by Mrs.• R; Mc
allister, Dungannon.' Miss Doug*
las.spoke on her work in Formosa.
where she served many years is a
• missionary. 1965 was.Formosa
Centenary year and it. was on June'
6th, 1865. that the :gospel was first
Preached..on the Island by a Pres- .
byterian Minister. The 'services
for the centenary was held on the
same spot as 100 years ago and
was attended'•by 35;000 people.
Formosan people a1 lays like par
Ades, so for this big celebration
large posters were made and a big
parade was held. Mrs, ke Curr,/
President of Council,' presided at
one of •;the Womeri's: meetings held.
in Taipei, We now have 800 Pres-
byterian Churches in Formosa
WOmen's work is, well organized
but there is much to, be done and
we are Only touching.On it'. Educ_.
,ation is very important and sciiol-' •
arships `are,,very•welcome. In the';
school therearf •over 1400 students
but we have ;never had a large en-
ough school to accommodate: them
but -are: hoping to open :a 'large pew
building in. March with a'large.
chapel in it. We•have a responsib-
ility to :these people, the chance to
hear thegospel .Plans are now.'be-
ing made for the second centenary,
Rev; 'Roderick MacLeod dedio7.
ated the,. offering; ,Mrs.. J. W. .Eng-
lish.gave the°report of the Nomin-
'ating Committee and the names of
these' officers were accepted and
were installed by. Miss Dorothy Dou-
glas.. Mrs.•. George Sutherland ex-
pressed 'tel.
appreciation for the
loyal support she had received dur.`.
;'ing the past year and closed her re-
marks with i few words of inspira-
tion for the New Year. • Mrs.' And-
rew Gaunt,' Whitechurch, gave the
courtesies and the meeting was
closed .with.prayer by Mrs Ted
Cohyer; South. Kinloss. .
Officers for 1966:' Hon . Pres:.
Mrs.. Allan McAuley Ripley, Mrs,,
Morgan Henderson Lucknow; Past •
Pres. , Mrs. Farrish Moffatt Wing-`
ham; Pres.. Mrs. Geo. Sutherland
RR2 Ripley; 1st Vice, Mrs. Alvin
Mundell. RR2• Wingham; 2nd. Vice,Y
Mrs. J..W. English.RE4 Wingham;
• 3rd Vice; Mrs. Bernard Thomas
Bluevale RR 4 Wingham 4th .Vice,
Mrs. Niel Ritchie Kincardine;Treas,
Mrs: rD . R..Mac Kenzie,,Ashfield
RR3 Lucknow; Historian , • Miss Iva
"Carr •Dungannon; Asst;.. Mrs..Mor
gan Henderson Lticknow; Secretary
les: Recording,, Mrs.. Wm. Fors
Wingham;• Corresponding, Mrs.
Thos.; Currie Wingharn; Afternoon,
Mrs. Howard Harris, Molesworth,
RR1 Fordwich; Evening, 'Mrs.. John.
Day Wingham; Children; Mrs: Hen-
ry Kenzie, Ashfield, RR$ Luck-
now; Girls, 'Mrs.. James Reid 03
Teeswater; Home Helpers {
D . Campbell,Molesworth-, RRl List-.
owel; Welcome and welfare,Mrs..
Walter Ballagh Teeswater; Liter
ature and library, Mrs : W : F. Mac-
Donald , South Kinloss, Box 216
Lucknow; Glad Tidings, .Mrs. Robt.
McAllister., Dungannon , RR2 Auburn;.
Press, Mrs. R.J. Mclvturray Bluevale;
:Supply, Miss Sadie: Johnston, Ash-
,field,RR3 Goderich; Life Member
ship ,Mrs,HarniltonMcKinnon Rip`.
ley; Without' portfolio, Mrs:, Leslie
Knight Cranbrook; 'Mrs.Virden Mo-
wbray Lucknow, Mrs. Dawson Craig
°•Whitechurch', Mrs. Dave Neilson
Garde, ' Mrs. Stuart Stevenson Cran'
brook, Mrs Ira Dickie South
loss, ' Mis. Sam Robinson Gorrie;
Auditors., Mrs. Morgan Henderson
,Liucknow, Mrs. Douglas Graham
South Kinloss.
U.C.W. 'Unit 4
Elect Officers
The January meeting of Unit 4
of The Lucknow United Church'Wo"
men met at the.home.of Mrs. L.E.
Goyette with 16 members present:
The meeting. opened under the
leadership of Mrs. Gordon Mont^
Ornery by singing a hymn, .'follow-
ed by prayer.; Mrs. ,A. J. Wilson
•was in charge of the program. •
Psalm'7.08 was repeated in unisbn,
.Miss Helen Thompson favoured
With a solo, • and' Mrs, Albert Port-.'
er with a'reading. •
Guest• speaker, Miss Dorothy
Douglas:, was introduced by 'Mrs.
'A J. Wilson, and thanked by Mrs.
Robert Finlay for her inspiring
As this was the first meeting of
the changed',units, the following •, •
officers were : appointed President,
Mrs.. Gordon Montgorhery; Vice
President„Mrs•. Bryce Elliott; Sec
retary ; Mrs . Jim Arnold; Treasurer,
Helen Thom son; Pianist,
Lloyd 'Ashton. .
Several projects. were discussed
for the corning year. The meeting
closed- with. the Mizpah benedict
ion and a contest :was enjoyed
while luncli was prepared • by Mrs.
