HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-19, Page 6of he Men; elect • Wingl ber 21 Ash man' delict ; singin • Oth atives were "a The area, the. pri ment i singing The n1 the av 'expect exclus: a'nam, play u, group, done a thirty. close.1 •Itsat ' hear th impress 'besides that thi this wo and the to those to hear • in -the r • in the d bership'. . Logoper difficul to a,sch This wo riate wt• voices°s Speal were Mt ,the prov Huron -B or of Wi•• Russel presiden chairma He outli during ti ed engai venation show th• Winghan services and Aubi A'cal at Alex Cot' Connell ,$) Arnold .t. PauIsChurch AnnualMeeting (Dungannon News) ',The annual Vestry meeting of 'Si.' Paul's Anglican Church -was held in the. parish hall. on Friday,, January 14. Benson Mole was app:- ointed vestry clerk, The church reports showed a: very successful year. The Officers .far the coming year are; Rector's Warden. Thos.' ; Young; 'People's warden, Wm, Caesar; Lay delegate to• the synod, Jack ;Caesar; suit delegate tQ the synod, Elmer Black; Board of Mari - agement, Mr';. and Mrs: Paul Cae- sar,, Mrs. Thos. Young, •Mrs:. Eli mer Black, •Robt. Mole and`Jack Caesar; Secretary -Treasurer, John . Black; Auditors,.Jack Caesar, Ben• • son Mole, EUCHRE.: PARTY There were fivetables of euchre at the ladies guild card partly in the parish ball on. Saturday, January 15.. Mrs... Benson Mole hada the high . score for' the ladies and Mrs. Bill Park second high,; Paul Black, was•• high• for the men and Eric McNee was secondhigh. OBSERVE BIRTHDAYS . Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Cranston' of the 6th•Con West Waw' wanes!) who' is now: a patient at. Pinecrest Manor, who was 91 years old on January' 15, and to Mr. Jas.. McWhinney , . formerly of Dungann- on and Auburn, who Was 92 on January 19, Hems a brotherMr . of :Ben McWhinney�of the village. We are sorry to report. that Clara McKay is a patient In: Alex- andra, Marine "and. General` Hospir al., . Goderich. Het' many friends hope 'she will soon be;feeling bet- ter: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt.of • , Sarnia and .Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Such•of Blyth were.weekend visit- '. ors wvtth: Mr. and Mrs, . Victor' Err: . ington. ST PAUL'S GUILD The. St Paul's Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs.: Thos. Park .on 'Thursday. January' 13. The President, :Mrs., Paul"Caesar, pre- sided' and the meeting opened with . reading the:Guild prayer in unison: Mrs: Robt. -Mole read the scrip1ture from ,Matthew' 19. and the passage.' for the day from Our Response to God. The roll call was -answered by naming a Disciple,: ;and the, minutes were read by 'Mrs. Jack / • THIS .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO were,discuCaesar. The progrims.,for the year • ° ssed, and thank you CaivinBn Flol( • norn c • cards, were ac ow k' , ledged fr. i k and shut in Members.. The meet- ing.closed with repeating the Apostles Creed, .and lunch was served by Mrs. ,Park, HOPE TO ERECT MAUSOLEUM: _HOPE IN DUNGANNON.CEMETERY (Dungannon News) The members of the Dungannon. " Cemetery Board ,het .atthe home of the secretary,' Cecil Blake, on. January lith, for their annual Mee* ting. ` After reports: and routine buil- ness, a' committee was' appointed to visit neighboring mausoleums 4, with the view, of erecting one in Dungannon Cemetery as soon as finances and other arrangements permit. PRESENTATION MADE TO JUNIOR AUXILIARY' GIRLS (Dungannon News) .