HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-12, Page 10TIM LUCKNOW. BENTIMEL, Lit CKNOWR, ONTARIO
• Kinloss Tv�p Hold lnaugunal Ms�tin�
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.Kinloss Township Council held
its inaugural meeting January. 3rd;
when the Reye and Council --sub-
scribed to their oaths of office be-.
. fore the Clerk. Reeve P. A.-Mur-
.•Mur-ray presided and the full slate of
:Council members, Wallace Conn,
Wm. 'Evans, Orville Elliott and
Wtn,, Haldenby were present, ..
The following motions were passed'
That the minutes of the special
'meeting of December 15,1.965, be
adoptedas read'.° •
That we prepare and pass by-
law no. • 1 1966 appointing Town-
ship officials and setting salaries
That we 'Prepare and pass by-
law no. 2-1°966 for the purpose of
borrowing; money for current ex- •
'penes. °'
That the parties assessed 'on the
2nd concession 'drain be billed and ,
payment .to be •made,on'or before,
•••February 7th,1966.
That gr
a we' ive ' 15
o�•grant :of 00
to the Canadian Mental Health
That we pay'the membership:
fee of $15.00 to the Ontario Good
• Roads Association. '
• That the Kinloss Council grants •
approval to the erection of a pre
dominentlY vocational addition
and alterations to the present": Win
'tarn District High School and the
issuing' of debentures for same.
That.. we pay. our grader operator
$1;50 , per ]tour, starting. January
1,1966. ' :., . . .•
That we pay $1.25: per hour.for`:
•labourers for the•township of Kin-
loss .starting
inloss:starting January 1, 1966.:
That the Clerk:write to the Ont
ario Department of Highways for
necessary a ers regarding road . .
superintendents. by-law. for : salary
'change ::
That the Clerk write George
Wraith re road allowance.' That .
we appoint Wm. Evans to the Mai-
tland Valley Conservation Author
Ity. Wallace Conn to the Saugeen`
Valley•Conservation Authority,
Wm: Evans and Orville Elliott to
tie ,Whitechurch Community Hall
Board and Wm.. °Haldenby and P.A.
Murray to the Holyrood; Commun-
ity Hall Board,
That we adjourn to meet Feb -
nary 7th, 1966, or at the call of
the Reeve. . '
Dr, Blackwell dental care $96.25;,
Ross H. Marlyn Land' Conveyance `
$22.00, Fraser, McKinnon Postage
.$5,00, Crawford and Shephard Leg-
' al, advice on sale $12.50, .Dr..
J.E,• Little Dental Care $1010.00,
Carruthers Nursing Home, lnstit
utional Care $244,50, Canadian
Mental. Health Association dona
tion $15..904: Highways:. Eldon*
Welsh; .Labour $16.0.32, Claude
Dore Grader Operator $243.24,
A. Hughes Road Superintendent ,
$199.86., An advance payment
of $50.00 each wasmade to Mr.
Welsh and , Mr ; Dore Dec .15 ;1965. •
Receiver General Employers Ded-
uction $9.28, Employees Deduct
ion $9..28,: Ontario Good. Roads
Association 'membership fee $15.00
Eldon: Welsh telephone 200; •Poll..'-
ock` Electric tile across 6th Con, .
Lot 10' $25.24, Ed. Waechter mov-
ing stumps on 2nd. Con. $247.00,
Hydro `Electric; Invoice' 46704
$67.91, Invoice• 46706 $45.27;
.18,' Culross. Twp. Bd!y
account. $334:65, .Kincardine; Twp.
Bd'y account $287.74,• Don Mc
(Innes 1 1/2 hours snowblowing
@ $4.00- $6.00.' • • f•• -
'The 'following is the content of.
By-law NO. 17.1966. Clerk; Gordon
H. Wall, Salary $1100; Treasurer,.
Fraser McKinnon $575.00.'plus 510
on arrears of taxes after Maylst;
Auditor, A.. M. Harper and Co.;
Live . Stock valuators, Thomas A.
MacDonald, George Lockhart;
Graham G Moffatt, Lawrence Mc-
Leod. $3.00 per. trip'. and •100 a
mile; School attendance officers,
Frank.Maulden, Lloyd Irwin, Don
:aid. Ross, : $3.00 per trip and .100.a
mile; Fence Viewers. .Wm. Stan-
ley, . John E. Hodgins, Ross Mac., .
ac -
Millan, Wm..J. Irwin, James Mof-
afternoon at the 'hall with,, Mrs�'�+'+! ■ •"• • • • •• • •,•`
Lorne Eadie and Mrs: Lloyd Ack- '
en hostesses. Mrs. Alex Percy
presided and the meeting opened
with the Ode and the Mary Stew-
art Colle t. • Minutes and
ponderi followed. A card party. '.
was planned for January,17th. •
Mrs. Lorne Eadie presided for the
program and gave'the'topic"The.
Art of reading" ..tRo11 Call "My
favourite Author". Readings: were
given by Mrs.. Raynard Ackertt and
Mrs. William Eadie.
Mrs. Harold Haldenby. led a •
sing- song -from "the songs. of. the
gay 'nineties"... Mrs. Frank Maul-
den gave the motto. "a bookread
and enjoyed". She chose "Ice Pal-
ace" by Edna Ferber and •also con-
ducted. a contest on "Books and •
Authors'''. Each member exhib-
ited an article of a winter's hobby.,
The meeting closed by. singing.