Albert Porter and Mrs. A. J.. Wil
Mrs. Harvey Mole was hostess
for the• January meeting of St, per
er's W. A, on Monday evening,:
January 10th. The meeting open-
ed with a hymn followed by the
W. A. prayer, . The scripturewas
read by Mrs. Peter Connon, .The
Prayer partners prayerwas,.given,
by Mrs-. Jas. Durnin, ' The roll
call was the paying of fees. A
motion -was trade to pay 250 a
member towards the new Bruce
Deanery Banner. Readings werre,
given by ,Mrs. Etta .Roberts and'.
Mrs: Jas..' DUrniin,' A paper an Wm
rise"s; Work in the church was. ,giv-
en by Mrs. Tom Pritdhard:. A. •
contest was conducted by Mrs. E.
Roberts. .'
. Mrs. Harvey Mole, closed the •
' meeting with prayer. A social
time followed.
' ZION U.C.W..
Mrs. Wesley Ritchie held. the
January, 12tlf meeting at her hom e
with 20 members• present and 5
visitors . ' • The president; Mrs: Har=•
vey Ritchie.,'' opened the meeting
by reading hymn 643 followed by
a:.prayer. The roll call was ans-.
, wered •`by paying of fees.;' Devot-
ional was• takedby Mrs. 'AllanRit=
'chic with Mrs. Charles Wilkins
reading scriptures from Acts and,
Galatians. A solo was given by
Mrs.- Dunsmuir, followed by a
reading• " My New Years Prayer" .
by Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter.' Study
book.was;taken by Mrs. Charles
Anderson on. Trinidad, It .was, de"
cided as last year to pay a cent 'a
day for talent money.
The circuit meeting will be held
at she home of :Mrs. G'.. W, Kaiser
on January 27th. The World, Day
Of Prayer willbe at Mrs. Kaiser's
on February 25th, The Annual
meeting of Zion Church is to be
held as a pot luck dinner at the
Church on January. 21st. A letter
from the President of the U.C.W.
was read by Mrs. Harvey Ritchie,
thanking them for the 'Christmas`
stocking that was ,,sent from .the;
society. A letter from Mrs. Jack-
son 'of •Belgrave.on how to get the
most out of Literature was. also
read., flower Fund report was read -
by .Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter and thank'
you notes from Mrs. Sam Reid,
Mrs. George Hunter and fired And-
erson .for Christmas treats. The
visitors for shut= ins for February
are Mrs. D. A. Hackett and Mrs..
'Wesley Ritchie.' Bible Study was
taken by Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. The
February meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Robert: Helm.
• Mrs, Kaiser Closed with prayer.
•Lunch was served by Mrs. John*Hun-
ter and,Mrs. Lorne Cook;,
Pine River 'knits
UC.W :Meet
•A joipt meeting of Unit 1 and 2';
of Pine River United Church was
held in the Sunday School room on
January llth.•. After grace by. Rev..
H; • G. Piller, thirty-nine mem-
bers enjoyed •a bountiful dinner,
after which Mrs. Eldon Bradley
presided for the U.C.W'. meeting
and Mrs. Mervyn Funston the sec-
retary for. the U..C.. W.,read the •.
minutes and :correspondence.
After 'a hymn :and repeating.: the
'U.. C. W , "Purpose” ,` Mrs. Eldon.
• Bradley gave a reading: on "Mem-,
. bership" .. Mrs. ' Mervyn .Funston
read a Christmas letter from Miss'
Warner of•,Trinidad.
Mrs. George Wightman gave the
financial report and Mrs; Morris
Reid read a report of the Manse
Committed. " The "'Cook Book"
project -is being planned:by the
committee: in charge;
Mrs. Sam Snobelen', president •
• of Unit 1.,. and• Mrs,' Ernest Thomp-
as secretary, presided, A
reading by Mrs, . Snobelen was fall-
owed by the scripture reading by
Mrs. Ronald Irwin. After a hymn
a newyear's reading and prayer.
Was: given by Mrs: S Snobelen.
Mrs. H. Pillen gave an interesting
reading on the Epiphany.
Mrs. Salt Gibson gave New
Years ;readings, and a history of
the Gospel. Singer, Beverley Shea.
was given by Mrs, Morris Reid.,
Mrs. Ernest Thompsongave a read-
ing on "Being late for Church and
timely advice on how to prepare
to be "Early for Church". • Mrs. T
W, esley Robb' gave the history 'of:
.three Christmas• cards,,: and their
journey into other lands and:how
:they were appreciated:
Other items of business were •
discussed at the close of the•meet- •
ing,, After , hymn and the bene=,
' fiction by Rev. H., Palen, the
' neeting closed. •
Taught In ..
First ..Schoolhouse
Some. time ago we published a
story on Saskatoon,. Saskatchewan.
Following the publication of the; •
article, a copy of a 1965 calendar
was: brought to the; office On
each calendar month, there was a
..scene fromthe city or an import=
sant building in;:Saskatoon,. portray-
ed in colour
Pot the Month of September, th.e
picture was' Saskatoon's; first school-.•
house. It was of stone construction
and had been dismantled and re-,
built :on the t niversity grounds.
Mrs. Anson Girvin went•:out from
Ontario 'to teach many years ago
in -that .first stone schoolhouse;
• Her ;husband. was .from the Lucknow`. -.
Dungannon area. They nowlive
at• 515 - 12th St. Saskatoon ..and
both are in their nineties.
be sure of
Your sprung
Don't make the mistake of . •
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save too.
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