• The Junior Auxiliary girls were presented with their, first'ties, badge and. stripe at the Anglican . Church service n Sunday,. Janu- ary 16; Receiving ties from the. leader,,: Mrs,. Thos._Young, were Valerie and. Vicki Park., Norma, Sharon and Heather Pyrah, Bonnie. Schultz. ,-Donna Moisten, Joanne Thompson and Peggy Young. •Rev. S,& E. Jay/ offered prayer • and bless- Ing and congratulated each girt. Their project for this year is hand sewing: Hereford Bre HOIdB�nquei (Dungannon News) The Huron County Hereford breeders' association held their annual banquet intim Dungannon. United. Church school. rooms on Fri." day, ,,January 14th with a good ate. endance, •catered -to by the U.C.W. Wm Clark was chairman for•the evening and after a: short program of an accordion so, o by Rosalie, Phillips and piano solo' byAudrey . P....,P Y.. Coultes, George Gear,' Agricultur al Representative; from Bruce. Coun- ty , showed slides of his trip last summer: to. the British Isles and .the Continent. The 4-H boys and girls of the'county were guests. ' Robin Thompson:expressed the, thanks of the association to the . ladies, and the U.C.W. President, Mrs., Wilbur Brown; replied. AnnualM...tings' (Whitechurch News) . Calvin -Brick Messengers held their meeting on Sunday with Mrs. Norman Coultes• presiding for the election and •installation of the following officers President, Joyce. Coultes; .lst Vice. Barbara Pattison; 2nd Vice Jitn •Coultes;3rd Doris Coultes; Secretary Margaret Robertson; Treasurer Marian McGee Pianists 'Doreen Pattison, Jim Rob- ertson, Hugh and Ronald McBurney,. Lynda Coultes, • Linda • McGee, 'Mar tan McGee, • and Cathy Chandler World Friends, Sec. Brian Jamieson Herald Secretaries'Joyce Taylor, Cathy Chandler and Barry Mason.... The •meeting• was presided over by Joyce Coultes with Doreen . Patt-;. ison. pianist. .The theme of; the, meeting was keeping New Years resolutions.: The Scripture was read by Margaret Robertson, Mar ian McGee, Marilyn Robertson and, Cathy Chatzdle . , Joyce 'Taylor led 'in prayer., .'The, offering was recei-• ved by Darlene Coultes and Doreen Taylor with Joyce Coultes giving• the Offertory Prayer.. The story. .• "Into a New and Pleasant rCountry":. Was ' given•by MrS. Lawrence Tay-. for after which all went•to their' classes for Sunday' School, .:Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon McBurney ' on Monday 'afternoon Within' attend-. ance of •18. Mr. McBurney •pres- • ided over. the . meeting: which• open ed with .prayer by Mrs. Arthur Jackson.. The minutes and finatr. tial statement: were even by Mrs. :_ George McGee. The teachers all gave,reports and all reported good attendance: • The : average attend. ance for, theY "ear•:was 52. It was decidedtthat if 'a pupil beabsent from'Calvin-Brick• and attend an- other church or Sunday .School '- that theyibe:counted present ate; . their own. • Officers elected were Superintendent Gordon McBurney; assistants Donald 'Dow , ..Norman' Coultes, Secretar Treasurer, Mrs: George McGee, assistants . Jim Taylor, Peter'Masan• and Grant Coultes,: glanists Doreen :Pattison., Jim Robertson;,; Hugh and Ronald McBurney., Lynda Coultes, • L• inda: ' McGee, Marian McGeet Cathy, Chandler, Teachers, Beginners,`, Mrs. .Ronald: Coolies,: assistant: Mrs, ..John Jamieson;. Primary. No. hteacher,, Mrs... Donald bow, . assn istants Nancy. :Mason and Mrs. • Lloyd Whytock, No. 2 Primary ,•.:. Mrs. Gordon McBurney,, , assistant 10.1rs. Peter Chandler;: Jr. teacher,: Mi. � George McGee , •assistants Gilbert Beecroft;', Alex Robertson 'Intermediate teacher, Mrs:Alex: Robertson, assistants Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Mrs Roy Pattison;: Sr. teacher, Mrs: 'Gilbert' Beecroft, assistant s' Ronald Coultes, Mrs. 'Arthur: Jackson Adult teacher Mrs. Ken Mason, Assistant' Law-. : rence Tay.lor... • It was.decided to�h'ave a picnic in the summer and the Church Sum day School anniversary is set for May. 29th. with Miss Clara McGow- an Of Goderich as guest' speaker, Comments and discussion was held by the teachers on the new curriculum. Rev. Jackson, closed the•meeting with prayer.. If 'you are looking , for maximum growth. .,with minimum feed . consumption . .. h SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is for you. Scientifically formulated and tested under. actual farm conditions, 'SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter has the right balance of nutrients your chicks need. 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