God save the Queen'.and Grace,:
%after: which a delicious lunch was{`
served by the hostesses,
Mr. and' Mrs; Clare Sparling and
family of Walkerton visited on
.Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs; George
• • There :will be ;no service- in .the
Anglic an •Church next Sunday aft-'•
er-noon. ' On the ;following Sunday, :
January 23rd, the service will be
held at 1.1 .o'clock.•
James McEwan, , Raynard Ackert. •
Fred Guest; Huntley Dawson,
, 'Charlie Tiffin . Donald Ross; Road
Commission All. Council Mem-. . {
bers (Wm. E, Haldenby; Chairman)
Relief Committee, All. Council;;._
Members Reeve responsible for
indigents; Welfare Officer, Gerd -
on H. Wall. Remuneration of
Reeve `$210.00. , *Connell Members
$180..00,, Special Meetings' $6.00,
Drainage. work extra. 'Man $1.25':'
per hour, Tract r`and.man$3.00
P . o
per hour, Chain saw and man ''
$3.00 per hour, Grader • Operator
$1:50' per hour::'
G.H. Wall; Clerk.,
Huron Township council held
their inaugural meeting on Jan-
uary 3, with all members present.
Glenn Farrell,: tax collector,
reported on the tax situation show-
ing 1965 taxes not yet paid of
$19,612, and the Treasurer.report-
ed that there are $15 ,.041• of older
arrears. .
**Council -instructed the Treasurer
to take any necessary procure .
.required' tocollect these arrears:. ,.
The annual By-laws were given
three readings and Council agreed
to 'pay. $3 per day standing time for
snow plow trucks and $3.75 for G
Stewartwith grader on the days
they are not plowing snow during
the,first three months of the year.
The followinraccounts were or- .
dered .paid; Franks Garage , re
pairs•to water truck, $13,30; "Annie
MacKinnon, care of hall December
$18.00; Mrs. Fludder, Nursing
Home 'Care, $121.75;. Benson, Hard-
ware•,' hall 'supplies $5.64; Muni.
icfpal World. Ltd. ,1 subscriptions,
$35.15; Ontario Municipal Board.,:
fee, $10.00; Lester Farrell, fox
bounty, $4,00; Telephone System,'
hall phone and tolls, $12.76;
ware , shed ;supplies, $21.57;
Franks Garage, anti freeze,$15.45;
Valley Blades, grader blades,
$14.2.22; Goderich : Radiator; shop
repairs, $10.00;. Ideal Supply,
grader lights, ' $80'.58;,ffiominion
Road 'Machinery, filters;• $27.81;
Snap On• Tools, tools, $18.80;
Durham Hardware; oxygen: torch,
$8.50; Ronnie Lowry, post holes,:
$24..00; Bill Kempton,: hauling and
loading. $75,91; : Harry Coiling,
hauling and loading, $104:.16; Gord-
on Stewart, snow plowing, $150.00;
Graham' Cook, plowing 'and dozing,
$199,00; Earl Tout,. postage, $9:00;
Ken: MacKenzie, dozer, $42.00;,
Bill Kempton; standing time,
$86.25 Good Roads membership `.
fee, $15.00; Wayne Lowry,: Super
intendent, $335-.00; Bill Scott,
grader operator, .$345.94; Dave
Moore; labour $62.50; .Ivan Cook,:
labour ,;_$ll. 25.; Council adjourned
There was a good attendance at
• the January•meeting of the' Luck -
now Women's Institute'whhen Mrs,
Don McCosh,.'a member of the
Federated Board, spoke at the
• Following the opening exercises
with,Mrs. George Whitby presiding,
the roll call' was answered by pay-
ing a cent f r every article you.
hada oti.' The minutes•were read
-by the secretary treasurer, 'Mrs.A.
Wilson. The treasurer's report. °
showed *nice balance and the re-
sults of the sale of ChristmasP .' ud-
dings by the :Institute showed a'
• nice profit
• Mrs. Wilson told O's low the
$1.00 fee from each member was
Mrs. Philip •Stewart presided for
the program and read a poem "New
Year Thoughts". Mrs. Russ Rob&
ertson had the motto;. "Understand=
ing, is the pathway to tolerance" .
• Mrs , Don McCosh, 'a Provincial ,
Board Director, was then called oh
ands she .spoke on:the work that is .
done at 'their meetings, which
gather spring and fall: There are
different pamphlets. and magazines
• which• eachmember would bene
fit from through subscription. $1..00
would pay for 4 years to the Feder-
ated. Newrand .$3.00 a year to the
"Country Woman"', and you would
become a contributing' member ,of
the A.C:, W. W,
Mrs.. Wm.:Arnold, District Cur-
ator', displayed the District:Twee
dsmuir Book, and gave an inter'-
esting'-talk on how she:gathers the.
material for the book...
A duet by Patti Hamilton and.,
Deborah Corrin, with' Carol .Cam
-pbell.pianist, was 'very, much
:Mrs. J.: L. MacMillan thanked •
all. those:who took part in the
ogram,' and presented Mrs. Me- '•
Cosh with •a gift. Following :the .
,Queen and the Grace,lunch was
served' by the ladies in charge.°. :
Dividends to ordinary policyholders in;